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STRUTT - The Strutt Library - 1533-1961
A - The Strutt Library: books originally stored on Shelf A - 1678-1945
B - The Strutt Library: books originally stored on Shelf B - 1560-1961
C - The Strutt Library: books originally stored on Shelf C - 1577-1906
1 - Mrs Robert Arkwright: A set of six songs, the words selected from the poems of Lord Byron, (Mrs Arkwright and others), the music composed by Mrs Robert Arkwright, and arranged by T. Cooke. (Fifth set.) - 1800s
2 - William Arkwright: The pointer and his predecessors, an illustrated history of the pointing dog from the earliest times. - 1902
3 - Frederic Atkinson: Mattathias, and other poems. - 1906
4 - Fred J. Austin: Ancient dreams and dreamers; a series of discourses delivered in a London Road Congregational Church, Derby. - 1880s
5 - William Bagshaw : Principils obsta; the readie way to prevent sin. - 1671
6 - William Bagshaw: The riches of grace displayed in a discourse on the 2 Ephes. 7th. verse, to which is added… Published: London, Thomas Parkhurst Page length: vi, 126p Strutt - 1674
7 - William Bagshaw: De spiritualibus Pecci; notes, (or notices) concerning the work of God, and some of those who have been workers together with God, in the hundred of the High Peak in Derbyshire. - 1702
8 - H. H. Bemrose: A month in Egypt. - 1888
9 - Abraham Bennet: New experiments on electricity, wherein the causes of thunder and lightning as well as the constant state of positive or negative electricity in the air or clouds, are explained; with experiments… also a description of a doubler of electricity, and of the most sensible electrometer yet constructed. - 1789
10 - Robert Bigsby: The miscellaneous poems and essays of… - 1842
11 - Jane Bingham: Amy of the Peak; or, the triumph of principle - 1855
12 - H. S. Bishell: Human nature, and other poems. - 1902
13 - Sir Brooke Boothby: Fables and satires, with a preface on the Esopean fable. - 1809
14 - Sir Brooke Boothby: Sorrows; sacred to the memory of Penelope. - 1796
15 - William Borrows: Select sermons; together with a brief memoir, edited by the Reverend Philip Gell. - 1852
16 - Immanuel Bourne: The anatomie of conscience; or a three-fold revelation of those three most secret bookes: 1. The booke of Gods prescience. 2. The booke of mans conscience. 3. The booke of life. In a sermon preached at the general Assises holden at Derby, in Lent last. - 1623
17 - Immanuel Bourn (Bourne): A defence and justification of ministers maintenance by tythes, and of infant-baptism, humane learning, and the sword of the magistrate; which some Anabaptists falsely call. - 1659
18 - Immanuel Bourn: A light from Christ leading unto Christ, by the star of his Word, or, the rich jewel of Christian Divinity, practically explained in the principles. - 1646
19 - Henry Breeden: An address to the Arminian Methodists, being a call to holiness and usefulness, designed to assist persons in receiving, retaining, and spreading the religion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. - 1834
20 - George Brewer: Pleasantries, in rhyme and prose. - 1819
21 - Charles W. Bridgart: Solitary musings and other poems. - 1800s
22 - John Joseph Briggs: The Trent, and other poems. Published: Derby, Bemrose and sons, 1857 - 1857
23 - Frank Browne: Lyra Rudis. - 1847
24 - Charles Broxolme: The good old way: or, Perkins improved, in a plain exposition and sound application of those depths of divinity briefly comprized in his six principles. - 1654
25 - German Buxton: A treatise on Algebra, containing not only the fundamental principles of this art, but likewise a variety of problems in the most important branches of the mathematics. - 1819
26 - Benjamin Camfield: A serious examination of the independent's catechism: and therein, of the chief principles of non-conformity to, and separation from the Church of England, by Benjamin Camfield, Rector of Whitwell in Derbyshire. In two parts; the first general, the second more particular. - 1668
27 - Henry Cantrell: The royal martyr a true Christian; or, a confutation of a late assertion, viz; that King Charles 1 had only the lay-baptism of a Presbyterian-teacher: with an account of the government of the church of Scotland… a particular relation of the solemnity of King Charles 1. - 1716
28 - George Cavendish: The life of Cardinal Wolsey, by George Cavendish, his gentleman-Usher. From the original autograph manuscript; with notes and other illustrations, by Samuel Weller Singer.. Published: London, T. Davison, 1827 - 1827
29 - George Cavendish: The negotiations of Thomas Woolsey, the great Cardinall of England, containing his life and death, viz: 1. The originall of his promotion. 2. The continuance of his magnificence. 3. His fall, death, and buriall. Composed by one of his own servants, being his gentleman-Usher. - 1641
