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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D231/M/T/604
TitleFamily settlement between William Ironmonger of Burton on the Wolds, gent., and Katherine his wife, Ralph Edge of Nottingham, gent., Arthur Richards of Nottingham gent., John Coates of Callow Hill, Staffordshire, gent., and John Allen of Loughborough, gent., by which, in order to settle certain property on Thomas Ironmonger his son and heir, Ironmonger has levied a fine to Edge and Richards of all that capital messuage in Burton on the Wolds in the tenure of William Ironmonger, close or backside adjoining called Barne Close, and several closes called Ley Close, Flax Leys Close, Shields Close, Chapel Close, Hawcroft Leys Close, Wands Close, Shrobbs Close, Rayle Close, Cowe Plott, Plowed Plott and Sheepe Leys, also a messuage, cottage or tenement in the occupation of Dorothy Hamsley with a parcel of the Wands Close in Burton, and several other closes, Mealhams Close, Hunterdale Close and Grannye Close, and several arable lands on Plaster Pit Furlong, also a dovecote next to the capital messuage and cottages in the occupations of Everrard Gray and Hugh Higgins; further a close called Davie Wong in Hooton fields and Fenton's Close Hooton and all his arable land in Wymeswold fields (described in the fine as 2 messuages, 5 cottages, 1 dovehouse, 7 gardens, 7 orchards, 200 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow 20 acres of pasture, 40 acres of furze and heath and common of pasture for all cattle in Wymeswold, Hooton and Burton): Edge and Richards to be tenants of the freehold so that Coates and Allen could sue a writ of "entrie sur disseisin in le post" against them and suffer a common recovery: if the recovery is not made within two years then the premises to be held by Edge and Richards to several uses; to the use of William Iremonger and Katherine his wife until their death, then to the use of Edge and Richards for 21 years in trust for Katherine Iremonger daughter of William Ironmonger and such other daughters, provided that if Thomas Ironmonger within 12 months of the decease of the longest liver of William and Katherine pays to Katherine (the daughter) £600, and £400 to such other daughter(s) within 3 years of the deceased, then the 21 year term becomes void: after the expiration of the term of 21 years then the capital messuages and accompanying closes to be held to theuse of behoof of Thomas Ironmonger and his lawful issue by Katherine, in default of issue to the use of the other sons of William Ironmonger and in default to the heirs of William Ironmonger: the remainder of the property to be held to the use of William Ironmonger only for his natural life, then to the use of Thomas Ironmonger and his lawful male issue, in default to the use of the other son of William Ironmonger and in default to the right heirs of William Ironmonger
Date20 Feb 1656/1657
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorOkeover family of Okeover
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