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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D2375/D/D/36/1/7
Former ReferenceD2375/M/25/12/2/7
TitleCovenant to make statute merchant by John de Strauley to Henry de Knyveton and others, relating to the manor of Repton
Date6 Jul 1412
DescriptionIndenture by John de Strauley, knight, including references to statute merchant [a form of bond] made by John de Strauley in £500 to John de Fynderne 5 Jul,, made before Richard Whityngton [i.e. Dick Whiitington], Mayor of the Staple of Westminster and requirements for John de Strauley to make a statute merchant before the Feast of St Martin in winter [11 Nov], to deliver evidence of title and to allow peaceable possession to Henry de Knyveton and others, of the manor of Repton called "Strauleyespart", and all lands, tenements, etc, in Repton, Milton, Ticknall, Twyford and Willington
Dated 6 Jul 13 Hen IV
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHarpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey
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