30 - Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire: The passage of the mountain of Saint Gothard, a poem; (translated from the English by M. L'Abbe de Lille.) - 1802
31 - Spencer Compton, Marquis of Hartington, (later the 8th Duke of Devonshire): Election speeches in 1879 and 1880. With address to the electors of North East Lancashire. - 1880
31A - [Missing as at 2017] Petronius Arbiter: The works of Petronius Arbiter, translated by several hands… to which is added some other of the Roman poets... with a poem on Telemachus, by the Duke of Devonshire. - 1713
32 - William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle: A new method, and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, and work them according to nature; as also, to perfect nature by the subtilty of art; which as never found out, but by the thrice noble, high, and puissant Prince William Cavendishe. - 1667
33 - J. Erskine Clarke: Children at Church, being six simple sermons. First series. 2nd edition Published: London, Bell & Daldy; Derby, Richard Keene Page length: 120p Frontispiece. Strutt - 1859
34 - J. Erskine Clarke: The children's picture-book of Bible miracles. Written in simple language; with sixteen large illustrations by Henry Warren. - c1885
35 - J. Erskine Clarke, editor: Heart music for working people. New edition. - 1860
36 - Sir Aston Cokain: Small poems of divers sorts. - 1658
37 - Sir Aston Cokain: The tragedy of Ovid. - 1669
38 - Edward Coke: Reportes de diuers resolutions & judgements dones sur solemnes arguments… des tresreuerend judges & sages de la ley de cases difficult… … et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgements. Parts 4, 8 & 10. 1610, 1611, 1618 - 1610-1618
39 - Edward Coke: The second part of the Institutes of the laws of England, containing the exposition of many ancient, and other statutes… 3rd edition. - 1669
40 - Edward Coke: The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England; concerning high treason, and other pleas of the Crown, and criminal causes. - 1660
41 - Mary Collier: Poetic effusions, by Mary Peach, (Now Mary Collier.) Published: Derby, Henry Mozley and son Page length: x, 60p Strutt - 1823
42 - William Combe: An interesting letter to the Duchess of Devonshire. The third edition. - 1778
43 - Arthur H. Coombs: Some Melbourne sermons. - 1903
44 - J. Charles Cox: Canterbury: a historical and topographical account of the city; illustrated by B. C. Boulter. - 1905
45 - W Crewe: The reign of Christianity: or, the prevalence of Christian principles… their influence on the civil and religious institutions of nations, and the general happiness of man; in a dissertation on Daniel, vii, 18; by a clergyman of the Church of England. - 1844
46 - Thomas Crofts: A castle in the air and other poems. - 1892
47 - R. B. Daniel: Chapters on Church music. - 1894
48 - Erasmus Darwin: Phytologia; or the philosophy of agriculture and gardening, with the theory of draining morasses, and with an improved construction of the grill plough. - 1800
49 - [Missing as at 2017] Erasmus Darwin: A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding schools. - 1797
50 - [Missing as at 2017] Erasmus Darwin: The temple of nature; or, the origin of society: a poem, with philosophical notes. - 1803
51 - Erasmus Darwin: Zoonomia; or, the laws of organic life. - 1794-1796
52 - Samuel Davenport: A miscellaneous selection of religious and moral quotations, in prose and verse, by Samuel Davenport, Minister of Horsley. - 1793
53 - Derby Facsimile Society: Drawings by the members of the Derby Facsimile Society. - 1866 - 1869
54 - Beebe Eyre: Miscellaneous poems. - 1800s
55 - "A Factory Girl". Poetic thoughts in working hours. - 1853
56 - Edward Parker: Ned Farmer's scrap book; being a selection of poems, songs, scraps, etc., etc. Enlarged and revised. Fourth edition. - 1863
57 - Mrs Hobson Farrand: Songs of my leisure hours. - 1879
58 - Mrs Fielden: Throstle's nest, by Athyria. (Mrs Fielden of Muggington). - 1800s
59 - Anthony Fitzherbert: La graunde abridgement, collecte par le Judge tres reverend Monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierment conferre oues que le copye es cript et per ceo correcte, oues que le nombre del fueil, per quel facilement poies trouer les oases oy abrydges en les livers dans, noulement annote: jarmais devaunt imprises... - 1577
60 - Anthony Fitzherbert: The new nature brevium of the most reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitzherbert; corrected and revised. Whereunto are added, the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes… with a new and exact table of the most material things contained therein. - 1677
