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Collapse D829 - Scargill’s Educational Foundation, West Hallam - [early 14th cent]-20th centD829 - Scargill’s Educational Foundation, West Hallam - [early 14th cent]-20th cent
Collapse F - School foundation records - [14th-20th cent]F - School foundation records - [14th-20th cent]
Expand Ae - School Administration - 17th-20th centAe - School Administration - 17th-20th cent
Expand Am - Minutes of meetings of trustees of the Scargill Charity/Foundation - 1832-1979Am - Minutes of meetings of trustees of the Scargill Charity/Foundation - 1832-1979
Expand As - Schemes for the administration of the charity - 1830-1959As - Schemes for the administration of the charity - 1830-1959
Collapse E - Scargill’s Schools Foundation Accounts - 18th-20th centE - Scargill’s Schools Foundation Accounts - 18th-20th cent
1 - Trustees’ account book - 1830-1874
2 - Treasurer’s cash book - 1875-1915
3 - General ledger - 1915-1956
4 - Exhibition cash book - 1902-1949
5-93 - Annual statements of accounts (loose sheets with duplicates) 1894-1902, 1904-1908, 1910-1918, 1920-1941, 1943-1949, 1952-1960, 1962 - 1894-1962
94-105 - Charity Commission – statements of Scargill’s School Foundation stock: 1910, 1919-1928 - 1910-1928
106-113 - Unallocated
114-116 - General Estate accounts - 1941-1943
117-133 - Bank books - 1867-1930
134 - Charity Commission- notice of investment of £300 - 1915
135 - Authorisation of payment of £300 - 1916
136-138 - Charity Commission - authority for expenditure of stock, together with draft Charity Commission order. - 1916
139-144 - Correspondence with Crompton and Evans and Charity Commission regarding the payment of £288 2s 0d to the Bank of England - 1910
145 - Bond by John Gregory, alderman of the borough of Nottingham to Robert Hill, in £100, to observe the covenants in an indenture of the same date. 6 Nov 1567 - 1567
146 - Bond by Robert hill of Newthorpe, yeoman to Richard Plowright of Bridgeforde, yeoman, in £100 to observe the covenants in an indenture of the same date 10 Jun 1590 - 1590
147 - Discharge of George Lane of Newthorpe from his tenancy of Newthorpe Farm from Lady Day next. - 1700
148 - Memorandum that George Lane of Newthorpe promises to repair the messuage house in Newthorpe now in his possession belonging to the free school of West Hallam, or promises to pay 34 to the feoffees in trust for the free school. 1 Apr 1703 - 1703
149 - Memoranda by tenants of lands formerly estate of John Scargill that they have "attorned" and become tenants of the Trustees of the Scargill charity: lands at Newthorpe, Ilkeston and Eastwood. 14/19 Apr 1726 - 1726
150 - Memorandum that William Adderley of Newthorpe, cordwainer, being tenant of a certain cottage house in Newthorpe and croft adjoining, also of the Newfield Close and one croft lying in the Pinfold close Side, "attorns" tenant to the premises to the feoffees of West Hallam School, in trust for the free school under the yearly rent of £5. 12 Jan 1730 - [1730]
151 - Abstract of the Act of Parliament for enclosing lands in Newthorpe great common and Begerley Common - 1848
152 - Abstract of title of the Rt Hon The Earl of Stamford and Warrington to a freehold estate at Newthorpe, Awsworth and Kimberley - 1848
153-154 - Sale catalogue for the Stamford estate: freehold estates comprising the manor of Newthorpe, 970 acres of land, with valuable mines of coal and ironstone. To be auctioned at the Flying Horse Inn, Nottingham, 18 Oct 1848. With conditions of sale (D829/F/E/154) - 1848
155 - Declaration of William Martin, esq. and George Bentley in support of the ownership of the estates of the Earl of Stamford and Warrington at Newthorpe, Awsworth and Kimberley. 24 Aug 1849 - 1849
156 - Declaration by Hon William Booth Grey - in support of the ownership of the estates of the Earl of Stamford and Warrington at Newthorpe, Awsworth and Kimberley. 5 Mar 1849 - 1849
157 - Certified copy from Enville (Staffs) parish registers - 1849
