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Collapse D5956 - Messrs Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors - 1849-1922D5956 - Messrs Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors - 1849-1922
Expand 1 - Samuel Moore, tailor, in the Wirksworth area, in 1652 - 17th-19th cent1 - Samuel Moore, tailor, in the Wirksworth area, in 1652 - 17th-19th cent
Expand 2 - Darley Dale property - 1828-18472 - Darley Dale property - 1828-1847
Expand 3 - The Greaves/Barnes families of Stanton-in-the-Peak, etc, - 1614-17403 - The Greaves/Barnes families of Stanton-in-the-Peak, etc, - 1614-1740
Expand 4 - The Bagshaw family of the Peak - 1702-17594 - The Bagshaw family of the Peak - 1702-1759
Expand 5 - Electioneering in the Hundred of High Peak - 17695 - Electioneering in the Hundred of High Peak - 1769
Expand 6 - Terriers of Sheldon and Ashford-in-the-Water - c.18306 - Terriers of Sheldon and Ashford-in-the-Water - c.1830
Expand 7 - Correspondence of John Wright, attorney, and his family at Eyam, Sheffield etc. This mainly concerns family gossip, and the attempts of John Wright, as a newly qualified lawyer, to find a suitable position - 1818-18367 - Correspondence of John Wright, attorney, and his family at Eyam, Sheffield etc. This mainly concerns family gossip, and the attempts of John Wright, as a newly qualified lawyer, to find a suitable position - 1818-1836
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous items concerning Derbyshire, etc - 1854-19248 - Miscellaneous items concerning Derbyshire, etc - 1854-1924
Expand 9 - Enclosure of the wastes at Bedford, in Lancashire, 1698 These items may have been part of the papers in the estate of Elizabeth Garmston Barker - 1698-18109 - Enclosure of the wastes at Bedford, in Lancashire, 1698 These items may have been part of the papers in the estate of Elizabeth Garmston Barker - 1698-1810
Expand 10 - Friendly Society rulebooks - 185310 - Friendly Society rulebooks - 1853
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous sales catalogues and Miscellaneous printed plans associated with property sales and Miscellaneous brochures of national house sales - 1853-191611 - Miscellaneous sales catalogues and Miscellaneous printed plans associated with property sales and Miscellaneous brochures of national house sales - 1853-1916
Expand 12 - Personal and Business Papers of the Taylor Family (Box 2) - 1849-186212 - Personal and Business Papers of the Taylor Family (Box 2) - 1849-1862
Expand 13 - Bundle, mainly correspondence, concerning the establishment of a solicitor's practice at Buxton of Joseph William Taylor during 1860, in partnership with John Taylor of Bakewell who continued to practice at Bakewell where he had himself set up as a solicitor in 1849 - 1860-186213 - Bundle, mainly correspondence, concerning the establishment of a solicitor's practice at Buxton of Joseph William Taylor during 1860, in partnership with John Taylor of Bakewell who continued to practice at Bakewell where he had himself set up as a solicitor in 1849 - 1860-1862
Expand 14 - Large bundle of miscellaneous business and personal papers of the Taylor family of Bakewell, solicitors, etc, 1841-81 - 1841-188114 - Large bundle of miscellaneous business and personal papers of the Taylor family of Bakewell, solicitors, etc, 1841-81 - 1841-1881
Expand 15 - Taylor and The Midland Railway Company at Bakewell - 1863-186415 - Taylor and The Midland Railway Company at Bakewell - 1863-1864
Expand 16 - J M Knott of The Church Defence, 1865 - 186516 - J M Knott of The Church Defence, 1865 - 1865
17 - Proposed lease to Mr Hodgkinson of Bakewell, 1866 Letter from Mr Hodgkinson of Bakewell. I cannot lease your house at present. 17 February 1866 - 1866
Expand 18 - Correspondence Memorial to John Clare, the Northamptonshire poet, - 186618 - Correspondence Memorial to John Clare, the Northamptonshire poet, - 1866
19 - Dispute concerning shooting rights on Taylor's land, 1866 Letter from ? of Chatsworth, on behalf of the Duke of Devonshire, to J Taylor - re a dispute concerning shooting on Taylor's land13 February 1866 - 1866
Expand 20 - Estate of Richard Walthall - 186720 - Estate of Richard Walthall - 1867
Expand 21 - Nuisance caused by Benjamin Thompson of Matlock Street, Bakewell, butcher, 1869 - 186921 - Nuisance caused by Benjamin Thompson of Matlock Street, Bakewell, butcher, 1869 - 1869
Expand 22 - Miscellaneous correspondence especially re leases, 1869-1873 - 1867-187322 - Miscellaneous correspondence especially re leases, 1869-1873 - 1867-1873
Expand 23 - Copyright to "Kirkes Handbook of Physiology", - 1873-187523 - Copyright to "Kirkes Handbook of Physiology", - 1873-1875
Expand 24 - John Taylor's "Great Pyramid" book, 1875-81 - 1875-188124 - John Taylor's "Great Pyramid" book, 1875-81 - 1875-1881
Expand 25 - Estate of John Taylor deceased, 1877-81 - 1877-188125 - Estate of John Taylor deceased, 1877-81 - 1877-1881
26 - James Taylor's marriage settlement, 1858 Draft appointment of Joseph Hunt and Samuel Hunt as replacement trustees for the settlement made prior to the marriage of James Taylor and Miss Jane Hunt 9 August 1858 - 1858
Expand 27 - Regents Canal, - 186427 - Regents Canal, - 1864
Expand 28 - Mortgage of houses at Over Hackney, Darley Dale; Bowler to Taylor, 1867 - 186728 - Mortgage of houses at Over Hackney, Darley Dale; Bowler to Taylor, 1867 - 1867
Expand 29 - Onion Flatt, at Darley Dale, 1876-83 - 1876-188329 - Onion Flatt, at Darley Dale, 1876-83 - 1876-1883
Expand 30 - Business Papers of the Taylor and Brooke Families 1852-1904 - 1852-190430 - Business Papers of the Taylor and Brooke Families 1852-1904 - 1852-1904
31 - Messrs Taylor's partnership as bankers at Bakewell, 1853 Draft articles of partnership between James Taylor of Bakewell, mercer and banker, and George Taylor of Bakewell, mercer, as bankers—January 1853 - 1853
Expand 32 - Messuage in Bridge Place Road (now Castle Street), Bakewell, 1869 - 186932 - Messuage in Bridge Place Road (now Castle Street), Bakewell, 1869 - 1869
33 - Articles of partnership of Francis James Taylor of Bakewell, solicitor, 1869 Draft articles of partnership as solicitors between John Taylor of Bakewell, gentleman, and his son, Francis James Taylor - 1869
Expand 34 - Articles of clerkship of Herbert Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, solicitor, 1872 - 187234 - Articles of clerkship of Herbert Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, solicitor, 1872 - 1872
Expand 35 - Partnership of George Taylor and Thomas Langstaff, cloth agents, 1874-96 - 1874-189635 - Partnership of George Taylor and Thomas Langstaff, cloth agents, 1874-96 - 1874-1896
Expand 36 - Will of George Taylor of Bakewell - 1886-188936 - Will of George Taylor of Bakewell - 1886-1889
37 - Apprenticeship as an architect of John Raymond Taylor of Bakewell, 1892 Indenture between (1) Ernest Morewood Longsdon of Bakewell, architect, land agent, and surveyor; (2) James Taylor of Bakewell, gentleman; and his son (3) John Raymond Taylor; apprenticing (3) to (1) 1 April 1892 - 1892
Expand 38 - Articles of clerkship of Alfred Miles Taylor of Bakewell, solicitor, 1893 - 189338 - Articles of clerkship of Alfred Miles Taylor of Bakewell, solicitor, 1893 - 1893
39 - Lease of a cottage in Bridge Street, Bakewell, 1903 Draft lease by (1) Colonel Herbert Brooke Taylor of Bakewell, Lieutenant Colonel commanding 2 V/B Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Regiment, for himself and successors in command of the said battalion; to (2) William Fisher Broomhead of Bridge Street, Bakewell; - of a cottage in Bridge Street, Bakewell - 1903
40 - Marriage settlement of James Hubert Taylor of Ealing, Middlesex, 1904 Copy of the settlement made in contemplation of the intended marriage between James Hubert Taylor of 37 Oxford Road, Ealing, Middlesex, esquire, and Miss Amy Briggs of 234 Camden Road, London, spinster 10 October - 1904
Expand 41 - Fourdrinier & Hunt, Wholesale Stationers, London Joseph Hunt was related by marriage to the Taylor family [see BT] - 1842 - 187141 - Fourdrinier & Hunt, Wholesale Stationers, London Joseph Hunt was related by marriage to the Taylor family [see BT] - 1842 - 1871
Expand 42 - Correspondence of Colonel Herbert Brooke Taylor, 1922 - 192242 - Correspondence of Colonel Herbert Brooke Taylor, 1922 - 1922
Expand 43 - The estate of Thomas Froggatt of Hartington, currier, died 1833 - 1792-188043 - The estate of Thomas Froggatt of Hartington, currier, died 1833 - 1792-1880
Expand 44 - The Fogg family of Hartington: (i) Gores Closes at Hartington - 1809-190244 - The Fogg family of Hartington: (i) Gores Closes at Hartington - 1809-1902
Expand 45 - The Fogg family: (ii) property at Hartington sold by Sir Hugh Bateman to Thomas Fogg - 1853-187345 - The Fogg family: (ii) property at Hartington sold by Sir Hugh Bateman to Thomas Fogg - 1853-1873
Expand 46 - The Fogg family: (iii) the estate of Miss Sarah Fogg, died 1857 - 1857-187746 - The Fogg family: (iii) the estate of Miss Sarah Fogg, died 1857 - 1857-1877