61 - Anthony Fitzherbert: Le novel nature brevium du Judge tres reverend Monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert dernierment reviev & corriges par Laucteur aucques un table perfect, des choses notables contenus en ycel, novelment compose per Guilliaulma Rastall. - 1616
62 - Nicholas Fitzherbert: Joannis Casae Galathaeus, sive de moribus liber Italicus. A Nicolae Fierberto Angle Latine expressus. Cum licentia superiorum. Romae… Dominicum Gillottum. - 1595
63 - Thomas Fitzherbert: The first part of a treatise concerning policy, and religion. Wherein the infirmittle of humane wit is amply declared… written by Thomas Fitzherbert, Esquire, and Catholique priest, for the benefite of young Statists. The second edition… Printed with licence of superiors, Anno Domini 1615. - 1615
64 - [Missing as at 2017] David Foster: The scientific angler, being a general and instructive work on artistic angling, by the late David Foster (compiled by his sons.) Seventh edition (inclusive of the American issue) Sixth English edition. - 1800s
65 - William Warde Fowler: Sermons on various subjects; by the late Reverend W. M. Warde Fowler, late Curate of Darley Abbey, in the county of Derby. - 1894
66 - Douglas Fox: The signs, disorders and management of pregnancy: the treatment to be adopted during and after confinement; and the management and disorders of children. Written expressly for the use of females. - 1834
67 - Samuel Fox: Monks and monasteries; being an account of English monachism. - 1845
68 - Thomas M. Freeman: Spare minutes of a country parsons: a volume of miscellaneous poetry on a great variety of subjects, by Thomas M. Freeman, incumbent of Mellor, in Derbyshire. - c1872
69 - R. N. French: Verses by the Reverend R. H. French, of Foremark, Derbyshire. - 1808
70 - G. S.: The legend of the ivy. - 1869
71 - Philip Gell: An essay on spiritual Baptism and Communion: including some consideration of the proper relation which the sacraments bear to them. - 1847
72 - Philip Gell: The revelation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, historically and critically interpreted. - 1854
73 - Philip Gell: The geography and antiquities of the Ithaca. Dedicated, by permission, to the King. - 1807
74 - Sir William Gell: The itinery of Greece with a commentary on Pausanias and Strabo and an account of the monuments of antiquity at present existing in that country. Compiled in the year MDCCCI:II:V:VI, by W. Gell. - 1810
75 - Sir William Gell: Itinery of the Morea: being a description of the routes of that peninsula. - 1817
76 - Sir William Gell: (Map of) Rome and its environs, from a trigonomical survey. - 1834
77 - Sir William Gell and John P. Gandy: Pompeiana. The topography, edifices, and ornaments of Pompeii. New edition. - 1824
78 - R. Murray Gilchrist: Frangipanni, the story of her infatuation. - 1893
79 - John Gisborne: Reflections: a poem descriptive of events and scenery connected with the different months of the year. - 1833
80 - John Gisborne: The vales of Wever, a loco-descriptive poem. 2nd edition. - 1851
81 - Thomas Gisborne: An enquiry into the duties of the female sex. Ninth edition. - 1810
82 - Thomas Gisborne: An enquiry into the duties of men in the higher and middle classes of society in Great Britain, resulting from their respective stations, professions, and employments. Sixth edition. - 1811
83 - Thomas Gisborne: Walks in a forest, and other poems: eighth edition. - 1813
84 - Thomas Gisborne: Walks in a forest: or, poems descriptive of scenery and incidents characteristic of a forest, at different seasons of the year. 9th edition. - 1814
85 - Thomas Gisborne: The principles of moral philosophy investigated, and applied to the constitution of civil society. Fourth edition… to which is added a new edition, being the fifth, with an appendix, of remarks on the late decision of the House of Commons respecting the abolition of the slave trade. - 1798
86 - Thomas Gisborne: A familiar survey of the Christian religion, and of history as connected with the introduction of Christianity, and with its progress to the present time. - 1801
87 - [Missing as at 2017] Thomas Gisborne: Sermons. Published: London, T. Cadell & W. Davies Page length: xv, 453p V.I. Sixth edition - 1809
88 - Thomas Gisborne: An essay on the recollections which are to subsist between earthly friends reunited in the world to come. - 1844
89 - Thomas Gisborne: Essays on agriculture by the late Thomas Gisborne, of Yoxall Lodge, Staffordshire. Reprinted, by permission from the quarterly review. - 1854
90 - Thomas Gisborne: Poems, sacred and moral. - 1803
91 - John Gratton: A journal of the life of that ancient servant of Christ, John Gratton: giving an account of his exercises when young, his labours and travels in the work of the ministry, and his sufferings in the cause of truth. - 1823
92 - The science of life & Darwin's hypothesis.
