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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/462
TitleWilliam Longsdon at New York to father. Per Eurydice via Liverpool, endorsed 9 August 1816.
Date5 Jun 1816
DescriptionGreat pleasure kind and affect letter 12/17 March, mother and Bessy very attentive correspondents - Thinks a letter due. Last from John 5 April hoping to enjoy father's company in London. No of his old friends there who will be glad to give him hearty welcome.
Wrote to John yesterday by the Criterion - Mr E Morewood has lately had her repaired and made one of best ships belonging to New York. Wishes he may find good market for cargo in London but languid state of business there and everywhere makes it doubtful.
Depreciated state of British manufacturers - here goods daily sold at prices which will not return owners more than half prime cost - causes various (1) excessive supply (2) poverty of country - little money circulating except in a few towns, does not believe inhabitants generally one half as wealthy as is supposed in Europe. Number of foreigners who have come from his side of the Atlantic since beginning of last year astonishing - some thousands now residing in this place. Such sudden and unusual influx of strangers all doing more or less business enough to turn everything out of usual channel - only when considerable portion of these have cleared out again or business more proportional to means of transaction can steadiness be worked for. Do not escape effect of dull times but does not expect permanent damage.
This year account of grazing as bad as writer's of mercantile affairs. Hope late spring fairs will have enabled him to purchase lean stock at value proportionate to what it will be when fat. Taking off of Property Tax and other burdens from which government seem disposed to relieve agricultural interest will materially lessen his expenses.
Happy mother and sister enjoying themselves at Thornbridge. Would have met Mr EM if not for present state of business. Moving today with his family into country - merely 3 hour job - road to it through pleasant part of city down what is called Broad Way - handsomest writer ever saw, not excepting any in London. Some in London wider and longer where buildings more even and uniform but none so entirely agreeable. Sides planted with trees - contains all principal retail shops and has constant succession of gay company.
Yesterday (King's birthday) celebrated by party of his loving subjects with as much and more zeal than if in England. Would have joined them if writer's affairs in better condition. Cobbett's agents established within 2 doors of Mr M and put forth every morning a bulletin in large characters stating heads of weekly publication so every passerby obliged to read something about perfidy and immorality of British Government.
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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