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D2375 - Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey - [12th-20th cent]
D - Deeds of title and related documents
D - Deeds for premises in Derbyshire
14 - Deeds for properties in Chellaston
5 - Deeds for properties in Chellaston - 1371-1441
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Former Reference
Deed of quitclaim by John, son of Roger de Sotton iuxta Boseworth, to Robert de Ambaston, of all actions real or personal against him
14 Oct 1372
Dated at Chellaston Thursday after feast of St Denis 46 Edward III
1 item
Derbyshire Record Office
Archive Creator
Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey
A digital copy of this item can be viewed on the public computers at the record office.
Transcript or Index
TRANSCRIPTION (abbreviations expanded)
1. Pateat universi per presentes me Johannem filium Rogeri de Sotton iuxta Boseworth remisisse relaxasse
2. et omnino pro me et heredibus meis imperpetuum quietum clamassa Roberto de Ambaston heredibus et ex-
3. ecutoribus suis omnimodo is accione tam reales quia personalis quas erga cum habui seu aliquo modo
4. habere potero ab originale ?… usque indiem confectionis presentem Ita quod nec ego dictus Johannes
5. filius Rogeri nec aliquis alius nomine meo versus predictum Roberto de cetera aliquia accionem exigere
6. vel vendicare poterimus set per presentes simus exclusi In cuius rei testimonium presentibus sigillum meum
7. apposui Dat[um] apud Chelaston die Jovis proxima ante festum Sancti Dionysiis Anno regni regis Edwardii
8. post conquestum quadragesimo sexto
Be it known by these present writings that I, John son of Roger de Sotton [Sutton] near Bosworth have remised, released and quitclaimed forever for myself and my heirs to Robert Ambaston, his heirs and executors. Every kind of legal action concerning the personal real estate in the original document which I had or may have is completed on this day by these present writings. So that neither I, the said John, son of Roger, nor any other in my name may be able henceforth to demand any right or lay any claim against the said Robert and the others, but by these present writings we may be excluded from all legal action. In witness of which matter I apply my seal to this present writing. Given at Chellaston on the Thursday before the feast of St Denis in the forty-sixth year of the reign of King Edward after the conquest.
Transcribed and translated by researchers working with National Trust volunteers at Calke Abbey, 2019
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