93 - B. Gregory: Short poems on various religious subjects. - 1838
94 - George Gregory: An introduction to Arithmetic, on a system never before published, the principles of which are calculated to facilitate the improvement of the pupil, and to lessen the labour of the teacher. - 1813
95 - Sir Roger Gresley: Sir Philip Gasteneys: a minor. - 1829
96 - Samuel Gribble: A treaties on deportment, &c., including the science of horsemanship; being a complete manual of instruction…; as well as a self-monitor in the exercise and duties of a cavalry soldier,… instructions for the lance and carbine exercises, also, the description of a military game resembling the game of chess. - 1829
97 - John Griffith: A sermon preach'd on January 30 1703/4, being the day appointed for the anniversary commemoration of the martyrdom of King Charles the I: in the parochial church of Edensor in the High-Peak. - 1704
98 - Number not used - 1777
99 - Susanna Harrison: Songs in the night, by Susanne Harrison, a young woman, under heavy afflictions. A new edition. - 1818
100 - Thomas Hobbes: The art of rhetoric, with a discourse of the laws of England. - 1681
101 - Thomas Hobbes: Elementa philosophica de cive. Amsterodami, Apub Danielem Elzervirium. - 1669
102 - Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan, or the matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill. - 1651
103 - Thomas Hobbes: …Or markes of the absurd geometry, rural language, Scottish church-politicks, and barbarismes of John Wallis. - 1657
104 - Thomas Hobbes: Tracts…containing T. Bohemeth…II. An answer to Archbishop Bramhall's book…III. An historical narration of heresie…IV. Philosophical problems. - 1682
105 - Thomas Hobbes: The travels of Ulysses: where in is related how he got from Ciconians and Lotophagians… … … translated out of the Greek by Mr. Hobbes. - 1674
106 - Thomas Hobbes: Vita. - 1679
106A - [Missing as at 2017] Francis Peck: Desiderata Curiosa: or, a collection of divers scarce and curious pieces relating chiefly to matters of English history; consisting of choice tracts, memoirs, letters, wills… …a new edition. - 1779
107 - Francis Hodgson: The friends: a poem. In four books, by the Reverend Francis Hodgson, Vicar of Bakewell. - 1818
108 - Mrs Barbara Hofland: A season at Harrogate: in a series of poetical epistles, from Benjamin Blunderhead, esquire, to his mother, in Derbyshire. - 1812
109 - Samuel Hoiworthy: Poems, by a clergyman. In two parts. - 1821
110 - William Howitt: The book of the seasons; or, the calendar of nature. - 1837
111 - William Howitt: Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets; the illustrations by W. and G. Mensom. - 1849
112 - William Howitt: A popular history of priestcraft in all ages and nations. - 1833
113 - Robert Huish: Edwin and Henry; or, the week's holidays: containing original tales for the improvement of youth. - 1800s
114 - Robert Huish: The improved British angler, containing the most esteemed methods of angling for pond and river fish; the baits for each… the choosing of rods and tackle… materials for the manufacture of files… original information on the art of angling. - 1838
115 - John Hullett: Sermons, preached, for the most part. In the village church of Allestree, near Derby. - 1859
116 - John Hullett: The true light and other sermons, by the Rev. John Hullett, Allestree, Derby. - 1861
117 - William Hutton: The battle of Bosworth-Field, between Richard the Third, and Henry Earl of Richmond, August 22, 1485. Wherein is described the approach of both armies, with a plan of the battle, its consequences, the fall, treatment, and character of Richard. To which is prefixed... a history; of his life till he assumed regal power. - 1788
118 - William Hutton: The court of requests: where in is described its nature, utility, and powers, illustrated with a variety of cases, determined in that of Birmingham. - 1787
119 - William Hutton: An history of Birmingham. The third edition, with considerable additions, and new engravings of public buildings. - 1795
120 - William Hutton: The history of the Roman wall, which crosses the island of Britain, from the German ocean to the Irish sea; describing its antient state, and its appearance in the year 1801. - 1802
121 - William Hutton: A journey from Birmingham to London. - 1785
122 - William Hutton: A journey to London; comprising a description of the most interesting objects of curiosity to a visitor of the metropolis. - 1818
123 - William Hutton : Poems; chiefly tales. - 1804
124 - William Hutton: Remarks, moral, practical, and facetious, on various interesting subjects. Selected from the writings of the late W. Hutton of Birmingham. - 1818
125 - William Hutton: Remarks upon North Wales, being the result of sixteen tours through that part of the principality; embellished with a frontispiece view of Beddkelart, and three etchings of some of the principal mountainous views. - 1803
126 - William Hutton: The Scarborough tour in 1803. - 1804
127 - William Hutton: A trip to Coatham, a watering place in the north extremity of Yorkshire. - 1810
128 - James Hyde: The science of cotton spinning practically arranged and simplified… Given in a series of rules and tables, containing much original matter not to be found in any former publication treating on cotton spinning. - 1800s
129 - George Jackson: A series of letters on the subject and mode of Christian baptism; in which that ordinance is considered in connexion with the doctrine of infant justification: addressed to the editor of a periodical publication in the United States of America. - 1828