Expand 47 - The Fogg family: (iv) the estate of Joseph Fogg, died 1875:  - 1871-187547 - The Fogg family: (iv) the estate of Joseph Fogg, died 1875: - 1871-1875
Expand 48 - estate of Joseph Fogg - 1866-187548 - estate of Joseph Fogg - 1866-1875
Expand 49 - The Fogg family: (vi) John Housley of Monyash (a mortgagor of Joseph Fogg) - 1787-184549 - The Fogg family: (vi) John Housley of Monyash (a mortgagor of Joseph Fogg) - 1787-1845
Expand 50 - The Fogg family: (vii) the estate of Thomas Fogg, died 1863 - 1863-187550 - The Fogg family: (vii) the estate of Thomas Fogg, died 1863 - 1863-1875
Expand 51 - The Fogg family: (viii) the estate of Miss Martha Fogg, died 1871 - 1871-187751 - The Fogg family: (viii) the estate of Miss Martha Fogg, died 1871 - 1871-1877
Expand 52 - Estate of William Redfern of Hartington (died 1867) - 1867-188252 - Estate of William Redfern of Hartington (died 1867) - 1867-1882
Expand 53 - Ann Redfern's house in Hartington Market Place - 1869-187453 - Ann Redfern's house in Hartington Market Place - 1869-1874
Expand 54 - The estate of John Redfern of Hartington, farmer, (died 1879) - 1874-189554 - The estate of John Redfern of Hartington, farmer, (died 1879) - 1874-1895
Expand 55 - Mary Redfern of Hartington, (died 1875): (i) miscellaneous estate papers - 1867-188055 - Mary Redfern of Hartington, (died 1875): (i) miscellaneous estate papers - 1867-1880
Expand 56 - Mary Redfern of Hartington, (died 1875): (ii) Abstracts of deeds - 1804-187556 - Mary Redfern of Hartington, (died 1875): (ii) Abstracts of deeds - 1804-1875
Expand 57 - Mary Redfern of Hartington (iii) preparations for the 1876 auction - 1669-187657 - Mary Redfern of Hartington (iii) preparations for the 1876 auction - 1669-1876
Expand 58 - Mary Redfern of Hartington: (iv) the 1876 auction - 1876-188158 - Mary Redfern of Hartington: (iv) the 1876 auction - 1876-1881
Expand 59 - The Redfern estates at Wensley and Darley Bridge - 187659 - The Redfern estates at Wensley and Darley Bridge - 1876
Expand 60 - The Old School House at Hartington: Redfern to Gould - 1865-188060 - The Old School House at Hartington: Redfern to Gould - 1865-1880
Expand 61 - Martha Briggs of Hartington, (died 1879) - 1877-189961 - Martha Briggs of Hartington, (died 1879) - 1877-1899
Expand 62 - The Redferns of Crich: the Plaistow Hall Estate - 1852-187562 - The Redferns of Crich: the Plaistow Hall Estate - 1852-1875
Expand 63 - Bakewell Fields: Irving to Redfern - 1870-189363 - Bakewell Fields: Irving to Redfern - 1870-1893
Expand 64 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (I) Merrial Closes and Butts View, Bakewell - 1800-190564 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (I) Merrial Closes and Butts View, Bakewell - 1800-1905
Expand 65 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (ii) Greensmiths Croft, etc, at Bakewell - 1814-186965 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (ii) Greensmiths Croft, etc, at Bakewell - 1814-1869
Expand 66 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (iii) Houses in Church Street, Bakewell - 1828-186166 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (iii) Houses in Church Street, Bakewell - 1828-1861
Expand 67 - Andrew Brittlebank's property at Tideswell - 1835-186467 - Andrew Brittlebank's property at Tideswell - 1835-1864
Expand 68 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (iv) deeds re John Percival's Hartington property - 1832-187868 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (iv) deeds re John Percival's Hartington property - 1832-1878
Expand 69 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (v) miscellaneous items about Hartington - 1798-187669 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (v) miscellaneous items about Hartington - 1798-1876
Expand 70 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (vi) the mortgage of John Percival's property at Hartington - 1876-189470 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (vi) the mortgage of John Percival's property at Hartington - 1876-1894
Expand 71 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (vii property at Sheen, Staffordshire - 1871-188971 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (vii property at Sheen, Staffordshire - 1871-1889
Expand 72 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (viii) houses at Hartington, Hope to Redfern - 187872 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (viii) houses at Hartington, Hope to Redfern - 1878
Expand 73 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (ix) John Salt's farm tenancies at Hartington - 1879-188273 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (ix) John Salt's farm tenancies at Hartington - 1879-1882
Expand 74 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (x) the 1882 auction of Hartington property - 188274 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (x) the 1882 auction of Hartington property - 1882
Expand 75 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xi) James Close and Scar Close, at Hartington - 189975 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xi) James Close and Scar Close, at Hartington - 1899
Expand 76 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xii) land near Flagg - 188776 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xii) land near Flagg - 1887
Expand 77 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xiii) Dale House Farm at Monyash - 1893-189477 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xiii) Dale House Farm at Monyash - 1893-1894
Expand 78 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xiv) Compton Buildings at Buxton - 1891-190578 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xiv) Compton Buildings at Buxton - 1891-1905
Expand 79 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xv) the sale of his estate at Hartington, Ashford, and Sheldon - 1904-191179 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xv) the sale of his estate at Hartington, Ashford, and Sheldon - 1904-1911
Expand 80 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xvi) High Field Close at Hartington - 1890-190580 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xvi) High Field Close at Hartington - 1890-1905
Expand 81 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xvii) Pool Farm at Sheen, Staffordshire - 1770-190581 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xvii) Pool Farm at Sheen, Staffordshire - 1770-1905
Expand 82 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xviii) miscellaneous papers - 1872-190482 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xviii) miscellaneous papers - 1872-1904
Expand 83 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xix) fire insurance - 1870-190483 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xix) fire insurance - 1870-1904
Expand 84 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xx) the sale of the Barflats, at Bakewell - 1904-190584 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xx) the sale of the Barflats, at Bakewell - 1904-1905
Expand 85 - William Redfern of Bakewell (xxi) houses in Church Street, and closes at Bakewell - 190585 - William Redfern of Bakewell (xxi) houses in Church Street, and closes at Bakewell - 1905
Expand 86 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xxii) wills and accounts - 1882-191286 - William Redfern of Bakewell: (xxii) wills and accounts - 1882-1912
Expand 87 - Miscellaneous items found amongst the Redfern papers - 1865-188787 - Miscellaneous items found amongst the Redfern papers - 1865-1887
Expand 88 - Land at Wirksworth, Hall to Heaps, 1831 - 1829-183288 - Land at Wirksworth, Hall to Heaps, 1831 - 1829-1832
Expand 89 - Bond: Wright to Webster, - 179289 - Bond: Wright to Webster, - 1792
Expand 90 - The Hall and land at Elton: Webster to Elliott, 1853 - 1849-185390 - The Hall and land at Elton: Webster to Elliott, 1853 - 1849-1853
Expand 91 - Will of George Staley of Elton, lead miner, - 184291 - Will of George Staley of Elton, lead miner, - 1842
Expand 92 - The Bowering family of Darley Dale, c1855 - 1847-185592 - The Bowering family of Darley Dale, c1855 - 1847-1855
Expand 93 - Estate at Flagg of Joseph Holmes decd. 1834 - 183493 - Estate at Flagg of Joseph Holmes decd. 1834 - 1834
Expand 94 - Will of William Thornhill of Liverpool, 1847 - 1847-185194 - Will of William Thornhill of Liverpool, 1847 - 1847-1851
Expand 95 - Will of Martha Booth of Stoney Middleton, 1836 - 1836-185095 - Will of Martha Booth of Stoney Middleton, 1836 - 1836-1850
Expand 96 - Slating Samuel Mather's cowhouse at Pilsley, 1840 - 184096 - Slating Samuel Mather's cowhouse at Pilsley, 1840 - 1840
97 - Bellanding caused by Bradwell Slag Works Evidence of Thomas Shenton of Bakewell, veterinary surgeion. -describes his examination on 29 Dec 1850 of horses owned by George Fox at Bradwell which displayed the symptoms of "bellanding" (lead poisoning), and on 16 Feb 1851 of a cow; mentions Mr Hornblower - 1850-1851
Expand 98 - Miss Wilkinson's school for young ladies at Bubnell Hall98 - Miss Wilkinson's school for young ladies at Bubnell Hall
