Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse NCB - National Coal Board, later British Coal Corporation - 1574-1994NCB - National Coal Board, later British Coal Corporation - 1574-1994
Expand A - Pre-Vesting Colliery Companies superseded by the National Coal Board - [1672]-1972A - Pre-Vesting Colliery Companies superseded by the National Coal Board - [1672]-1972
Expand B - National Coal Board East Midlands Division - 1948-1967B - National Coal Board East Midlands Division - 1948-1967
Expand C - National Coal Board North Derbyshire Area - 1956-1989C - National Coal Board North Derbyshire Area - 1956-1989
Expand D - National Coal Board South Derbyshire Area - [mid 20th cent]-1990D - National Coal Board South Derbyshire Area - [mid 20th cent]-1990
Expand E - Individual collieries post-vesting - [mid 19th cent]-1994E - Individual collieries post-vesting - [mid 19th cent]-1994
Expand F - Opencast Executive - 1948-1994F - Opencast Executive - 1948-1994
Expand G - Coal Products Division - 1930-1981G - Coal Products Division - 1930-1981
Collapse H - Title deeds and agreements of the National Coal Board - 1574-1976H - Title deeds and agreements of the National Coal Board - 1574-1976
Expand AGR - Agreements inherited from predecessor companies or initiated by the National Coal Board - 1875-1976AGR - Agreements inherited from predecessor companies or initiated by the National Coal Board - 1875-1976
Expand BAB - Title deeds and related documents of the Babbington Coal Company - 1867-1942BAB - Title deeds and related documents of the Babbington Coal Company - 1867-1942
Expand BLA - Copy deed books, title deeds and related documents of the Blackwell Colliery Company - 1867-1942BLA - Copy deed books, title deeds and related documents of the Blackwell Colliery Company - 1867-1942
Expand BOL - Title deeds and related documents of the Bolsover Colliery Company - 1894-1976BOL - Title deeds and related documents of the Bolsover Colliery Company - 1894-1976
Expand BUT - Title deeds and related documents of the Butterley Company - 1703-1945BUT - Title deeds and related documents of the Butterley Company - 1703-1945
Expand CLX - Title deeds and related documents of the Clay Cross Company - 1828-1950CLX - Title deeds and related documents of the Clay Cross Company - 1828-1950
Expand DDL - Title deed of the Denby Colliery (Drury-Lowe) Ltd - 1946DDL - Title deed of the Denby Colliery (Drury-Lowe) Ltd - 1946
Expand GRS - Title deeds and related documents of the Grassmoor Colliery Company Limited - 1690-1942GRS - Title deeds and related documents of the Grassmoor Colliery Company Limited - 1690-1942
Expand GRV - Title deeds and related documents of the Granville Colliery Company Limited - 1731-1949GRV - Title deeds and related documents of the Granville Colliery Company Limited - 1731-1949
Expand HAL - Title deeds of Hall's Collieries Limited for mining rights and properties in the Swadlincote area - 1884-1956HAL - Title deeds of Hall's Collieries Limited for mining rights and properties in the Swadlincote area - 1884-1956
Expand HAR - Title deeds and related documents of the Hardwick Colliery Company Limited - 1784-1953HAR - Title deeds and related documents of the Hardwick Colliery Company Limited - 1784-1953
Expand ILK - Title deed of the Ilkeston Colliery Company Limited - 1908ILK - Title deed of the Ilkeston Colliery Company Limited - 1908
Expand JGW - Title deeds and related documents of J. and G. Wells Limited - 1720-1950JGW - Title deeds and related documents of J. and G. Wells Limited - 1720-1950
Expand JOC - Title deed of Messrs James Oakes and Co (Riddings Collieries) Ltd - 1938JOC - Title deed of Messrs James Oakes and Co (Riddings Collieries) Ltd - 1938