130 - Marie Elizabeth Jackson: Botanical dialogue, between Hortons and her four children, Charles, Harriet, Juliette and Henry. Designed for the use of schools by a lady. - 1797
131 - Purcell Jackson: Moments with the muse, by Purcell Jackson, Derby. - 1855
132 - Frank Ibbeson Jervis: Poems, ballads and songs. - 1847
133 - Llewellynn Jewitt: Antennas; poems. - 1858
134 - Llewellynn Jewitt: The Wedgwoods: being a life of Josiah Wedgwood; with notices of his works and their productions, memoirs of the Wedgwood and other families, and a history of the early potteries of Staffordshire. - 1865
135 - [Missing as at 2017] Handbook to the Cathedrals of England. Southern division, parts I and II. Published: London, John Murray. Page length: Part 1: viii, 290p 2 parts. Illustrated. Many of the illustrations are by O. Jewitt - 1851
136 - Joseph Jones: Addresses to the labouring class on the subject of moral, social, and religious improvement. - 1846
137 - Joseph Jones: Aphoristical instruction: or many thoughts in few words. - 1846
138 - Joseph Jones: The Apocalypse; or the revelation of St. John the Divine; with a few notes and reflections, intended (f)or the plain readers of the Holy Volume. - 1800s
139 - [Missing as at 2017] Joseph Jones: Remarks on knowledge, and on its use and abuse: a lecture delivered in the Young Men's Christian Association lecture room, Derby. Published: Derby, W. Rowbottom; London, Hamilton, Adams, and Co. Page length: 31p (Has bound with it: An appendix to Dr. Bigsby's vindication… The story of history…: Brief outlines of English history all by Joseph Jones) - c1849
140 - [Missing as at 2017] Joseph Jones: 'Habitual piety'', and ''The Christian's wish to see God's glory''. Two sermons preached in the parish church of Repton,… Published: London, Hamilton, Adams and Co.; Derby, W. Rowbottom Page length: 27p (Bound with: parochial reformation in religion…: Addresses to the labouring class…: Thoughts for the times…, all by Joseph Jones.) Strutt - 1857
141 - Joseph Jones: Spiritual piety: or short meditations of the serious christian in hours of retirement. - 1855
141a - [Missing as at 2017] William Bennet: The King of the Peak, a romance. Published: London, Longman (etc.), Page length: vol.1: xvii, 333p Also: 2nd edition. 2 copies, Sheldon and Strutt (Strutt copy has frontispiece) - 1823
142 - John Kennedy: A complete system of astronomical chronology, unfolding the scriptures. In which, 1. The chronology of the Masoretic Hebrew text is proved, by astronomical arguments, to be genuine and authentic; without error, and without corruption… by John Kennedy, Rector of Bradley in Derbyshire. - 1762
143 - Solitary thoughts. Published: Bath, Binns and Goodwin Page length: 63p E.,S.L.L .L.,E.S.L. Frontispiece. Strutt - 1855
144 - William, Lord Melbourne Lamb: Lord Melbourne's papers; edited by Lloyd G. Sanders. - 1890
145 - Eliza Lambert: Poetic strains; or thoughts in leisure hours. - 1830
146 - [Missing as at 2017] Edward Latham: Evening devotions for schools, by the Reverend Edward Latham,… and one of the Assistant Masters in Repton School. - 1868
147 - "A Lay-Man'': A vindication of an answer to a late pamphlet entitled, The validity of Baptism administered by dissenting-ministers. Wherein is showed from Mr Shaw's own words, that he hath not prov'd, the validity of Baptism… With some reflections on what he and the author of... by a Lay-Man... [Missing as at 2017] - 1714
148 - John Walker Lee: The village feast, and other poems. - 1859
149 - [Missing as at 2017] William Leeke: The history of Lord Seaton's Regiment (the 52nd Light Infantry) at the Battle of Waterloo; together with various incidents connected with that Regiment… many of the author's reminiscences of his military and clerical careers, during a period of more than fifty years. Published: London, Hatchard & Co. Page length: V.I.xx, 411p 2 V. Frontispiece. (portrait.) plans - 1866
150 - R. Macklin: The merchant of Prague. A bohemian tale, of the fifteenth century, founded on facts. - 1838
151 - Roseingrave Macklin: The pastor's gift. The psalms of David, viewed in connexion with other portions of the Holy Scriptures, with a short meditatic on each, for the use of families, by the Reverend Roseingrave Macklin, curate of St Werburgh's, Derby. - 1838
152 - Lord John Manners: English ballads and other poems. - 1850
153 - Gervase Markham: The English husbandman, drawne into two bookes, and each booke into two parts. The first part containing the knowledge of husbandly duties… the second part containing the art of planting, grafting… newlie reviewed, corrected, and enlarged by the first author G. M. - 1635
154 - Gilbert Michell: The laws and liberties of the Gospel: or, the duties and privileges common to all Christians, explained and recommended in several practical discourses. Designed to promote Christian truth and clarity, peace and unity, by Gilbert Michell. Rector of Bredsall, near Derby. - 1737
155 - M. M. Middleton: Poetical sketches of a tour in the west of England. - 1822
156 - George Milner: Essays and sketches, in prose. - 1823
157 - Joseph T. Milner: Two sermons preached in the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Wirksworth; by Joseph T. Milner. Published by request. - 1830
158 - William Vincent Moorhouse: The thrasher; and other poems. - 1828
159 - William Mudge: The tabernacle of Moses practically considered, in sixteen discourses. - 1842
160 - Thomas Newbold: The Parliamentary electors' manual, and overseers' registration assistant; including the provisions of the recent Act to amend the law for the registration of voters, 6 vict., c.18. - 1845