99 - House and land at The Cliffe, Chelmorton: Lingard to Smith Copy draft conveyance by (1) James Brickhill, John Turner, and Jonathan Rowland the younger, all of Foolow, miners, (being the mortgagees); and (2) Thomas Lingard of Topley Head, in the Lordship of Blackwell and Parish of Bakewell, farmer, (the mortgagor); with the consent of (3) John Smith of Monyash, innkeeper, and Ellen, his wife; and of (4) Adam Hill of Peak Forest, labourer, and Mary, his wife; and of (5) John Lomas of Peak Forest, shoemaker; (being all devisees under the will of Thomas Lingard decd); and (6) Anthony Mason of Waterloo Inn, near Taddington, innkeeper, (as agent for (7)); to (7) the said John Smith;- reciting the will of Thomas Lingard of Topley Head, farmer, dated 16 Aug 1826, testator dying 24 May 1830, the will proved on 15 Oct 1830; and reciting that on 4 Sep 1848 the property was mortgaged to (1) (subject to the payment of legacies under the said will) for £50 plus interest; and that on 12 Feb 1849 a further mortgage of £40 plus interest was made; - now for £270 (of which £97 6s 6d is paid to (1), the rest to (2)), (2) conveys to (7) a newly erected house at Chelmorton occupied by Daniel Alcock, and about 3 acres of land at Chelmorton known as Middle Close, Higher Field, and The Cliffe, heretofore occupied by Martha Lingard and (2), with the barn, etc, thereon, the land previously being occupied by John Fidler, and the barn formerly being a house occupied by Hannah Taylor, and a barn formerly in the possession of George Brassington 24 Jun 1850 - 1826-1850
100 - Land at Flagg: Holmes to Howsley Draft conveyance with the consent of (1) Joseph Fogg of Hartington, yeoman, (as mortgage); by (2) Thomas Holmes of Monyash, yeoman, (the mortgagor), with the consent of (3) Andrew Brittle of Winster, gentleman; to (4) John Howsley of Monyash farmer; with the consent of (5) Thomas Howsley of Monyash, farmer; - reciting a lease and release of 8/9 Dec 1825 by Joseph Howsley of Monyash, yeoman, by which the land passed to Elizabeth White, widow, under a mortgage of £1,000; and that on 8/9 May 1826 the mortgage was assigned to Benjamin Wyatt; and on 13/14 Feb 1831 the mortgage was transferred from Wyatt; and on 13/14 Feb 1831 the mortgage was transferre from Wyatt to Mary White; etc, etc; at that (5) has agreed to purchase the land; now for £170 paid by (4) to (1) and £110 paid by (4) to (2), (2) conveys to (4) an allotment at Flagg 8a 1r 0p (now in two fields) which was awarded in 1809 to Joseph Holmes, with an assignment of two terms of years to attend the inheritance, in consideration of 10 shillings paid to (3) 6 Apr 1850 - 1825-1850
101 - Nithings Farm, Monyash, owned by Briddon Epitome of title: Briddon to Hill, mortgage for £450 - commences in 1778 and mentions hereditaments at Monyash including a cottage, part of the Bay Horse Inn, Spinney Croft, Dale Pingle, Mythings, Knotlow Dale, etc, all occupied by Mary Needham - 1778
Expand 102 - Bastardy case: Barbara Bowering of Grindleford Bridge v John Elliott of Eyam - 1850102 - Bastardy case: Barbara Bowering of Grindleford Bridge v John Elliott of Eyam - 1850
103 - Marriage settlement of John Taylor of Bakewell and Catherine Ann Parker of Homerton, Middlesex Draft antenupial settlement between (1) Catherine Ann Parker of Homerton, Middlesex, spinster; (2) John Taylor of Bakewell, gentleman; and (3) Thomas William Parker of Homerton, gentleman, and George Taylor of Bakewell, mercer, (being the trustees); - reciting an indenture of settlement made on 21 Mar 1838 between (i) William Hoyle esq; and (ii) John Clark, gentleman, and William Fretwell Hoyle, gentleman, as trustees; by which the said C A Parker is now entitled to the relersion expectant on the death of her father, Francis Parker, formerly of Ickles, in the Parish of Rotherham, Yorkshire, but now of Homerton, gentleman, to the principal sum of £510; - and that a marriage is now intended between (1) and (2), and that the reversionary interest in the monies vested in the trustees of W Hoyle decd is now transferred by (1), with the assent of (2), to (3) as trustees 1 Oct 1850 - 1850
104 - Bakehouse chimney nuisance at Bakewell: James Taylor v Misses Leedham Draft agreement between (1) Mary Anne Leedham and Maria Leedham, both of Bakewell, spinsters; and (2) James Taylor of Bakewell, mercer; - reciting that the Misses Leedhams carry on business as bread and biscuit bakers and confectioners at Bakewell as lessees of premises close to the messuage, etc occupied by James Taylor, and have erected a bakehouse with a chimney which sometimes emits black smoke, causing a nuisance to Taylor, who has commenced an action at law; it is now agreed that (1) should rebuild the chimney so that it is at least 40 feet 3 inches high, and that (2) should abandon the law suit. 1850 - with a note signed by William Gauntley and Richard Heyward that they have measured the chimney of James Taylor's house and found it to be 40 feet 3 inches high 7 May 1850 - 1850
105 - William Greaves' accounts Notebook of the copy accounts with William Greaves, etc - mentions the post to Rowsley. [This may be associated withD5956/106] - 1849-1850
106 - Evasion of duty by William Wells of Bakewell, postmaster Notice by William Longden J.P to William Wells of Bakewell, postmaster, to appear at Bakewell Justice Room on 5 Sep 1851 concerning allegations that he did not pay the correct duty when letting out a horse for hire See also BT 251 22 Aug 1851 - 1851
107 - The lead slag smelting works at Bradwell Draft agreement between (1) James Mitchell of Thornfield House, in the Parish of Chesterfield, lead smelter; (2) the Duke of Rutland; (3) George Fox of Hazlebach Hall, in the Parish of Hope, farmer; (4) Thomas Hill of Bradwell, farmer; (5) Nancy Elliott, widow of John Elliott of Bradwell, farmer; (6) Mary Howe, widow of Robert Howe of Bradwell, farmer; and (7) Thomas Walker of Bradwell, farmer; - reciting that certain works have been erected at or near Bradwell, and are now or are about to be occupied by (1) to be used for the purpose of resmelting lead slag, and that they adjoin lands owned by (2) and tenanted by (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7); - it is now agreed that £135 should be deposited with the agent of (2) for compensation concerning any damage to his lands in Bradwell and Hazlebadge. (1) agrees to try to close down the slag smelting works within eighteen months; the other parties not to bring law suits against (1). [Formerly numbered 1851-21] 8 Oct 1851 Draft of the preceeding agreement, naming only the first three parties 1851 - 1851
Expand 108 - Debts of Thomas Marples of Bubnell, millstone manufacturer - 1849-1851108 - Debts of Thomas Marples of Bubnell, millstone manufacturer - 1849-1851
109 - Hattersley & Marples of Bubnell, millstone merchants Draft articles of partnership between (1) William Hattersley the elder of Baslow, maltster; (2) William Hattersley the younger of Bubnell, farmer and millstone merchant; (3) Thomas Marples the younger of the same place, millstone merchant; and (4) Samuel Marples of the same place, farmer and millstone merchant; - reciting that (1) and (2) are joint yearly lessees of all the Duke of Rutland's millstone quarries in Derbyshire, whereas (3) and (4) are tenants at will of all the millstone quarries of Edward Gilling Maynard of Chesterfield, esq, situate at Nether Padley, in the Parish of Hope. All four parties hereby enter into articles of partnership as millstone merchants, (3) and (4) to pay (1) £100 within three months, etc 18 Jul 1851 - 1851
Expand 110 - The estate of John Holmes at Baslow - 1807-1852110 - The estate of John Holmes at Baslow - 1807-1852
Expand 111 - The Hole alias Marshall family of Curbar, and their land at Taddington - 1756-1860111 - The Hole alias Marshall family of Curbar, and their land at Taddington - 1756-1860
Expand 112 - The settlement of Mrs Bridget Austin: Manchester v Ashford - 1812-1851112 - The settlement of Mrs Bridget Austin: Manchester v Ashford - 1812-1851
113 - Estate of Thomas Dungsworth of Pilsley Case for the opinion of counsel concerning the inheritance of Ann Bark under the will of Thomas Dungsworth decd; with an abstract of the will and a list of the devisees then living. With the opinion of H W Mander of Lincolns Inn dated 2 Apr 1851- recites the will of Thomas Dungsworth of Pilsley, in the Parish of Edensor, yeoman, decd, dated 11 Jan 1817. All debts to be paid by his eldest daughter, Betty Dungsworth, out of bequests in trust for her; to Matthew Coulson (testator's brother in law) in fee or realty in trust, free hold estates in Pilsley, vizt the Pingle, Hare Piece, Further Marsh, Little Handley, in trust for testator's daughter Parnell Dungsworth; Side Lands and Bradley Bank at Pilsley in trust for daughter Hannah Dungsworth; Over Oldfield, Nether Oldfield, and Clay Bridge at Pilsley in trust for testator's daughter Ann, the wife of Thomas Bark; half a barn and stables at Pilsley in trust for each of the testator's daughters, Parnell and Hannah - 1817-1851
Expand 114 - The Gill Field, Matlock: Knowles to Young - 1829-1851114 - The Gill Field, Matlock: Knowles to Young - 1829-1851
