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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D2375/D/D/12/5/2
Former ReferenceD2375/M/286/2/2
TitleDeed of quitclaim by Ralph, son of Robert Fisher of Stenson to Hugh Barfot [?Barfoot], of land at Calke
Date[13th cent]
DescriptionBarfot is married to Avice, Ralph's sister, and the land has been given by their father Robert ("Piscatoris") to Avice
Witnesses named
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHarpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey
Transcript or IndexTRANSCRIPTION
1. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Radulfus filius Roberti piscatoris de steynestoll concessi et omnino quietum clamam hugonem Barfot in liberum
2. maritagium cum Avicia sorori mee totum ius meum et clameum quod habui vel Habere potui in totum illam terram de Calc cum pertinenciis quia Robertus pater
3. meus dicte Avicie dedit Habendum et tenendum dictis Hugoni et Avicie sorori mee et heredibus suis de predicta Avicia veniencibus Libere quiete paci-
4. fice et integre imperpetuum videlicet quod ego Radulfus nec aliquis heredium meorum de predicta terra aliquid in preteritum exigere ut clamare po-
5. terimus Ita [?]tuam quod si predicta Avicia sine herede de se obierit predictus Hugo prenominatam terram cum pertinenciis quia diu vixit tenebit
6. pro hac autem concessione et quieta clamacione dedit predictus Hugo in viginti solidos argentia premanibus ut h’ g’ concessio quieta clama-
7. tio et carta mee confirmatio rata et stabilis permaneat presens scriptum sigilli mei impressione roboram Hiis testibus Engelardo de
8. Curson Johanne [?]Marchaunt de Tykenhale Roberto Otuer de eadem Galfrido Wymod Roberto de sphobenhale et aliis

Know now and in the future that I, Ralph, son of Robert, fisherman, of Steynestoll, grant and entirely quitclaim to Hugh Barfot [?Barfoot], in free marriage with Avice, my sister, all my right and claim that I had or could have in all that land of Calc, with appurtenances, whence Robert, my father, gave to Avice: To Have and To Hold to the said Hugh and Avice, my sister, and their heirs of the aforesaid Avice yet to come, freely, quietly, peacefully and completely, forever; namely, that neither I, Ralph, nor any of my heirs could make any past demand or claim on the said land. If the aforesaid Avice herself should die without heirs, then the aforesaid Hugh will hold the aforenamed land for as long as he lives. For this grant and quitclaim the aforesaid Hugh gave twenty silver shillings. I grant, quitclaim and by this my charter confirm (this to be) a valid agreement and stamp my seal on this present writing.
These (being) witnesses: Engelard de Curson, John [?]Marchant de Tykenhale, Robert Otuer of the same place, Geoffery Wymod, Robert de Sphobenhale and others.
AcknowledgementsTranscribed and translated by researchers working with National Trust volunteers at Calke Abbey, 2020.
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