161 - Florence Nightingale: Introductory notes on lying-in institution, together with a proposal for organising an institution for training midwives and midwifery nurses. - 1871
162 - Florence Nightingale: Notes on hospitals: being two papers read before the national association for the promotion of Social Science…. with evidence given to the Royal Commissioners on the state of the army in 1857. - 1859
163 - Florence Nightingale and others: Organisation of nursing. An account of the Liverpool Nurses' Training School, its foundation, progress, and operation in hospital, district, and private nursing, by a member of the Committee of the Home & Training School; with an introduction, and notes, by Florence Nightingale. - 1865
164 - Thomas Noble: Julia, or pre-existent spirits. In quaternion rhymes; the meditative minstral in blank verse. Five cantos: together with other smaller poems, in Italian metres. - 1828
165 - A. Norman: The necessity of a revelation of the being and will of God, and the adaption of the present revelation to that necessity. - 1826
166 - Nugae: or poetical sketches. - 1800s
167 - John Oliver and Margaret Barron: Cheese and butter making: an elementary course of instruction for technical classes. - 1892
168 - Benjamin Parker: A journey thro' the world: in view of the several stages of human life. Containing… Published: Derby, privately printed Page length: 182p Has bound with it: philosophical dissertations, with proper reflections, proving the non-eternity of matter; and that there is a vacuum… Derby, privately printed (c1735). iv, 28p - 1737
169 - Benjamin Parker: Philosophical meditations, with divine inferences. Published: London; Derby, Privately printed Page length: V.1.72p 2 V. Has bound with it a survey of the six days works of the creation: philosophically proving the truth of the account there of… - 1744
170 - Joseph Paxton: Magazine of botany, and register of flowering plants. Published: London, Orr & Smith Page length: V.1 xii, 278p 3v, Illustrated. Diagrams - 1834
171 - S. A. Pears editor: Over the sea; or, letters from an officer in India to his children at home. - 1857
172 - Samuel Pegge: Anecdotes of the English language: chiefly regarding the local dialect of London and its environs… the second edition enlarged and corrected, to which is added a supplement… Published: London, J. Nichols Page length: xvi, 428p Strutt - 1814
173 - Samuel Pegge: Anonymiana, or ten centuries of observations on various authors and subjects; compiled by a late very learned and reverend divine; and faithfully published from the original manuscript. With the addition of a copious index. - 1809
174 - Samuel Pegge and others: Archaeologic: or miscellaneous tracts, &e. I. Of the horn, as a charter or instrument of conveyance. Some observations on Mr Samuel Foxlowe's horn: as likewise on the nature and kinds of these horns in general, by Mr Pegge. Read at the society of Antiquaries, Feb 6 1772. - 1773
175 - Samuel Pegge: An assemblage of coins, fabricated by authority of the Archbishops of Canterbury. All the metrical coins… two dissertations on similar subjects, I. On a fine coin of Alfred the Great, with his head. II. On the famous unic… - 1772
176 - Samuel Pegge: Curialia miscellanea, or anecdotes of old times; regal, noble, gentilitial, and miscellaneous including authentic anecdote of the Royal Household, and the manners and customs of the court, at an early period of English history. - 1818
177 - Samuel Pegge: An essay on the coins of Cunobelin: in an epistle to… Bishop of Carlisle… … … to the whole is subjoined, a dissertation on the seat of the coritani, … - 1766
178 - [Missing as at 2017] Samuel Pegge: A series of dissertations on some elegant and very valuable anglo-saxon remains... with a preface, wherein the question, whether the Saxons coined any gold or not, is candidly debated with Mr. North. Published: London, J. Whiston and B. White Page length: ii, 42p Illustrated. - 1756
179 - Samuel Pegge: A sylloge of the remaining authentic inscriptions relative to the erection of our English churches; embellished with a number of copper plates, exhibiting facsimiles of some of the most material. - 1787
180 - J. G. Pike: The consolations of Gospel truth, exhibited in various interesting anecdotes, respecting the dying hours of different people, who gloried in the cross of Christ. - 1818-1820
181 - J. G. Pike: Early religion enforced by anecdotes and narratives, representing its importance and excellence. - 1847
182 - J. G. Pike: Motives for perseverance. - 1800s
182A - [Missing as at 2017] Rebecca Theresa Reed: Narrative of six months' residence in a convent, with an introduction, and additional information on the subjects of convents and popery, by J. G. Pike. - 1836
183 - J. G. Pike: Persuasives to early piety, interspersed with suitable prayers. - 1833
184 - [Missing as at 2017] Matthew Pilkington: The Evangelical history and harmony, by Matthew Pilkington, Vicar of Stanton in the County of Derby. - 1747
185 - Matthew Pilkington: A rational concordance or an index to the Bible. Wherein are given the proofs of all the scripture duties and doctrines, by referring to the several texts relating to each subject; with reference also to the historical passages, in alphabetical order. - 1749
186 - Thomas Rossell Potter: Poems. - 1881
187 - C. H. Reaston: A metrical version of the collects for every Sunday in the year; together with those for the principal fasts and festivals. - 1821
188 - [Missing as at 2017] Richardson's new battledore. - 1800s
