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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/438
Title30 Oct 1815
[Received 6 Dec]. New York. William Longsdon to mother. Views town favourably - buildings not so large as in London or Liverpool but streets were free and open - none of very crowded places so common in large towns in England where lowest class of people collect to annoyance of more respectable parts of neighbourhood.
Mr E M showed writer way to his county house one day last week. Very nice place about 2½ miles outside city - not equal to Thornbridge. Comments on little girl and her parents. In week or two cold weather will begin and all families will remove from country into city.
Dined Sunday at Mr Ogden's - Mrs Morewood's brother in law - house on banks of a large moor opposite side of which covered with timber and some villages are mixed up and down. Mrs O[ogden] and sister Mrs E M very pleasant women, elegant in manner. Went to church with them in morning. Almost everything performed after English custom except that the duty is executed better and with more solemnity than generally heard it in England. In certain degree fashionable here to go to church, and among the ministers competition for eminence.
Left Washington Hall Hotel last Friday - now settled in boarding house with 7 or 8 other young men. Invariable practice here to let board and lodgings. 2 rooms such as writer had in London would cost at least 100 guineas a year. Many places take 20 or 30 boarders and put 3 or 4 beds in a room. Compelled to hear so much stupid talk about politics, and when the people got on this subject they seem to lose half their senses. In their house all English except one American. This odd democrat finds wisest to hold his tongue. On whole pretty comfortable. Few well informed men amongst Company and as all in business news of day generally discussed at dinner. Always pleasant, sometimes useful hints may be collected. Servants 2 black maids and child - occasionally wonder how she would like to be waited on by such uncouth looking creatures. Servants very lazy and seldom remain more than 1 month in 1 place but that is the case all over the country - another evil arising from coarse notions of liberty prevalent in this part of the world.
All fellow passengers now dispersed - only know 2 boarding at Washington Hall Hotel.
10 Nov. Weather very fine, neither too hot nor too cold. Seasonable for walking - opportunity of seeing few New York ladies - in general might please people more whimsical than writer is. Mix English and French fashion a good deal in dress but adorn themselves with considerable taste and elegance. Dancing amusement pretty much adopted in winter - think will be found too much a novice.
Only cheap things writer has seen in this boasted land of liberty and plenty are various kinds of poultry and wild fowl. A good turkey 2/6 and fine wild goose of 12 or 14 lbs 6 or 7 shillings. Whatever go into a shop for is at least 100% dearer than in England and frequently two. Even bread is as dear as in London and a bottle of best english porter at an Hotel 4/- or 4/6. Beer and ale they brew moderately good.
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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