158 - Abstract of deeds of appointment and settlement relating to a sum of £10,000 vested in the trustees of the settlement made on the marriage of Sir John Benn Walsh Bart with Lady Jane Grey - 1850
159 - Abstract of an anointment by the Earl and Countess of Stamford of portions amounting to £35,000 provided for their younger children by an indenture 26 May 1763 - 1850
160 - Copy queries and requisition as to the title of the Earl of Stamford and Warrington to a freehold estate at Newthorpe, Awsworth and Kimberley - 1850
161 - Abstract of a release from the parties entitled to portions amounting to £30,000 charged on the estates of on the Earl of Stamford and Warrington by an indenture 6 Dec 1797 - 1851
162 - Income tax (Newthorpe) - 1864
163 - Application for tenancy of Scargill land at Newthorpe 30 Oct 1867 - 1867
164 - Bill for valuing estates at Newthorpe - 1867
165 - Agreement between John Cliff of Dale Abbey, agent for the Governors of the Scargill Charity and the Guardians of the Poor of Basford Union acting as a Rural Sanitary authority - by which Basford union are allowed to enter a field called the Far Common at Newthorpe and excavate and lay a pipe drain of the internal diameter of 9" and to construct in the field two brick sewage tanks for the reception of sewage from the Brookhills, Eastwood. 24 Feb 1881 - 1881
166 - Letter requesting permission to cut Scargill hedge at Newthorpe - 1896
167 - Tenancy agreement between the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation and Miss Elizabeth Shaw and John Ball for Holly Farm, Newthorpe, 54a 0r. 33p., year-to-year tenancy; £84 rent: £30 rent per acre for any pasture land broken up without permission. 23 jun - 1905
168 - Correspondence regarding an encroachment at Newthorpe - 1904
169 - Draft abstract of the title of the Trustees of the Scargill Charity to land at Newthorpe - 1907
170 - Authority for the purchase of 0a. 1r. 02p. in Newthorpe (Board of Education). (2 copies) - 1907
171 - Permission to sell to Basford RDC a strip of freehold land to situate in Baker Lane, Newthorpe - 350 sq yds. 7 Dec - 1909
172 - Correspondence relating to the proposed sale - 1909
173 - Land Values Duties returns - Scargill property in Newthorpe - 1910
174 - Melbourne Estate Office correspondence regarding a boundary at Newthorpe - 1914
175 - Notice of assignment of lease by Mary Ann smith and William Smith to Thomas Birkin of hill Top, Eastwood of premises in Newthorpe leased by the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation to Charles Smith. 29 Jun - 1920
176 - Correspondence with the Grand union canal Company regarding the mining of clay on land adjoining the erewash Canal at Newthorpe. - 1924-1935
177 - Income tax (Newthorpe) - 1928
178 - Income tax (Newthorpe) - 1930
179-180 - Agreement with the Derby and Notts Electric Power Company for the erection of stays at Newthorpe. 3 Dec with a later agreement 1938 - 1932-1938
181 - Authority to sell land in Newthorpe - 1932
182 - Correspondence regarding advertising on the Newthorpe property - 1932
183 - Authority to sell 5a. 1r. 05p of land on the East side of Nottingham Road, Newthorpe 19 Apr (2 copies) - 1933
184 - Correspondence file regarding the sale of a strip of land (5a. 0r.03p) to H W and E C Harris of Marehay, builders, including a sale catalogue, Sun inn 3 Apr 1933, conditions of sale, draft conveyance and a further copy of the Board of Education authority to sell. - 1933
185 - Board of Education order and associated correspondence - 1937
186 - Small correspondence file relating to the sale of 9a. 1r. 00p. of land off dovecote road, Newthorpe Common to Eastwood UDC for building purposes - 1937-1938
187 - Conditions and contract for sale - 1938
188 - Inventory and valuation of tenant right and fixtures, Holly Farm 16 Mar - 1939
189 - Lease by the governors of the Scargill School Foundation to John Albert Ball of Holly Farm, 28.986 acres: rent £60 per annum, year-to-year tenancy, schedule of dilapidations for which the landlords agree the tenant is responsible 25 Mar - 1939
190 - Correspondence file: sale of fields in Baker Lane, Newthorpe to F Smith - 1939