115 - Arrack Closes, Ashford, of Samuel Harrison Abstract of title of Samuel Harrison of Stretford, Lincolnshire, gentleman, to copy-hold premises called Arrack Closes, situate at Ashford- reciting the surrender on 25 Aug 1831 by William Heyward of Broom Edge, in the Parish of Lymm, Cheshire, gentleman, and his wife, Ann, and George Heyward of Manchester, cheesefactor, and his wife, Ann, for £190, to John Harrison of Bakewell, gentleman, of two pieces of land called the Arrack Closes, 4 acres, at Ashford, late in the possession of Francis Cooper, and then of George Jackson; also a mortgage for £250 by the said John Harrison to John Barker of Chorlton upon Medlock, Lancashire, on 6 Aug 1850; also a conveyance dated 22 Jan 1851 by the said John Harrison to Samuel Harrison and his trustee, Alfred Lloyd Hardman of Manchester, gentleman, for £50 - 1851
Expand 116 - John Harrison's mortgage with The Friendly Benefit Society, Bakewell - 1848-1851116 - John Harrison's mortgage with The Friendly Benefit Society, Bakewell - 1848-1851
Expand 117 - Ashford and Bakewell marble workers' display at the Great Exhibition of 1851 - 1851117 - Ashford and Bakewell marble workers' display at the Great Exhibition of 1851 - 1851
Expand 118 - John Taylor's house in Matlock Street, Bakewell - 1822-1851118 - John Taylor's house in Matlock Street, Bakewell - 1822-1851
Expand 119 - Poor Rate appeal by Lomas & Tunstill of Lumford, near Bakewell - 1851119 - Poor Rate appeal by Lomas & Tunstill of Lumford, near Bakewell - 1851
120 - Draft will of Thomas Mills of Bakewell, chemist and druggist. 26 Feb 1851 - household furniture, etc to wife, Ann; residue of personality to nephew and partner John Greaves of Bakewell and to John Taylor of Bakewell, solicitor, on trust, to pay debts and invest £900 for testator's wife; after her death £300 of this to Mary Gowen Mills (daughter of testator's brother Robert) for life, etc; £300 to testator's nephew John Greaves absolutely; £200 to nephew ----- (the son of George Hall of Leek, Staffordshire); £100 to niece Ann Mills. Executor and trustee: John Taylor - 1851
121 - Insolvency of John Broomhead of Bakewell, plumber and glazier The London Gazette 12 Aug 1851: on p2087 is a notice that John Broomhead of Bakewe;;, plumber and glazier, has assigned his estate to Thomas Holmes Armstrong of 18 Piccadilly and 5 Field Place, Chorlton on Medlock, both near Manchester, glass and lead merchant, and Benjamin Thompson of Bakewell, butcher, on 22 Jul 1851, for the benefit of creditors - 1851
Expand 122 - Insolvency of John Broomhead of Bakewell, plumber - 1851122 - Insolvency of John Broomhead of Bakewell, plumber - 1851
Expand 123 - Heyward's dismissal as surveyor for the Nottingham-Newhaven Turnpike Road - 1851123 - Heyward's dismissal as surveyor for the Nottingham-Newhaven Turnpike Road - 1851
Expand 124 - Ironmonger's shop at Wisbech, Cambridgeshire: Cottam to Baxter - 1852124 - Ironmonger's shop at Wisbech, Cambridgeshire: Cottam to Baxter - 1852
Expand 125 - Emigration of George Bankart of Leicester - 1852-1854125 - Emigration of George Bankart of Leicester - 1852-1854
Expand 126 - Land at Shirland: Clay to Holmes - 1852126 - Land at Shirland: Clay to Holmes - 1852
Expand 127 - Swanwick Steam Corn Mill, owned by Joseph Walters - 1851-1859127 - Swanwick Steam Corn Mill, owned by Joseph Walters - 1851-1859
Expand 128 - George Bradley's estate at Winster and Ashbourne - 1852-1867128 - George Bradley's estate at Winster and Ashbourne - 1852-1867
Expand 129 - Lowe End Farm, Sheen, owned by Joseph Gould of Pilsbury - 1845-1852129 - Lowe End Farm, Sheen, owned by Joseph Gould of Pilsbury - 1845-1852
130 - Restoration of Taddington Church Draft agreement between (1) William Hibbert of Bakewell, joiner, John Ellis of Bakewell, mason, Ann Bettney of Bakewell, plumber, and Joseph Hill of Bakewell, plasterer; - and (2) John Braddock of Taddington, farmer, and James Buxton of Priestcliffe, farmer; - for the restoration of the chancel of Taddington Church 1852 - 1852
131 - Bay Horse Inn and land at Monyash owned by Samuel Briddon Draft further mortgage by (1) Samuel Briddon of Monyash, farmer; to (2) Joseph Hill of Bakewell, plasterer; - reciting that by an indenture dated 7 May 1850 (1) mortgaged to (2) a house (formerly part of the Bay Horse Public House) an appurtenances, in the occupation of Mary Needham, widow, (this separated from the other part of the Bay Horse In during the life of Joseph Briddon, the father of (1), and then occupied by William Hibbert) and land called the Spinning Croft 1r 23p adjacent; also three closes (near the Taddington - Monyash road) called the Nithings, and various hereditaments, all situate at Monyash, for £450; - a further charge of £175 is now taken out on the same presemises 2 Aug 1852 - 1852
Expand 132 - Compensation for a cow: Buxton v Critchlow - 1851-1852132 - Compensation for a cow: Buxton v Critchlow - 1851-1852
Expand 133 - Stanton Corn Mill, owned by the Alport Mining Company - 1852133 - Stanton Corn Mill, owned by the Alport Mining Company - 1852
134 - Paper mill at Alport: Alport Mining Company to Rutland Draft conveyance - 3 Nov 1852
Expand 135 - George Oldfield and the Ashford Marble Works - 1852135 - George Oldfield and the Ashford Marble Works - 1852
136 - Bakewell Gas Lighting Inspectors Draft and fair copy of a notice concerning a meeting on 27 Jan 1852 under the Bakewell Lighting Act to elect lighting inspectors - 1852
137 - Reed's timber yard, Granby Road, Bakewell Draft lease by (1) William Jeke Wall of 3 Marine Terrace, Liscard, Cheshire [sic but presumably Liskeard, Cornwall], gentleman, Sarah Wilkinson of the Lams, in the Parish of Wem, Salop, widow, and Rachel Mary Birds, and Elizabeth Gilbert Birds, both of the same place, spinsters; - to (2) Lancelot George Reeds of Sheffield, timber merchant; - of a plot of land situated off Granby Road, Bakewell, and occupied by (2) as a timber yard, for a rent of £6 pa. With draft plan1852 - 1852
Expand 138 - Chemist's premises at Bakewell: Mills to Greaves - 1852-1859138 - Chemist's premises at Bakewell: Mills to Greaves - 1852-1859
139 - Castle Inn, Dronfield, owned by Frederick Anthony [Formerly numbered 1852-1]Abstract of the title of Frederick Anthony to the reversion and equity of a messuage and premises [namely, a public house called The Castle - see BT 291] at Dronfield, mortgaged to John Hutchinson of Bakewell, innkeeper, being situate on the Sheffield - Chesterfield Turnpike Road and in 1820 occupied by John Reaney nd [c.1852] - mentions a deed of 25/26 May 1820 concerning Thomas Creswick of Sheffield, silver plater
140 - Castle Inn, Bakewell: Anthony to Orme and Taylor Draft underlease by (1) Richard Anthony of Bakewell; to (2) Robert Orme of Bakewell, grocer, and John Taylor of London, yeoman; - reciting the The Castle Inn at Bakewell was let by the Duke of Rutland to Richard Anthony by a lease dated 28 Apr 1825, from 25 Mar 1820 for a term of 61 years at a rent of £24 10s pa; - and is hereby sub-let by (1) to (2) for the sum of £10 plus £70 pa until Mar 1857, and then £40 pa until Mar 1880, plus £20 on 23 Mar 1881, with various conditions dependant on the lives of Richard Anthony and his wife, Hannah 1 Jul 1852 - 1852
Expand 141 - Dagnall Close, Bakewell: Bowman to Orme - 1852141 - Dagnall Close, Bakewell: Bowman to Orme - 1852
142 - The Hall, etc at Elton: Webster to Elliot Draft agreement for the sale by John Webster of Handforth, near Manchester, farmer, and his mortgagee, John Egerton Killer of Derby, to William Elliot of Rowsley, in the Parish of Bakewell, farmer, for £115, of the Hall, situate at Elton, with 2a 3r 0p and a house adjacent, all occupied by George Webster, together with a pew in Elton Church 29 Nov 1853 [see also BT 315] - 1853
Expand 143 - Dispute concerning the repair of roads at Winster - 1852-1853143 - Dispute concerning the repair of roads at Winster - 1852-1853
144 - Estate of Ann Blore of Over Haddon Draft residuary account with the Inland Revenue concerning Ann Blore of Over Haddon, spinster, who died on 28 Dec 1851, as exhibited by Jonathan Blore of Over Haddon, farmer. Estat liable for duty: £350 Apr 1853 - 1853
145 - The Castle Inn, Dronfield: Anthony to Berry Copy draft conveyance by (1) Frederick Anthony of Bakewell, innkeeper; and (2) John Hutchinson of Bakewell, innkeeper, (as mortgagee); to (3) Thomas Berry the elder and Thomas Berry the younger, both of Sheffield, common brewers; - of a house and land on the Sheffield to Chesterfield road at Dronfield, being a public house called The Castle, formerly in the possession of John Reaney, but now of (3) or their undertenants, in consideration of £120 paid to (2) and £155 paid to (1) 10 Jun 1853 - 1853
146 - William Heathcote's estates at Bakewell Epitome of title to the Bakewell estates of the late William Heathcote esq- concerns (inter alia) an allotment 11a 3r 17p; Barlow Closes; land part of Stanedge Field; the messuage of Edward Heathcote; the plumbers' shop of Edward Heathcote and Nicholas Broomhead - 1853
