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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/525
TitleJ Harrison at Liverpool to James Longsdon junior
Date18 Mar 1820
DescriptionReceived gold watch and other articles from James' brother William. Have packed all up in small box covered with coarse canvas and directed it to James. It is for Mrs Longsdon but directed to James thinking as coaches pass through village it will be more secure. Sent it to Manchester today. Should reach Ashford by coach on Tuesday next. As packet very valuable compared with size let one of James' servants meet coach ready to ask for and receive it. Latest accounts from William 5 Feb. They lodged him a credit in New York for £3000 and some of his Manchester friends did likewise wishes him success and should have great pleasure in contributing to it. To his most urgent request refused first offer which would have shown £300 profit - no chance of realising yet though market has dropped 20%.
Things mending since writer's arrival - great deal of business in hand. If continue may see writer in England about 1 August. If any money to spare towards August will order it into James' hands but do not rely on it.
Do not pay any bills of writer's for coats, boots or other things as he has no debts of this kind. Accepts thanks for arrangements made with uncle again. Will write him a letter of acknowledgement soon, original document seems quite lost. James may tell him writer's business is much better than he had any reasonable hopes of on quitting England. Writer's present property is chiefly founded on his kindness.
Glad Thomas Gardam is safe home and hope will succeed in placing self satisfactorily.
Account not squared yet nor are final terms of settlement decided. Writer still owed him £100.
No prospect of any new partnership. Without manifest advantage shall do best alone.
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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