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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/302
TitleJohn to Longsdon to Mother. Report from Lloyds. Tortoise and 60 other vessels and 2 men of war sailed yesterday morning for Isle of Wight - probably in Bay of Biscay now. Begin to be anxious to be on board. Mrs W M means to leave London with family and go to coast in a few days.
Introducing William to friends - hope she and Bessy will visit him. Can't expect to see Mr and Mrs E Morewood soon in England - ugly American war may last longer than people expect.
Congratulates James on recovery - hopes severe illness leaves no lasting effects - must be cautious in shooting season. Will send him a trunk with clothes not taking to Malta because of difference in climate. James may like some - do as he pleases with rest - promised something to George Hulley - and as he is a widower with a family may not be badly disposed of.
Date4 Aug 1812
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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