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D162 - Brooke-Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors - 19th cent
BMW - Executors of Joseph Winson - 19th cent
1 - Particulars of John Pidock's account (joiner and builder) for repairs - 18 Mar 1878-19 Nov 1878
2 - Particulars of John Pidock's account (joiner and builder) for repairs - 19 Nov 1878-25 Mar 1879
3 - Particulars of John Pidock's account (joiner and builder) for repairs - Sep 1882-26 Oct 1882
4 - Particulars of John Pidock's account (joiner and builder) for repairs - 20 Feb 1883-11 Jul 1883
5 - Particulars of John Pidock's account (joiner and builder) for repairs - 28 Jul 1883-Sep 1883
6 - Account from Joseph Winson costs re preparation of second codicil - 1882
7 - Account from Executors' costs re probate - 1882-1883
8 - Account from Executors' costs re necessary documents for executors - 1882-1883
9 - Account from Executors - 1883-1883
10 - Account from Executors - 1884-1884
11 - Account from Trustees for writing letters and drawing up documents re administration of estate - 1884-1884
12 - Account from Executors re cost for ejectment of Ellis - 1885-1885
13 - Account from Trustees costs re sale of Mill Street, property - 1885-1885
14 - Account from W E Pearson (trustees) file labelled "capital" - 1886-1888
15 - Account from W E Pearson costs re sale of property on The Hill, Bakewell - 1886
16 - Account from W E Pearson costs re purchase from Smedleys Hydropathic Co - 1886-1887
17 - Account from Pearson marked "revenue" - 1886-1888
18 - Account from Trustees costs re administration of Gas Works - 1885-1885
19 - Account from Pearson costs re purchase of storage house from Mr Winson's trustee for £850 - 1886-1886
20 - Account from Pearson sale of Gas Works - 1886-1888
21 - Draft Apprenticeship indenture. J W Scott with Messrs Robert Dempster & Son, to learn trade as a Gas Engineer and manufacturer at Elland near Halifax - 1883
22-23 - Promise by J W Scott to repay Mrs Pearson the premium of £100 advanced by her; and draft copy - 1884
24 - Draft indenture of apprenticeship J W Scott with Dempster & Son - 1884
25 - Mrs J A Pearson to Messrs J Newman and J Brelsford draft mortgage of hereditaments at Bakewell - 1884
26 - Account Mrs Pearson to F and H Taylor re J W Scott's apprenticeship - 1884
27 - Particulars of sale of valuable freehold property in Bakewell to be auctioned by Mr Samuel Denham at Rutland Arms Inn, Bakewell, May, 1861 - 1861
28 - Particulars of valuable freehold property near Bakewell - 2 dwelling houses and lands (15 acres1 rood 7 perches) to be auctioned by Newbold and Olive at Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell, 19 Mar1863 in 9 lots with coloured plan of the lots. Scale 2 chains to 1 inch - 1863
29 - Note on property and yearly value - 1880
30 - Rough notes on repairs and state of tenancies, - [19th cent]
31 - Rent book for Hannah Needham, Mill Street - [19th cent]
32 - List of tenants giving amounts of rent and arrears - 1883-1886
33 - Notice from trustees that on death of Mrs Winson all rents will be received by F and H Taylor as agents - 1883
34 - Pencil list of tenants in Mill Street, sketch map of tenants plots, receipts from rent. - 1883
35-37 - Two receipts for rents and acknowledgement of arrears for rent ( Sherratt ) - 1883-1886
38 - Letter from Pidcock to Taylor re repairs - 1883
39 - Executors (Newman and Brelsford) to George Briddon Draft Tenancy agreement quarterly tenant - dwelling house, with garden, grotto and tollhouse near Stanage Road - 1884
40 - Notice of quitting from Elizabeth Goodwin - 1884
41 - Winson's trustees to Francis Gregory notice to quit - 1884
42 - Credit Slips - 1884-1885
42-44 - Credit slips (Crompton and Evans Union Bank re cottage rents - 1884-1887
43 - Credit Slips - 1885-1886
44 - Credit Slips - 1886-1887
44-46 - Newspaper advertisements High Peak 12, 19 Jul, 2 Aug Endcliffe house to be let, rent £18 - 1884
46-52 - Newspaper advertisements Derbyshire Times and High Peak News 15, 22, 29 Nov. Containing advert "House to let in Bakewell, semi-detached on the hill" - 1884
53 - Executors to W Redfern - draft tenancy agreement garden ground at Endcliffe. Quarterly tenant - 1885
54 - Landlord and collectors Rent Book Tenant - Alfred Rogers - 1885
55 - Trustees to Francis Gregory notice to quit 18 May - 1885
56 - Needham's notice to quit served 22 May - 1885
57-58 - 2 copies of service of notice to Francis Gregory signed J Herbert Clark, agent 5 Jun - 1885
59 - Extract from petty sessions records - complaint of Clark (agent to Trustees) v Francis - 1885
60 - Pearson to Mr F J Winson. Draft tenancy agreement. Quarterly tenant Endcliffe house - 1886
61 - Pearson to Edward Hill. Draft tenancy agreement quarterly tenant messuage and appurtenances in Endcliffe - 1886
62-63 - Tenancy agreements - 1883
64 - Tenancy agreement - 1883
65 - Tenancy agreement - 1883
66 - Tenancy agreement - 1883
67 - Tenancy agreement - 1883
68 - Tenancy agreement - 1883
69 - Tenancy agreement - 1883
70 - Tenancy agreement - 1884
71 - Tenancy agreement - 1885
72 - Tenancy agreement - 1886
73 - Tenancy agreement - 1886
74 - Tenancy agreement - 1886
75-79 - 4 copies of valuation of property at Bakewell belonging to the late Joseph Winson, drawn up for Else and Son and valuation of late Joseph Winson's estate by Else and Son - 1885
