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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D231/M/T/679-680
TitleMancetter: Lease for possession and marriage settlement between Rowland Farmer Okeover of Weddington, Warwickshire, esq., only son and heir of Rowland Farmer Okeover of Oldbury, esq., deceased Harry Haughton of Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, Middlesex, esq., Thomas Maitland of Ongar, Essex., esq., Richard Geast of Blythe Hall, Warwickshire, and Arthur Miller of Mancetter, clerk
Date12-13 Dec 1775
DescriptionBy which, in consideration of the marriage of Rowland Farmer Okeover to Bridget Langston eldest daughter of James Haughton Langston of Mincing Lane, London and with the intent of raising a jointure of £800, Okeover has released to trustees (Haughton, Maitland, Geast and Miller) properties in Warwickshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire formerly the estates of Ralph Farmer and William Okeover (who died without heirs) namely various springwoods or coppices in Mancetter, Ladymore Spring, Birchley Spring, Hound Leeze Spring, Ironstone Wood, Hopwood Cole, 87 acres by estimation, clear annual value of £200; messuage or tenement called Woolvey House in Harshill, Warwickshire, with all land belonging namely two closes of arable called the Croft and Woolvey Field, closes of pasture called Sweetsmore and Broomfield, parcel of land called the Eight Leayes, 22 acres by estimation, now or late in the occupation of Daniel Meeke the elder and Daniel Meeke the Younger; two messuages in St James Street in the parish of St George, Hanover Square, one now or late in the tenure of Jane Labourd, widow, at an annual rent of £130, the other now in the tenure of at an annual rent of £50, together with a small parcel of land adjoining demised to the Hon[ourable]. Aubrey Beauclerk at an annual rent of £6; messuage, cottage or tenement in Higham on the Hill, Leicestershire, in the occupation of Dawley, his heirs or assigns at an annual rent of £2 12s. 0d.; messuage or cottage in Higham on the Hill in the occupation of Hood at an annual rent of £2 12s. 6d.; fold yard and barn in Higham on the Hill in the occupation of Nathaniel Reeves; messuage or tenement in Atlow, Derbyshire with lands belonging now or late in the tenure of Robert Alsop at an annual rent of £34; messuage or tenement at Snelsdale in the parish of Mayfield together with the Bank, Wood Close, the Coppice, Over Wood Close, White Croft, Big Meadow, Little Meadow, Upper Cover Piece, Middle Cover Piece, Lower Cover Piece, Upper Smeethe, Middle Smeethe, Lower Smeethe, Big Youscliff, Little Youscliff and the Rough Close (in Mapleton), in the occupation of John Smith at an annual rent of £45; messuage or tenement in Mayfield in the occupation of Johnson widow at an annual rent of £3; messuage or tenement in Mayfield in the occupation of John Tomlinson at an annual rent of £1 5s 0d.; messuage, tenement or farmhouse in Mancetter and Oldbury with land belonging in the occupation of Samuel Smith at an annual rent of £120; messuage, tenement or farmhouse in Oldbury with land belonging in the occupation of Eustace Dafforne at an annual rent of £64; two more cottages at Oldbury: all those messuages or tenements in Baddesley, Warwickshire, with several closes Acre Wall, Field Piece (formerly 9 acres called Church Hill and 8 selions of arable in Ligh Hill Pittfield - now enclosed), two parcels of land called the Finchfields, a parcel formerly called the Paddocks or Cole Paddocks and Tinkers Paddock - now known as the Croft, Broom Close, Rough Close, the Close, the Rough and the meadow - the Cow Leasow (now Godly Croft), the Over Waldons, Acre Wall, Bit at the Top of the Hill, Moore Closes, Oat Croft Meadow, Half Shady Lane, the Backsides and 10 acres of meadow in Baddesley Grinds and Polesworth, in the several tenures of William Morris and Edward Morris; messuage, cottage or tenement with appurtenances in Baddesley otherwise Baddesley Ensor in the occupation of Scarrett at an annual rent of £7 10s. 0d.; messuage or tenement in Ratcliffe Culey together with closes in Ratcliffe Culey and Sibson [Sibsdon] called Far Ley Close, Farnhouse Close, House Close, the Kings Flatts, Brickkiln Close, Near Pasture Close, Middle Pasture Close, Far Pasture Close and Fletchers Pasture (received in enclosure award in lieu of 3¾ yard lands) and a parcel of meadow calley Sheepey Meadow in Little Sheepey, Leicestershire, in the occupation of Thomas Waine at an annual rent of £37 14s. 0d.; messuage, cottage or tenement in Ratcliffe Culey in the occupation of William Cooper at an annual rent of £1 15s. 0d.; capital messuage in Higham in the Hill with several closes, the Alleys, Calves Close, Honet Hill, Great Meadow, Ox Close, Howel Close, Quickhill Close, Old Clover Close, Great Close, Bear Garden Close, Brown Heath Close, Kennell Pits Close, Newtaken Inns, Three Cornered Close and Heath Close, in the occupation of Thomas Jowell at an annual rent of £70 16s 0d.; messuage or tenement in Atlow and closes called High Croft, Barley Croft, lower end of the Old Close, Cole Meadow, Hill Piece, Holley or Brown Piece, upper end of the Old Close, Ridge Pingle, Rushey Close, Cote Close, Knowle Long Meadow, Close Back and Mill Pingle, in the occupation of Thomas Tomlinson at an annual rent of £30: to the use of Rowland Farmer Okeover until the marriage, then to the use of Okeover and Bridget Langston for their natural lives; but if Okeover dies when Alice Okeover his mother is still living then Bridget is uable to receive her full jointure as part of the lands are included in the settlement on the marriage of Alice Okeover and Rowland Okeover (his father): for further provision therefore Okeover has released to the trustees all his collieries and seams of coal in Oldbury and Mancetter for 99 years to raise the sum of £800 for Bridget's jointure
Extent2 items
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorOkeover family of Okeover
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