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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D231/M/F/32
TitleMarriage settlement on the marriage of Edward Wilson to Katherine Okeover between Edward Wilson of Cannock, esq., Katherine Okeover, one of the daughters of Thomas Okeover late of Wymeswold deceased, William Okeover of the Middle Temple, Esq., Thomas Whitby of Heywood, Staffs., Esq., Rowland Okeover of Oldbury, Esq., and Humphrey Hedgetts of the Borough of Stafford, by which in consideration of the marriage and £2000, Wilson has released William Okeover and Whitby, a messuage or tenement in Cannock wherein John Stretton did lately inhabit called Long House Farm with all lands etc., belonging, eight closes of land in Cannock in the occupation of Ann Woowich, widow, 35 acres, a parcel of meadow in the occupation of Charles Berkin called Moor Meadow, 7 acres, a messuage, farm or tenement in the hamlet or Worley in the occupation of T Brown with all land etc belonging, closes in Worley 15 acres, in the occuaption of Joshua Stevenson, two water corn mills late in the tenure of Thomas Barton with all appurtenances, a parcel of meadow 11 acres, in the occupation of Thomas Barton, a parcel of meadow called Butlers Meadow 12 acres, in the occupation of William Wolley, 2 parcels of pasture 12 acres in the occuaption of Aaron Bagott and a parcel of meadow 5 acres in the occuaption of John Silvester, all in Cannock and Worley in the manor of Cannock: to the use of Wilson until the marriage then to the use of Okeover and Whitby during the natural life of Wilson to preserve the contingent uses, then the Long Farm, the Closes in the occupation of Ann Woowich and Charles Berkin and the messuage and land in Worley in the occupation of T Brown, Esq., to the use of Katherine Okeover in the case she survives Wilson and in lieu of dower; after the decease of Wilson and Katherine, to the use of Rowland Okeover and Humphrey Hedgetts for 1000 years upon trust for the sons and daughters of the marriage in due order of succession: the water mills and other lands to be held to the use of Rowland Okeover and Hedgetts for 500 years for uses to be declared. Further, Wilson is to surrender at the Manor Court of Cannock and Worley to William Okeover and Whitby, a capital messuage in Cannock with all appurtenances, closes 10 acres, and Hatherton Sitches 16 acres, also a customary messuage, farm, or tenement with customary lands belonging 80 acres, in the occupation of Charles Berkin, also a messuage farm or tenement called Rumore Hill Farm and copy-hold lands 150 acres, in the occupation of William Wolley, 15 acres, of copyhold land in Worley in the occupation of Thomas Brown and copyhold land 14 acres, in the occupation of John Lighwood, all in the manors of Cannock and Worley; also Wilson to surrender at the Manor Court of Haywood, a messuage and farm at Walton in the late Manor of Haywood with closes belonging, a messuage and croft in the occupation of Dorothy Salisbury, a dwelling house or tenement in the occupation of Grace Hodson and a parcel of meadow, 3 acres, in the occuaption of John Dorrington, to the use of Wilson until the marriage and then to the use of Wilson for life, then after his decease, the capital messuage and other copyhold land in Cannock and Worley to the use of Katherine Okeover in the case she survives Wilson; after the decease of Katherine to the use of Rowland Okeover and Hedetts for 1000 years upon trust as before; the messuage in the manor of Heywood, after the decease of Wilson to the use of Rowland Okeover and Hedgetts for 500 years (uses to be declared) and at the expiration of the term to the use of the right heirs of Wilson for ever: and for and concerning the terms of 1000 years and 500 years, if there are more than one son and daughter then Rowland Okeover and Hedgetts to raise the sum of £1000 on the property in the 1000 year term and £1400 on the property in the 500 year term and to pay the sums to such sons and daughters as Wilson shall appoint by his will; if only one son then he receives £2000 and if only one daughter then she receives £1500; the interest at 4½% to be used for maintenance
2 May
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorOkeover family of Okeover
Related MaterialSee also D231M/F32
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