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D4621 - Crime and Punishment printed broadsheets, 18th-19th cent; calendars of prisoners 1790-1825 and other broadsheets - 1759-1863
1 - Crime and punishment printed broadsheets - 1759-1819
1 - Broadsheet: A genuine account of the life, behaviour and trial of William Andrew Horne of Butterly Hall in the County of Derby, esq., who was executed on Nottingham Gallows and dissected on Tuesday 11th December 1759 for the murder of a child thirty five years ago - 1759
2 - Broadsheet: The life, trial, character and behaviour of James Williams, otherwise Green, otherwise Holmes who was executed on Derby Gallows, Thursday 28th March 1782, for horse stealing - 1782
3 - Broadsheet: Some account of the life, trial and behaviour of Thomas Greensmith who was executed at Derby, Thursday 8th April 1784 for a burglary and felony - 1784
4 - Broadsheet: An account of the life, trial and behaviour of William Rose who was executed at Derby, on Friday 16th April 1784 for horse stealing. - 1784
5 - Broadsheet: . . . An authentic account of the burglaries and robberies committed by the two brothers, John and Benjamin Jones . . and for one of which crimes they received sentence of death at the Assizes held at Derby, 3 Aug 1784 but hanged themselves in the gaol, on Wednesday the 4th of the same month. - 1784
6 - Broadsheet: A genuine account of the life and transactions of Abraham Shaw, alias Shay, who was executed at Leicester on Monday 28th March 1785 for a burglary in the house of William Vann, esq. - 1785
7 - Broadsheet: Narrative of the lives, trials and behaviour of William and George Grooby and James Peat, alias Peet, alias Pits, who were executed at Derby on Friday 1st April 1785 for a burglary. - 1785
8 - Broadsheet: The genuine confessions, lives and characters of John Sheppard and William Stanley who were executed on Derby gallows, Friday, April 7, 1786; the former for breaking open and robbing the house of William Smith of Sandyacre; and the latter for breaking open and robbing that of Thomas Parker of Winshill - 1786
9 - Broadsheet: The genuine confession life, character, and behaviour of that notorious pickpocket, John Porson, who was executed on Derby gallows on Monday 9th April 1787, for picking the pocket of Mr John Johnson, farmer of a purse containing upwards of eight guineas. - 1787
10 - Broadsheet: The birth, parentage, life, trial and confession, of Thomas Grundy who was executed at Derby, on Saturday, 22nd March 1788 for, poisoning his brother John Grundy, of Dale Abbey, in the County of Derby. - 1788
11 - Broadsheet: Some account of the life, trial and behaviour of Joseph Allen who was executed on Derby gallows, on Friday the 13th of August, 1790 for being concerned in robbing Mr Barker's shop of many articles of silver plate, &c. in the night of the 12th April last - 1790
12 - Broadsheet: The life, trial and behaviour of William Rider who was executed at Derby, on Friday 1st April 1791 for robbing Mary Barton on the highway near Makeney toll bar, on Tuesday evening the 28th of December last. - 1791
13 - Broadsheet: A true and particular account of the trial and behaviour of James Murray who was executed at Derby, on Friday, April 4, 1794 for breaking open the house of Mr Farnsworth of Codnor Park, in November last. And stealing thereout a large sum of money, a quantity of silver plate, &c. - 1794
14 - Broadsheet: A full, true and particular account of the lives, character and behaviour of L[acy] Powell, John Drummond, James Gration, John Evans and John Dent, who were executed upon Derby gallows, on Friday, 14th August 1801. - 1801
15 - Broadsheet: Account of the life, trial and behaviour of Paul Mason, Richard Hibbert, and Peter Henshaw, who were executed at Derby, on the New Drop, in front of the County Gaol, on Friday the 9th of April 1813, for burglary - 1813
16 - Broadsheet: Particulars of a most horrid murder committed on Monday evening last, July 7th, 1817, on the body of a young woman, named Slack as she was returning from Mansfield. - 1817
17 - Broadsheet: Account of the life, trial and behaviour of John Brown, Thomas Jackson, George Booth and John King, who were executed on the New Drop, in front of the County Gaol, Derby on Friday August 15, 1817 for setting fire to hay and corn stacks. - 1817
18 - Broadsheet: The life and execution of Thomas Hopkinson. jun. who suffered this day on the New Drop in front of the County Gaol, Derby for highway robbery. - 1819
2 - Calendars of prisoners confined in the County Gaol - 1790-1825
3 - Sentences of the prisoners confined in the County Gaol - 1813-1817
4 - Other printed broadsheets/advertisements - 1764-1863
5 - Photographs - 19th cent
6 - Narratives listed by County - 1760-1824
Harpur Crewe family of Calke
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