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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Collapse 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
1 - Copy from Aston [Enclosure] Award of allotment to John ? of parcel of land in Alderslade Field containing 2 acres 1r 27p.
Expand 2 - Deeds of the Northern half of the Old Close, Weston - 1722-17522 - Deeds of the Northern half of the Old Close, Weston - 1722-1752
Expand 3 - Deeds of the Southern half of the Old Close Weston - 1745-17743 - Deeds of the Southern half of the Old Close Weston - 1745-1774
Expand 4 - Documents relating to the Old Closes, Weston (1778-9) and to the exchange of the Old Closes for a plot of land in Windmill Field 1786 and proposed sale of the Weston Close 1805-6 - c1778-18064 - Documents relating to the Old Closes, Weston (1778-9) and to the exchange of the Old Closes for a plot of land in Windmill Field 1786 and proposed sale of the Weston Close 1805-6 - c1778-1806
Collapse 5 - Sale of the Aston Estate by Edward Charles Shuttleworth Holden to William Dickson Winterbottom in 18985 - Sale of the Aston Estate by Edward Charles Shuttleworth Holden to William Dickson Winterbottom in 1898
1 - Memorandum of agreement by which Edward Charles Shuttleworth Holden of Aston esquire agreed to sell to William Dickson Winterbottom of Aston Hall, Aston esquire the premises contained in the schedule (see below), including minerals and beneficial interest in leases in the 2nd schedule, with plant, machinery in connection with existing mines, for £96,232, the purchase to be completed by 25 March 1898. The net rental in the 12 months prior to 24 June 1897 stated by Holden to be not less than £3,500. Dated 25 November Premises in first schedule: manor of Aston (otherwise Aston on Trent), the Aston Estate in the parishes of Aston, Weston, Wilne and Shardlow, consisting of Aston Hall with outbuildings, pleasure gardens, etc, farms, allotments and market gardens, messuages and cottages including "White Hart Inn" at Aston and "Holden Arms" at Shardlow, plantations, the whole exclusive of the area of buildings not less than 1,595 acres, advowson of Rectory of Aston and rights of fishery. Second schedule refers to lease between Holden and on the other part Alfred Smith and Frederick Swindell as to mines at Chellaston, 14 March 1888, lease between Holden and on the other part Zachary Smith and Sarah Ann Smith, widow, 23 Dec 1893 and lease between Holden and on the other part Zachary Smith and Sarah Ann Smith, 23 June 1894. Third schedule is of leases from Holden to Winterbottom on 23 June 1896, to Alfred Smith and Frederick Swindell as to a farm at Aston on 14 March 1883 and to ----- Fletcher as to about 20 acres at Shardlow - 1894. With annexed printed conditions of sale. - 1897
2 - Agreement between E C S Holden of Aston esquire and W D Winterbottom of Aston Hall, Aston esquire - 25 Nov 1897
3-7 - Certified copies of institutions and presentations to Rectory of Aston: institution of Nathaniel Palmer Johnson clerk MA, 6 April 1796, institution of Francis Augustus Weekes clerk MA, 2 December 1850, presentation of James Richard Holden clerk MA, 20 December 1864, presentation of John Ayton Whitaker clerk MA, 7 January 1867, presentation and institution of James Shuttleworth Holden clerk BA, 6 February and 29 March 1869. Dated 29-31 December - 1897
8 - Duplicate receipt from trustees of the marriage settlement dated 17 April 1876 of Charles Leslie Lovett Cameron esquire and Caroline Shuttleworth Holden, now Mrs Cameron, to the executors of Edward Anthony Holden esquire deceased for £4,000 in satisfaction of covenant in the settlement for payment of that sum by E A Holden (- 1885) Dated 18 February - 1898
9 - Inland revenue account for succession to personal property where duty is payable on the capital of E C S Holden of Aston upon the death of Edward Anthony Holden on 28 August 1877: account for proceeds of sale of Church Patronage (Aston) contracted to be sold for £2,250 by 25 March 1898. Receipt for duty paid. Dated 11 March, 31 March - 1898
10 - Release by George Balfour Traill of Casa Carola Mentone, France, Major General retired and Juliana Evans Traill his wife of the Aston Estate from an annuity of £400, reciting that by settlement dated 27 July 1863 on the marriage of Charles Shuttleworth Holden and Juliana Evans Traill then Hartopp spinster, the Aston estate was conveyed to trustees so that Holden might receive £500 per annum rent charge during the joint lives of himself and Edward Anthony Holden, and if Charles S Holden died before his wife, that she should receive £400 per annum as her jointure for life, that Charles S Holden died 6 August 1872 and Juliana re-married to Traill 22 June 1876 - 9 Apr 1898
