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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D2375/D/D/12/10/5
Former ReferenceD2375/M/286/20/5
TitleConveyance by George Bainbrigg to Robert Bainbrigg of a rentcharge from the cell and land at Calke
Date23 Apr 1622
DescriptionDeed of release and quitclaim by George Bainbrigg of Calke, gent, to his brother, Robert Bainbrigg of Calke, of a yearly
rentcharge of £16 arising out of the manor or cell of Calke and its lands and tenements, as granted by their father, Robert
Remnant of seal on tag
Damagd by damp, but mostly legible
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHarpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey
Transcript or Index1. Be it known unto all men by theis presents that I George Bainbrigg of Calke in the Countie of Derbie [Derby] gent Have for [?]
2. Some of Tenn Poundes of good and lawfull mony of England to me the said George Bainbrigg by Robert Bainbrigg of Calke [?]
3. esq my brother before thensealeinge and deliverie of the [?] well and trulie contented satisfied and paid and for divers other good [?]
4. me the George Bainbrigg Hereunto specially [?] Recuised[?] Released and quite claymed and doo by these presents for me [?]
5. and administrators Remise release and forever quite clayme unto the said Robert Bainbrigg His heires and assigns for ever[?][?]
6. All the Arrerages and Annuall or yearely Rent Charge of Sixteene poundes per annum Heretofore graunted
7. [?] and by my said brother Robert Bainbrigg and me the said George for and dureinge the terme of my natural life
8. issueinge or goeinge out of the Mannor or Celle of Calke aforesaid and out of all or parte of the lande Rent [?]
9. the father deceased in Calke aforesaid excepte the lande limited for hawthorne now of the said [?] Bainbrigg [?]
10. for her Jointure and also all the Arrerages of and now pending for the not paying of the same and also all my [?]
11. (crease: 6 words lost) and to the said above (illeg.3 words) the said Annuitie or Rent [?]
12. The time of the grauntinge of the said Annuitie or Rent chargeunto the end of the [?]
13. I the said George Bainbrigg nor my heires nor assignes nor anie other for anf or in my name or in the name of [?]
14. Accon right title calayme or demande of into aforesaid Arrerages of the Annuitie or Rent charge and of the said [?]
15. of in and to the same Arrerages [?] verily debarred and excluded by theis presents [?] George
16. Bainbrigg have hereunto putt my hand and seale the Three and twentieth day of Aprille in the yeare of the Regne of our
17. Lord James by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith the sixth of Scotland the first of England
18. France and Ireland the Twentieth and of Scotland the Five and Fiftieth Anno Domini 1622
AcknowledgementsTranscribed and translated by researchers working with National Trust volunteers at Calke Abbey, 2019
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