191 - Copy of Eastwood and Kimberley Advertiser giving notice of intention to sell 14 Apr - 1939
192 - Extract from mining leases affecting land in Baker Lane, Newthorpe, sold to J F Smith - 1939
193 - Application for registration of a land charge - 1939
194 - Statutory declaration by Richard Morris of The Rookery, West Hallam regarding the ownership of land in Baker Lane. 6 Jul (copies) - 1939
195 - Board of Education order permitting the sale. - 1939
196 - Duplicate agreement to dedicate a piece of land situate at Newthorpe, Governors of Scargill’s School Foundation to Notts CC a piece of land 55 sq yds on the North side of the road from Giltbrook to Beauvale forming the frontage of 202 Main Street Newthorpe 2 Jan - 1939
197 - Consent by the Scargill Trustees for the fixing of 5 poles on Ball’s land at Newthorpe - National Telephone Co
198 - Consent by the Scargill Trustees for the fixing of 5 poles on Ball’s land at Newthorpe National Telephone Co
199 - Tenancy agreement between the Governors of Scargill’s School foundation and Charles William Smith of Holly farm, Newthorpe pf a farm in Newthorpe, (Holly Farm) with several closes, 29.486 acres: £60 rent, year-to-year tenancy, to keep in good repair, not to pare and burn, not to sow two white corn crops in succession, not to grow any prejudicial crops 14 Jul - 1944
200 - Sale catalogue of farm stock and equipment at holly farm by J Else 27 Aug - 1947
201 - Tenancy agreement between the Governors of Scargill’s School foundation and John Waterfall of Dairy Farm, Longford, farmer of all that farm with messuage or farmhouse and buildings and several closes (scheduled) 29.486 acres, called holly Farm: year-to-year rent £70 per annum rent 18 Oct - 1947
202 - As above but dated 18 Oct 1948 (2 copies) - 1948
203 - Tenancy agreement (not completed) between John Waterfall of Holly farm and Charles Barlow of Main Street, Awsworth, butcher by which Barlow takes on a weekly basis the “lock-up” butcher’s shop in Main street, Newthorpe - 1950
204 - Valuation of freehold land as owned by the Scargill’s School Foundation in Newthorpe and Eastwood 2 Nov - 1953
205 - Correspondence file relating to the acquisition of planning consent for housing development at Newthorpe on Scargill Charity land by John Minkley and Co. plan attached - 1954-1956
206 - Certificates of redemption of land tax on house and land (195 Main Street) at Newthorpe - 1954
207 - Supplemental abstract of title of Messrs John Minkley and Sons. To property situate at Newthorpe - 1954
208 - Particulars, conditions and contract for sale of land at Newthorpe (to John Monkley and Sons) - 1954
209-210 - Draft conveyance by the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation to the East Midlands Electricity Board of a parcel of land at Newthorpe containing 21.1 sq yds., part of a field OS number 348: for an electricity sub-station: consideration £25 21 Sep, with correspondence file and particulars of sale - 1955
211 - Draft agreement between the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation and John Waterfall of holly farm, Newthorpe, giving Waterfall licence to use his converted barn as a slaughterhouse - 1956
212 - Deed of partnership between Charlie and Frank Barlow, master butchers, of Main Street, Awsworth, and John Waterfall of 195 Main Street, Newthorpe, smallholder, to become and continue partners in the business of slaughterhouse proprietors for the duration of the Scargill licence or the termination of the Local Authority’s licence 30 Apr - 1956
213 - Agreement for exchange of lands in Pinfold Lane, Newthorpe, between the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation and George Wharton Green, by which the Governors have exchanged aa parcel of land ½ acre, near Pinfold Lane for another parcel of land adjoining Pinfold Lane: plan attached 4 Mar - 1956
214 - Pamphlet on coal mining subsidence - how to make claims under the 1957 Act - 1957
215 - Valuation of the freehold land as owned by the Scargill’s School Foundation in Newthorpe 7 Aug 1959 - giving acreage, cultivation and remarks: plan attached - 1959