11 - Release by Emma Shuttleworth Holden of No 1, Longridge Road, Earl's Court, county Middlesex, spinster of all the real and personal estate of Edward Anthony Holden late of Aston esquire, deceased from an annuity of £200 which E A Holden in his will of 8 December 1876 had provided that Emma be paid until her death or marriage - 15 Apr 1898
12 - Receipt from trustees of the marriage settlement of Ann Shuttleworth Devas, dated 19 February 1857, for £4,000 received from E C S Holden in discharge of £1,000, her share of £8,000 to which she was entitled under marriage settlement of Edward Anthony Holden dated 21 November 1832 - 20 Apr 1898
13 - As D 779B/T 1169, receipt from trustees of the marriage settlement of Mary Shuttleworth Boden, another child of Edward Anthony Holden, dated 7 May 1866 for £5,000. Dated 25 March 1898
14 - As D779/T/7/5/13, receipt from trustees of the marriage settlement of Rosamond Shuttleworth Sitwell, a child of Edward Anthony Holden, dated ——, for £4,500 - 20 Apr 1898
15 - Receipt from Emma Shuttleworth Holden of 1, Longridge Road, Earls Court, county Middlesex, spinster, for £5,000, of which £1,000 was due to her as to Ann Shuttleworth Devas above and £4,000 under the will of Edward Anthony Holden deceased - 15 Apr 1898
16 - Receipt from James Shuttleworth Holden of Aston rectory clerk for £5,000, received from E C S Holden which, together with £9,000 paid him on 19 October 1882 is in satisfaction of £2,000 due to him out of the £8,000 as in D779/T/7/5/12 being a child of Edward Anthony Holden, and of £12,000 bequeathed to him by Edward Anthony Holden - 20 Apr 1898
17 - Copy of receipts to executors of the will of the late Edward Anthony Holden esquire for payment of legacy of £6,000 to F S Rendall - 1882-1883
18-21 - Copy certificates of birth, marriage and death for Holden family - 22 Mar 1898
22 - Memorandum that Edward Thomas Holden Devas of Spondon Hall esquire has received from E C S Holden £5,000 which by the marriage settlement dated 16 November 1861, of Susan Elizabeth Holden and the Reverend John Fitzherbert Bateman - 22 Apr 1898
23 - Declaration by Horace Devas of Spondon Hall esquire, reciting settlement of 24 November 1832 on marriage of Edward Anthony Holden and Susan Drummond Moore - 22 Apr 1898
24 - Release by Francis Shuttleworth Rendall of 10 Apsley Road, Clifton, county Gloucester, esquire and Horace Devas of Spondon Hall esquire to E C S Holden of Aston esquire - 22 Apr 1898
25-26 - Certificates of search in the Office of Land Registry and the Registry of Judgment - 23 Apr 1898
27 - Statutory Declaration by John Smith of 40 St Mary's Gate, Derby gent. (solicitor to E A Holden, to his executors and trustees under his will and to E C S Holden his grandson) and by E C S Holden respecting mortgage of 79 acres land in Aston and property in county Leicester on 19 January 1871 for £9,000, charged with a further £1,500 on 29 September 1886. Includes schedule of mortgaged Aston lands - 25 Apr 1898
28 - Acknowledgment of right to production of deeds by E C S Holden of Aston esquire to William Winterbottom of Aston Hall, Aston, esquire of deeds in first schedule (1871-1892) and by Winterbottom to Holden of deeds in second schedule (1863, 1877) - 26 Apr 1898
29 - Deed of covenant concerning title to certain of the properties in conveyance by Holden to Winterbottom being those comprised in an order of exchange under the seal of the Inclosure Commissioners, in Aston (Schedule relating to 79 acres land) - 26 Apr 1898
30 - Declaration by Arthur Hill of Aston land agent that he had acted as sub-agent for the Aston Estate since 1874 until the death of William German of Ashby de la Zouch, and that he was then appointed agent and had remained so until now, that its title had not been disputed in that time; the only outgoings in addition to property tax were land tax which last year was £11 7s, tithe rent charge which last year was; £15 15s 11d and poor rate which is paid by the owner in respect of the cottages on the estate, but not in respect of the farms and other premises; concerning properties purchased by Edward Anthony Holden 1863-1875, by his trustees in 1880 and by E C S Holden in 1891 and 1893; that the person(s) in receipt of the estate rents have had exclusive fishing in the Derwent and Trent rivers (giving details of extent of fishing) - 26 Apr 1898
31 - Acknowledgment by ECS Holden of WD Winterbottom's right to production of title deeds in schedule of deeds 1827-1832 - 12 May 1898
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895