Expand 147 - Mr Price's lease to Lees & Co of premises in Matlock Street, Bakewell - 1853147 - Mr Price's lease to Lees & Co of premises in Matlock Street, Bakewell - 1853
Expand 148 - Offensive privies at The Royal Oak Yard in Bakewell, and at Stoney Middleton - 1853148 - Offensive privies at The Royal Oak Yard in Bakewell, and at Stoney Middleton - 1853
149 - Articles of clerkship of Joseph William Taylor of Bakewell Draft articles of clerkship between (1) John Taylor of Bakewell, gentleman and attorney; and (2) James Taylor of Bakewell, mercer, and his son, Joseph William Taylor 29 Oct 1853 - 1853
150 - House in Leamington owned by William Redfern Supplemental abstract showing the title of William Redfern of Middleton by Youlgreave to a leasehold property in Bath Street, Leamington, Warwickshire, late the property of the legatees under the will of James Redfern deceased.- being an abstract of a deed dated 23 Dec 1844 between (1) Joseph Hodkinson of Derby, cornfactor, and his wife, Annie, Samuel Tabberar of Eastwood, near Nottingham, timber merchant, and his wife, Mary, (the said Annie Hodgkinson and Mary Tabberar being the only children of John Redfern, late of Crich, farmer, Henry Milward of Loscoe, near Heanor, brewer, and his wife, Mary Robert Oliver of Hartington, farmer, and his wife Ellen, Annie Redfern of Hartington, spinster, together with William Redfern of Middleton by Youlgreave, farmer - the said John Redfern, Mary Milward, Ellen Oliver, Annie Redfern, and William Redfern being the only children of William Redfern of Hartington, decd; - and (2) Mary Redfern of Crich, spinster, being the sister of the same James Redfern, late of Dougate Hill in the City of London, wholesale grocer, and sister of the said John Redfern and William Redfern decd
Expand 151 - Estate of Katherine Smithers  - 1851-1855151 - Estate of Katherine Smithers - 1851-1855
152 - Holme Hall Chert Mine, Bakewell: lease to Joseph Winson Lease by Joseph Hodgson of Holme Hall in the Parish of Bakewell, esq, to Joseph Winson of Bakewell, coach proprietor; - of a chert quarry on his estate at Holme Hall (previously let to George Bramwell untill 11 May 1853), Winson agreeing to purchase Bramwell's interest and Hogson's tools and hereby agreeing to pay Hodgson £75 in consideration of this and a royalty of 5 shillings per ton on all chert, with various conditions 27 May 1853 - 1853
Expand 153 - House and shop at Ranmoor, Upper Hallam, Sheffield: Bolsover to Eadon  - 1852-1853153 - House and shop at Ranmoor, Upper Hallam, Sheffield: Bolsover to Eadon - 1852-1853
154 - Tolls on the Ashford - Buxton Turnpike Road Draft case concerning the rate of tolls, dependant on wheel width, payable on the Ashford - Buxton Turnpike Road16 Dec 1853 - 1853
Expand 155 - Land at Eyam: Furness to Furness - 1853-1854155 - Land at Eyam: Furness to Furness - 1853-1854
Expand 156 - Warehouse at Eyam, mortgaged by William Moseley - 1853156 - Warehouse at Eyam, mortgaged by William Moseley - 1853
Expand 157 - Simpson v Simpson re farming at Foolow and Eyam - 1853157 - Simpson v Simpson re farming at Foolow and Eyam - 1853
Expand 158 - Estate of Ann Smith of Leam, Eyam - 1853-1855158 - Estate of Ann Smith of Leam, Eyam - 1853-1855
Expand 159 - Malthouses at Baslow: Kitchin to Devonshire - 1853159 - Malthouses at Baslow: Kitchin to Devonshire - 1853
160 - Claims for wages against Robert Cook of Hathersage, needle manufacturer Notices to Robert Cook of Hathersage, needle manufacturer, to appear at Bakewell County Court on 9 Jun 1853 concerning the wages claimed by Sebastian Hodgkinson of Hathersage, needle pointer 21 May 1853 Joseph Heginbotham of Hathersage, needle pointer. With draft cases for both - 1853
Expand 161 - Estate of Joseph Gould of Pilsbury Grange, Hartington - 1853161 - Estate of Joseph Gould of Pilsbury Grange, Hartington - 1853
Expand 162 - Lot and cope on lead ore from Ashford Lordship got in Watergrove Mine - 1852-1853162 - Lot and cope on lead ore from Ashford Lordship got in Watergrove Mine - 1852-1853
Expand 163 - Money owed by the Brightside Mining Company, Hassop, to Thomas Burton - 1852163 - Money owed by the Brightside Mining Company, Hassop, to Thomas Burton - 1852
Expand 164 - Ashford Court Roll, 1854  - 1854164 - Ashford Court Roll, 1854 - 1854
165 - Ann Brewell's estate in Ashford Manor Letter from A G Holmes of 25 Great Samuell, Bedford Row, London, to J Taylor of Bakewell, esq 9 Dec 1854 - concerning the claim to property in the Manor of Ashford by Henry Hodgkinson of Longstone as heir at law of Ann Brewell who died in about 1769 - 1854
166 - Holme Hall, near Bakewell: Hodgson to Gisborne Copy draft appointment and release in fee by (1) Joseph Hodgson of Easthorpe, Yorkshire, esq, and (2) Henry Saxton of Crich, Derbyshire, gentleman, (as the mortgagee of (1)), to (3) Thomas John Gisborne of ----- esq, and (4) -----, (as trustee of (3)); --of Holme Hall, here stated to be in the Township of Great Longstone, 3a 0r 5p, together with land called the Rookery 1a 1r 32p, Well Close 9a 2r 4p with a cottage, Aldern 6a 3r 0p, and a pew in Bakewell Church, being subject to an annual payment of 38 1/10th pecks of good oatmeal to the Poor of Bakewell and Great Longstone, in consideration of £2,000 paid by (3) to (2), and £1,550 paid by (3) to (1) 1854 - 1854
Expand 167 - William Hodgkinson's property at Chelmorton - 1854167 - William Hodgkinson's property at Chelmorton - 1854
Expand 168 - Joseph Skidmore's estate at Wardlow and Little Longstone - 1853-1854168 - Joseph Skidmore's estate at Wardlow and Little Longstone - 1853-1854
Expand 169 - Gateside Mine, in Hucklow Liberty - 1853-1854169 - Gateside Mine, in Hucklow Liberty - 1853-1854
Expand 170 - The Hall, etc, at Elton: Webster to Elliot - 1854170 - The Hall, etc, at Elton: Webster to Elliot - 1854
Expand 171 - Benjamin Stone's estate at Darley Bridge and Wensley  - 1823-1854171 - Benjamin Stone's estate at Darley Bridge and Wensley - 1823-1854
Expand 172 - House at Darley Dale: Ashton to Holmes - 1854172 - House at Darley Dale: Ashton to Holmes - 1854
173 - The Nottingham - Newhaven Turnpike Road Letter from Mr Fitzroy of the Home Office to Mr Taylor of Bakewell 2 Jun 1854 - asking if Mr Taylor is Clerk to the Nottingham 3rd District - 1854
Expand 174 - Property at Taddington of Thomas Lomas - 1854174 - Property at Taddington of Thomas Lomas - 1854
Expand 175 - Public house and property at Wessington - 1760-1855175 - Public house and property at Wessington - 1760-1855
176 - Will of Charles Bower senior of Darley Dale, bleacher Draft will of Charles Bower senr of Darley Dale, bleacher. 27 Sep 1853- devises Top Slack Farm in Amber Lane, Ashover, to his eldest son, Charles; to his second son, Thomas, Greenfield Cottage and Farm and the Pingle at Milltown, Ashover, lately purchased from Henry Brown of Woolley Moor; subject to the payment of £250 to each of his daughters, Margaret Evans Bower, Hannah Bower, and Mary Ann Bower. Testator writes off £600 lent to his son Charles on 1 Nov 1853 in order that he might then start up in business. Also to each daughter £650. All the remainder divided between the children. Executors: eldest son Charles Bower; brother in law Roger Evans; friend John Wall of Northwood, Darley Dale, butcher - devises Top Slack Farm in Amber Lane, Ashover, to his eldest son, Charles; to his second son, Thomas, Greenfield Cottage and Farm and the Pingle at Milltown, Ashover, lately purchased from Henry Brown of Woolley Moor; subject to the payment of £250 to each of his daughters, Margaret Evans Bower, Hannah Bower, and Mary Ann Bower. Testator writes off £600 lent to his son Charles on 1 Nov 1853 in order that he might then start up in business. Also to each daughter £650. All the remainder divided between the children. Executors: eldest son Charles Bower; brother in law Roger Evans; friend John Wall of Northwood, Darley Dale, butcher - 1853
Expand 177 - Bankruptcy of William Sporle of Mill Street, Bakewell, paint and flour dealer - 1855177 - Bankruptcy of William Sporle of Mill Street, Bakewell, paint and flour dealer - 1855
Expand 178 - The Shutts, Bakewell: Tetlow to Holmes - 1855178 - The Shutts, Bakewell: Tetlow to Holmes - 1855
Expand 179 - Will of John Brown Bossley of Burr House, Bakewell, gentleman - 1855179 - Will of John Brown Bossley of Burr House, Bakewell, gentleman - 1855
Expand 180 - Land at Ashford: Younge to Darwent/Dakin - 1855180 - Land at Ashford: Younge to Darwent/Dakin - 1855
Expand 181 - Property at Stoney Middleton mortgaged by Thomas Furness - 1855181 - Property at Stoney Middleton mortgaged by Thomas Furness - 1855
Expand 182 - The Taddington Lodge of Odd Fellows - 1834-1855182 - The Taddington Lodge of Odd Fellows - 1834-1855
Expand 183 - Elizabeth Dawson's removal from Stockport to Chelmorton - 1855183 - Elizabeth Dawson's removal from Stockport to Chelmorton - 1855
