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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D231/M/F/38
TitleDocument certifying that the death of Roger Okeover, knight, took place in Scotland on 8 May 1329
Date[2 Feb 1385]
DescriptionMemorandum that Roger Okore [Okeover] died on 8 May 3 Edward III [1329] at Sanct Johneston [Saint Johnston, now Perth] and and that he was buried at [?] Stainkeniel.
Document witnessed and sealed by Richard de Herthull, knight, dated at Poley on the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary the Virgin [2 Feb] 8 Ric II.
Intact seal attached on tongue.
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorOkeover family of Okeover
Administrative HistoryThe date of death of Sir Roger is incorrect according to Major General the Hon. George Wrottesley, in "The Okeovers of Okeover"[1904] , as Sir Roger was sent in 1334 to raise men and lead them to Scotland, as part of the English forces occupying Scotland. See pages 38-40 for details about Sir Roger's activities in Scotland and the assumption that Sir Richard de Hartshull had misremembered the date of death, which might have taken place, possibly, in the spring of 1337, and page 167 for a transcriptof the document.
CopiesA digital copy of this item is available on the public computers at the record office.
Transcript or IndexTranscript: Nov[er]int univ[er]si p[ro] p[re]sentes q[uo]d Rog[erus] de Okore miles diem clausit extremu[m] in p[ar]tibus Scotie octavo die maij Anno regni Reg[is] Edwardi t[er]cij post Co[n]quest[um] t[er]cio apud SanctJonesto'n & sepellebat[ur] in [?] Stainkeniel Et in testmoniu[m] huius Ric[ard]us de Herthull miles sigillu[m] suu[m] apposuit Dat[um] apud Poley in Festo Pur[ificationis] b[eat]e Marie v[ir]gi[ni]s Anno regni Reg[is] Ric[ard]i s[e]c[un]di post co[n]quest[um] octavo

Draft translation: Let all know by this present [document] that Roger de Okore [Okeover], knight died in Scotland on the 8 day of May in the third year of the reign of King Edward III after the conquest at Saint Johnston and was buried at [?] Stainkeniel And in witness of this Richard de Herthull, knight, attached his seal. Dated at Poley on the Feast of the Purification of Blessed Mary the Virgin in the eigth year of the reign of King Richard II after the conquest.
Archivist NoteTitle previously read: "Certificate of the death of Roger Okeover, knight, on 8 May 1329, and of his burial at Starnkernel 2 Feb at Poley, Scotland". Amended 1 August 2023, BS. Administrative History and Transcript (including translation) added 14 August 2023, NJB.
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