80 - Plan of cottages and building land situated on the hill, Bakewell, shown in 6 lots tracing paper mounted on paper, coloured Scale 1 inch to 8 feet - 1885
81-86 - Sale catalogue of the particulars and conditions of sale of property in Bakewell - offered for auction by the trustees, at Rutland Arms hotel in 6 lots30 Aug 1886., with notice of purchasers and copy of draft particulars of above, Auctioneer Joseph Hodgkinson (6 copies) - 1886
87 - Poster advertising above sale. Remarks for Mr Brown re property sale. - 1886
88 - Letter re newspaper advert for the above sale,Aug - 1886
89 - Draft abstract of title to five cottages and appurtenances and five building plots on The Hill, Bakewell, from 1861 - 1886
90-91 - 2 Draft notices of sale by auction by Joseph Hodgkinson, at Rutland Arms, Bakewell on 30 Aug, 1886 of 5 cottages and 3 plots of building land on The Hill in 6 lots occupied by Mrs Winson, Mr William Bramwell, Miss Turner and Messrs William Marsden and John Howard - 1886
92-93 - 2 Newspaper advertisements for the above sale. High Peak News 21 Aug, Derbyshire Times, 21 Aug 1886 - 1886
94 - Rough notes relating to Bakewell sale - 1886
95-96 - 2 Letters from F S Goodwin, solicitors1 & 15 Nov re drafts of agreement between Pearson and Bramwell - 1886
97 - Letter from Hodgkinson to F and H Taylor, accepting invitation to conduct sale, and note asking for further particulars - 1886
98-100 - 2 Drafts for newspaper advertisement in Derbyshire Times, Aug, 1886 for same sale, but 4 lots - 1886
101-102 - Letters. William King to F and H Taylor. Aug 1886 re sale. Frederick Brown to Taylor asking particulars Sep 1886 - 1886
103 - Notes for Mr Brown re the above sale - 1886
104 - Draft conveyance E W Pearson to Walter Bradbury- plot of garden ground in The Hill, Bakewell, with plan - 1886
105 - Thomas Noten to Walter Bradbury draft acknowledgement of rights to production of deeds - 1886
106 - Pearson to Walter Bradbury. Draft ack nowledgement of rights to production of deeds - 1886
107-108 - Pearson to Bramwell. Copy draft conveyance of a plot of land situated at Bakewell with plan (paper coloured, no scale), - 1886
109 - Letter from Hodgkinson re sale to Taylor - 1886
110 - List of documents delivered to Walter Bradbury - 1886
111 - Abstract of title of Duke of Devonshire, with list of documents delivered to Thomas Noton, from 1861 - 1861
112-113 - 2 Copies of Draft instructions for Council (Mr Charles E Cree) - c1886
112-117 - Bundle: labelled "Re F J Winson's attempted purchase of Endcliffe" - c1886
114 - Copy of the appointment of E W Pearson as a trustee - c1886
115 - E W Pearson to F J Winson. Draft conveyance and settlement of a freehold messuage (Endcliffe House) and premises in Bakewell - 1887
116-117 - Memorandum of death of Newman, leaving Pearson sole trusteer Taylor to Winsone with lett re Endcliffe House - 1887
118-122 - Chert Quarry, Bakewell - 1884
123 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - c1884
123-135 - County Court Actions Bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - 1883
124 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - c1884
125 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - c1884
126 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - c1884
127 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - 1883
128-129 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - 1883
130 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - c1884
131-132 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - c1884
133 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - c1884
134 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - c1884
135 - Document from bundle labelled "Brief. Winson v Ellis - 1883
136-140 - Document from bundle re county court actions, Wirksworth, Oct 1884 - 1884
141 - Document from bundle re county court actions, Wirksworth, Oct 1884 - 1884
142 - Document from bundle re county court actions, Wirksworth, Oct 1884 - c1884
143 - Document from bundle re county court actions, Wirksworth, Oct 1884 - c1884
144-145 - Documents from bundle re county court actions, Wirksworth, Oct 1884 - 1884
146 - Document from bundle labelled Oct 1884 Winson's Executors v Bannister - c1884
147 - Document from bundle labelled Oct 1884 Winson's Executors v Bannister - c1884
148 - Document from bundle labelled Oct 1884 Winson's Executors v Bannister - c1884
149 - Document from bundle labelled Oct 1884 Winson's Executors v Bannister - c1884
150-151 - Documents from bundle labelled Oct 1884 Winson's Executors v Bannister - c1884
152 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson v Knowles Oct 1884 - 1878
153 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson v Knowles Oct 1885 - 1877-1881
154 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson v Knowles Oct 1886 - 1872-1881
155 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson v Knowles Oct 1887 - 1877-1881
156 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson v Knowles Oct 1888 - c1884
157 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson v Knowles Oct 1889 - c1884
158 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson v Knowles Oct 1890 - c1884
159 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson v Knowles Oct 1891 - c1884
