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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Collapse 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 1 - Recovery of estate - 17701 - Recovery of estate - 1770
Expand 2 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-18282 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-1828
Expand 3 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-18333 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-1833
Expand 4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)
Expand 5 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 18345 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1834
Expand 6 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-18386 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-1838
Expand 7 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-18397 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-1839
Expand 8 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-18398 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-1839
Expand 9 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 18419 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 1841
Expand 10 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 184110 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 1841
Expand 11 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-184211 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-1842
Expand 12 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-184412 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-1844
Collapse 13 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-184413 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-1844
1 - Feoffment by 1. Richard Alleston sometime of Aston now of Barrow upon Trent, shepherd, to 2. Richard Clemenson of Aston yeoman for £20 of all those acres, half acres, roods and parcels of arable, meadow or pasture in the common fields of Aston, in all 4 acres (described in detail), 5 sheep gates in the fields and commonable places of Aston, in the tenure of Alleston - 20 Apr 1660
2 - Counterpart of post-nuptial settlement by feoffment to uses by 1. Richard Clemenson of Aston husbandman to 2. Alice Jackson of Derby spinster and John Clemenson of Aston yeoman for £30 paid to Clemenson by John Sex of Derby currier and Alice Jackson for a marriage portion with Elizabeth, Richard's wife, of half or East part of Wood Close in Aston in which Clemenson has lately built himself a house and now lives, heretofore settled by will upon him Richard, all those acres, ½ acres, roods and parcels of arable, meadow or pasture in the common fields of Aston, in all 4 acres (details given) and 5 sheep gates in the fields and commonable places of Aston, to 2. to the use successively of Clemenson for life, wife Elizabeth for life, their children, if no children at their deaths children of Richard by another wife, then children of Elizabeth by another husband, then ½ to Clemenson's right heirs, ½ to Elizabeth's right heirs. Dated 13 August 13 Charles II - [1661]
3 - Feoffment by 1. Christopher Wright the elder of Aston yeoman to 2. John Wright of Aston butcher son of Christopher, for the natural love and affection Christopher bears to John and for 5s paid him by John, of messuage and blacksmith's shop in Aston in possession of Mary Fewkes. Dated 2 March Endorsed with livery of seisin, same date. - 1771
4 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by 1. John Wright of Aston butcher to 2. Christopher Heath of Derby gentleman for £60 of premises as in D 779B/T 899. Dated 28 August - 1771
5-6 - Lease and release made between 1. John Wright of Aston butcher and Elizabeth his wife 2. Christopher Heath of Derby gentleman 3. Jacob Botham of Aston yeoman and 4. Thomas Hickinbotham of Shardlow yeoman, Botham's trustee, by which for £70, £60 of which is to pay off the mortgage of 1771 (D 779B/T 900) and was paid to 2. by 3. and £10 of which was paid to 1. by 3., Wright conveyed to Botham a messuage in Aston in the occupation of Mary Fewkes with garden and part of a yard (now divided from the other part in the occupation of Wright) and use of a well, and 2. assigned the mortgage term in the premises to 4. in trust for 3. Dated 2, 3 March - 1772
7 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years made between 1. John Wright of Aston butcher and Elizabeth his wife 2. Christopher Heath of Derby gent. and 3. Jacob Botham of Aston yeoman, by which for £50 paid to Wright by Botham and 5s paid to Elizabeth Wright and to Heath, parties 1. and 2. demised to 3. a new erected messuage, and blacksmith's shop, in Aston in the tenure of John Wright. Includes a covenant for the levying of a fine of the premises to enure to the use of 3. for 500 years, then to John Wright. Dated 10 March - 1772
8 - Attested copy of feoffment of 1771, dated 13 March - 1772
9-10 - 2 parts of final concord relating to D 779B/T 903 Easter 12 GIII - [1772]
11 - Memorandum of agreement by which John Wright agreed to sell to Jacob Botham a new erected messuage and blacksmith's shop in Aston in the occupation of Wright, and Botham agreed to pay £80 for it, the sum of £50 and interest due thereon upon a mortgage of the estate to Botham, to be taken as part of the purchase money and retained by Botham. Dated 21 August - 1772