216 - Large file of correspondence relating to the sale of three fields to John Minkley and Sons of Brinsley, including correspondence relating to the acquisition of planning permission and also notice to Waterfall to quit. - 1959-1960
217 - Lease by the Governors of Scargill’s School Foundation to Mr John Waterfall of the remainder of Holly Farm, now parcel of land (.473a) OS number 531 (25” 1938 Edition) and a slaughter house: for 7 years, 335 per annum rent. (2 copies)" - 1960
218 - Slaughterhouse licence (Basford RDC) - c1960
219 - Handbill announcing the sale of 16 and a half acres of valuable building land at Newthorpe – Bryan Elder 22 Feb - 1961
220 - Bill for repairs to slaughterhouse - 1961
221 - Report by Bryan Elder on the slaughterhouse 10 Oct - 1962
222 - Statement by P M Robinson regarding the notice to quit served on Waterfall – to the Secretary of the Agricultural Land Tribunal 11 May - 1962
223 - Two copies of statement by P M Robinson regarding the Scargill’s School Foundation’s title to land at Newthorpe - 1962
224 - Ministry of Education order giving permission to sell Holly Farm and the slaughterhouse - 1963
225 - Requisitions on title – 195 Main Street, Newthorpe 23 Dec - 1963
226-227 - Land charges – official certificate of searches - 1963
228 - Letters from Nottingham County Council regarding the slaughterhouse - 1963
229 - Draft bill of sale - 1963
230 - Bills of sale – slaughterhouse and cottage style residence, paddock, outbuildings and saleshop, formerly part of Holly Farm. 18 Nov - 1963
231 - Particulars of contract for sale - 1963
232 - Correspondence relating to the disposal of Holly Farm, July 1961 – Mar 1978 - 1961-1978
233 - Deeds relating to Holly Farm - 1915-1971
237 - Bond by John Cordon and Gervas Bown, both of Eastwood, coal merchants, to the Trustees of West Hallam School in £500, to observe the covenants in articles of agreement of same date 24 Apr - 1783
238 - Copy of the Eastwood enclosure award - 1793
239 - Typescript extract from the Eastwood enclosure award - 1793
240 - Abstract of title of the Trustees of Scargill’s Charity to freehold land in Eastwood, 31 Oct - 1821
241 - Lease by the Trustees of the Scargill Charity to John Handford of Eastwood, farmer, for 25 years, of a messuage or house, shops, outbuilding and homestead, 2 acres. 0 roods. 35 perches., and several closes, near Breach, 4a. 1r. 39p., Far Breach 6a. 1r. 09p., two closes called the Little Fields, 5a. 0r. 20p., the Common Piece, 4a. 3r. 10p., Langley Mill Field, 3a. 0r. 20p., cottage with garden and appurtenances, 0a. 1r. 16p., close called Shelford Pasture, 4a. 0r. 25p., Holme Meadow, 3a. 1r. 17p., Holme Close, 4a. 0r. 32p., Far Pasture, 1a. 3r. 39p., all in Eastwood and late in the tenure of John Handford: rent £80 to lay out £300 on improving the buildings on the premises in the first four years: to mow only once a year: not to plough any of the meadow and pasture which has not been tilled for 10 years past: eat all hay, straw and manure on the premises. 4 Oct - 1861
242 - Correspondence regarding damages to land adjoining Eastwood colliery - 1861
243 - Correspondence relating to the proposed sale of land at Eastwood, including the proposed erection of a brickworks: sale of a field in Eastwood also. - 1866-1867
244 - Bill for surveying - 1868
245 - Barber and Curry’s bill - 1876
246 - Letter regarding the enclosure award – relating to owner of surfaces right to minerals. - 1877
247 - Barber and Curry’s bill - 1879
248 - Sale catalogue for valuable freehold properties at Eastwood, offered for sale by Mr john Peet at the sun inn, Eastwood. 27 Jun - 1892
249 - Charity Commission order relating to purchase of 11a. 0r. 11p., in Eastwood (Little Meadow and Long Meadow) - 1893
250 - Charity Commission order relating to the Goose Holes, 2a. 2r. 00p., recently purchased in Eastwood. - 1899
251 - Notice of proposal to sell a field of pasture land in Dovecote Lane, Eastwood, 3a. 2r. 26p. 27 Apr - 1903