160-175 - Correspondence To Newman (relating to whole estate but chiefly Bundle from Joseph Winson re gas required to fill a balloon, accounts of gas residuals, re forming Gas Co., the increase in Gas consumption, equipment pressure - 1877-1880
176-246 - Bundle from Annie Pearson re payment of dividends, repairs, family health and her mother's death, the Bakewell property, difficulties with Walter - 1881-1886
188 - Articles of agreement between Joshua Millington and the executors of Joseph Winson re lease of Chert Quarry - 1884
247-260 - Bundle from Charles Eaton re statements, bills prices of gas, and charges for meters, sale of shares in Gas Company - 1882-1884
261-269 - Bundle from Staveley Coal and Iron Company re orders for pipes and castings re rising prices of gas - 1882-1883
270-309 - Bundle from the Derbyshire Silkstone Co [Edmund Taylor, Secretary] acknowledging receipt of cheques sale of coal, re prices of coal going up owing to labour conditions - 1882-1886
310-315 - Bundle from William Jordan of the Commercial Union Assurance Co., re premium, insurance of Gas Works - 1883-1884
316-320 - Bundle from Hutchinson Bros. Gas Engineers and contractors, re sulphate of ammonia plant - 1882-1886
321-331 - Bundle from Thomas Newbigging, Civil Engineer, re valuations, sale of gas works and statutory powers for Gas Works - 1882-1885
332-339 - Bundle from Kempson and Howell, Pye Bridge Chemical Works, re contract for tar and liquor - 1882-1886
340-352 - Bundle from Josiah Hardman, Coal Tar Distiller, re prices of tar - 1882-1886
353-362 - Bundle from Swaine, thanks for turkey, re stocks of coke, purchasing of fuel - 1882-1885
363-365 - Bundle from Great Eastern Railway re transfer of rent charge stock to J Robertson - 1883-1885
366-367 - Bundle from F G S Weller re prices of Gas Coal - 1883-1885
368-384 - Bundle from J Brelsford re Gas Works, accounts, W Winson's salary - 1883-1885
385-393 - W Smith re equipment drain - 1883-1885
394-395 - Bundle from H James Croft, builder and undertaker re debt owed to him - 1883
396-399 - Bundle from Harry Maiden, valuer and accountant re prices of coal and orders - 1883
400-403 - Bundle from John Brown & Co Ltd., Atlas Steel and Iron Works re trials of coal re poor yield from coal - 1883
404-411 - Bundle from Manager of Bristol Purimachos Works asking opinions of their "fireproof cement" re orders - 1883
412-416 - Bundle from H Singleton, Unstone Coal and Coke Co Ltd., re supplies of Gas Coal - 1883-1884
417-423 - Bundle from R Dempster & Sons, Manufacturers of equipment for Gas Works, re equipment, repairs, apprenticeship of Winson Scott - 1883-1885
424-439 - Bundle from George Stevenson, re reports, price of coke. Shares in Matlock Bath Gas Co - 1883-1886
440-448 - Bundle from W C Holmes and Co, Whitehouse Iron Works, re tender and design for Gasholder - 1883-1885
449-452 - Bundle from Crossley Brothers Ltd, "Otto" Gas Engine Works. Queries re gas works and machinery - 1883-1886
453-483 - Bundle from John B Sparke, manufacturer of Gas meters and apparatus, re invoices, orders, equipment - 1883-1886
484-485 - 2 Letters from C.W.B. Norton re.accounts for sample trunks 23rd July - 8th August - 1883
486-490 - Bundle from coal, lime and iron works, Clay Cross re coal analyses accounts, supplies of coal - 1882-1883
491-493 - Bundle from Joshua Barrett, General outfitters, Bakewell re leasing of shop in Bakewell - 1883
494-495 - Bundle from Briggs & Co. re purchase of gas coals - 1883
496-504 - Bundle from Midland Railway Co. re rent due to the company, the Gas Works, - pipes etc - 1883-1885
505-508 - Bundle from R A Leighton, re Gas Draft and plan - 1883-1884
509 - Letter from Matthew Wright, agent from Pinxton Collieries, re orders for gas coal - 1884
510-512 - Bundle from Rev J Bateson, re rent - 1884
513-516 - Bundle from W A Morgan consulting gas and chemical engineer, re appointments gas works - 1884-1885
517-519 - Bundle from Muller, gas apparatus, manufacturers, re plans of machines, with bill head illustrating machinery - 1884
520-521 - Bundle from W E Constable of Mitcham Junction Works, re tax - 1884
522-549 - Bundle from W Transfer of Matlock Bridge Gas Works, re: equipment and tests at the works - 1884-1886
550-551 - Bundle from Mr Job Smith, re water pipes - 1885
552 - One Letter from Walter King, re order for "Journal of Gas Lighting" - 1885
553-554 - Bundle from Mr George Wain, re notice of quitting shop in Mill Street, and re-letting - 1885
555-559 - Bundle from Joseph Firth and Sons, builder stone, English and Foreign Timber Merchants re contract, re tank - 1885-1886
560-561 - Bundle from Mrs A Winson to Mrs Newman re family matters - 1880s
562-564 - Bundle of undated letters from Miss Lillie Scott re her grandmother's health. Family news(mostly health), with one from H D Scott to Mrs Newman, re Aunt's illness - [19th cent]
565-570 - Bundle from F J Winson re his post with a butcher in Ashton under Lyne re his expenses - 1886
571-606 - Bundle from John Walsh. Retort setter and Furnace builder, re contract for bricks re repairs, order for retorts - 1882-1886
607-618 - Bundle from Alfred Douglas, secretary of Smedleys Hydropathic Co., requesting a reduction in price of gas, complaining about quality of gas, re accounts - 1883-1885
619-633 - Bundle from Crompton and Evans Bank, re accounts - 1882-1886
634-652 - Bundle from Lancashire Insurance Co - 1883-1886
