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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/593
TitleJames Harrison, Liverpool, to William Longsdon (private)
Date9 Mar 1829
DescriptionFears that he may not have time to write few private lines, writer has mentioned William's Derbyshire affairs in a public letter.
Mr S apprehends no difficulty in settling purchase - will tell writer day he is wanted and writer will arrive day or two before that appointed to avoid delay. To avoid all risk on William's part, writer has paid to the Branch Bank here £4000 and they have drawn 9 bills on the Mother Bank to that amount that will fall due on Lady Day - to order of JM and SS and the Mother is specially advised not to pay them without the separate signature of each. Personally would not have though this necessary but seeing from the tenor of William's letters that he has more apprehension than writer of effect of Peel's bill writer has studiously availed himself of every security he could obtain. Sure that writer will pay the amount and bring securities to the Estate and Lodge them safe in Robert Jones and Sons money safe until William returns. All William's documents are there, locked up in an iron box of which Henry Ormerod keeps the key. Will address William when the thing is completed in hopes he will receive his letter before he quits America.
The Mary Catherine will take a Register and 2 newspapers which will contain the 2 nights' debate on the Catholic affair which was carried by majority of 188. Bill will therefore pass Commons, not so certain the Lords, the great bulk seems to have no apprehension there. Peel declared that 5/6 of all HM troops had been employed during last twelve months in governing Ireland - what a confession!!
JK of Manchester has not lost by the Glasgow failures and stands as well as ever did. Understand him desirous William should know state of their market that he may be prevented from purchasing too freely for JK. Learns William buying Ammin Sea Island for Shuttleworth at 17 cents. Surely no loss can ensue there on.
No news of interest - running flat in all things. Peel's Bill may be cause but cannot see why it should to such an extent.
Self and family all well never better, been profitably employed since New Year came in. Never knew payments made better - all cash scarcely a bill seen - and so much the better William will say for those which guarantee the buyer.
Simpson sends nothing but has drawn from Hobson a part of what he deposited; contrary to agreement. Writer dreads and fears him and should be glad if William could see some settlement near with him before he leaves. May depend on no one saying William is liable. Self greatly obliged for trouble William has taken to secure writer and his partner.
Mr Leech never better but daughter housebound all winter - cheerful and looks no worse but is ailing and weaker - sweeter disposition never was in a female.
William sending writer ships has helped and cheered him - fuller handed than he was and can manage them with more care and comfort - nobody could have done better for the Plato than they have done. She makes more out than any transient ship for her years.
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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