252 - Letter regarding the sale of the land in Dovecote Lane. - 1903
253 - Tenancy agreement between the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation and James Noon of Eastwood, by which the Governors have let to Noon 36a. 0. 12p. of meadow land in Eastwood: year-to-year tenancy, £90 per annum rent. 1 Apr - 1905
254 - Correspondence with Barber and Co., solicitors, regarding the identification of Scargill charity land at Eastwood. - 1906-1907
255 - Letter regarding the 1873 sale of land in Eastwood. - 1907
256 - Abstract of title of the trustees of the Scargill Charity to freehold property at Eastwood - 1907
257 - Letter regarding the Eastwood enclosure award (1793) - 1907
258 - Tenancy agreement between the Governors of the Scargill School’s Foundation and Frederick Rowland Chambers of Church Street, Eastwood, wine and spirit merchant for a close of meadow in Church Street, Eastwood, 5 acres, year-to-year tenancy £19 5s 0d per annum rent. 24 Mar - 1910
259 - Tenancy agreement between the Governors of the Scargill School’s Foundation and William rogers of Eastwood for a close at Eastwood fronting Church Street, 5a.0r.17p., called Common Piece: year-to-year tenancy, £18 annual rent. 6 Mar - 1915
260 - File- particulars and correspondence relating to the proposed ditching and tiling scheme, in respect of land situated at Eastwood, including notes on the cost of ditching, a plan of the land to be drained and a Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries form relating to state-aided schemes for the improvement of agricultural land. - 1940-1945
261 - Small correspondence file relating to the sale of 5.244 acres of land in Church Street, Eastwood, to Eastwood UDC., including enquiries arising from the draft contract for the sale and the Ministry of Education authority to sell real estate. - 1945
262 - Copy conveyance by the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation to Eastwood UDC. In consideration of £521, of a piece of land on the eastern side of Church street, 5.213 acres, field number 118 on the OS 25” 1938 edition. Not dated (With draft conveyance)
263-264 - Particulars and extract for sale of land in Church Street. 12 Apr (With draft) - 1945
Expand 265 - Various correspondence files dated over several years - 1944-1979265 - Various correspondence files dated over several years - 1944-1979
266 - Statutory declaration by Richard Morris of the Rookery, West Hallam, regarding the Scargill Charity. 28 Apr - 1945
267 - Memo of agreement between the Trustees of Scargill’s charity and John Woolley, by which they let to Woolley a close in Ilkeston belonging to West Hallam School, late in the possession of Henry Lees: rent £1 18s 0d per annum. 16 Feb - 1768
268 - Correspondence relating to the sale of Moorbridge Close, Ilkeston, including Board of Education order to sell real estate. - 1909
269 - Report and valuation of Moorbridge Close by C W Hunt - 1909
270 - Authority to sell Moorbridge Close Nov (2 copies) - 1909
271 - Lease by Francis Newdigate of Arbury, Warwicks to the governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation of all those hereditaments with stables and buildings erected thereon - 64 sq yds - at West Hallam: for 50 years at £5 per annum rent: to be used as a Manual training shop. 27 Feb - 1909
272 - Correspondence relating to the above lease - 1909-1910
273 - Board of Education approval for the purchase of 3.838 a. in West Hallam - 1931
274 - Small correspondence file relating to the lease by West Hallam Parish Council to the Governors of Scargill’s School Foundation of two rooms in the Parish Institute, with copy of draft lease for 7 years at £5 per annum: plan attached - 1951
275 - Lease by West Hallam Parish council to the governors of Scargill’s School Foundation of two rooms numbered 1 on the ground floor and 3 on the first floor in the building known as The Institute, West Hallam: for 7 years at £5 per annum. 31 Mar - 1952
276 - Small correspondence file relating to the parish recreation ground at West Hallam - 1954
