Title | Gift by Giles de Romeley to Robert Lisson, of a messuage and curtilage lying between the messuage of Ralf the miller and the toft which William Ledbec holds of Giles, in Kynewaldmerch, with 3 acres arable, that is 3 roods in [blank] between the lands of Gilbert Treton and Robert Treton, lying east and west, 1/2 acre at Haymere between the lands of William son of Ralf and Hugh Parker, lying east and west, 3 roods upon Lovil between the lands of William son of Ralf on both sides, lying east and west, 1/2 acre at Stonipit between the lands of William son of Ralf and William Ward, lying east and west, and 1/2 acre by the croft of William Scorar, between the lands of the said Williams, lying east and west rent 4d a year for all services. Witnesses: John Plomley, William son of Ralf of Kynewoldmerche, William Ward etc. Dated at Kynewaldmerche, Sunday after the Purification, 20 Ed III [4 Feb, 1347] |