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D1319 - Bagshaw (Bagshawe) family of The Ridge - 1638-1719
T - Title Deeds - 1638-1691
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Archive Reference / Library Class No.
CHAPEL: Allstone Lee
Release deed, badly faded. The opening lines are largely illegible, meaning the parties to the deed are hard to identify from the text alone. However, D1319/T/6 includes a citation of this deed and gives the parties as Richard Levinge esquire of Leek, Staffordshire, William Parker of Park Hall, Staffordshire, gentleman, William Turner of Derby, gentleman, Gilbert Ward of Derby, gentleman, to Henry Deane the younger of Allstone Lee.
Property: all that messuage or tenement in Alstonelee [Allstone Lee] with gardens, barksides, hereditaments, etc.
The most legible section are the endorsements, reading "sealed and delivered by the said William Turner and Gilbert Ward in the presence of Henry Bagshawe", "sealed and delivered by the said William Parker in the presence of George Parker, Henry Bagshawe, Edward Brough, Ralph Cowpe" and "sealed and delivered by the said Richard [Levinge - the surname is visible from a signature at the bottom of the main text]... in the presence of William [Parker], [Henry] Baghawe, [...] Parker". A note in a later hand identifies it as a release dated 18 Dec 1659 "Levinge [and] c[redit]ors to Bagshaw".
Derbyshire Record Office
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Bagshaw (Bagshawe) family of The Ridge
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