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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D2375/D/D/14/5/4
Former ReferenceD2375/M/15/3/4
TitleDeed of appointment by Ellen, daughter of Robert Ambaston, widow, of Robert Lyndesay as attorney for the delivery of seisin to her son Walter Throley and Joan his wife, for all lands, tenements, rents, services and appurtenances late of Robert Ambaston in the vill and fields of Chellaston
Date10 May 1441
DescriptionDated 10 May 19 Henry VI
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHarpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey
CopiesA digital copy of this item can be viewed on the public computers at the record office.
Transcript or IndexTRANSCRIPTION (abbreviations expanded)
1. Noverint universi per presentes me Elena filia et hereditaria Roberti Ambaston in pura viduetate mea attornasse ac
2. loco meo posuisse dilectum mihi in Christo Robertum lyndesay ad deliberandum pro me et nomine meo Waltero Throley filio meo et
3. Johanne uxoris eius plena et pacifica seisina de et in omnibus terris tenementis redditus et [?]servicia cum suis pertinenciis que nuper
4. fuerunt dicti Roberti Ambaston patris mei in villa et campis de Chelareston secundum unum forma et effectus
5. [?]cuius [?]dicti carte mee plenius inde confectionis [?]R… [?]gr... et [?]h… quicquid dictus attornatus meus fecit premissa In cuius
6. rei testimonium presentibus sigillum apposui Dat’ decimo die maii Anno regni regis Henrici sexti post conquestum
7. decimo nono

Let all know by these present writings that I, Ellen, daughter and heiress of Robert Ambaston, in widowhood possessing full powers of disposition, have deputed and put in my place the beloved to me in Christ Robert Lyndsay to deliver for me and in my name to Walter Throley my son and Joanna his wife complete and peaceful seisin of and in all lands and tenements, rents and services with their appurtenances which lately were of Robert Ambaston, my father, in the vill and fields of Chelareston, according to the terms and effect of which my said charter has thence made fully complete … … … whatsoever my said attorney made as mentioned before. In witness of which matter, I apply my seal to these present writings. Given the tenth day of May in the nineteenth year of the reign of King Henry the sixth after the conquest
AcknowledgementsTranscribed and translated by researchers working with National Trust volunteers at Calke Abbey, 2019
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