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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/447
Title1 Feb 1816
London. John Longsdon to James Longsdon. £30 bill cashed and to James' credit with M. £50 not yet received from Miss M but will duly appear. Account current £86.99s in James' favour.
Can have money just as he pleases, can send him £100 on cash in any bank notes he likes to appoint. Postage will be less than bill stamps. James may draw on Mr M for remainder as he pleases. Thought 50/- per annum enough for Flaxdale bottom so did not tell Mr M James prepared to pay more - has named £10 for the field which is nearly 3¾ a so that rent is about 53/6 pa but James need not fear it being taken from him again. Nothing from Mr WHM about other land - WHM owes writer £9 which he should like to draw. If James counts to purchase any furniture, provided he could arrange with J Wager about price, writer could write for permission to set off £9 against furniture. Let writer know if James wishes to purchase to this extent. In meantime do not say word to anybody about it. Mr M recommended furniture not auctioned at present.
Please pay Mr Finch for writer £3.12s 6d - money owing to him by Lomas. Mr Finch should give a receipt.
Father only owes Mr M £20 or £30. Writer knows nothing of his affairs for has not written many words to writer in last half year. Writer owes James £1.11.2 - shall assign more than that to be paid him by Mr Barker. Comments on Uncles.
Will send tea by T Gardam who is sending some very soon for Cliff and little cocoa for mother.
William's plan is to get consignments of goods from England and orders to ship American goods for this country and make commission. Doing some business for self by importing little and when sufficient management offers to ship American goods on own account. Do not expect him to cover expenses in 1st year. Have sent him £50 in goods out of writer's salary out of which with luck he will make profit and has money afterwards for any purpose which seems best. Have prospect of getting good business for him. R Mackmurdo has sent him £1000 worth of goods. If he can find rent for goods can send him £10,000 worth a year, Commission 5% but expenses may be heavy. Living is twice as dear as in England.
+ Statement of J Longsdon, junior in account current with George Morewood.
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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