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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/257
Title15 December, 28 and 30 December, 1811
Longsdon. Mother to John Longsdon. Glad better but disturbed by news of how uncommonly cough affected health. All much obliged by paper. Put a shirt in box with his sister's hats which they are expecting very soon. Be particular in directions about shirts for cloth is beautiful, she expects them to be made as well as they can. She expects they must be ruffled. Thanks for Wissmann's oysters.
28 Dec. Busy but find time to read the newspapers and play a rubber - have not missed five nights since Mr Wissmann was here. Sociable. Likes Mrs Barrow. Local news. Has asked Mrs Morewood who when her brother was in London thought she would like to pay a visit - but now it would be so different she should not feel at home. Expects father to make many objections about proposed visit and her disposition not to enjoy what he would disapprove. Pleasure that Mr Morewood says John may probably come to Longsdon in February.
30 Dec. Father has consulted her on probability of John going to Heligoland. Does not like it but would never prevent him doing his duty. Will trust in providence.
James (brother) spent much time away from home of late - goes often to Ashford especially during time Miss Harriet Barker was there.
Very friendly with Barkers - dines with them and goes to Assembly tonight. Father to Bakewell this afternoon and stays to Assembly. Weather too bad for her. Mrs Barker's box arrived - but disappointed no hats - expects them to be very smart when also arrive. Many many happy returns tomorrow, 31 Dec.
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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