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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3155/WH/156
TitleMarriage settlement between Maurys Wade of Kelmarsh, yeoman, William Belcher of Gyleburowe, Northants, gent, Edmund Belcher, gent, brother of said William, and Edward Wade of Clipston, yeoman, in consideration of a marriage already solemnised between John Wade son and heir apparent of Maurys Wade and Jane sister of William and Edmund Belcher and a conveyance already made by Morris and John Wade to Robert Osberne of certain lands and tenements late of the said M and J Wade in Kelmarsh in lieu of one piece or platt of ground late the said Roger Osberne's lying in the Earle Field in Kelmershe, by which
1 Maurys Wade has agreed to convey to Edward Wade and Edmund Belcher all those messuages, cottages, lands and tenements lying in the townfields of Kelmershe (reserving to Maurys Wade one messuage or tenement and two little closes in Kelmarsh now in the tenure of John Goodman and close called Whytlandes now in the tenure of occupation of John Craddocks)
2 After the conveyance, Wade and Belcher shall be seised of the property to various uses: to the use of Maurys Wade for life, then to the use of John Wade and his lawful issue, then to the use of William and Edward Wade, his second and third sons and their lawful issue in default of issue, then, in default, to the use of the (unnamed) fourth son and his lawful issue, in default to the use of the right heirs of Maurys Wade
3 Premises free of all encumbrances except the right of dower of Alice wife of Maurys Wade, and lease for life by Maurys Wade to John Wade of a messuage and land in Kelmersh. Dated 26 December 30 Elizabeth [1587]
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorWilmot-Horton family of Osmaston and Catton, Derbyshire
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