D2420/16 | Walter Green of Bamford BBC interview | [20th Cent] | Derbyshire County Council. | Derbyshire Record Office |
LS/372 Oversize | Minutes September 24 1902 to September 24 1903. | 1903 | | Derbyshire Record Office |
LS/628.1 | Derwent Valley Water Board: a short history and description of the undertaking. | 1949 | | Derbyshire Record Office |
LS/720.942511 | Lost buildings of the Peak District. | 2007 | | Derbyshire Record Office |
LS/942.51BIR | Birchinlee: the workmen's village of the Derwent Valley Water Board. | 1984 | | Derbyshire Record Office |
LS/942.51BIR | Memories of tin town: the navvy village of Birchinlee and its people. | 2001 | | Derbyshire Record Office |
LS/942.51BIR | The story of Birchinlee: a memento of 12 years in the workmen's village, Derwent Valley... | [1912] | | Derbyshire Record Office |
LS/942.511 | 50 gems of the Peak District : the history & heritage of the most iconic places. | 2019 | | Derbyshire Record Office |
Periodical Series | The Derwent Dams | Spring 2017 | | Derbyshire Record Office |