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D2375 - Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey - [12th-20th cent]
D - Deeds of title and related documents
D - Deeds for premises in Derbyshire
30 - Deeds for properties in Melbourne
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Archive Reference / Library Class No.
Former Reference
Confirmation of deed of gift by Hugh de Bellocampo to the canons of Calke of the site of the mill belonging to his fee of Melbourne
8 Aug 1328
Charter of inspeximus of Henry, Earl of Lancaster, Steward of England, of the deed as in D2375/M/286/3/1
Dated at Tutbury 8 Aug 2 Edw III
Remnant of seal attached by tag
Endorsed "A", and "Gilbert Thacker" in hand of 17th cent
Partially damaged by damp, most legible
1 item
Derbyshire Record Office
Archive Creator
Harpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey
Transcript or Index
- Abbreviations expanded, without square brackets.
- ... indicates damage to the document resulting in illegible text
1. Omnibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit Henricus Comes Lancastr’ senescallus
2. Anglie salutem in domino … cartam Hugonis de Bellocampo quondam domini de Melbourne
3. inspexisse in hac verba … sancta Marie ecclesie filium Hugo de Bellocampo salutem [?] Sciant
4. voli me dedisse et concessisse deo et sancta Marie et sancto Egidio et canonicis de Calc imperpetuam
5. elimosinam sedem molendinum earundem que ad feodem meum de Melbourne pertinent pro deo pro salvire
6. Henrici Regis Anglie et liberorum eius et pro [?]arabus patris et matris mee et uxoris mee et heredium
7. meorum et omnium Antecessorum meorum liberum(?) et quietam ab omnibus sectaribus De me et heredibus meis
8. imperpetuum tenendum Hiis testibus Olivero filio meo Gilberto de Astade Stephano capellano
9. Henrico nepote eius Waltero cleric Willelmo presbytero de Rependon Petro de Derby et multis aliis
10. O[?] quidem donacionum et concessionam ratam et gratam habentes pro nobis et heredibus nostris con-
11. firmamus [?] [?] omnibus balliviis nostris nec de [?] sectis curie ..se aliquibus [?]
12. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti
13. scripto sigilla nostra apposuimus Dat apud [?] octavo die Augusti Anno reg-
14. ni Regis Edwardi tertii post conquestum secundo
To all those to whom this present writing shall have come: Henry, Earl of Lancaster, gives greeting in the Lord. Know ye that I have examined the wording of a charter of Hugh de Beecham, the former lord of Melbourne [concerning] the church of St. Mary? Hugh de Bellocampo gives greeting. Know that it is my will to have given and granted to God, St. Mary, St. Egidius and the Canons of Calke in perpetual alms the site of the mill belonging to my fief of Melbourne to hold forever for the divine salvation of Henry, the King of England and his children and [the souls?] of my father and mother, my wife and my heirs and all my ancestors, free and quit of all legal actions.
These [being] witnesses: my son Oliver, Gilbert de Astade[?], Stephen the Chaplain, Henry grandson of the same, Walter the Clerk, William the Priest of Rependon, Peter of Derby and many others.
This entire gift and concession has indeed been ratified, agreed and confirmed by us and our heirs [illegible] by all our bailiffs [illegible] nor suit of court, nor by any other [illegible]
In witness of which matter, we have applied our seals to this present writing.
Given at [?] on the eighth day of August in the second year of the reign of King Edward, the third after the Conquest [1328]
Transcribed and translated by researchers working with National Trust volunteers at Calke Abbey, 2021.
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