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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D231/M/T/330-333
TitleLease and release (and counterpart) by Edward Wilmot of Spondon, esq., Rev John Warde, Rector of Hickling, Notts. [Nottinghamshire], to Ralph Tunnicliffe of Throwley, yeoman, and John Wheldon of Caldon, yeoman, at the direction of Richard Coke, grandson and heir of Elizabeth Coke late of Duffield, widow and relict of Richard Coke late of Duffield, gent., both deceased, Francis Coke of Derby, mercer, son of Elizabeth Coke, Thomas Coke of Derby, woollen draper, also son of Elizabeth Coke, Elizabeth Gravenor of Messingham, Lincolnshire, widow, daughter of Elizabeth Coke and Ann Coke, spinster, granddaughter of Elizabeth Coke, in consideration of £1300, of all that undivided quarter part of all that messuage or tenement, farm, lands, closes, and hereditaments situate in Musden commonly called by the name of Musden Grange now or late in the tenure of Samuel Goodwin
2 & 3 Apr
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorOkeover family of Okeover
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