Expand MAP - Copy title deeds of the Mapperley Colliery Company - 1921-1944MAP - Copy title deeds of the Mapperley Colliery Company - 1921-1944
Collapse NAD - Title deeds of Messrs J and N Nadin and Company for mining rights and properties in the Swadlincote area - 1770-1963NAD - Title deeds of Messrs J and N Nadin and Company for mining rights and properties in the Swadlincote area - 1770-1963
Expand 1 - Deeds of the Nadin family for lands in Newhall and Stapenhill, including coal mines - 1770-18191 - Deeds of the Nadin family for lands in Newhall and Stapenhill, including coal mines - 1770-1819
Expand 2 - Documents relating to land at Matts Yard Colliery in Newhall - 1816-19462 - Documents relating to land at Matts Yard Colliery in Newhall - 1816-1946
Expand 3 - Deeds relating to Stanton and Newhall Colliery, formerly belonging to J and N Nadin & Co Ltd - 1869-19453 - Deeds relating to Stanton and Newhall Colliery, formerly belonging to J and N Nadin & Co Ltd - 1869-1945
Expand 4 - Deeds relating to properties of J and N Nadin and Company in Newhall, Stanton and Stapenhill - 1820-19454 - Deeds relating to properties of J and N Nadin and Company in Newhall, Stanton and Stapenhill - 1820-1945
Expand 5 - Deeds relating to properties of J and N Nadin and Company in  Hartshorne, Newhall, Stapenhill and Stanton - 1783-18865 - Deeds relating to properties of J and N Nadin and Company in Hartshorne, Newhall, Stapenhill and Stanton - 1783-1886
Collapse 6 - Deeds, schedules and abstracts of title to properties of Messrs  J and N Nadin and Company in Stanton and Newhall - 1824-19636 - Deeds, schedules and abstracts of title to properties of Messrs J and N Nadin and Company in Stanton and Newhall - 1824-1963
1 - Abstract of deeds of conveyance by Dame Rachel Austen Nadin to William Nadin, of several closes of land - [late 19th cent]
2 - Letters of attorney from Joseph Nadin and William Nadin to Thomas James Moore and John Edward Mosley reciting provisions of will of their father William Nadin of Stanton, gentleman to act in the absence of the Nadins from the country - 29 Apr 1824
3 - Mortgage by William Brunt to John Richardson for various pieces of land in Newhall, with receipt - 30 Apr 1853
4 - Schedule of deeds and documents (1826-1856) relating to the estate in Stanton and Newhall belonging to John Richardson and in mortgage to Mrs Sarah Bach - 26 Mar 1856
5 - Abstract of title (1783-1860) of trustees of the will of William Dewsbery for a farm in Newhall - [c1861]
6 - Abstract of title (1813-1836) of an estate of Thomas Orgill in Newhall, comprising a messuage and several named closes of land - 1857
7 - Abstract of title (1849-1857) of Francis Orgill of farmhouse and closes of land in Newhall - 1857
8 - Abstract of title (1824-1863) of the devisees in trust under the will of Joseph Clulow, deceased, to messuages and lands in Newhall - 1863
9 - Schedule of deeds and documents (1699-1869) relating to property in Stanton and Newhall belonging to Messrs Nadin and Co, and mortgaged to the Burton, Uttoxeter and Ashbourne Union Bank - 1869
Expand 1010
11 - Additional abstract of title (1872-1873) of Frederick Brooks and others for properties in Winshill, Staffordshire, Newhall, and Rocester, Staffordshire - 1873
12 - Abstract of title (1839-1864) of John Slaney for a piece of land (1 acres) known as Ralph's Land in Newhall - 1872
13 - Draft schedule of title deeds and papers (1699-1882) belonging to Messrs J and N Nadin and Co, relating to moieties of coal mines and lands at Stanton and Newhall conveyed to and from Lord Chesterfield's Trustees and from William Brunt - [c1882]