184 - House at Monyash: Critchlow to Millington Draft conveyance by (1) John Critchlow of Monyash, shopkeeper and farmer; to (2) Joshua Millington of Monyash, quarryman and farmer; with the consent of (3) John Millington of Monyash, quarryman and farmer, [as dower trustee]; - of a messuage situate at Monyash, occupied by (2) which was erected by George Dunn on the site of an old messuage purchased by him on 19 Mar 1845 from William Brittlebank, gentleman, with a moiety of a privy house adjoining, and an adjacent garden, subject to a right of way to the adjoining messuage of (1); for £60 With draft plan 11 Apr 1855 - 1855
Expand 185 - Land at Monyash mortgaged by Samuel Andrews - 1855185 - Land at Monyash mortgaged by Samuel Andrews - 1855
Expand 186 - J H Barker's property at Monyash, Youlgreave, and Flagg - 1855-1856186 - J H Barker's property at Monyash, Youlgreave, and Flagg - 1855-1856
Expand 187 - The proposed route of the railway from Rowsley to Bakewell [Formerly indexed as 1856-1] - 1848-1856187 - The proposed route of the railway from Rowsley to Bakewell [Formerly indexed as 1856-1] - 1848-1856
188 - Land at Darley Dale: Shawe to Wall [Formerly numbered 1856-3]Copy draft conveyance by Samuel Pole Shawe of Marple Hayes, Staffordshire, esq; to John Wall of the Parish of Darley [Dale], butcher; - reciting that Shawe is the surviving trustee under the will dated 8 Jul 1847 of Robert Newton Shawe of Kesgrove [?] Hall, Suffolk, esq, his brother, which instructed his trustees to sell all his Derbyshire estates. Testator died 21 Oct 1855, the will was proved at Canterbury on 29 Nov 1855, and the property auctioned on 31 Jul 1856. By these presents Shawe conveys to Wall two closes in the Parish of Darley Dale, 2a 1r 11p and 3a 2r 15p, occupied by Henry Lees and William Greaves respectively, being Lot 2 in the said auction, for £730 22 Dec 1856 - 1856
Expand 189 - Alport Mining Company v Kenworthy, concerning water rights [Formerly numbered 1855-11] - 1855-1856189 - Alport Mining Company v Kenworthy, concerning water rights [Formerly numbered 1855-11] - 1855-1856
190 - Burton House at BakewellL Heathcote to Fentem [Formerly numbered 1856-24]Copy draft conveyance by (1) Michael Heathcote of 12 Norfolk Street, Manchester, agent, and John Heathcote of Adelaide, New South Wales, farmer; with the consent of (2) David Charlesworth of 88 High Street, Manchester, woollen merchant, and Sarah, his wife; and (3) Ellen Bansall of Ashton upon Mersey, Cheshire, widow, (formerly Ellen Gilbert); - to (4) John Fentem of Bakewell, yeoman; - reciting that George Heathcote, late of Bakewell, gentleman, deceased, was seized of property and by his will dated 10 Jul 1827 devised it to his sons, the said Michael and John, to sell to pay his debts owing to his daughter, the said Sarah, and the surplus to be given to his other daughter, the said Ellen. Testator died in May 1828 and the will was proved in the Peculiar Court at Lichfield on 12 Jun 1828 - By these presents is conveyed by (1) to (4) a dwelling house called Burton House at Bakewell, formerly occupied by Benjamin Bradbury but now by Thomas Howard, and adjoining the lower end of te churchyard, for £50 6 Aug 1856 - 1856
Expand 191 - Land at Bakewell of William Heathcote deceased [Formerly numbered 1856-52] - 1798-1856191 - Land at Bakewell of William Heathcote deceased [Formerly numbered 1856-52] - 1798-1856
Expand 192 - Mount Pleasant Cottage, at Bakewell [Formerly numbered 1856-50] - 1856192 - Mount Pleasant Cottage, at Bakewell [Formerly numbered 1856-50] - 1856
193 - Lease of Orme's grocery shop in Bakewell Copy draft lease by (1) Esther Heyward of Bakewell, widow, Maria Leedham and Elizabeth Robinson, both of Bakewell, Robert Irving of Bakewell, painter, and his wife, Ellen (nee Leedham), and James Leedham Heyward of Bakewell, druggist; to (2) Robert Orme of Bakewell, grocer, wine and spirit merchant; - of the grocer's shop and wine vaults now occupied by (2) in Bakewell Market Place, for a period of 14 years commencing 24 Jun 1858 for £97 12s---- 1856 - 1856
194 - Frost's carpenter's shop at Bakewell Deed of gift of the estate and interest of John Frost of Bakewell, farmer, to his son, Thomas Frost of Derby Road, Nottingham, wheelwright and coachmaker; - reciting that William Frost decd of Bakewell, carpenter and wheelwright, by his will dated 25 Jun 1835 bequeathed all his carpenter's shop etc at Bakewell to his three sons, John, William, and Joseph, who were then in occupation of it. Testaor and his son William are now dead - John Frost hereby assigns all his moiety to his son Thomas 31 May 1856 - 1856
195 - Dirtlow Mine,Sheldon: Frost to the Field Groove Company Formerly numbered 1856-40] Draft sale by James Frost of Bakewell, painter, to William Wyatt of Foolow, lead merchant, on behalf of himself and others, being the Field Groove Mining Company, of all those 13/24th shares of James Frost in Dirtlow Mine "extending from Cowden Rake at the East end to within a few yards of Kirkdale Toll Bar at the west end", for £5 1856 - 1856
196 - Cottage in Well Street, Elton: Dakin to Joule [Formerly numbered 1856-34]Draft conveyance by (1) Isaac Dakin, formerly of Elton but now of No 15 Penrhyn Street, Scotland Road, Liverpool, cooper and distillery works foreman, (being the eldest son and heir of Isaac Dakin formerly of Elton, farmer, who died and was buried at Elton about Jun 1841); to (2) James Joule of Elton, farmer; - of a cottage in Well Street, Elton, and all that small piece of land adjoining on the south side with a cowhouse on the further corner (being the south part of the property owned by the said Isaac Dakin decd) now unoccupied but lately occupied by Jacob Mosley, for £25 17 Jan 1856 - 1856
Expand 197 - Property at Stanton Lees: Marsh to Gardom [Formerly numbered 1856-38] - 1790-1856197 - Property at Stanton Lees: Marsh to Gardom [Formerly numbered 1856-38] - 1790-1856
198 - Cottages at Tag Lane, Monyash: Brassington to Hawley [Formerly numbered 1856-31] Draft conveyance by (1) Joseph Brassington of Tupton in the Parish of North Wingfield, farmer; - to (2) William Hawley of Monyash, farmer; with the consent of (3) Joseph Bonsall of Monyash, farmer, (as dower trustee); - of two cottages situate in Tag Lane, Monyash, formerly occupied by George Goodwin and George Holmes respectively, but now by James Woodward and William Webster, for £85 3 Mar 1856 - 1856
Expand 199 - Land at Green Fairfield: Collinge to Goodwin [Formerly numbered 1856-27] - 1823-1856199 - Land at Green Fairfield: Collinge to Goodwin [Formerly numbered 1856-27] - 1823-1856
Expand 200 - Property of the Bown family at Taddington [Formerly numbered 1856-56] - 1856200 - Property of the Bown family at Taddington [Formerly numbered 1856-56] - 1856
Expand 201 - Longstone Moor Farm - 1856-1857201 - Longstone Moor Farm - 1856-1857
Expand 202 - Cottage at Eyam: Askew to Brightmore [Formerly numbered 1856-48] - 1831-1856202 - Cottage at Eyam: Askew to Brightmore [Formerly numbered 1856-48] - 1831-1856
203 - House in Glueman Gate, Chesterfield: Gratton to Walters [Formerly numbered 1856-48] Draft conveyance by (1) Thomas Gratton, now of Bakewell, brewery agent, but previously of Chesterfield, Governor of the Union Workhouse; to (2) James Smith Walters of Bakewell, surgeon; - of a house erected by (1) on the west side of Glueman Gate, at Chesterfield, for £175 21 May 1856 - 1856
Expand 204 - Ashford Manor Court, 1856 [see also BT 351] - 1856204 - Ashford Manor Court, 1856 [see also BT 351] - 1856
Expand 205 - Sale of property of the Brushfield family at Ashford [see also BT 350] - 1816-1856205 - Sale of property of the Brushfield family at Ashford [see also BT 350] - 1816-1856
Expand 206 - Insolvency of Anthony Goodwin of Bakewell, blacksmith and ironmonger, 1854-6 - 1853-1856206 - Insolvency of Anthony Goodwin of Bakewell, blacksmith and ironmonger, 1854-6 - 1853-1856
207 - Shares in Arrock Mine, Ashford South Side [Formerly numbered 1857-28] Draft agreement between (1) Edward Taylor of Ashford, labourer, William Middleton of Ashford, labourer, and Emmanuel Sheldon, late of Ashford but now of Birmingham, labourer; and (2) Sir Joseph Paxton of Chatsworth, William Condell of Baslow, surgeon, John Hewitt of Sheffield, accountant, John Fairburn of Sheffield, stationer, James Gillingham of Pilsley, woodman, William Jepson of Edensor, innkeeper, and James Frost of Bakewell, painter; - that whereas (1) own shares in Arrock or Arroc Mine situate in the Lordship of Ashford South Side, as tenants in common, in the following proportions: Taylor 6/24ths, Middleton 6/24ths, and Sheldon 12/2ths - these shares are hereby sold for £4 to (2) in the following proportions: Paxton 24/96ths, Condell 24/96ths, Hewitt 16/96ths, Fairburn 2/96ths, Gillingham 20/96ths, Jepson 8/96ths, and Frost 2/96ths 1857 - 1857
208 - Stoneput Rake and Ragg's Cross Rake, Bakewell and Ashford liberites [Formerly numbered 1857-38] Draft agreement between (1) James Frost of Bakewell, painter; (2) Sir Joseph Paxton of Chatsworth; (3) William Condell esq o Bakewell, surgeon; (4) James Gillingham of Pilsley, woodman; (5) Benjamin Thompson of Bakewell, butcher; and (6) ----- Taylor of Pilsley, widow; - reciting that (1), in consideration of money to be paid to him by the other parties on the freeing of a vein or veins thought by (1) to exist in Bakewell and Ashford liberties, agreed to search for the veins. (1) has thereby discovered the veins now valled "Stone Pit Rake" and "Ragg's Cross Vein" in the said libraries, but insufficient ore has been got to free them. It is hereby agreed to divide the said mineral works thus: (1) 3/24ths, (2) 6/24ths, (3) 6/24ths, (4) 6/24ths, (5) 2/24ths, 1/24ths Oct 1856 - 1856
