Description | M706 vol.1 Whitwell Altered Apportionment Tithe Award 1880 Whitwell Altered Apportionment Tithe Map 1880 Whitwell Tithe Map 1839 Whitwell Tithe Award 1839 Churchwardens accounts 1834-1898 M706 vol.2 Bradwell Tithe Map 1844 Bradwell Tithe Award 1843 M706 vol.3 South Normanton Altered Tithe Apportionment 1889 South Normanton Tithe Map 1840 South Normanton Tithe Award 1840 M706 vol.4 Tibshelf Tithe Map 1845 Tibshelf Tithe Award 1844 M706 vol.5 Edale Tithe Map 1839 Edale Tithe Award 1842 M706 vol.6 Sudbury Altered Apportionment Tithe Map and Award 1922 M706 vol.7 Brailsford Tithe Award 1837 M706 vol.8 Foolow Tithe Award 1839 Foolow Tithe Map 1843 M706 vol.9 Charlesworth Tithe Award 1849 Charlesworth Tithe Map 1852 M706 vol.10 Sutton cum Duckmanton Altererd Apportionment Tithe Map and Award 1931 |