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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Collapse 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 1 - Recovery of estate - 17701 - Recovery of estate - 1770
Expand 2 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-18282 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-1828
Collapse 3 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-18333 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-1833
Expand 1 - Deeds of the Water Furrows Doles and the Flagg or Flaggy Leys in Aston, purchase by William Hickinbotham in 1802 - 1763-18021 - Deeds of the Water Furrows Doles and the Flagg or Flaggy Leys in Aston, purchase by William Hickinbotham in 1802 - 1763-1802
Collapse 2 - Deeds of messuage and closes in Aston purchased by William Hickinbotham in 1809 - 1706-18092 - Deeds of messuage and closes in Aston purchased by William Hickinbotham in 1809 - 1706-1809
1 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine made between 1. John Cooper of Kings Newton yeoman, Stephen Cooper of Weston yeoman, Mary Alsebrooke of London spinster, Dorothy Alsebrooke of Bretby spinster and Anne Alsebrooke of Repton spinster and 2. Robert Cooper of Aston yeoman, James Cooper of Spondon yeoman and John Alsebrooke of Derby barber - 5 Jan [1706]
2 - Probate copy of will dated 10 Sep 1720 of Robert Cowper of Aston yeoman: messuages, lands in Aston, piece of meadow ground in Castle `Dunington' county Leicester, called Mill Holme, piece of meadow ground in Shardlow called Bingham greene, to Grace Cowlishaw of Shardlow widow for her life, then to her son John and his heirs, remainder to Cowper's right heirs; 5s to 10 of the poorest people of Aston out of rent of the Green Lea in Aston; to niece Elizabeth Cowper, daughter of brother James, cottage in Kings Newton; to nephew John Bryan, brother James Cowper and Mary wife of John White of Nottingham tanner, £10 each, and to Anne Heapes of Aston widow 20s. Residuary legatee and executrix, Grace Cowlishaw Probate dated 6 April - 1722
3 - Final concord related to deed D779/T/6/3/2/4 - [1741]
4 - Deed to declare uses of a fine made between 1. John Cowlishaw of Shardlow gentleman, Sarah his wife, 2. John Dickenson of Tonge, county Leicester, yeoman 3. William White of Nottingham hosier concerning messuage in Aston in which William Shardlow lives, 2½ yard land in the common fields of Aston and meadow ground in common meadows of Aston, cottage in Aston in which George Redwood dwells, Bingham Green, lately inclosed, in Shardlow, occupied by John Cowlishaw, declared to be to the use of John Cowlishaw and heirs - 30 Oct 1741
5 - Probate copy of will dated 11 November 1748 of John Cowlishaw of Shardlow gentleman: messuage in Aston in which William Shardlow lives, 2½ yard land in common fields of Aston, meadow in common meadow there, cottage in Aston in which George Redwood lives, close lately inclosed called Bingham Green in Shardlow, parcel of meadow in Castle Donnington, county Leicester called Mill Holme containing 3 acres, to wife Sarah for widowhood for the maintenance of herself and 4 sons, Henry, George, James and Charles and any other child they should have, then to the sons and any other children equally; messuage in Wilne, orchard, gardens etc purchased from Robert Roulson and George Roulson, lands, cow and sheep pastures in Wilne and Shardlow purchased from John Soare, arable in Wilne and Shardlow, which were not settled on Cowlishaw's first wife, to eldest son William, charged with payment of £200 to sons Thomas, Robert and John to be shared equally at age 21; to son John £45 due on bond to testator from brother in law S... Dickenson deceased; household goods and furniture, sheep, wagons, gears, implements, 6 horses or mares and 6 cows, wheat, barley, pease, beans, oats, rye cut or growing, hay and grass cut or growing on Aston lands and farm, tithe corn and hay in Shardlow, to wife Sarah; grains as above, pease, beans, hay and grass in Shardlow except tithe corn and hay to Thomas, Robert and John. Sarah may sell corn, hay and grass and pay the money to these 3 sons instead. She is to sell residue of horses, cattle not disposed of as above, and after debts of testator are paid, give the money to Thomas, Robert and John Probate dated 28 May - 1750
6 - Extract from Enclosure Award of 17 March 1757 under Act for dividing and enclosing Aston and Shardlow Moor and the common fields, meadows, pastures and waste grounds in the manor of Weston cum Membris and Prebend of Sawley, concerning appointment to Sarah Cowlishaw widow of Bingham Green containing 4 acres 1r 30p and a parcel of land on Aston Moor containing 11 acres 2r, and extract from Award of 22 March 1763 made under Act for dividing and enclosing common fields, meadows, pastures and waste grounds in the township of Aston concerning appointment to Sarah Cowlishaw widow, of parcel of land in Alderslade Field containing 43 acres 2r 22p., parcel of land in Nether Field and meadows adjoining containing 12 acres 18p and parcel of land in Nether Field containing 7 acres 0r 25p, together 62 acres 3r 25p - 1757
