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Collapse D940 - Agard and Bate families of Foston & Scropton - [1533]-1778D940 - Agard and Bate families of Foston & Scropton - [1533]-1778
Collapse Folder - Bate and Agard families of Foston and Scropton: folders of family and estate papersFolder - Bate and Agard families of Foston and Scropton: folders of family and estate papers
Expand 1 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton1 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 2 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton2 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 3 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton3 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 4 - Bate family of Foston and Scropton4 - Bate family of Foston and Scropton
Expand 5 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton5 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton
Collapse 6 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton6 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton
1 - Memorandum re debt - 1686
2 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Mary Powell - [1689]
3 - Receipts of payment of land tax - [1690]
4 - Receipts of payment of land tax - [1690]
5 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Mr Bayley - 1689
6 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Jonas Burton, Thomas Fry and William Salt - 1689
7 - Receipt of rent payments for Scropton, signed by W Chambers, deputy - 1688
8 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Richard Bagnall - [1689]
9 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Thomas Laurson - [1689]
10 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Richard Hall - 1700
11 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to John Moorcroft - c1680s
12 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Samuel Woods - [1688]
13 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to James Jenins - 1687
14 - Receipt of payment by John Walton to Lee Hosbrooke - 1687
15 - Receipt of payment by Christopher Bloikesham to Thomas Edwards - [1688]
16 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Mr Burton - 1690
17 - Receipt of payment by Cattorn [?Catherine Hall, or possibly refers to the Horton family seat, Catton Hall] Hall to Hannah Knight - 1701
18 - Receipt of payment by William Jackson to William Alltonn - 1701
19 - Receipt of rent payments signed by W Chambers, deputy - 1687
20 - Receipt of hearth tax payment - 1687
21 - Receipt of hearth tax payments - 1687
22 - Receipt of hearth tax payments - 1687
23 - Receipt of hearth tax payments - 1687
24 - Receipt of payment by William Jackson to Ferdin Lowe - c1680s
25 - Receipt of hearth tax payments - 1689
26 - Receipt of hearth tax payments - 1689
27 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate toThomas Worritor - 1700
28 - Receipt of payment by Humphrey Hollis to Joshua Lygo Cotts - 1701
29 - Receipt of payment by William Jackson to George Horobin - 1700
30 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Richard Hall - 1700
31 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Thomas Gadall - 1700
32 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate (via William Jackson) to Thomas Gisborne - 1701
33 - Receipt of payment by William Jackson to Francis Hall - 1700
34 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Thomas Naper - 1688
35 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to John Power - 1701
36 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Henry Mously - 1701
37 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to John Cotes - 1689
38 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to William Kentt - 1701
39 - Receipt of payment by Gilbert More to Basil Millhous - c1680s
40 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to John Greene - 1689
41 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Thomas Vallens - 1700
42 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to H Beasley - 1700
43 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Francis Wakefield - 1700
44 - Receipt of rent payments for Scropton by W Chambers - 1688
45 - Receipt of payment by Madam Sarah Bate to Ruth Spateman - 1701
46 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to John Porter - 1688
47 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Richard Brough - c1680s
48 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Thomas Goodall - 1688
49 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Robert Wharton - [1689]
50 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Thomas Bentley - 1688
51 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to John Power - 1701
52 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Jonas Burton and Thomas Fry - 1689
53 - Receipt of payment by Gilbert Moore to Sarah - c1680s
54 - Receipt of payment by William Jackson to Thomas Mousley - c1680s
55 - Receipt of payment to Richard Lamb - c1680s
56 - Receipt of payment by Gilbert Moore to Henry Orgill - 1689
57 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to Daniel Clark - 1689
58 - Receipt of hearth tax payments - 1688
59 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to William Wall - 1689
60 - Receipt of payment by Richard Bate to William Bailye - 1689
61 - Receipt of payment by Gilbert More to Henry Bradshaw - 1689
62 - Receipt of payment by Gilbert Moor to Richard Bate - 1689
63 - Receipt of loan payment by Richard Bate to Peter Moorcroft - 1690
64 - Receipt of loan payment by Richard Bate to William Somers - 1689
65 - Receipt of payment by Gilbert Moor to Richard Bate - 1690
66 - Receipt of payment by Gilbert Moore to Samuel ?Cruft - 1690
67 - Receipt of payment by Gilbert Moore to William Hodgkinson - 1690
Expand 7 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton7 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 8 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton8 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 9 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton9 - Bate family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 10 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton10 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 11 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton11 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 12 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton12 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 13 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton13 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 14 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton14 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 15 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton, 1577 and 1657-1660 - 1577-166015 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton, 1577 and 1657-1660 - 1577-1660
Expand 16 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton16 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 17 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton17 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 18 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton18 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 19 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton19 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 20 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton20 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton
Expand 21 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton21 - Agard family of Foston & Scropton