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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/521
TitleWilliam Longsdon at Charleston via Liverpool to James Longsdon. Wrote to Mother on 30th last day after arrival - unusually fortunate in making passage.
Charleston now quite healthy and has been so some weeks. In regard to poor John's sickness writer wrote every particular almost that could be collected. Case most malignant from start, never showed ground for hope. Made great exertions to speak the day he died but quite unable - probably hastened death a few hours. Often and often urged to leave City on first symptoms of fever but steadfastly declined. Writer has done nothing yet about a gravestone but frequently thinks about it.
John had placed various goods in hands of an auction house which failed after his death - lose about £100 in consequence. Funeral expenses £120 - Loss arising from TGs adventure circa £400 - working to ascertain precise position - will take time. Working till 9 o'clock every night. Labour begins to tell in books and accounts and will be eased in another month. Nothing new has suggested itself to writer's mind respecting future business. Shall proceed steadily through next year and then determine would suit writer's taste best to be unassociated with anybody in future.
Will send James John's watch and a broach to their Mother all that is left. Some negro servants who remained in the house after Mr Campbell went to the Island committed depredations on his property and writer knows not to what extent. Send with it a seal writer gave John and now wishes James to possess. Keeping 2 other seals - 1 of which was mother's.
Try to ascertain what became of document by which their Uncle gave them the £650 - cannot find it anywhere - here or in England.
Mr Campbell now detained at Sacramento by severe wound received in Duel last Saturday. 2 shots at 8 paces - antagonist a worthless villain who escaped unhurt.
15 December 1819
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
Forced labour
Ethnic groups
Black peoples
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