653-665 - Bundle from Else and Son, re valuation of Bakewell property - 1883-1885
666-727 - Bundle from Robert Hall, re payments of accounts re Gas Works, shares, statements of consumption. "Gas heating appliances exhibition" in Blackpool re Gas Works profits re meter prices - 1885-1886
728-733 - Bundle from Appleby and Co., Renishaw Iron Works, receipts, acknowledgements of orders, re repairs to pumps - 1883-1886
734-735 - Bundle from Binns, solicitor, re Mr Dent's creditors - 1886
736-738 - Bundle from W G Drabble, timber merchant re cisterns and pipes - 1885
739-740 - Bundle from W Cockburn, re Gas Coal supply - 1884
741-742 - Bundle from the Stafford Company, re quotation for order of coal - 1883
743-864 - Bundle from J W Scott reporting on his apprenticeship, details of Dempster's works and Elland works. Some family news. Wages, lists and repair notes for Matlock Bridge Gas Works - 1882-1884
865-892 - Bundle from Smedley Lea Mills, re purchase of second hand purifiers, asking quotation of prices of other equipment - 1883-1886
893- 951 - Bundle from R H Dent manufacturing chemists re chemical supplies - 1882-1886
952-960 - Bundle from J W Skidmore, Clerk of Matlock Local Board and Urban Sanitary district, re annual payment for having weigh bridge re quotations for supplies of gas for street lamps - 1882-1886
961-1121 - Bundle from E W Pearson, re wages lists, reporting on the gas works and new equipment, re orders - 1883
1122-1268 - Bundle from E W Pearson, re gas works, wages lists, repairs, water supply - 1884-1886
1269-1620 - Bundle of correspondence from Taylor, re sale of Bakewell property, conveyance of Stanedge House to Mrs Pearson, appointment of E W Pearson as trustee. Tenants "misconducting themselves" re Winson's grandchildren and payments of money, re settlement with Hydropathic Co., Miss Scott's marriage settlement, re preparation of Newman's will - 1882-1884
1621-1718 - Bundle (with one loose letter dated 17 Nov, 1883). Labelled "Winson". From Brelsford, Hall, E W Pearson, Mrs Pearson, J W Scott, Midland Railway, Matlock Local Board and other re dividends, accounts, affidavits, price of gas, administration of legacy, gas works, estate of J Winson dec'd - 1884
1719-1812 - Bundle Labelled "Winson" from Hall, Brelsford, Walter Winson, Dronfield Gas Co, John Watson(Solicitor) Mrs Pearson, Dent, F J Winson and Brelsford, Matlock Local Board re administration of gas works, Walter Winson's complaints, re complaints, re Millington and the lease of the Chert Quarry re legacies - 1884-1885
1813-1906 - Bundle labelled "Winson" from Walter Winson, Hall, Taylor, Simpson, and Taylor, Mrs Pearson, Else and Son, and others re death of Brelsford, administration of estate, Else's valuation, Smedley's accounts re water pipes in Darley, accounts, collectors dividends - 19th cent
1907-2120 - Bundle labelled "Winson" from Hall, Walter Winson, Smedley's Hydropathic Co, Newman, Mrs Pearson, Midland Railway, Crompton and Evans Bank, Dempster and Sons, re Winson's Estate, gas accounts(candle-power etc), sale of some of J Winson's possessions,property - 1886-1887
2121-2196 - Bundle from F J Winson, Robert Hall, Walter Winson, Crompton and Evans Bank, Pearson, Skidmore (solicitor), and some drafts from Taylor re law suit "Winson v Pearson", Walter Winson's complaints re accounts, estate County Court actions - 1886-1887
2197-2198 - Bundle from S W Johnson, Midland Railways locomotive department to Taylor re change of meter and accounts - 1883-1886
2199-2200 - Bundle from Joseph Todd re condition of house next to Endcliffe House - 1884-1885
2201-2205 - Bundle labelled "Platts, Handford, Sims", to Taylor from Walter Winson, complaining about trustees and their management of the estate. Handford's bill (tinman and brazier) for repairs at gas works from J W Scott re this bill from Newman re old iron. Smith's bill to executors. - 1877-1884
2206-2264 - Bundle from Holland Swinton and Mexborough gas and Light Co) Watson and Son (share-brokers and accountants). Joseph Rogers (Secretary of Independent Order of Oddfellows). Mrs Pearson, Charles Eaton, J Brelsford, J M Newbold, Cree and Son, F S Goodwin (Solicitors) and others re probate of J Winson's will, his shares and their disposal re Lowe deceased, re tenants mortgages estate, payments, payments into bank, re trusteeship of the will and re probate certificates of value of shares - 1883
2265-2382 - Bundle to F & H Taylor. (Some to Newman) From John Watson and Sons, Holland, Thomas Ladd (Solicitor), William Jordan, Walter Winson, Joseph Rogers, J W Skidmore, Charles Eaton, John Evans, Robert Hall, W A Carrington , Midland Railway Co, James Platts, J Pidcock, Dempster and Sons, James Potter, J Nuttall(manager of Crompton and Evans Bank), Mrs Pearson , J Brelsford, H Sundersland, Stevenson. re Great Eastern Rent Charge stock, sale of Dronfield and Swindon Gas Shares re transfers, purchase of Matlock Gas shares re debts re supply to Gas to local board street-lamps re quarrel between Walter Winson and Newman re Gas Works, estate, County Court actions memorandum from Registrar of Wirksworth County Court re case of Executors v Platts re payment for repairs re accounts, debts, rents due - 1883
2383-2385 - Correspondence trom John Hope to Robert Hall re Gas Works - 1882-1885
2386-2387 - Correspondence from Dawson (Hodgkinson), Carbrook Chemical Co to Robert Hall re Gas Works - 1883-1884
