Title | Grant by Adam son of Ralf de Rerisby to Beauchief Abbey, of common of pasture on the moor of Essover [Ashover] within the following bounds: from Sherleforkes by Herwardstrete to the south as far as the way from Essover to the bridge of Mattelock [Matlock], descending the said road to Wringandestrones and thence ascending to Echelstowe [Eddlestow] by Wetemore to Schaterley [Shooterslea], thence to Paistonhirst Roche [Peasun-hurst Roach], descending by the Moreside to Stanifordsik, over the moor by Alwaldsetes to the boundary of Wingarwurth [Wingerworth], thence to the boundary of Walton, ascending to Astwod by Harwod, with free entry and exit. Witnesses: Lord Henry de Brailsford, Lord Robert de Denecke, Kts, Roger le Wreton, Stephen le Eir, Hugh de Linakre, William de Wynfeld, John Bate etc. |