7-8 - Mortgage by lease and release to make a tenant to the precipe and deed to lead the uses of a recovery, made between 1. Sarah Cowlishaw widow of John, late of Shardlow, gentleman 2. sons of Sarah and John, Henry of Shardlow yeoman, George of Frampton, county Lincoln yeoman and Mercy his wife, James of Merril Grange, county Leicester, yeoman and wife Elizabeth, Charles of Aston yeoman and Elizabeth his wife, and Joseph of Shardlow yeoman and Elizabeth his wife 3. John Manley of the Middle Temple, London, gentleman 4. Benjamin Taylor of Derby gentleman and 5. John Whyman of Aston land surveyor - 1-2 Jun 1780
9 - Exemplification of recovery suffered as in D779/T/6/3/2/7-8 - [1780]
10 - Copy of will of John Cowlishaw - 1782
11 - Abstract of title of Messrs Cowlishaw to an estate in Aston and Shardlow (1720-Mich 21 GIII), with opinion - Oct 1785
12-13 - Lease and release to make a tenant to the precipe and deed to lead the uses of a recovery, made between 1. Sarah Cowlishaw as in D 779B/T 688-9 2. Skeventon Dickenson Cowlishaw of Tong, county Leicester, gentleman eldest son and heir of William Cowlishaw late of same place gentleman deceased, who was eldest son and heir of John Cowlishaw by his first wife 3. sons of Sarah and John Cowlishaw and their wives as in D 779B/T 688-9, except James and George are of Shardlow, 4. James Hawksworth of Chancery Lane, London, gentleman 5. Benjamin Taylor of Derby gentleman 6. John Whyman of Aston gentleman, by which 1., 2. and 3. conveyed to Hawksworth - 16-17 Nov 1785
14 - Exemplification of recovery relating to D779/T/6/3/2/12-13 - 28 Nov [1785]
15 - Assignment of mortgage by John Whyman gentleman to the Trustees of the marrige settlement of Edward Miller Mundy of Shipley esquire and Frances his late wife dated 19 December 1772, of premises as in D 779B/T 688-9, and deed of further charge on premises of £800 (making £1200 owed) - 2 Dec 1785
16 - Bond relating to assignment under D779/T/6/3/2/15 - 2 Dec 1785
17-18 - Lease and release by 1. Sarah Cowlishaw of Shardlow widow of John of Shardlow yeoman, Henry, George, James Cowlishaw all of Shardlow yeomen, Charles Cowlishaw of Aston yeoman and Joseph Cowlishaw of Shardlow yeoman to 2. John Harrison of Derby gentleman for £3,137 5s (of which £1,200 was paid to the trustees of the marriage settlement as in D 779B/T 696 in payment of mortgage) of messuage with homestead and croft adjoining containing 1 acre 2r 13p; 5 closes adjoining called Top of the Hill Close 10 acres 3r 29p, Galloway Close 8 acres 2r 2p, Dank Stile Close 7 acres 2r 21p, Stable Close 9 acres 2r 10p, Far Close 7 acres, part of enclosed field called Alderslade Field and at inclosure allotted to Sarah as one parcel of land containing 43 acres 2r 22p; Water Rindle Close 7 acres 3r 14p before inclosure part of Nether Field and at inclosure said to contain 7 acres 25p; all in Aston; Moor Close 11 acres 26p adjoining to Water Rindle Close in Aston, formerly part of Aston or Shardlow Moor; 2 Meadow Closes adjoining, 12 acres 1r., in Aston, part of Nether Field before inclosure and of the late common meadow there and at inclosure said to contain 12 acres 18p, all in tenure of Charles Cowlishaw - 4-5 Apr 1791
19 - Assignment of mortgage term made between 1. Daniel Parker Coke of Derby esquire, John Radford of Smalley esquire (trustees under the marriage settlement of Edward Miller Mundy of Shipley esq, and Frances his first wife, 19 Dec 1772) 2. Edward Miller Munday 3. Sarah Cowlishaw and Henry, George, James, Charles and Joseph Cowlishaw as in D 779B/T 698-9 4. John Harrison of Derby gentleman and 5. Reverend Henry Peach of Derby clerk reciting D 779B/T 688-9, 693-4, 696 and 698-9 and witnessing that for £1200 (part of the purchase price of £3,137 5s paid as in D 779B/T 698-9) paid by Harrison to party 1. and for 5s apiece paid by Peach to party 1., they at request of parties 2. and 3. and at nomination of parties 3. and 4., assigned premises in recited deeds to Peach for residue of term of 500 years in trust as to all the property except Bingham Green for Harrison and as to Bingham Green in trust for Sarah Cowlishaw for life, then in trust for Henry, George, James, Charles and Joseph Cowlishaw - 5 Apr 1791
20 - Copy of marriage settlement by lease and release to uses of John Harrison of Derby gentleman and Mary Almond of Derby spinster - 1809
21 - Copy of will of John Harrison of Derby gentleman dated 21 December 1807: to wife Mary £250 and £250 in furniture, plate and linen or in money; 2 messuages in Bromihurst in Barton upon Irwell, county Lancaster, in the occupation of Edmund Rogerson, messuage with lands called Intake or Moor side Estate late in occupation of Thomas Raingill now of Joseph Woodall, messuage called Rawson's with closes near Crofts Bank in Barton upon Irwell in the occupation of John Moore, fee farm rent of 10 guineas out of messuage near Crofts Bank in occupation of John Carrington, to son John; also books and papers relating to testator's profession; requests wife to give up her jointure and to accept legacies above and provision below instead; messuage in the Wardwick, parish of St Werburgh, Derby, other messuages, lands etc in parish St Werburgh and in Littleover, and in Aston upon Trent to trustees to sell in order to discharge debts, pay wife's legacies, and pay brother in law George Almond and son John Harrison £6,000 to invest to provide £200 per annum for testator's wife and on her death to divide the £6,000 equally between 3 daughters, Ann Stanton, Juliana and Mary Harrison, and the trustees for sale to pay out of the sale £1,500 each to Juliana and Mary to make their fortunes equal with Ann's. Executors are wife Mary, son John, son in law James Stanton and brother in law John Swift Saxelbye. Probate dated 23 June 1808 - 1808
