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Collapse D7990 - Twigg family of Bonsall and Ashover - 18th-20th centD7990 - Twigg family of Bonsall and Ashover - 18th-20th cent
Expand E - Estate PapersE - Estate Papers
Expand F - Family PapersF - Family Papers
Collapse T - Title Deeds - 1622-1914T - Title Deeds - 1622-1914
Collapse 1 - Title Deeds for properties in Bonsall - 1670-18671 - Title Deeds for properties in Bonsall - 1670-1867
Expand 1 - Bundle of deeds for messuage, stable and garden in Bonsall - 1743-17941 - Bundle of deeds for messuage, stable and garden in Bonsall - 1743-1794
2 - Copyhold surrenders and admissions for messuage, croft, garden and bakehouse in Bonsall - 1720-1756
3 - Copyhold admissions and surrenders for Townhead Close and Scorah Croft in Bonsall - 1689-1822
Expand 4 - Bundle of deeds for Rowley Greaves, Rowley Greaces, Nether Close, etc. in Bonsall - 1766-18224 - Bundle of deeds for Rowley Greaves, Rowley Greaces, Nether Close, etc. in Bonsall - 1766-1822
Expand 5 - Bundle of deeds for Nether Swinsty Flatt in Bonsall - 1784-18015 - Bundle of deeds for Nether Swinsty Flatt in Bonsall - 1784-1801
Collapse 6 - Bundles of deeds for messuage and garden in Bonsall - 1757-18536 - Bundles of deeds for messuage and garden in Bonsall - 1757-1853
1 - Copyhold settlement by Thomas Tarrant of a messuage and garden in Bonsall to the use of Thomas for life, then to the use of Ann Tarrant his daughter for life, and then as Ann shall direct by will, or in default to the right heirs of Ann. - 21 Oct 1757
2 - Copyhold settlement by Ann Tarrant spinster of a messuage and garden to the use of Ann for life, then to the use of William Green and Mary his wife for their lives, and to the survivor for life and then to the use of the heirs of their bodies. - 6 May 1762
3 - Copyhold recovery by William Green and Mary his wife of a messuage and garden. - 6 May 1774
4 - Copyhold surrender and admission by William Green and Mary his wife of a messuage and garden to Isaac Twigg. - 6 May 1774
5 - Feoffment by James North of Bonsall to George North junior of Bonsall yeoman (younger brother of James) of the west end of a cottage in Bonsall with the west part of the yard or croft, and the structure of building at Loughbourne in Bonsall, with ladder room for repairs - 7 Jun 1711
6 - Feoffment by George North of Matlock yeoman to John Smith of Bonsall husbandman of the west end of a cottage in Bonsall with the west part of the yard or croft, and the structure of building at Loughbourne in Bonsall - 1 Apr 1725
7 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine by John Lane of Bonsall miner and Elizabeth his wife (late widow of John Smith) George Evans of Bonsall lead merchant of a messuage in Bonsall, a barn, stable, cowhouse, garden, and croft to the use of such persons as John - 28 Jun 1757
8 - Copyhold presentment of the death of Elizabeth Smedley widow seised of a messuage and barn lately converted into a dwelling house: John Lane, her eldest son and heir by her first marriage is admitted tenant. - 20 Apr 1768
9 - Copyhold surrender by John Lane to Joseph Lane of a messuage and garden. - 21 Oct 1768
10 - Copyhold surrender by John Lane to Joseph Lane of a messuage and garden. - 5 May 1773
11 - Probate copy of the will of John Lane of Bonsall miner - 1769
12 - Feoffment by Esther Lane of Bonsall spinster to her nephew Joseph Lane of Bonsall of a moiety of a messuage etc. - 22 Mar 1785
13 - Feoffment by Joseph Lane of Bonsall miner to Isaac Twigg of Bonsall shopkeeper of a messuage and seats in Bonsall church - 28 Mar 1794
14 - Probate copy of the will of Joseph Lane of Bonsall miner to daughter Ann (executrix), all real and personal estate - (1823)-1825
15 - Conveyance by Ann Lane of Bonsall spinster, daughter of Joseph Lane deceased, to Sarah and Betty Twigg of Bonsall spinsters of the west end of a cottage in Bonsall with the west part of the yard or croft, and the structure of building at Loughbourne in Bonsall - 28 Nov 1853
16-17 - Undated abstract of title and solicitor's bill - 19th cent
Expand 7 - Bundle of deeds for Holehouse family property in Bonsall - 1742-17967 - Bundle of deeds for Holehouse family property in Bonsall - 1742-1796
8 - Copyhold admissions, surrenders etc. for Brook Furlong, Bonsall - 1747-1822
9 - Copyhold surrenders and admissions for a cottage in Bonsall - 1725-1784
Expand 10 - Miscellaneous Bonsall deeds - 1670-186710 - Miscellaneous Bonsall deeds - 1670-1867
Expand 2 - Title deeds for properties in Ashover - 1707-19032 - Title deeds for properties in Ashover - 1707-1903
Expand 3 - Title deeds for properties in Matlock - 1781-18773 - Title deeds for properties in Matlock - 1781-1877
Expand 4 - Title deeds for properties in Wirksworth - 1671-16854 - Title deeds for properties in Wirksworth - 1671-1685
Expand 5 - Title deeds for properties in Crich - 1769-17745 - Title deeds for properties in Crich - 1769-1774
Expand 6 - Title deeds for properties in Lancashire - 1622-19146 - Title deeds for properties in Lancashire - 1622-1914