Expand 209 - Ashford Manor Court held on 15 Jun 1857 [Formerly numbered 1857-17] - 1857209 - Ashford Manor Court held on 15 Jun 1857 [Formerly numbered 1857-17] - 1857
Expand 210 - Land at Ashford: Townsend to Mellor [Formerly numbered 1857-23] - 1856-1857210 - Land at Ashford: Townsend to Mellor [Formerly numbered 1857-23] - 1856-1857
Expand 211 - John Harrison's estate at Little Longstone - 1763-1865211 - John Harrison's estate at Little Longstone - 1763-1865
Expand 212 - William Allcard's estate at Youlgreave and Bakewell - 1850-1858212 - William Allcard's estate at Youlgreave and Bakewell - 1850-1858
Expand 213 - Moor Field at Youlgreave: Fox to Staley [Formerly numbered 1857-22] - 1825-1857213 - Moor Field at Youlgreave: Fox to Staley [Formerly numbered 1857-22] - 1825-1857
Expand 214 - Land at Chelmorton sold to George Simpson [Formerly numbered 1857-35] - 1857214 - Land at Chelmorton sold to George Simpson [Formerly numbered 1857-35] - 1857
215 - Underhays, at Taddington, mortgaged by Henry Bown [Formerly numbered 1857-42] Draft mortgage by Henry Bown of Taddington, shopkeeper, to William Johnson of Earl Sterndale, farmer, of two pieces of land situate in the Township of Taddington called the Underhays, 2a 2r 25p and 1a 0r 0p, now occupied by the said Henry Bown, to secure £140 and interest at 4 per cent pa. With plan. 7 Mar 1857 - 1857
Expand 216 - The Taylor family of Taddington [Originally indexed as 1857-57] - 1849-1857216 - The Taylor family of Taddington [Originally indexed as 1857-57] - 1849-1857
Expand 217 - The Bank, Castleton, mortgaged by George Barker [Formerly numbered 1857-39] - 1857217 - The Bank, Castleton, mortgaged by George Barker [Formerly numbered 1857-39] - 1857
Expand 218 - Vickers v Miller: debt for a house built at Buxton [Formerly numbered 1857-55] - 1857218 - Vickers v Miller: debt for a house built at Buxton [Formerly numbered 1857-55] - 1857
219 - Mr MacQueen of Bakewell, attorney, decd Printed notice of the auction on 18 Jun 1857 at the premises occupied by the late Mr MacQueen in Matlock Street, Bakewell, of the office fittings, library of law, and effects, under distress for rent and a bill of sale - 1857
Expand 220 - Scholes & Wyld, farmers, at Tinkersley, Darley Dale - 1857220 - Scholes & Wyld, farmers, at Tinkersley, Darley Dale - 1857
221 - Land at Shirland: Holmes to Holmes [Formerly numbered 1857-27] Draft conveyance by Peter Holmes, formerly of Bakewell but now of Manor Heath, near Halifax, Yorkshire, gardener, to Daniel Holmes of Stanton, near Bakewell, yeoman, - of a divided moiety of three closes of land situate at Shirland, derbyshire, called the Great or Upper Row 6a 3r 0p, Little or Middle Row 3a 1r 7p, and the Nether or Lower Row 2a 2r 9p, late in the occupation of William Hardy but now of William Tagg, for £250 1857 - 1857
222 - Property at Shirland and Higham owned by the Broomhead family Copy draft conveyance by (1) William Gauntley of Bakewell, land agent, (as trustee), and the following legaees under the will of Nicholas Broomhead, late of Baslow, gentleman: (2) William Broomhead of Baslow, gentleman, (3) Nicholas Benjamin Broomhead of the same place, farmer, (4) Anne Broomhead of the same place, spinster, (5) Catherine Mary Broomhead of the same place, spinster, and (6) Mary Broomhead of the same place, widow, with the consent of (7) John Taylor of Bakewell, gentleman, as trustee for (8) the said Catherine Mary Broomhead - of a house at Shirland occupied by John Marshall together with 48 acres of land calledd by the names of stone quarry, Camomile Close, Nine Acres, Clover Close, Footgate Close, Nether and Upper Pithills, etc, and also 8a 3r 5p situate in Higham, called by the names of South Field, and Pease Close, in consideration of the discharge of various specified legacies. With plan 10 Nov 1857 - 1857
Expand 223 - Shares of Salad Hole and Longstone Edge mines, in Ashford Liberty Bundle: items (1) - (11) pinned together: - 1854-1857223 - Shares of Salad Hole and Longstone Edge mines, in Ashford Liberty Bundle: items (1) - (11) pinned together: - 1854-1857
Expand 224 - Ann Flint's estate at Sheldon - 1823-1857224 - Ann Flint's estate at Sheldon - 1823-1857
Expand 225 - Benty Grange Farm, Hartington - 1853-1858225 - Benty Grange Farm, Hartington - 1853-1858
Expand 226 - George Morewood's estate at Longstone and Ashford, including Thornbridge Hall - 1792-1858226 - George Morewood's estate at Longstone and Ashford, including Thornbridge Hall - 1792-1858
227 - House of Church Lane, Bakewell: Heathcote to Leedham Draft conveyance in fee by (1) John Heath-cote, formerly of Manchester, gentleman, but now of Australia, and temporarily residing at Manchester; to (2) Sarah Ann Leedham of Bakewell, widow; - of a messuage situate on the north side of Church Lane, Bakewell, and now occupied by William Scena, for £360. With plan 3 Apr 1858 - 1858
Expand 228 - The Bramwell family of Over Haddon and Bakewell - 1835-1875228 - The Bramwell family of Over Haddon and Bakewell - 1835-1875
Expand 229 - Property of the Birds family situate at Water Lane and Stanedge Field, Bakewell [Formerly numbered 1858-46] - 1787-1858229 - Property of the Birds family situate at Water Lane and Stanedge Field, Bakewell [Formerly numbered 1858-46] - 1787-1858
Expand 230 - Dagnall Close, Bakewell: Orme to Bowman [Formerly numbered 1858-21] - 1858230 - Dagnall Close, Bakewell: Orme to Bowman [Formerly numbered 1858-21] - 1858
Expand 231 - Land at Farfield and Nether Cowden, Bakewell: Worsley to Darwent [Formerly numbered 1858-20] - 1858231 - Land at Farfield and Nether Cowden, Bakewell: Worsley to Darwent [Formerly numbered 1858-20] - 1858
Expand 232 - Spital Meadow, Ashford: Worsley and others to Skidmore [Formerly numbered 1858-4] - 1855-1858232 - Spital Meadow, Ashford: Worsley and others to Skidmore [Formerly numbered 1858-4] - 1855-1858
Expand 233 - Land at Monyash owned by the charity for the Poor of Bakewell [Formerly numbered 1858-26] - 1856-1858233 - Land at Monyash owned by the charity for the Poor of Bakewell [Formerly numbered 1858-26] - 1856-1858
234 - Farm at Monyash occupied by Mrs Mary Blackwell Poster advertising the auction on 10 Aug 1858 of a farm situate at Monyash, being occupied by Mrs Mary Blackwell: a farmhouse and 8a 3r 22p of land known as Upper Sidget, Kiln Close, Little Park, etc - 1858
235 - Farm at Monyash and Sheldon: Orange to Brittlebank Copy and abstract of a material part of a conveyance by the devisees in remainder of the will of Ann Flint of Fairfield, Derbyshire, deceased, being (1) George Flint Orange of Nottingham, engineer; (2) Mary Ann Flint Orange of Nottingham, spinster; (3) William Burgess Orange of Greyhound Street, Nottingham, hosier; and (4) James Edward Dakin Orange of Nottingham, engineer; to (5) Andrew Brittlebank of Winster, esq; - of a moiety of and in one undivided sixth share of a freehold farm and covenant for title thereto and to a like moiety in a like share of a copy-hold farm in Sheldon included fields known by the names of Tollgreaves or Twogreaves Close 2a 2r 9p, Twogreaves Field 2a 0r 38p, Shacklow Field 1a 0r 39p, Shacklow Bottom 2a 0r 36p, and Far Green Gate 11a 0r 35p, tenant William Holbrook 12 Jul 1858 - 1858
Expand 236 - William Bagshaw's land at Flagg and Monyash - 1857-1858236 - William Bagshaw's land at Flagg and Monyash - 1857-1858
Expand 237 - Shares owned by John Greaves of Bakewell - 1853-1858237 - Shares owned by John Greaves of Bakewell - 1853-1858
Expand 238 - Deputation of gamekeepers - 1858238 - Deputation of gamekeepers - 1858
Expand 239 - The Derwent Fly Fishing ClubFishing Club - 1858239 - The Derwent Fly Fishing ClubFishing Club - 1858
Expand 240 - Jail Torrs, Tideswell: Chapman to Harrison - 1858240 - Jail Torrs, Tideswell: Chapman to Harrison - 1858
241 - Nether Hall Farm, Hathersage of the late Charles Peel A valuation of crops on Nether Hall Farm, near Hathersage, from 25 Mar 1858, given by Yates Peel to William Gravesner [?], for the executors of the late Charles Peel of Nether Hall - 1858
Expand 242 - Farm and land at Hope and Losehill, of C G Middleton - 1858242 - Farm and land at Hope and Losehill, of C G Middleton - 1858
243 - House at Wadshelf, Brampton: Broomhead to Ward Copy draft conveyance by (1) William Gauntley of Bakewell, land agent, being the surviving trustee of the will of Nicholas Broomhead, late of Baslow, yeoman, deceased, dated 27 Jan 1848; by (2) Nicholas Benjamin Broomhead of Baslow, farmer; with the consent of (3) John Broomhead of Baslow, gentleman; and (4) William Broomhead of Baslow, gentleman; the two latter being devisees under the said will; to (5) Joseph Ward of Hague Hall, in the Parish of South Kirkby, Yorkshire, esq; with the consent of (6) Outram Samuel Ward of Hague Hall aforeaid, engineer, as the dower trustee; - of a messuage situate in the Town Street, at Wadshelf, in the Free Chapelry of Brampton, lately occupied by - Fisher, but now untenanted, with two adjacent old buildings, one of which is occupied by Thomas Davenport as a besom store, for £40 3 May 1858 - 1858