22 - Agreement for sale by 1. John Harrison of Derby gentleman of 2 closes in Aston called the Moor Close containing 11 acres 26p and the Water Rindles 7 acres 3r 14p, to 2. William Hickingbotham of Weston gentleman for which 2. will pay £65 per acre for Moor Close and £70 per acre for Water Rindles - 14 Oct 1808
23 - Copy of release of jointure dated 25 March 1809 by Mary Harrison of Derby widow of John gentleman, charged on premises as in her marriage settlement - 1809
24-25 - Lease and release by 1. James Staton of Thelwall, county Chester esquire and John Swift Saxelbye of Derby gentleman, devisees in trust of the last will of John Harrison late of Derby gentleman deceased and 2. John Harrison of Derby gentleman, eldest son and heir of deceased John Harrison to 3. William Hickinbotham of Aston farmer, for £4,257 of premises as in D779/T/6/3/2/17-18 but in the tenure of Jacob Botham and excluding the Meadow Closes - 4-5 Apr 1809
26 - Assignment of mortgage term to attend the inheritance of premises as in D779/T/6/3/2/24-25, with reference to mortgage of 1780 (see D 779B/T 688-9) and later deeds - 5 Apr 1809
Expand 3 - Deeds of the Upper and Lower Cramlands and the Hunckley Stile in Aston purchased by William Hickinbotham in 18113 - Deeds of the Upper and Lower Cramlands and the Hunckley Stile in Aston purchased by William Hickinbotham in 1811
Expand 4 - E A Holden's purchase of properties in D 779B/T 667-7244 - E A Holden's purchase of properties in D 779B/T 667-724
Expand 4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)
Expand 5 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 18345 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1834
Expand 6 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-18386 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-1838
Expand 7 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-18397 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-1839
Expand 8 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-18398 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-1839
Expand 9 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 18419 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 1841
Expand 10 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 184110 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 1841
Expand 11 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-184211 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-1842
Expand 12 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-184412 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-1844
Expand 13 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-184413 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-1844
Expand 14 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-184514 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-1845
Expand 15 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-184915 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-1849
Expand 16 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 184716 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 1847
Expand 17 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-184917 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-1849
Expand 18 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-184918 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-1849
Expand 19 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-184919 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 20 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-184920 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 21 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 185321 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 1853
Expand 22 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-185722 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-1857
Expand 23 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-185723 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-1857
Expand 24 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-185924 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-1859
Expand 25 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 185825 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 1858
Expand 26 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-185826 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-1858
Expand 27 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-186227 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-1862
Expand 28 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-186228 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-1862
Expand 29 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-186329 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-1863
Expand 30 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-187030 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-1870
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895