12-13 - Lease and release by 1. John Wright of Aston butcher to 2. Jacob Botham of Aston yeoman, reciting that the premises are mortgaged to Botham for £50, and conveying, for £28 17s for the purchase of the equity of redemption and inheritance, new erected messuage, dwellinghouse or tenement, blacksmith's shop (but now converted into a butcher's shop) in Aston, in Wright's occupation. Dated 24, 25 August - 1772
14-15 - Lease and release by 1. Elizabeth Blunstone of Risley widow to 2. Jacob Botham of Aston yeoman for £310 of messuage with homestead in Aston, close containing 3 acres called Moor Dyke in Aston, all in Botham's occupation. Dated 11, 12 April - 1775
16 - Receipted bill for £2 2s. for legal work in connection with Mrs Blunstone's conveyance to Jacob Botham - 21 Apr 1775
17-18 - Two parts of final concord relating to Elizabeth Blunstone's conveyance to Jacob Botham - [1775]
19 - Copy of probate of will of Jacob Botham (will 2 August 1800, probate 14 October 1800) - (1800)
20-21 - Mortgage by lease and release by 1. Joseph Botham of Aston farmer to 2. Jacob Smith of Aston butcher, reciting conveyance of 1775 (T 910-911) and that the premises have by new buildings and alterations been converted into the premises firstly hereafter mentioned and reciting provisions of Jacob Botham's will leaving property at Aston to Joseph his youngest son and mortgaging for £500, 5 cottages with a room now used as a schoolroom with gardens etc. now in the occupation of Charles Gaskin, John Lacey, James Briggs, Robert Whitehead, William Meakin, a close called Moor Dyke containing 3 acres formerly in the occupation of Jacob Botham now of Joseph Botham, and 4 cottages in the tenure of Mary Groves, Frances Kerrey, Joseph Joynes and John Booth, which, or the site thereof, were bought by Jacob Botham from John Wright, all in Aston - 12-13 Jun 1834
22 - Agreement between 1. Joseph Botham of Aston farmer and 2. Edward Anthony Holden of Aston esquire by which 1. agrees to sell 9 dwellinghouses with gardens etc in Aston in the occupations of John Booth, John Austin, Reuben Young, Fanny Kerry, Charles Gaskin, John Lacey, Robert Briggs, Hannah Jowett and J Goodwin, and room adjoining used as a school, croft containing 2 acres in possession of Botham, all in Aston - 1 Mar 1844
23-24 - Schedule of title deeds ('1640' - a mistake for 1660 - to 1834) relating to dwellinghouses and a piece of land at Aston in the possession of Jacob Smith as mortgagee, to be delivered to the purchaser Edward Anthony Holden on 29th September 1844, when the mortgage is to be discharged - 1844
25 - Conveyance made between 1. Joseph Botham of Aston farmer devisee in fee simple of premises named in the will of Jacob Botham late of Aston farmer deceased and Elizabeth his wife 2. Jacob Smith of Aston butcher and 3. Edward Anthony Holden of Aston esquire - 25 Mar 1844
26 - Acknowledgement by Elizabeth wife of Joseph Botham of the deed D779/T/6/13/25 as her act and deed - 25 Mar 1844
Expand 14 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-184514 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-1845
Expand 15 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-184915 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-1849
Expand 16 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 184716 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 1847
Expand 17 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-184917 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-1849
Expand 18 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-184918 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-1849
Expand 19 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-184919 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 20 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-184920 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 21 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 185321 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 1853
Expand 22 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-185722 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-1857
Expand 23 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-185723 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-1857
Expand 24 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-185924 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-1859
Expand 25 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 185825 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 1858
Expand 26 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-185826 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-1858
Expand 27 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-186227 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-1862
Expand 28 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-186228 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-1862
Expand 29 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-186329 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-1863
Expand 30 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-187030 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-1870
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895