189 - Joseph B. Robinson, sculptor: Memorials. A series of original and selected designs from works executed in various parts of the United Kingdom, by Joseph B. Robinson, sculptor, Derby. - 1800s
190 - Trade secrets: a collection of practical receipts for the use of sculptors, modellers, stone masons, builders, marble masons, polishers, &c., to which is added a description of the various stones in the United Kingdom suitable for monumental purposes, &c., compiled and edited by Joseph B. Robinson, sculptor, Derby. - [1862]
191 - William Robinson: Genuine horse medicines, prepared and sold by William Robinson, veterinary surgeon, at King's Newton, Derbyshire, with a compendium of the principal and most common diseases of horses, their symptoms and treatment; to which is added a concise structure of the foot, and method of paring and shoeing, to preserve it in health. - 1867
192 - Francis Roome, editor: The harmony of Jerusalem, being a collection of… psalms and hymns in score, the melodies by Alcock (etc.), harmonized for two, three, four, five, and eight voices, by John Alcock, and adapted to the versions of Sternhold, Tate, and Watts; selected by Francis Roome. - 1801
193 - Richard Roose: An essay to make a compleat accomptant. In two parts. Containing I.A treatise of book-keeping…II. The solutions of eighteen questions in company accompts by Richard Roose, late accomptant in Chesterfield. - c1760
194 - Henry Sacheverrell and others: (Sermons by and about Henry Sacheverrell) Contents: A sermon preached at Bridgwater, 1698, by J. Bush. Page length: 32p - 1699
195 - Michael Thomas Sadler: The law of population: a treatise, in six books, in disproof of the superfecundity of human beings, and developing the real principle of their increase. - 1830
196 - Samuel C. Sarjant: Garnered grain: sermons preached at Christ Church, Burbage, by the late Reverend Samuel C. Sarjant, Vicar, 1884-1895. - 1897
197 - Anna Seward: Letters; written between the years 1784 and 1807. In six volumes. - 1811
198 - Anna Seward: The poetical works; with extracts from her literary correspondence; edited by Walter Scott. In three volumes. - 1810
199 - Ferdinando Shaw: A summary of the Bible; or, the principal heads of natural, and revealed religion; alphabetically disposed in the words of scripture only. With the marginal readings and parallel texts. Adapted to the uses of a scripture-dictionary, commonplace book, concordance and comment. - 1730
200 - John Prince Sheldon: British dairying; a handy volume on the work of the dairy farm for the use of technical instruction classes, students in agricultural colleges, and dairy farmers. - 1893
201 - John Prince Sheldon: The farm and the dairy. - 1889
202 - John Prince Sheldon: The future of British agriculture: how farmers may best be benefited. - 1893
203 - [Missing as at 2017] John Prince Sheldon: Practical dairy farming. - 1893
204 - John Smedley: Practical hydropathy. Including plans of baths and remarks on diet, clothing, and habits of life. With one hundred and sixty anatomical engravings and physiological explanations, plans of baths etc. - 1869
205 - Gerard Smith: Monthly tables of prophecy and fulfilment. Arranged, with general thoughts and observations, by the Reverend Gerard Smith. - c1877
206 - Henry Smith: The doctrine of baptismal regeneration, as it held by many in the present day. Calmly examined by the bible and common prayer book in three letters, by the Reverend Henry Smith, incumbent of Tansley, Derbyshire. - 1844
207 - John Smith: The poetical works of John Smith. Part 1. - 1821
208 - [Missing as at 2017] William Sparkes: The young archer's guide; or instructions in the use of the long bow; with observations on the various apparatus, used in the practice of archery; to which are added, an explanation of the different kinds of shooting, with the rules to be observed, and directions for reckoning the game. - 1828
209 - Herbert Spencer: The data of the ethics. - 1879
210 - Herbert Spencer: Education: intellectual, moral, and physical. - 1881
211 - Herbert Spencer: Essays: scientific, political and speculative. (Second series.) - 1863
212 - Herbert Spencer: Facts and comments. - 1902
213 - Herbert Spencer: Social statistics: or, the conditions essential to human happiness, specified, and the first of them developed. - 1861
214 - George Stanhope: Concio coram Rrmo Archiepiscopo, Reverendis admodum episcopis, et clero… in ecclesia cathedrali S.Pauli London. Mensis Octobris Die xxv. - 1706
215 - George Stanhope: The danger of hard-heartedness to the poor: a sermon preach'd in the parish church of St Sepulchers, May 31, 1705; being Thursday in Whitsun week, at a meeting of the gentlemen concerned in promoting the charity-schools. Published: London, S. Keble, (etc.) Page length: 28p Strutt - 1705
216 - Siour De Charron: Of wisdom: the second and third books; written originally in French; made English by George Stanhope. - 1707
217 - George Stanhope: The perfection of scripture stated, and its sufficiency argued; in a sermon preached at the publick commencement at Cambridge, Sunday July iv.1697. - 1697
218 - George Stanhope: Private prayers for every day in the week, and for the several parts of each day: translated from the Greek devotions of Bishop Andrews, with additions. - 1730
219 - George Stanhope: A sermon preach'd in St Paul's Cathedral, at the annual meeting of the sons of the clergy, Tuesday, December vii, 1697, To which is annexed, a faithful account of the charities distributed by that corporation for fourteen years last past. - 1698
220 - George Stanhope: Twelve sermons preached on several occasions. - c1727