277 - Copy agreement to sell to Barber Walker and Co., all the Hard and Soft coal lying under Scargill land at Eastwood, for £120 per annum. 2 Sep - 1841
278 - Correspondence relating to the leasing of coal by Barber Walker Co. - 1862-1873
279 - Contract for the sale and purchase of land at Eastwood, Notts., between the Trustees of the Scargill Charity and Robert Harrison of Eastwood, Colliery agent by which Harrison agrees to purchase two parcels of land containing 11 acres at Eastwood now in the occupation of John rudd. 4 Oct - 1866
280 - Correspondence regarding the lease of Scargill coal to the Butterley Company (Plumptre Colliery, Langley Mill) - 1867
281 - Notice of proposed sale of Top and Bottom close Eastwood (Charity Commission). 26 Nov - 1872
282 - Letter to Digby Coll. Co., concerning Hard and Soft coal under 9a. 1r. 33p., of Scargill land 25 Mar - 1873
283 - Lease by the governors of Scargill’s School Foundation to Messrs. Bayley and Potter for 26 years of all those beds, veins and seams of coal known as the Main Soft and Deep Hard coal at Newthorpe containing 9a. 1r. 33p., rent £50 per annum, plus £60 per acre for the coal worked: fair deduction to be made from the amount payable by the lessees in respect of all faults and faulty coals. 28 Mar (3 copies) - 1879
284 - Agreement between the Trustees of the Scargill’s and the Butterley Company by which the Trustees agree to sell to the Butterley Company all those two seams of coal, the Lower Hard Coal and the Main soft coal lying under land at Eastwood, 4a. 1r. 03p., at a price of £512 5s 0d. 14 Feb - 1882
285 - Notes on the 1882 sale - 1882
286 - Robert Harrison’s bill 18 Dec 1882 - 1882
287 - Form of application to the Board of Education for a sale including a report by R Harrison of Stanley Lodge on the coal under Scargill Charity land at Newthorpe 20 Feb - 1882
288 - Lease by the Governors of Scargill’s School Foundation to Messrs Bayley and Potter (later Digby Coll Company) for 30 years, of two beds of coal known as the Main Soft and Main Deep Hard Coal lying under certain lands at Newthorpe, 21a. 3r. 26p., rent £120 per annum and £60 for every acre of coal raised: plan attached 30 Dec - 1884
289 - Abstract of title of L F Gillett to certain mines and minerals at or near Newthorpe (plan attached) - 1896
290 - Lease by the Governors of Scargill’s School Foundation to the Digby colliery company Ltd., of Hard and Soft coal under lands at Newthorpe continuing the lease extended to 25 Mar 1929. 20 Jun - 1905
291 - Correspondence with the Butterley Company Collieries Department, regarding the rights of the Scargill Charity to Coal in Eastwood and the sale of coal to the Butterley company. - 1906-1909
292 - Correspondence regarding Eastwood minerals - 1907-1908
293 - Board of Education order approving the sale of coal to the Butterley Company - 1908
294 - Correspondence relating to the order including copies of the 1881-2 correspondence indicating that the sale was never authorised by the charity Commission. - 1908
295 - Correspondence regarding Barber Walker lease (indicating that Eastwood Colliery closed in c 1870) - 1908-1910
296 - Principal deed of a seam of coal known as the Tupton seam lying under land at Newthorpe 31a. 1r. 9p., lease by Governors of the Scargill’s School foundation to the Digby colliery Company for 30 years: the Piper seam under the same land added: fixed minimum annual rent of £45 for all marketable coal in the Tupton seam worked, also £25 per annum until all the coals in the Piper Seam worked: in addition an acreage rent of £55 per acre to be paid in respect of the Tupton Seam and an acreage rent of £35 (for every acre less than 3ft in thickness) or £45 (for every acre of more than 3ft in thickness) in respect of the Piper Seam. 31 Dec - 1909
297 - Counterpart lease as above (plan attached) - 1909
298 - Report on the Digby colliery by Messrs Lewis and Lewis for Scargill’s Charity - plan attached of lands in Newthorpe including in the lease 20 Jan - 1909
