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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Collapse B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
1 - Deed of Copartnership, London Grocers - 5 Mar [1694]
Collapse 2 - Legal case papers of ?Robert Holden (1647-1734) - 18th cent2 - Legal case papers of ?Robert Holden (1647-1734) - 18th cent
Expand 1 - Fillongley in Warwickshire - 1647-17211 - Fillongley in Warwickshire - 1647-1721
Collapse 2 - Stowe in Staffordshire - [1632]-c17092 - Stowe in Staffordshire - [1632]-c1709
1 - Marriage settlement by conveyance to uses made by 1. John Pott of Kingston, Staffordshire, yeoman and Humphrey his son and heir apparent to 2. Robert Hall of Cocknedge, parish of Barlaston, Staffordshire, yeoman and Edward Cartwright of Blithbridge near Kingston, yeoman - 20 Jan [1632]
2 - Covenant to levy fine and deed to lead the uses of the fine made by 1. Humphrey Pott of Stowe yeoman with 2. Peter Lightfoote of Uttoxeter, Staffordshire gent; to enable Pott to dispose of the premises and to make him tenant in fee simple, he covenanted to levy a fine to Lightfoote of a messuage in Stowe and buildings and lands belonging, to the use of Pott, his heirs and assigns forever - 20 Oct 1657
3-4 - Final concord (two parts) between Peter Lightfoote plaintiff and Humphrey Pott defendant of messuage, 6 acres land, 2 acres meadow, 6 acres pasture in Stowe, £41 - Michaelmas 1657
5 - Receipt from John Turner Bailiff of the Hundred of Pirill [Pirehill] to Humphrey Pot for payment of 10s to accord with Peter Lightfoot gentleman for a messuage in Leafeild in Stowe
6 - Copy of will, made 28 January 1680/1, of Humphrey Pott of Leayfields, in parish Stowe and in Chartley Holm [?Stowe-by-Chartley, Staffordshire], yeoman - [1681] (late 17th cent)
7 - Mortgage by lease for 1,000 years by 1. William Pott of Leayfields, parish Stowe, wheelwright and Humphrey Pott of the same, forgeman to 2. Elizabeth Croxton of Stowe widow, for £31 of ½ messuage, ½ buildings etc belonging, 2 crofts called the Gutt? Croft and the Croft in which stands the house Robert, William and Humphrey's brother, formerly lived in, ½ close between Oxe Close and the highway to Leeshill - 7 Apr 1705
8 - Articles of agreement made between Humphrey Potts of Leafield, Stowe, forgeman and Thomas Croxton of Chartley, parish Stowe, gentleman that for £100, £3 per annum for 5 years, and 20s per annum thereafter for the remainder of Humphrey's life, and that Humphrey may receive the issues of the premises, Humphrey will make a good title to Thomas Croxton of the lands mortgaged to Elizabeth Croxton in 1705 - 10 Aug 1709
9-10 - Lease and release by 1. Humphrey Pott of Leagfields, parish Stowe, forgeman to 2. Thomas Croxton of Chartley, parish Stowe, gentleman for £100, of premises as in mortgage of 1705, the crofts being described as the Guttur Croft and the croft in which stands the house John Rock now possesses - 4-5 Oct 1709
11 - Counterpart lease by 1. Thomas Croxton as above to 2. Humphrey Potts (sic) senior as above for £40 of house Potts lives in, barn, buildings, 3 pieces of land called Gutter croft and the Croft in which the house stands wherein John ? Rock now dwells and the little croft that lyeth to the Ox Close in parish of Stowe, two of the pieces being in tenure of Sampson Copstake, with watercourse, all privileges belonging, that leads the water into the forge pool and all commoning pertaining, to hold for 2.'s life at rent of 2d - 6 Oct 1709
12 - Brief in case in ejectment, James Peacable plaintiff and Humfrey Pott defendant - [18th cent]
Expand 3 - Documents involving Burdett family - 1691-17243 - Documents involving Burdett family - 1691-1724
Expand 4 - Documents concerning Alstonfield, Staffordshire - [early 18th cent]4 - Documents concerning Alstonfield, Staffordshire - [early 18th cent]
Expand 5 - Concerning W and William Busby - 1724-17305 - Concerning W and William Busby - 1724-1730
Expand 6 - Case papers concerning the Adcock family - 1730-17316 - Case papers concerning the Adcock family - 1730-1731
7 - Letter, Ann Freeman to Robert Holden esquire asking him to pay Mr John Farmer £107 10s mentioned to be the consideration in an assignment of even date and to be paid by Holden to Freeman, 10 Oct - 10-29 Oct 1734
Expand 3 - William Dickson Winterbottom - 1875-18953 - William Dickson Winterbottom - 1875-1895
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Expand T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895