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Collapse D6847 - University of Derby, formerly Derby College of Art and Technology, and predecessors - 1854-1996D6847 - University of Derby, formerly Derby College of Art and Technology, and predecessors - 1854-1996
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Expand Box4 - Box4 - [1938-1970s]Box4 - Box4 - [1938-1970s]
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1 - "Reply to the CNAA [Council for National Academic Awards] comments on the re-submission document dates August 1976" concerning degree in Earth and Life Sciences - 1976
2 - Amendments to "Conditions of Service of Academic Staff." Sept - 1980
3 - "Conditions of Service of Academic Staff." July - 1976
4 - Memorandum on "Roles of Head of School, Head of Division and of Course Leaders" - 1979
5 - Supporting documents for degree in science. - 1968
6 - Syllabus and timetable for course in watchmaking - c 1954
7 - Prospectus on course in graphic design - 1960
8 - "Photography Prospectus" - 1962
9 - Prospectus for courses offered by school of photography - 1953
10 - Prospectus for "Courses in Print" - 1951
11 - Prospectus for classes in photography - [c 1960]
12 - Prospectus in printing classes - 1955
13 - "Opportunities in Tailoring" prospectus - [c 1955]
14 - "Careers, scholarships and examinations in art" prospectus - 1950
15 - "Plastering Classes" prospectus - [c 1955]
16 - "Printing Courses" prospectus - 1963
17 - "Printing Courses" prospectus - 1962
18 - Department of Textiles and Textile Design Prospectus - 1967
19 - "Watch and Clockmaking classes" prospectus - [c 1960]
20 - Prospectus for courses in printing - 1964
21 - Annual Report for 1965-66 - 1966
22 - Annual Report for 1964-1965 - 1965
23 - "We'll take your apprentices" publication sent to local employers - 1970
24 - "CITB Integrated Course in Painting and Decorating" prospectus - 1970
25 - "Teacher Training and Refresher Courses for Serving Teachers" prospectus - [c 1965]
26-39 - "A collection of drawings by John Sandford, graphic design student at Derby College of Art" - [c 1970]
40 - Notes from a meeting of the Governors to discuss the development of Higher Education in Derby, Apr 1974 - 1974
41 - "The Library - a brief guide" brochure - 1967
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