14 - Abstract of title of Messrs J and N Nadin and Co Ltd and mortgagees for land at Stapenhill - 1909
15 - Plan of encroachments by Messrs Hall and Boardman at Stanton Colliery - 1860
Expand 16 - Envelope of agreements of coal exchanges in the Swadlincote area between Joseph and Nathaniel Nadin and Arthur Higginsonson, coal owners of J and N Nadin and Co and various other parties - 1865-189716 - Envelope of agreements of coal exchanges in the Swadlincote area between Joseph and Nathaniel Nadin and Arthur Higginsonson, coal owners of J and N Nadin and Co and various other parties - 1865-1897
17 - Supplemental abstract of title (1902-1911) of Messrs J and N Nadin and Co Ltd and their mortgages for Hawfields Farm in Stapenhill - 1921
18 - Lease by J and N Nadin and Co Ltd to William Brown, of Hawfields Brickworks, the site formally known as Stanton Colliery Brick and Pipe Works - 31 Dec 1922
19 - Surrender of lease by the Hawfields Brick and Pipeworks Ltd to J and N Nadin and Co Ltd, of Hawfields Brick and Pipeworks - 14 Nov 1928
20 - Duplicate conveyance by Messrs J and N Nadin and Co Ltd, to Hawfields Brick and Pipeworks Ltd, of land adjoining Stanton Colliery - 15 Nov 1928
21 - Tracing of plan of land at Hawfields Brickworks site of tunnel with entrances blocked up - 28 Sep 1949
Expand 22 - Envelope containing various documents relating to land in Stanton, Stapenhill and Newhall - 1881-192822 - Envelope containing various documents relating to land in Stanton, Stapenhill and Newhall - 1881-1928
23 - Indenture of lease by the Earl of Carnarvon to Messrs J and N Nadin and Co Ltd , for mines and veins of coal under lands in Stanton, Newhall, Hartshorne and Bretby - 1912-1963
24 - Counterpart lease by J and N Nadin and Co to Halls Collieires Limited for part of the Kilburn coal seam under lands at Stanton and Newhall - 30 May 1942
7 - Handwritten schedules of title deeds of Messrs Nadin and Co. (1783-1945) - [mid 20th cent]
Expand NOW - Title deeds of properties in the Heath and North Wingfield area (colliery company unknown) - 1574-1850NOW - Title deeds of properties in the Heath and North Wingfield area (colliery company unknown) - 1574-1850
Expand OXC - Title deeds and related documents of the Oxcroft Colliery Company - 1805-1959OXC - Title deeds and related documents of the Oxcroft Colliery Company - 1805-1959
Expand PEN - Title deeds and related documents of the Pentrich Colliery Company - 1915-1945PEN - Title deeds and related documents of the Pentrich Colliery Company - 1915-1945
Expand PIL - Title deeds and related documents of the Pilsley Colliery Company - 1865-1940PIL - Title deeds and related documents of the Pilsley Colliery Company - 1865-1940
Expand PIN - Title deeds and related documents of Pinxton Collieries - 1748-1901PIN - Title deeds and related documents of Pinxton Collieries - 1748-1901
Expand SHE - Title deeds and related documents of the Sheepridge Coal and Iron Company Limited - 1877-1943SHE - Title deeds and related documents of the Sheepridge Coal and Iron Company Limited - 1877-1943
Expand SHO - Title deeds and related documents of the Shireoaks Colliery Company - 1801-1946SHO - Title deeds and related documents of the Shireoaks Colliery Company - 1801-1946
Expand SHY - Title deeds and related documents of Shipley Collieries Limited - 1927-1937SHY - Title deeds and related documents of Shipley Collieries Limited - 1927-1937
Expand STN - Title deed of Stanton Ironworks Company - [1919]STN - Title deed of Stanton Ironworks Company - [1919]
Expand STV - Title deeds and related documents of the Staveley Coal and Iron Company Limited - 1810-1936STV - Title deeds and related documents of the Staveley Coal and Iron Company Limited - 1810-1936