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D77 - Gresley family of Drakelow - [12th-20th cent]
1 - Title Deeds
8 - Cotes
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Former Reference
D77/1/Jeayes 129
Agreement between Brother William, Abbot of Merevale and lord Nicholas of Seagrave over a boundary right which the said Abbot has over lord Nicholas of Seagrave of common pasture which the Abbot demanded inside the park of Lord Nicholas of Cotes which belonged formerly to Henry son of the parson of Seale and which was in the wood
[11 Nov 1284]
The Abbot for himself and his church remits and quitclaims completely to the Lord Nicholas and his heirs all right and claim which he has or can have to the said park of Cotes on account of the pasture which he demanded there. The Abbot concedes for himself and his successors to Lord Nicholas and his heirs that he may enclose the wood with a ditch and a hedge which was formerly that of Henry son of the parson of Seale - the road in width 40 feet beginning at the head of the ancient of the drove way of the animals of the Abbot which enter the park of the Lord Nicholas and the park of the Abbot for driving the animals and beasts of the Abbot and his successors for pasturing at Grymeswode and Roxlastonwode and refuge for the willingness of the Abbot and his successors. To the pasturing for the food with the road just as the common pasture of the Abbot and his successors without impediment or disturbance of the Lord Nicholas's heirs and assigns in perpetuity Lord Nicholas, heirs and assigns may enclose the road with a ditch and a hedge if it happens that the animals of the Abbot or successors enter in side the part or the wood of Lord Nicholas or his men to impound them or in any way demand them for damage. But all animals of the Abbot in the meadow or the wood should be returned to the pasture of the Abbot without impounding. Witnesses: Lord William Hemelyn, Lord Elye of Odstone, Lord William le Waleys, William Purfrey, Robert of Malesovere, others
Written in the presence the Justices Itinerant of the Lord King at Leicester
Derbyshire Record Office
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