299 - Papers relating to minerals under Moorbridge close, Ilkeston: correspondence regarding lease to Manners colliery Company with plan: also Board of Education authority to sell with associated correspondence. - 1909-1910
300 - Correspondence regarding the “GNR pillar” - a 1 acre, 1 rood and 16 perch pillar of coal for the support of Langley Mill and Eastwood station - 1909-1910
301 - Authority to sell the “GNR pillar” together with correspondence relating to the royalties for the pillar which have not been paid (leased to the Butterley company in 1882: Butterley agree to co-operate in obtaining royalties). - 1910
302 - Correspondence relating to the lease of coal to the Digby Colliery Company. - 1910
303 - Charity Commission order for the payment of the proceeds of mineral leases to the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds - 1911
304 - Enquiry by the Manners Colliery Company regarding the lease of minerals - 1920
305 - Abstract of an indenture by Messrs H Saxton J Bentley and J Allen to Abbot and Atherton, 30 Dec 1857 - 1921
306 - Correspondence with Manners Colliery company regarding small parcels of minerals near Shipley Gate Station (Smithy Meadow) - 1923-1926
307 - Tracing of Digby Colliery company’s mining operations at New Thorpe under Scargill land with covering letter. 19 Apr - 1923
308 - Court of Railway and Canal Commission: minutes of final order in the application of the Manners Colliery Company for permission to work minerals under Scargill land: also extract from the Board of Education scheme 1908 and general correspondence. - 1926-1930
309 - Correspondence regarding the court hearing - 1926
310 - Tracings from the Eastwood enclosure award used in the case, and extract from the award relating to Smithy Meadow. - C1926
311 - Charity Commission Scheme for coal lease money. - 1926
312 - Further correspondence relating to the Manners Colliery case - 1926
313 - Case Papers “in the matter of the Mines (Working facilities and support) Act 1923 and in the matter of the application of the Manners Colliery Company”, including brief for the objections - the Scargill’s School Foundation and other papers: the dispute arose over the ownership of minerals underlying smothy Meadow near Shipley Gate Station - 1926
314 - Correspondence regarding the costs of the case - 1927
315 - Correspondence with Eastwood and District Protection Society and Messrs Rigley and Boon regarding illegal working of minerals under Scargill land. - 1927
316 - Copy licence to work Scargill coal (not filled in) - 1927
317 - Licence by the Governors of the Scargill Charity to Alfred Boon of Derby Road, Eastwood to work shallow coal under land at Eastwood, believed to be the Top Ward Seam at a royalty of 1 shilling per ton. 11 Mar - 1927
318 - Correspondence relating to the Digby Colliery Company leases with draft lease - 1928-1930
319 - Letters regarding outcrop coal working at Eastwood by A. Boon. - 1929
320 - The Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation to the Digby Colliery Ltd deed extending the term of the Tupton seam of coal under lands as Greasley and Newthorpe (to 1 June 1950), and granting the lease of the Piper seam under the same land for a similar period. 25 Nov - 1930
321 - Correspondence with the Charity Commission regarding the lease of theTupton and the Piper seams of coal at Newthorpe. - 1934
322 - Letter to Mr Raby from the Digby colliery Company regarding payments for the Tupton and Piper coal. - 1935
323 - Correspondence and other papers relating to the registration of minerals under the Coal (Registration of Ownership) Act 1937. - 1937-1947
324 - Coal Act 1937: General notes for guidance in regarding the application for registration of particulars of a holding. (with others) - 1937
325 - Registration form: coal at Eastwood under 8a. 1r. 30p. of land. 13 Dec - 1938
326 - Registration form: coal at Newthorpe, under 32a. 1r. 09p.15 Feb - 1938
327 - Robinson’s bill for work in connection with registration - 1938
328 - Draft particulars for insertion in the Coal Holdings Register - C1938
