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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D1005/1/p/18-19
TitleConfirmation by Edward III of charter of Edward I granting Welbeck Abbey free warren in their lands at Dukmanton, Wynefeld [North Wingfield], Newbolte [Newbold] and Cressewell [Creswell]. Witnesses J[ohn le Romeyn], Archbishop of York, A[nthony Beck], Bishop of Durham, John de Warenn', Earl of Surrey, William le Latimer, William de Leyburn, [Elistath] de Hatch, Richard Wood, Gilbert de Briddeshall etc. Dated at York, 5 April, 19 Ed. I [1291].
DescriptionSee microfilm M130 vol 3. This item is copied into the Leake Cartulary on pages 18-19, as are the following:

and of a charter of Roger de Eyncourt granting to Welbeck Abbey, all his land and pasture in Wynefeld [North Wingfield] with common pasture in Lokhagh [Locko] and all his tenement in Wynefeld, all his wood of Lanedigreve [Longreave], the mill with the pond and the new pond on both sides of the stream, the homage and service of William de Eyncourt, his brother, the service of a bovate which Ralf de Alinwode held, the homage and service of Nicholas de Gedeford, and the -

homage and service of Robert Gauelok with ward, relief, escheat etc, and all his villeins with their families. [c 1200] -

of a charter of Geoffrey son of Peter granting to Welbeck Abbey the church of St Peter of Dukmanton [nd] -

of a charter of Richard de Wynerton of all his land in Dukmanton [nd] -

of a gift by Robert son of Alan de Dukmanton of 6 bovates and a moiety of 12 bovates in Dukmanton [nd] -

of gift by Matillda de Wlnelei of 11/2 bovates, a toft and a meadow at Dukmanton. [nd] -

of a quitclaim by Geoffrey son of Simon de Dugmanton, of his title etc to 2 bovates and 1 acre land and a fourteenth part of the mill of Dugmanton [nd] -

of a gift by Agnes, widow of Thomas Caterhors of Stanelei [Stanley] of 9 roods land at Dugmanton [nd] -

of a quitclaim by Agnes, daughter of Geoffrey de Enedale of all her title to 3 acres land and 2s rent in Dugmanton [nd] -

of a grant by William Brywerr that the abbey and its men be quit of suit to his hundred of Scarnedale [Scarsdale] of 10s 8d p. a. which they pay as an aid and of all pleas, except murder and robbery, also of the market and fair of Cesterfield and the wapentake of Scarnedale of toll and merchet. [early 13th cent] -

confirmation by William Brywerr of all the abbey's priveleges in the borough of Cesterfield and wapentake of Scarnedale, as granted by William his father [13th cent] -

quitclaim by Geoffry son of Hugh de Dugmanton of his title to 1/2 acre land at Dugmanton [nd]

release by Hawise, daughter of Robert Torkard of Dugmanton [Duckmanton] of a rent of 14d in Dugmanton [nd]

quitclaim by the said Hawise de Dugmanton of her title etc to the mill and all her land in Dugmanton [n. d] -

quitclaim by Geoffrey de Ispania [Spain] of all his title etc to 2 bovates at Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Geoffrey son of Hugh de Dugmanton of one toft in Dugmanton [nd] -

quitclaim by Geoffrey son of Hugh de Dugmanton of all his title etc to 2 bovates and a toft in Dugmanton [nd] -

quitclaim by Guido de Foresta, formerly master of the Knights Templar in England, of all his title etc to 12d rent from 2 bovates in Dugmanton [nd] -

of a gift by Richard Prodome of Dugmanton of 6 bovates at Dugmanton [ n. d. ] -

gift by the said Richard of 4 bovates in Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Hugh son of Leysing of all that part of his land in Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Henry son of Robert de Dugmanton of a toft and 6 bovates in Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by William son of Roger de Elmeton, of 2 bovates in Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Henry son of Hugh de Dugmanton of 3 acres at Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by the said Henry of a messuage with toft and croft and 2 bovates, at Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Hamo son of Walter de Dugmanton of a toft and 2p land at Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Geoffrey son of Simon de Dugmanton of 2a at Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Richard de Wynerton of 2 bovates in Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Hawise, daughter of Robert Torkard of Dugmanton, of 2 bovates and all her title to a mill at Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Geoffrey son of Alan of a third part of his land, including a mill and a meadow in Dugmanton. [nd] -

gift by Richard de Langesden, son and heir of Adam de Langesden, of all his land in Dugmanton, with the capital messuage and the
homage and service of his villeins and their families [nd] -

gift by Geoffrey, son and heir of Geoffrey son of Hugh de Dugmanton, of 4 bovates and a capital messuage in Dugmanton [nd] -

quitclaim by Geoffrey, son of Geoffrey de Endale, of 1/2 mark rent which the abbey pays for a tenement in Dugmanton, held of him [nd] -

gift by William son of Richard Dug- manton of a bovate in Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Gervase, son and heir of Richard de Wynerton, of the whole township of Dugmanton etc [nd] -

gift by Richard Basset of the whole township of Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by Henry de Somervile of the whole township of Dugmanton [nd] -

gift by William del Hull of Tupton of 2 acres land at Tupton [nd] -

gift by Alice Swyne of 3a 3r land in Tupeton [nd]
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorSir Francis Leake (d. 1588) of Sutton near Chesterfield
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