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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D4807/1
TitlePhotocopy of very full, perhaps verbatim, minutes of a conference held between representatives of Sharpe Bros and the union in a dispute over the proposed reduction of the pressers' wages. Includes discussion of costs, alleged undercutting by other firms and competition with cast ware. Date either 1904 or 1909.
Date(20th cent)
DescriptionThe first pages of the original minutes are damaged. The heading begins 'Excerpts'. The date is missing but at the end the conference was adjourned to March 23rd, and the last page is headed March 23/04 (or 09, the number is unclear) with a few notes following.
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorSharpe Bros and Company Ltd of Swadlincote, sanitary potters
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