329 - Form of application for registration of particulars in respect of a holding - coal at Newthorpe. 27 Jun - 1939
330 - As above - coal under Moorbridge Close, Ilkeston 27 Jun - 1939
331 - Coal Commission circular regarding the Coal Act 1938 and the notice of claim for compensation. - 1939
332 - Notice of claim for compensation - coal at Newthorpe. 8 Mar - 1939
333 - Two notices of valuation of holdings. - 1944
334 - Large file of correspondence relating to opencast working in Scargill property at Newthorpe beginning with the notice of intention by the Ministry of Works to enter enclosures numbers 596, 596a - the “Katie” site: plan attached - 1950-1964
335 - Schedule of condition of land and fences - 1954
336 - Minutes of a Restoration Meeting for Baker Lane Opencast Coal Site held in the NCB area office, Baker Street, Ilkeston. 11Jul - 1956
337 - Certificate regarding the payment of an annual sum to the Scargill’s School foundation in recognition of their interest in land requisitioned by the Ministry of Fuel and Power. 22 Oct - 1956
338 - Heads of agreement for a lease between the Scargill’s School Foundation and the NCB. - C1956
339 - Receipt for £75 from the NCB for damages at Newthorpe in OS field number 990. - 1947
340 - Report on opencast coal mining at the “City” site by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, including a detailed survey of the land cleared. 28 Jan - 1958
341 - Notice by the Ministry of Works of the occupation of the site. 10 Jul - 1958
342 - Notice of intention to serve notice of requisition (Ministry of Works) 11 Jul - 1958
343 - Letter from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food regarding the open cast coal mining at Holly Farm. 27 Aug - 1958
344 - Ministry of Power booklet on the Opencast Coal Act. - 1958
345 - Schedule of the condition of the “City” site - 1958
346 - Letter regarding an extension of the Board’s occupation of the site. 8 May - 1959
347 - Certificate under the Opencast Coal Act 1958 25 May - 1959
348 - Correspondence relating to agreement with NCB. - 1959-1960
349 - Letter from the Ministry of Power. 23 Aug - 1960
350 - Agreement between the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation and the NCB regarding opencast coal working in OS parcel number 631 (.267) acres). 10 Aug - 1960
351 - Agreement between the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation and the NCB to allow the NCB to retain exclusive possession of the land described in the schedule (.384a in Newthorpe) from 1 Jan to 31 Dec 1961 - 1961
352 - The minutes of a meeting held at the Queen’s Head Hotel, Watnall, to discuss the restoration of fences on the “City” opencast coal site. 5 Sep - 1962
353 - Bond by John Forster of Kings Waldren, Herts., gentleman, Henry Forster his son and Thomas Hood of Paules Walden, Herts., esq., to John Scargill of London, clerk, in £100 1May - 1641
354 - Letters of administration of the goods of John Scargill - granted to Robert Mellor, gentleman, and James Ault, clerk. 30 May - 1663
355 - Receipt by William Horne for £4 - received of William Wheelwright and the rest of the Scargill trustees, being a legacy left by John Scargill to Thomas Rainier his steward. - C1665
356 - Fragment of manorial account. - 17th cent
357 - Memorandum by John Flamstead promising to deliver “coles” to the Trustees of the Scargill Charity - 3 loads yearly. 4 Aug - 1700
358 - Bills - trustees of the West Hallam School to Barber and Curry, Solicitors - 1857-1861
359 - Letters from the charity Commissioners regarding the sale of land. - 1866
360 - Letter regarding Scargill Charity income tax (Inland Revenue Office). - 1869
361 - Board of Education - instructions to surveyors
362 - Board of Education Order and associated correspondence - 1910
363 - Receipts and Disbursements cash account for the year ending 28th Feb 1901 - 1900-1901
Expand P - Maps and Plans - 19th-20th centP - Maps and Plans - 19th-20th cent
Expand T - Title Deeds - [14th-20th cent]T - Title Deeds - [14th-20th cent]
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - 1904-1989Z - Miscellaneous - 1904-1989