221 - Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield: Characters of eminent personages of his own time, written by the late Earl of Chesterfield; and never before published. The second edition. - 1777
222 - Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield: Miscellaneous works of the late Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield: consisting of letters to his friends, never before printed, and various other articles. To which are prefixed, memoirs of his life, tending to illustrate… history of his time, by M. Maty. - 1777
223 - Elizabeth Strafford: Hymns for the collects throughout the year, for the use of children. - 1857
224 - H. T. Strafford: The poetical reliques of H. T. Strafford of Belper. - 1828
225 - [Missing as at 2017] Joseph Strutt: The sports and pastimes of the people of England from the earliest period, including the rural and domestic decorations, May games, mummeries, pageants, processions and pompous spectacles, illustrated by reproductions from ancient painting in which are represented most of the popular diversions, by Joseph Strutt 1801. - 1903
226 - Henry Swindell: Certain doctrines teaching duties and devotions according to Godliness. In three volumes, with a distinct preface to each, asserting the dignity of reason assisted by the divinity of revelation, published by Henry Swindell of Borrowash, in Derbyshire. - 1794
227 - Henry Swindell: The institutions of Christianity, briefly considered, as the great, gracious, and happy appointments of the common salvation; and diverse prayers, compiled for a family or single person, on general and special occasions. To which is prefixed a preface… - 1791
228 - E. M. Taylor: Loving and living. - 1800s
229 - Kirkwood Taylor: 'Behold the fowls of the air'': thoughts in blank verse on matters social and religious. - 1899
230 - Thomas Thacker: The courser's companion, second edition, revised and enlarged to which is added the breeder's guide, or breeding in all its branches; in two volumes. - 1834-1835
231 - M. L. Thornton: Sacred poems. Second edition. - 1800s
231A - [Missing as at 2017] M. L. Thornton: Poems for the domestic hearth. - 1800s
232 - Samuel Trickett: Sermons, doctrinal and practical, by Samuel Trickett, Assistant at Wirksworth Classis, and classical minister of Bradbourne, 1656. Vicar of Norton, Derbyshire. Edited from the author's mass., by John Edward Blakeney. - 1863
233 - Edwin Trueman: Poetical fragments. - 1893
234 - Monica Poveril Turnbull: A short day's work: original verses, translations from Heine, and prose essays. - 1902
235 - Lady Frances Parthenope Verney: Sketches from nature, with pen and pencil. - 1877
236 - John Ward: Letters addressed to … …: respecting the union of the regular clergy, with dissenters in the distribution of the bible. - 1817
237 - John Ward: The Roman fort of Gellgaer in the county of Glamorgan. Excavated by the Cardiff Naturalists Society in the years 1899, 1900 & 1901; written for the society by John Ward. - 1903
238 - John Whitehurst: An attempt towards obtaining invariable measures of length, capacity, and weight, from the mensuration of time, independent of the mechanical operations. Published: London, John Whitehurst Page length: xviii, 34p Illustrated. (Bound with: observations on the ventilation of rooms… by John Whitehurst; and an inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth, by John Whitehurst.). Strutt - 1787
239 - John Whitehurst: Tracts, philosophical and mechanical; to which are prefixed, memoirs of his life and writings. - 1812
240 - John Whitehurst: The works… with memoirs of his life and writings. - 1792
241 - W. Wigginton: Sanitary reform. Model town dwellings for the industrious classes with plans, elevations, sections, details, and perspective view, with descriptive and explanatory letter-press. To which is prefixed an essay on the sanitary movement. - 1850
242 - John Pandy Williams: The duty of exercise and other sermons. - 1800s
243 - G. Willott: A new chronological table of remarkable events, discoveries, and inventions; also the Era, the county and writings of learned men, derived from reliable and authentic sources, giving general outlines of history from the creation to the present time. - 1887
244 - R. Willoughby: The plaintive muse, or poems sacred to religion. - 1820
245 - R. Willoughby: Poems, on the following subject; fall and recovery of man. Epitaph. Deserted Christian. Last Judgement. - 1800s
246 - Charles Foley Wilmot: The select writings of Charles Foley Wilmot.
247 - Sir Robert and Lady Wilmot: Prayers and notes, from the mss. of the late Sir Robert and Lady Wilmot, of Chaddesden; with preface by the Reverend T. T. Carter, Rector of Clewer. - 1869
248 - George Wilson: Electricity and the electric telegraph; together with the chemistry of the starts; an argument touching the stars and their inhabitants. - 1852
249 - John Fym Yeatman: The early genealogical history of the house of Arundel, being an account of the origin of the families of Montgomery, Albina, Fitzalan, and Howard, many by Rollo the Great. - 1882
D - The Strutt Library: books originally stored on Shelf D - 1719-1894
E - The Strutt Library: books originally stored on Shelf E - 1610-1909
F - The Strutt Library: books originally stored on Shelf F - 1808-1909
G - The Strutt Library: books originally stored on Shelf G - 1533-1930
O - The Strutt Library: Oversize materials including prints - 1733-1895
P - The Strutt Library: Pamphlets - 1655-1974
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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