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D8252 - Frederick C Boden (1902-1971) of Chesterfield, miner, author and lecturer - 1927-1969
1 - Royalty statements and accounts - 1927-1952
2 - Correspondence containing reviews of and appreciation for publications including "A Derbyshire Tragedy", "Miner" and "Out of the Coalfields" - 1929-1936
1 - Letter from John Masefield to F C Boden - 18 Apr 1929
2 - Letter from J Lawson to F C Boden, enthusing about the novel "A Derbyshire Tragedy" - 16 Jan 1935
3 - Copy letter from J J Lawson, MP, expressing appreciation of "A Derbyshire Tragedy" - 16 Jan 1935
4 - Copy letter from Ethel Mannin to Messrs J M Dent & Sons Ltd, publishers - 20 Jan 1932
5 - Letter from John Buchan to John Murray, University College of the South-West, Exeter - 21 Jan 1932
6 - Copy letter from Ernest Brown, Secretary to the Mines Department to J M Dent & Sons - 29 Jan 1935
7 - Letter from Richard Church of the Editorial Department of J M Dent to F C Boden enclosing a letter from Ernest Brown, Secretary to the Mines Department (see D8252/2/6) - 31 Jan 1935
8 - Copy letter from George Lansbury, MP, to J M Dent & Sons expressing appreciation of "A Derbyshire Tragedy" - 3 Feb 1935
9 - Copy letter from Michael Roberts, editor of the modern anthologies "New Signatures" and "New Country" etc., expressing appreciation of "A Derbyshire Tragedy" - c 1935
10 - Letter from J A Cattermole to F C Boden - 30 Sep 1936
3 - BBC Schools Programme - 1936
4 - Correspondence concerning work for the Central Advisory Council for Adult Education in HM Forces - 1945
5 - Correspondence concerning permission to reproduce poems and other works, with related accounts concerning royalties and other reimbursements - 1939-1969
6 - Proofs and related records concerning publication - [c1929]
7 - Personal correspondence to F C Boden - 1955
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