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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Collapse E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
1 - Survey of property in Aston, headed `Teritoria de Aston', undated - [?late 16th cent]
Expand 2 - Miscellaneous estate papers - 1623-16702 - Miscellaneous estate papers - 1623-1670
Expand 3 - Estate papers chiefly concerning purchases of cloth - 1656-16643 - Estate papers chiefly concerning purchases of cloth - 1656-1664
Expand 4 - Bonds and related papers - 1655-16634 - Bonds and related papers - 1655-1663
Expand 5 - Miscellaneous - [1688]-16905 - Miscellaneous - [1688]-1690
Collapse 6 - Deeds and papers of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1718-17436 - Deeds and papers of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1718-1743
1 - Counterpart lease for 21 years from 1. Robert Holden of Aston esquire to 2. William Greaves the elder of Quarndon and William and William the younger his son and heir apparent of fishing in the rivers Trent and 'Darwent' [Derwent] and in ponds etc within the manor of Weston, Aston, Wilne and Shardlow, the fishponds in Holden's orchard excepted, and liberty of fowling within the royalties [manor] aforesaid. 2. grant that 1. may fish an Eve called Mrs Eyres Eve without abatement of rent and may enter Black Poole in Weston liberty, exclusive of Greaves, abating them 20s every year Holden occupies it - 24 Oct 1709
2 - Heads of an agreement made between 1. Robert Holden esquire and 2. Thomas Toone and Joh Bulstrode, by which Holden was to let to Toone and Bulstrode, several pieces of ground in the manor of Foremarke called The Bendalls, the Ox Close, the Trent Meadow, the Gaskin, the Cow Pasture, the Croft, the Beeches in the Trent Meadow, and the South Furlong Close, from Lady Day next for 3 years - 25 Oct 1718
3-4 - Articles of agreement, with draft, made between 1. Leonard Fosbrooke of Shardlow esquire, Alpheus Burgin and John Cowleshaw of the same gentlemen, Charles Holden of Wilne gentleman, all freeholders within town of Shardlow and other the freeholders of the town and 2. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire - 1 Feb [1728]
5 - Memorandum of agreement between freeholders and tenants of Shardlow and Wilne and Robert Holden esquire that for 35 guineas they will allow him to enclose and hold in severalty, discharged of all right of common, a flatt of arable in Shardlow called Shackthorne Flatt containing 9 acres, close or piece of arable in Shardlow called Rye Flatt 4 acres, meadow ground called Calver pleck, all of which Robert Holden lately purchased from Christopher Wright - 28 May 1729
6 - Articles of agreement made between parties as in D779/E/6/3-4, by which for £36 15s - 14 Jul 1730
7 - Articles of agreement made between 1. freeholders, leaseholders and other inhabitants of the town of Aston and 2. freeholders, leaseholders and other inhabitants of the town of Wilne and Shardlow - 19 Jul 1735
8 - Release and quitclaim by 1. Leonard Fosbrooke esquire, Reverend John Rolleston of Aston, John Cowleshaw, Joseph Greaves, John Cock, John Prior, John Meakin, Thomas Hickenbotham, Joseph Sykes, Christopher Rolleston, Thomas Charnock and Joseph Clifford, freeholders and owners of land within town, liberty and precinct of Aston and other the freeholders and owners of land in the town to 2. James Shuttleworth and Mary his wife, lord and lady of the manor of Weston and Aston, for £80 paid to 1. by 2. for the use of the town of Aston, of right of common in piece of common or waste ground as it is now staked out and designed to be enclosed containing 4 acres 3r 22p lying at the lower end of Aston Moor butting south upon the lower Caudwell or Sweet Knolls and west upon the gardens already inclosed and planted with trees containing 1r 25p near or adjoining the other piece, the gardens above on one side and a close belonging to Cowleshaw on the other - 21 Oct 1747
9 - Promise to pay the Reverend John Rolleston £80 on demand with interest at rate of £4 % per annum, being consideration money in D779/E/6/8 by James Shuttleworth - 21 Oct 1747
10 - Glebe terrier of land, tithes etc belonging to the Rectory of Aston - 29 Aug 1735
11 - Letter from H Perkins to Robert Holden esquire requesting payment of sums (totalling £15 10s) from the Prebend of Sawley, and receipt for their payment for the use of Henry Perkins clerk and sacrist and divinity lecturer for the prebend for 3 years - 24 Jun 1737
12 - Draft assignment of mortgage and further charge made between 1. Robert Holden of Aston esquire 2. John Lowe of Park Hall, Denby, gentleman son and heir of John Lowe late of Park Hall gentleman deceased, and 2. Sir William Heathcote of Hursley Lodge, Hampshire - 28 Feb [1744]
13 - Draft assignment of terms in trust made between 1. Robert Holden of Aston esquire 2. Joseph Greaves of Ingleby gentleman trustee for Holden 3. Reverend John Rolleston, Rector of Aston, another trustee for Holden 4. John Lowe of Park Hall, Denby, gentleman son and heir of John late of Park Hall gentleman deceased by Dorothy his wife 5. Sir William Heathcote of Hursley Lodge, county Southampton 6. John Parker of the Exchequer at Westminster esquire and 7. William Mills of Leek, county Stafford gentleman - 1743
Expand 7 - Shardlow leases - 1765-18177 - Shardlow leases - 1765-1817
Expand 8 - Aston leases - 1772-17748 - Aston leases - 1772-1774
Expand 9 - Breaston leases - 17789 - Breaston leases - 1778
Expand 10 - Survey, terrier, maps etc. - late 18th cent-180010 - Survey, terrier, maps etc. - late 18th cent-1800
Expand 11 - Rentals and accounts - 1797-192011 - Rentals and accounts - 1797-1920
Expand 12 - Miscellaneous Receipts - 1780-184412 - Miscellaneous Receipts - 1780-1844
Expand 13 - Papers concerning redemption of land tax in Aston, 1766 and sale of Long Eaton property, 1803-1804, with related earlier material - 1766-180413 - Papers concerning redemption of land tax in Aston, 1766 and sale of Long Eaton property, 1803-1804, with related earlier material - 1766-1804
Expand 14 - Sale of Long Eaton property in 1808 - c180814 - Sale of Long Eaton property in 1808 - c1808
Expand 15 - Maps, plans, tithes - 19th cent15 - Maps, plans, tithes - 19th cent
Expand 16 - Plaster Mine or Quarry and Mill - 1818-191916 - Plaster Mine or Quarry and Mill - 1818-1919
Expand 17 - Sale of Aston Estate - 192417 - Sale of Aston Estate - 1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Expand T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895