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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/383
Title11 July 1814
Islington. John Longsdon to Mother - Hears she is visiting Miss Walker at Youlgreave. William in far better health. They are very comfortable - many pleasant evenings in this room. Many things combine to make writer more pleased with return from Mediterranean than ever contemplated at time. Plague continues to be felt in business operations still - consequent stagnation must have deprived MWH of power to do any great things for him had writer remained - now free to set about anything that may promise good while William goes steadily on gaining information and respectability in very pleasant manner.
2 days ago Mr Forsyth rejoined them in good health now they can go on famously when trade gets into regular channels which is sufficient security for going into exhaustive business - not yet the case. Continent still unsettled. Mr M. intends to spend month at Thornbridge.
12 July - Yesterday heard of safe arrival at Hamburg of Mr Hagemeister and Alfred Barrow - affairs as far settled and approaching normal as expected.
Thomas Gardam has joined Lawrence Joll and Lawrence as salesman to live and sleep in house and receive salary for 1st year to defray expenses. Each year ought to do something more.
William, TG and writer dined with Dennis' on Sunday - old people about 80 each. All family well and pleased to have Sam with them - nice lad very like his Father in every feature. Other family news.
William gives droll account of new housekeeper at Cottage. William, writer and TG have sent him presents so hope he will be in good humour for a month. Will do him much good to live alone a year or two and after that writer should like to see him married. As to William and writer - this getting money by mercantile operation is such uphill work that they stand no chance of being able to keep wives these 10 years.
If you see his good Doctor [Melland] at Youlgreave pray make writer's respects and tell him writer has strictly followed his advice in taking roast beef, mutton, etc and have used no other medicine, except camomile tea and never felt better in his life. Writer's best Doctor or rather Doctress lives at Thornbridge, sorry to hear she is not quite so well as usual. Writer is afraid those young ones plague her too much [Miss Mackmurdo?]
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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