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D2375 - Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey - [12th-20th cent]
D - Deeds of title and related documents
D - Deeds for premises in Derbyshire
14 - Deeds for properties in Chellaston
5 - Deeds for properties in Chellaston - 1371-1441
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Archive Reference / Library Class No.
Former Reference
Deed of gift by Ingham le Fauconer of Melbourne to Robert de Ambaston and Helen his wife, of a piece of land with buildings on it in the vill of Chellaston
7 Jul 1371
Premises further described, with names of witnesses
Dated at Chellaston Sunday after feast of St Swithin 45 Edward III
1 item
Derbyshire Record Office
Archive Creator
Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey
A digital copy of this item can be viewed on the public computers at the record office.
Transcript or Index
TRANSCRIPTION (abbreviations expanded)
1. Sciant presentes et futuri ego Ingehamus le fauconer de Melburn dedi concessi et hac presenti carta
2. mea confimam Roberto de Ambaston et Elene uxoris eius unam placeam terre cum edificiis superastantibus iacentem
3. in villa de Chelaston inter placeam Johannis Pryns ex una parte et placeam Roberti filii Hugonis le Rene ex altera et
4. extendit se a via regea (regia) usque ad terram Ricardi de Ascheby habendum et tenendum predictam placeam cum edificiis super-
5. astantibus predictis Roberto et Elene uxoris eius et heredibus dicti Roberti et suis assignatis libere quiete bene et in pace
6. de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de iure consueta imperpetuum In cuius rei
7. testimonium huic presenti carte sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Johanne Pryns Johanne Elyssone Willelmo Accoton-
8. neshende Willelmo Bonde Johanne de queynedon et aliis Dat’ apud Chelaston die Dominica proxima post festum
9. sancti Swythinis episcopi Anno regni regis Edwardii tertii post conquestum quadragesimo quinto
the heirs of the said Robert and their assigns freely, quietly, well and in peace, of the chief lords of that fee by the services thence owed and accustomed by right, forever. In witness of which matter I apply my seal to this my present charter. These being witnesses: John Pryns, John Elysonne, William Accotonneshende, William Bonde, John de Queynedon and others. Given at Chellaston on the Sunday following the feast of St Swithin the bishop in the forty-fifth year of the reign of Edward III after the conquest
Transcribed and translated by researchers working with National Trust volunteers at Calke Abbey, 2019
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