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Collapse D6004 - Revd Canon Donald MacDonald of Derby, Anglican clergyman - 1984-2009D6004 - Revd Canon Donald MacDonald of Derby, Anglican clergyman - 1984-2009
Expand 1 - Radio Derby Morning Thoughts - 1984-19971 - Radio Derby Morning Thoughts - 1984-1997
Expand 2 - Correspondence - 1984-20092 - Correspondence - 1984-2009
Expand 3 - Deanery Commission on Urban Priority Areas3 - Deanery Commission on Urban Priority Areas
Expand 4 - Diocesan Strategy Working Party - c1993-19954 - Diocesan Strategy Working Party - c1993-1995
Collapse 5 - Communication papers - 1994-20035 - Communication papers - 1994-2003
1 - Transcripts of speeches made on the subject of the Church and the Media - 1994-2003
2 - Argument against a motion to legalise cannabis, to Derby Lonsdale College of Higher Education's "Talking Shop", with related correspondence from Don Mara of the Department of Pharmacology, Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital, London including copy notes of a conversation re cannabis with Dr Coulion - 1979
3 - Talk to the Walsingham Cell at Bridge Chapel, Derby, re Liberation Theology, entitiled "Our Lady of Latin America" - 1984
4 - Notes of conversation re proposed Toyota car plant between the Member of Parliament for South Derbyshire, Edwina Currie, and representatives of Derby Diocesan Council of Social Responsibility - 1989
5 - Talk to the Men's Fellowship group at St Giles Church [Derby], entitled "Medical Ethics and the Christian" - 1992
6 - Talk to Allenton ecumenical Lent group entitled "Why should we Care for the Environment?" - 1999
7 - A series of five talks broadcast by BBC Radio Derby during lent entitled "Why Did Jesus Die?" - 2007
8 - Talk to Bakewell and Eyam Deanery entitled "Opposing Climate Change is a Gospel Imperative" - 2007
9 - Talk to the Forum of Faiths for Derby entitled "Opposing Climate Change is a Gospel Imperative"; text differs from D6004/5/8 - 2008
10 - Talk to Affirming Catholicism group entitled "a Rant against the Reformation" - 2008
11 - Address used at "a Meditation in Words and Music on the Passion of Christ with the art of Mark Rothko", with order of service - 2009
Expand 6 - Environmental Projects6 - Environmental Projects
Expand 7 - Wilmorton Road Action Group7 - Wilmorton Road Action Group