2388-2396 - From Fletcher and Murphy, re Gas Works - 1883-1885
2397-2404 - Correspondence to the Executors from Eveson, Gas Coal and Cannel Contractor, to the executors, re supplies of Gas Coals and analyses of coals, tenders - 1883-1885
2397-2455 - Correspondence to the Executors - 1883-1886
2405-2455 - Correspondence to the Executors from Walter Winson, re his interest in his father's estate - 1882-1886
2456-2874 - £5 shares in Matlock Bridge, Matlock Bank and Matlock Town Gas Light and Coke Co Ltd, numbered - 1857-1865
2875-2968 - Certificates of £5 shares in the Longton Gas Co Ltd - 1859-1862
2969 - Edward Simpson to Joseph Winson. Draft transfer 29th Jul of 4 shares [313-318] in "The Swinton and Mexbro' Gas Light Co.," - 1857
2969-2972 - Envelope labelled Swinton Gas Shares - 1857-1883
2970 - Transfer certificate no. 92, from Joseph Winson to J E Newton - shares 315-318, 397-399. 549-550, in Swinton and Mexborough Gas Light Co to J E Newton - shares 315-318, 397-399. 549-550, in Swinton and Mexborough Gas Light Co - 1857
2971 - Thomas Shutt to Joseph Winson. Transfer of4 shares in the Swinton and Mexborough Gas Light Co. Nos 647-650 - 1857
2972 - Draft, undertaking by Winson's executors to indemnify Swinton Gas Shares - 1883
2973 - Bundle:Gas Certificates List (Matlock Bridge, Matlock, Longton, Bakewell) showing value and number of shares held by Winson - 19th cent
2974 - Swinton Gas Shares - List of shareholders - 1850-1877
2975 - List of transfers - 1850-1877
2976 - Matlock Bridge and Town Gas Works Consumption Book for Quarter ending Mar 1871 - Mar 1883. After 1879 consumption in town and Darley given separately. Folio, parchment and paper - 1871-1883
2977 - Smedley's Hydropathic Co, to Winson. Epitome of title - 1866-1880
2978 - Abstract of the title of Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to Gas Works and premises in Matlock - 1860-1875
2979 - Mortgage for securing £150 and interest, Matlock Bridge Gas Co., to James Loukes - land occupied by the Gas Co - 1872
2980 - Copy of entries on the Court Roll of the Manor of Matlock - admittance of Mrs Boden, 19 Apr 1877, and surrender from Mrs Boden to Winson, 2 May1882 - of messuage and buildings on Matlock Bank and Long Close - 1877-1882
2981 - Copy of entries on the Court Roll of the Manor of Matlock - admittance of Mrs Boden 19 Apr 1877 - 1877-1882
2982 - Memorandum of agreement between B Hunter and R Wildgoose on behalf of Smedley's Hydro to J Winson belonging to the company for £3,000 - 1876
2983 - Supplemental abstract of the title of Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to Gas Works and premises in Matlock, 1876-1880 - 1880
2984 - Draft copy of Court Roll of Manor of Matlock- admittance of Mrs Newman [sole executrix of James Newman], to property lately in the hands of Matlock Bridge Gas Co and other buildings(retort house outbuildings) and draft surrender from her to E W Pearson - 1886
2985 - Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to Pearson. Draft conveyance of the Matlock Bridge Gas Works, with covenant to surrender copyhold portion - 1886
2986 - Draft rider to the above conveyance - 1886
2987 - Articles of agreement. Pearson and Robert Hall for sale and purchase of Matlock Bridge Gas Works for £15,000 - 1886
2988 - Abstract of title 1867-1884 to property in Matlock, formerly property of Matlock Bridge Gas Co - 1886
2989 - Abstract of title to hereditaments at Matlock, adjoining the property formerly belonging to the Matlock Consumers' Gas Co - 1886
2990 - Draft admittance, prepared by Mr Green of Thomas Walters of Snitterton, Bassett Gregory of Ashover and Thomas Goodwin of Matlock to the land formerly called Stone Quarry and to the land formerly called Stone Quarry and lime kiln, now site of Matlock Bridge Gas Works - 1886
2991 - E W Pearson to the Matlock and District Gas Co Ltd., draft surrender and admittance to Stone Quarry or Limekiln - 1887
2992 - E W Pearson to the Matlock and District surrender copyhold hereditaments in Matlock Gas Co Ltd. Conveyance of freehold and covenant to surrender copyhold hereditaments in Matlock - 1888
2993 - Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to E W Pearson conveyance of the Matlock Bridge Gas Works with covenant to surrender copyhold portion - 1887
2994 - Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to E W Pearson acknowledgement of right to production of documents and undertaking for safe custody thereof - 1887
2995 - Winson's trustees to Hall. Requisitions on title and replies thereto - 1887
2996 - Winson's trustees to Hall. Further requisitions on title. - 1887
2997 - Smedley's Hydropathic Co to Alfred Douglas, esq. Draft request to surrender copyhold portion of Matlock Bridge Gas Works to E W Pearson - 1887
2998 - Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to E W Pearson. Draft conveyance of the Matlock Bridge Gas Works with covenant to the surrender copyhold portion - 1887
2999 - Smedley's Hydropathic Co Ltd., to E W Pearson. Draft acknowledgement of right to production of documents, undertaking for safe custody - 1887
3000 - Manor of Matlock Supplemental abstract of title to copyhold. Draft admittance to parts of Stone Quarry and Limekilns of Knowles, surrender of Hydropathic Co. Surrender from Hydro to E W Pearson. Admittance of Pearson - 1887
