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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D2375/D/D/1/2
Former ReferenceD2375/M/25/12/2/13-14
TitleIndentures (2) of lease by Richard Harpur and his wife, Jane, sister and heir of Thomas Findern late of Findern, deceased, to their son, John Harpur, of lands in Findern, Potlock, Stenson, Twyford, Ticknall, Egginton, Chilcote, Derby and Repton, for a term of 300 years
Date20 Dec 1570
DescriptionDated 20 Dec 13 Eliz
Extent2 items
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHarpur Crewe family of Calke Abbey
Privacy NoticeData Subjects in Archives Privacy Notice
CopiesA digital copy of this item can be viewed on the public computers at the record office.
Transcript or Index1. This Indenture made the xxth day of december in the xiiith yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of god quene of England Fraunce
2. and Ireland, defender of the faith …… Betwene Richard Harpur one of the quenes majesties Justices of the comen Bench at Westminster and Jane his wife scister and
3. heire of and unto Thomas Fynderne late of fynderne in the county of derby esquire dysceassed, upon the one partie; and John Harpur son and heire
4. Apparant unto the said Richard and Jane uppon the other partie; Witnesseth wheras the said Thomas Fynderne havinge no yssue of his body of and upon
5. indere fancy he had to continue all his lands tenementes and hereditamentes in the name of the Fyndernes, of late yeares now part for that only purpas
6. did assure and convey all his meyses howses landes tenementes and hereditamentes in fynderne pottlocks stenson twiford ticknall egington chilcott and
7. Repington als repton, with all and singuler there Appurtenances in the countyes of Derby and leicestr, to the use of him the same Thomas and the heires
8. malles of his body lawfully begotten, and for default of sure yssue, to the use of frauncis Fynderne, his half brother, and heires malles of the body of the
9. said frauncis lawfully begotten, And for default of sure yssue; to the use of heires malles of the body of Thomas Fynderne, grandfather to the said Thomas
10. Fynderne, the brother lawfully begotten and for default of sure yssue and to the use of the right heires of the said Thomas the grandfather for and By reason of which entayll, The
11. possession of all the premisses ys now devoluted, after the deathe of the said thomas frauncis and one thomas, the uncles son of the said thomas the
12. brother; to one michaell Fynderne son and heire of one william Fynderne, one other of the uncles of the said thomas the brother,who ys ther last heire
13. malle of the Fyndernes bludd which michaell the more to be lamented ys very unlike to have any yssue malle of his body, Therfore the said
14. Richard and Jane mynding as the may in lawfull uniun, to retayne and kepe the premisses in the bludd of the Fyndernes, thoughe not in the
15. name, upon verey good consideracon and intent, have demised graunted sett and to ferme have let, and by these presentes do demise graunt sett and
16. to ferme Doe lett, unto the said John Harpur, all and singuler the said meyses howses landes tenementes and heriditamentes in fynderne potlockes stenson
17. twiford ticknall eginton chilcott derby and Repington als repton aforsaid, and revercon and revercons therof with all and singular there Appurtenances
18. To Have and to Hold all and singuler the said premisses with all the revercon and revercons therof, and of ych and every parte and parcelle therof with there
19. Appurtenances, to the said John Harpur his executores and assignes, from and after the death of the said michaell without yssue malle of his bodye
20. for and unto the full end and terme of three hundreth yeares then next ensuing, and fully to be compleatt and ended yelding and payinge
21. therfore yearly during the said terme; to the said Richard and Jane, and the heires of the said Jane; the yerly anncyent and accustomed severall
22.rentes duetyes services and customes, yearly to be due or payable; for the same premisses, or for any parte or parcelles therof, And they they same
23. Richard and Jane; the same premisses with there appurtenances to the same John Harpur his executores and assignes for and duringe the said terme. And
24. under and by, the yearly rentes dutyes, services and customes aforsaid, against all people shall warrant and for ever defend, by these presentes, In witness
25. [hidden] of these presente Indentures the parties above said have enterchaungeable, putte there handes and seales, the day and year
26. [hidden by flap]
AcknowledgementsTranscribed and translated by researchers working with National Trust volunteers at Calke Abbey, 2020.
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