3001 - Another draft of 3000 - 1887
3002 - Manor of Matlock. Draft admittance of Mrs Newman and draft surrender from her to E W Pearson - 1887
3003 - Stewards fees for surrender and admittance by Walters and Gregory to Smedley's Hydro - 1887
3004 - Draft case for the opinion of Mr B B Rogers re sale of gas works by Pearson to Hall - 1887
3005-3006 - Case for the opinion of Mr B B Rogers, re amount of interest to be paid on the purchase money 3006 2 copies - 1887
3007 - Agreement for sale and purchase of Gas Works between Pearson and Hall - 1887
3008 - Copy of the correspondence between Skidmore and Taylor, re sale of Gas Works - 1887
3009 - Winson v Pearson. Draft agreement between the parties to action - 1888
3010 - Joseph Winson deceased, Gas Works Ledger with index. Capital account - details of freehold property. Gas plant and stock. Gas renters. Sundry sales of residuals, sales of old iron, liabilities account, wages, carting, repairs, purchased, insurance, rates and taxes. Banker's charges. Depreciation account. Tar sales. Salaries and commission. Gas sales. Salaries and commission. Gas sales. Gas rental - 1882-1886
3011 - Meter rents, 1876 Matlock Bridge Capital, 1876 - 1876
3012 - James Loukes, esq., to James Potter, Solicitor, account, re Winson's executors. Dec 1883-Apr 1884.May - 1884
3012-3015 - Bundle labelled "Loukes" - 1884
3013 - Letter from Potter to F & H Taylor, re this account - 1884
3014-3015 - 2 Drafts of memorandum to be endorsed on a deed of 26 Feb, 1876, between Matlock Bridge Gas Co., and James Loukes, being a covenant to surrender copyholds and an assignment of certain; personal estate for the purpose of securing £150 and interest - 1884
3016 - Matlock Bridge Gas Light & Coke Co Ltd., Meter Rental from Quarter ending 30 Sep, 1881-31 Mar1883, including no of lights, meter rent, arrears amount to collect, and cash received, arranged under two headings 'Darley' and 'Town' - 1881-1883
3017 - Accounts of Coke and Tar bought 1883. Expenditure on wages, Jun 1882-Mar 1883 Tradesmen's Bills, Aug 1882-Feb 1883 - 1882-1883
3018 - Volume labelled "Joseph Winson deceased". Accounts. Gas Works General Account with index, covering capital account, gas works special account, Gas Works general account Bakewell property. Ann Winson's account showing receipts and payments between the death of Winson (Jul 1882) and 30 Jun 1883 exclusive of receipts and payments which belong to the capital as distinguished from the income payable to the tenant for life, continued to Jul 1884 - 1882-1884
3019 - Account book Specimen of Gas Account for year ended 30 Dec with balance sheet 30 Dec 1882, with lists of consumer's names and consumption figures for Quarter ending 31 Mar, 1883 for each plant (Plant 1, Plant 2, Darley Plant, Midland Railways Local Board Lamps, Matlock Bath Street Lamps, Smedley's Hydro') - 1882-1883
3020 - Gas Company Capital Accounts Capital Account [Bakewell] 19 Jul, 1882-8 Oct1884 - 1882-1884
3021-3022 - "James Newman, Executor of the late James Winson" 2 Vols both covering 31 Jul 1882-31 Dec 1883 - same accounts but in different order, covering local purchase of lime, wages, salaries, cartage, tradesmen's bills, bad debts, meters, Bakewell expenses, with summary of total income 1882-1883 - 1882-1883
3023-3027 - Bundle labelled "Eaton's payments to Bank", 2 Apr-14 Aug 1884. Sums paid into Bank(2 copies). Rough pencil notes. Notes on Darley Plant, No 1 Plant and No 2 Plant. Dec Quarter to Mar Quarter 1884 - 1884
3028 - Matlock Bridge Gas Works Draft Bond by Collectors, Charles Eaton, John Wheatcroft and Thomas Boden - 1884
3029 - Matlock Bridge Gas Works. Draft agreement with collector Charles Eaton - 1884
3030-4017 - Bundle labelled "Receipts from Mr Newman" - 2 Feb 1885-31 Dec 1886
4018 - Printed Prospectus of the Matlock and District Gas Company Ltd Dec 1886 - 1886
4019 - Joseph Winson deceased. Gas Works cash book 26 Jul 1886-30 Jun 1887 - 1886-1887
4020 - Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Matlock and District Gas Company Ltd Incorporated 29 Jan 1887 - 1887
4021 - Draft Epitome of administration of estate - 1887
4021-4052 - Envelope labelled "Pearson and Winson" containing - 1887
4022-4029 - Draft affidavits of: F J Taylor J F Winson Robert Hall E W Pearson Jane Ann Pearson J W Scott E S Scott, H D Scott and W Scott Mr and Mrs Tomlinson Mrs Ann Winson and daughter stressing confidence in E W Pearson's administration and sale of Gas Works - 1887
4030 - Further affidavit of E W Pearson - 1887
4031 - Draft instructions for defence, supplemental to previous instructions - 1887
4032 - Draft statement of defence of E W Pearson - 1887
4033-4035 - Copy of ordinary writ 4 Mar 1887 and unliquidated demand, with statement of plaintiff's claim. 2 copies(one amended) 27 May 1887 - 1887
4036 - Statement of defence delivered 29 Jul 1887. High Court of Justice - 1887
4037 - Statement of claim of Walter Winson - 1887
4038-4052 - Letters and telegrams re the case from Hall to Taylor. Apr 1887-May 1887 - 1887
4053 - Copy of London Gazette, containing on page3790 the notice of a special resolution passed at Extraordinary General Meeting of Matlock Bridge, Matlock Bank and Matlock Town Gas Light and Coke Co Ltd "that the company be wound up voluntarily" ... John Harrison of Chesterfield appointed liquidator of the company - 1887
4054 - Scheme for the better management of the Winson deceased trust with particular reference to the Gas Co - c.1887
4055 - Plan of Matlock showing Gas Works and Gas Mains and pipes. Tracing, linen. No date. No scale - [19th cent]
4056 - Plan of proposed new bench of retorts at Matlock Bridge Gas Works for Joseph Winson, esq. Embossed: Jonas Drake and Son, Gas Engineers, Halifax. Tracing, linen. No date. Scale 1 : 24 - [19th cent]
4057-4058 - Plan of self acting gas washer and separator. 2 copies, one paper, uncoloured, one tracing linen, coloured, no date. - [19th cent]
4059 - Plan of gasholder to hold 30,000 cubic feet. Elevation and section. Thorncliffe Iron Works. Tracing paper coloured. Scale 1 : 48 - [19th cent]
4061-4065 - Plan of Newman's improved self acting gas washer and scrubber. 5 copies (2 coloured, 2 with keys). Scale 1:48 - [19th cent]
4066 - Plan for far Gas Corporation. Elevation and section through gasholder. W C Molnes and Co., gas engineers. Whitestone Iron Works, Huddersfield 1880. Scale 1:48 - 1880
4067 - Plan - Matlock Bridge Gas Company. Elevation of 50. Telescope gasholder. David Howard, gasholder works, West Bromwich. Tracing paper. No scale Apr 1882 - 1882
4068 - Joseph Winson (deceased) notebook 1, account of receipts and payments passing through the account at Crompton and Evans Bank - 1883-1885
4069 - Joseph Winson (deceased) notebook 2, account of receipts and payments passing through the account at Crompton and Evans Bank - 1885-1887
4070 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1883-1884
4071 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1883-1884
4072 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1883-1884
4073 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1884
4074 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1883-1884
4075 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1885
4076 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1883-1884
4077 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1884
4078 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1883-1884
4079 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1884
4080 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1883-1884
4081 - Joseph Winson: solicitor's papers - 1883-1884
4082 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1882
4082-4124 - Newmans Letter Books - 1882-1886
4083 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1882
4084 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1882
4085 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1882
4086 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1882
4087 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4088 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4089 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4090 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4091 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4092 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4093 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4094 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4095 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4096 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4097 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4098 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4099 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883-1884
4100 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884
4101 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884
4102 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884
4103 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884
4104 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884
4105 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884
4106 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884
4107 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884
4108 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884
4109 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1884-1885
4110 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4111 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4112 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4113 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4114 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4115 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4116 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4117 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4118 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4119 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885
4120 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1885-1886
4121 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1886
4122 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1886
4123 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1886
4124 - Letter book, trustee of J Winson - 1883
4129-4131 - Envelope containing drafts of: Epitome of will of Joseph Winson. Draft codicil to the will of Mr Joseph Winson, Apr 1881. Draft codicil with three rough draft riders, with letter approving it from Mrs A Winson 1881. Codicil to the will of Mr Joseph Winson, 10 Jul1882. Notes on drawing up of codicil to Joseph Winson's will. Rough draft of the second codicil, 1882. Second codicil to the will of Joseph Winson, 10 Jul 1882 - 1881-1882
4132-4144 - Bundle containing drafts of:- The trustees of the Odd Fellows Club, Bakewell to James Newman and Joseph Brelsford. Draft transfer of mortgage, three pieces of land with dwelling houses in Bakewell to secure £900 and 4% Draft will of Mrs Pearson 1883 J. E. H. Crewe, esq, and the trustees of J Winson c.1885 deceased. Draft agreement respecting a stream of water at Darley to lay a pipe from Gas Works to stream on Crewe's land Draft case for opinion of Mr Charles Cree, in case c,1885 of Mrs Pearson taking Stanedge House (under her father's will) - or only half of it Mr James Newman to Mrs J A Pearson. Draft 1886 conveyance of hereditaments and premises tracing linen, situated at Bakewell (with plan on coloured, no scale) Draft case for the opinion of Mr Charles Cree re Mrs Pearson and Stanedge House 1886 Mr E W Pearson and Mrs J A Pearson. Draft release of certain hereditaments from right of selection under special provision contained in the will of Joseph Newman 1886 James Newman to E W Pearson. Draft appointment of Mr E W Pearson as a trustee 1886 Mr James Newman to Mr E W Pearson and himself.1886 Draft transfer of three mortgages Messrs Newman and Pearson with Crompton and Evans Bank Ltd. Memorandum of deposit of deeds. [re indenture of mortgages between John Hanley and Newman and Brelsford, and title deeds relating to the mortgaged property of 3 Apr 1884] Pearson to J W Scott. Draft appointment of Mr Joseph Winson Scott as a trustee 1888 - 1883-1888
4145-4153 - Bundle:- Notebook. Mr W Winson v executors of Joseph Winson - Rough notes and accounts3 Bills owed by Walter Winson for repairs to his property. Copy of account. Mr W Winson in account with J Winson's executors. With 43 from Walter Winson, Aug-Sep 1884 Notebook. Mr W Winson v executors of Joseph Winson - Rough notes and accounts3 Bills owed by Walter Winson for repairs to his property. Copy of account. Mr W Winson in account with J Winson's executors. With 43 from Walter Winson, Aug-Sep 1884 re Gas Works equipment, accounts and money1 from Newman to F & H Taylor re1 from Newman to F & H Taylor re Winson's claim to be at the works in 1882 - 1884
4154 - Fire policy renewal notice from Royal Farmers and General Insurance Company - 1869
4155 - The Royal Farmers and General Insurance Company. Fire policy sum insured £510. Joseph Winson - Endcliffe House - 1871
4156 - The Commercial Union Assurance Company Joseph Winson. Sum insured £2,150. Gasometer meter house, retort house, coal sheds, purifying and tar liquor houses and two cottages used as offices - 1882
4157 - The Commercial Union Assurance Company. Sum insured £8,000. Joseph Winson. Stanedge House - 1882
4158 - Lancashire Insurance Company. Fire Policy No. 870,956, Mrs Ann Winson and trustees. Sum insured £2,695, dwelling houses, and personal property, Stanage House, Endcliffe House and houses let to tenants - 1883
4159 - Lancashire Insurance Company, Fire Policy No. 528735. Mrs Winson and trustees. Sum insured £850. Stanage House, Endcliffe House - 1886
4160 - Lancashire Insurance Company, Fire Policy No. 873370. Mr Newman. Sum insured £800 Stanage House - 1884
4161 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 1882
4162 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 1883
4163 - Number not used, within numbering of bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 1883
4164-4167 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 19th cent
4168 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 19th cent
4169-4199 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 1883-1886
4200 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 1885
4201 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 1885
4202 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 1885
4203 - Document from bundle labelled "Winson deceased". Re probate Duty - 1885
4204 - Winson real estate, value of property - 19th cent
4205-4213 - Receipts, all dated 28 Feb, 1884 for all the properties. Water rates, receipts received from Joseph Winson's executors - 1884
4214-4233 - 20 General District Rate receipts - 1884
4215-4128 - Numbers not used
4234 - 1 Bakewell Union receipt - 1884
4235-4241 - 7 Income tax receipts, inhabited house duty and land tax for the year 1883, ending 5 Apr 1884 - 1884
4242 - Winson's executors, local board account - 1884
4243 - Executor's Rates account - 1884
4244-4292 - Bundle: Documents relating to property at 4292 William Kidd, with correspondence, draft conveyances, accounts, posters of sale, valuations abstracts etc - 1808-1889
4293-4324 - Bundle, relating to lands in Ashleyhay and Mrs Goodwin's Trustees - 1871
4325-4370 - Bundle relating to Mrs Goodwin's lands in Fairfield, Hope - 1875
4371-4383 - Bundle, relating to Mrs Goodwin's lands in Darley and Picton - 19th cent
4384-4481 - Bundle, relating to Mrs Goodwin's property in the City of London These documents relate to the work of Herbert Brooke-Taylor as agent to Lord Edward Cavendish in the West Derbyshire Constituency chiefly 1885-1890. Also included are agent's papers relating to North Derbyshire and the North Derbyshire Liberal Registration Association. - 19th cent
BV - Liberal Party: North and West Derbyshire election agents - 1885-1886
UL - Brooke-Taylor, solicitors: unlisted material
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