Expand 244 - Property at Milltown (Ashover) and Tansley Moor: Wright to Fryer - 1855-1859244 - Property at Milltown (Ashover) and Tansley Moor: Wright to Fryer - 1855-1859
Expand 245 - Property at Stone Edge, Walton: Hadfield to Gill - 1858-1859245 - Property at Stone Edge, Walton: Hadfield to Gill - 1858-1859
Expand 246 - Land at Brassington: Bateman to Dakin - 1859246 - Land at Brassington: Bateman to Dakin - 1859
247 - William Froggatt of Cressbrook, grocer Telegram from Long at Derby, to Barker at Bakewell 17 Mar 1859 Subpoena William Froggatt of Cressbrook, grocer, at once - 1859
Expand 248 - Ashford Manor Court held on 7 Jun 1859 - 1859248 - Ashford Manor Court held on 7 Jun 1859 - 1859
249 - Houses on Ashford Road, Bakewell Poster advertising the sale by auction on 3 Oct 1859 of four houses situate on the west side of Ashford Road at Bakewell, occupied by Edward Pheasey, George Thompson, Samuel Moore, and Ann Thompson under a lease from 15 Jun 1839 by the Duke of Rutland to John Gladwin, stone cutter. Two copies - 1859
Expand 250 - Subscription for James Dove, Constable of Bakewell - 1859250 - Subscription for James Dove, Constable of Bakewell - 1859
Expand 251 - Insolvency of John Barton of Bakewell, butcher - 1859251 - Insolvency of John Barton of Bakewell, butcher - 1859
Expand 252 - Burre House, Bakewell: Bossley to Openshaw - 1857-1859252 - Burre House, Bakewell: Bossley to Openshaw - 1857-1859
Expand 253 - John Alsop's Estate at Fairfield - 1811-1859253 - John Alsop's Estate at Fairfield - 1811-1859
Expand 254 - Property at Sale, Cheshire, leased by Haworth to Hodgson - 1860254 - Property at Sale, Cheshire, leased by Haworth to Hodgson - 1860
Expand 255 - Ferny Dale, Bonsall: mortgaged by Richard Witham - 1860255 - Ferny Dale, Bonsall: mortgaged by Richard Witham - 1860
Expand 256 - Baslow Methodist Chapel, and the Andrew family of Eyam - 1795-1860256 - Baslow Methodist Chapel, and the Andrew family of Eyam - 1795-1860
Expand 257 - Property at Tideswell: Trethewey to Newton - 1854-1860257 - Property at Tideswell: Trethewey to Newton - 1854-1860
258 - The settlement of Elizabeth Peel at Ashford in the Water Notice to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Ashford by the Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Dukinfield, Cheshire, concerning Elizabeth Peel, a poor woman who is now residing in the workhouse at Dukinfield, an order having been obtained for her removal to Ashford which was her last legal place of settlement 19 Apr 1860 She is the widow of John Peel and they were married 36 years ago at Mottram Parish Church in Longdendale, Cheshire, he being the son of Thomas Peel, by his wife, Mary, both of whom are now dead. The said Thomas Peel was born about 59 years ago. John Peel died about 12 years ago - 1860
Expand 259 - The dismissal of John Fritche as organist of Bakewell Parish Church - 1860259 - The dismissal of John Fritche as organist of Bakewell Parish Church - 1860
260 - Bakewell Dispensary and Lying-in Institution Fourth Annual Report (and list of subscribers). Printed 1833 [The original provence of this item is not readily apparent] - 1833
Expand 261 - Alterations to Burton Closes, Bakewell, being the residence of William Allcard [Formerly numbered 1860-32] - 1860261 - Alterations to Burton Closes, Bakewell, being the residence of William Allcard [Formerly numbered 1860-32] - 1860
Expand 262 - The King's Arms Inn, at Mill End, Bakewell: Long to Roe - 1860262 - The King's Arms Inn, at Mill End, Bakewell: Long to Roe - 1860
Expand 263 - Millford House, and disputed right of way, near the Corn Mill, Bakewell, a house in Bath Street, and other property of G.R. Barker - 1766-1870263 - Millford House, and disputed right of way, near the Corn Mill, Bakewell, a house in Bath Street, and other property of G.R. Barker - 1766-1870
Expand 264 - Nether Hall Farm at Hathersage: Grosvenor v Shuttleworth Papers concerning a cause in which the plaintiff was William John Grosvenor of Hathersage, farmer, and the defendant was John S.A Shuttleworth of Hathersage Hall, esq, being an action to recover the balance of a tenant right valuation involving Nether Hall Farm at Hathersage - 1858-1860264 - Nether Hall Farm at Hathersage: Grosvenor v Shuttleworth Papers concerning a cause in which the plaintiff was William John Grosvenor of Hathersage, farmer, and the defendant was John S.A Shuttleworth of Hathersage Hall, esq, being an action to recover the balance of a tenant right valuation involving Nether Hall Farm at Hathersage - 1858-1860
Expand 265 - Land at Sheldon and Bakewell Moor: Lee to Gardom - 1805-1861265 - Land at Sheldon and Bakewell Moor: Lee to Gardom - 1805-1861
Expand 266 - The Crowns, at Taddington: Staines to Heathcote - 1817-1861266 - The Crowns, at Taddington: Staines to Heathcote - 1817-1861
267 - Land with a house, at Taddington: Heathcote to Heathcote Draft conveyance by (1) Robert Heathcote of Taddington, joiner; to (2) George Heathcote of Taddington, farmer; - of a plot of land with a newly erected messuage thereon, situate by the Ashford to Buxton Turnpike Road at Taddington, for £5, reciting that (1) had agreed to sell this plot to (2), and that (2) then at his own expense built the house thereon 28 Jan 1861 Appended are two sketch maps, and notes - 1861
Expand 268 - Settlement of Mary Holehouse of Wetton, Staffordshire - 1861268 - Settlement of Mary Holehouse of Wetton, Staffordshire - 1861
Expand 269 - Estate of Joseph Gould of Pilsbury Grange, Hartington - 1629-1861269 - Estate of Joseph Gould of Pilsbury Grange, Hartington - 1629-1861
Expand 270 - The Crosses, at Elton: Watts to Dale - 1806-1861270 - The Crosses, at Elton: Watts to Dale - 1806-1861
Expand 271 - Premises at Over Haddon: Long to Mellor - 1862271 - Premises at Over Haddon: Long to Mellor - 1862
Expand 272 - Demurrage on sacks owned by John Evans of Rowsley Papers in the cause Lee v Evans, in which the plaintiff was John Dunken Lee of Welwin, Hertfordshrie, sack contractor on the railways, and the defendant was John Evans of Rowsley, Derbyshire, corn factor. The action was to recover £3 19s 7d demurrage on some sacks - 1858-1862272 - Demurrage on sacks owned by John Evans of Rowsley Papers in the cause Lee v Evans, in which the plaintiff was John Dunken Lee of Welwin, Hertfordshrie, sack contractor on the railways, and the defendant was John Evans of Rowsley, Derbyshire, corn factor. The action was to recover £3 19s 7d demurrage on some sacks - 1858-1862
Expand 273 - Houses at Pilsley: Morton to Devonshire - 1863273 - Houses at Pilsley: Morton to Devonshire - 1863
274 - The Bank, Castleton: Barker to Ashton Draft conveyance by (1) Robert Thornhill of Great Longstone, gentleman, as the mortgagee; and (2) George Barker of Fullwood Style, Hope, farmer, as the mortgagor; to (3) Robert How Ashton of Castleton, lead merchant; - of land situate at Castleton, being called The Bank, stated to contain 26a 3 12p but found by survey to be 32a 3r 15p, in the occupation of Samuel Needham, for £300 paid to (1) and £290 paid to (2); - reciting that this land was mortgaged on 19 Oct 1857 to (1) to secure £300 at 4½ per cent interest 10 Apr 1863 - 1863
Expand 275 - The Burnett family of Radbourne - 1854-1858275 - The Burnett family of Radbourne - 1854-1858
Expand 276 - Property at Clay Cross: Wall to Elliott - 1860-1863276 - Property at Clay Cross: Wall to Elliott - 1860-1863
Expand 277 - Farm at Hargate Wall, Wormhill - 1863277 - Farm at Hargate Wall, Wormhill - 1863
Expand 278 - The Stocks, near Stonecliff Hall, Darley Dale: Smith to Whitworth - 1863278 - The Stocks, near Stonecliff Hall, Darley Dale: Smith to Whitworth - 1863
279 - Property at Darley Dale and Toadhole: Wall to Whitworth Copy draft exchange between (1) John Wall of Northwood, in the Parish of Darley Dale, butcher; and (2) Joseph Whitworth of Stancliffe Hall, in the Parish of Darley Dale, esq; - by the mutual exchange of the following property, in consideration of £200 paid by (2) to (1):(i) a messuage and 2a 3r 6½p of land situate at Toadhole, formerly occupied by John Derbyshire and Mary Potter, but now by the said Joseph Whitworth, and also Brecks Meadow 8a 1r 6½p, formerly occupied by Benjamin Broomhead but now by the said Joseph Whitworth, all hereby conveyed by (1) to (2) (ii) land at Darley Dale called the Stocks or Stockhouse, 4a 2r 26p, occupied by Samuel Gyte, and a plantation, also two closes, 2a 1r 8p and 3a 2r 24p, formerly occupied by Henry Lees and William Greaves, but now occupied by William Preston, all hereby conveyed by (2) to (1) With four plans 6 Apr 1863 - 1863
Expand 280 - The Sterndale family of Ashford in the Water - 1833-1866280 - The Sterndale family of Ashford in the Water - 1833-1866
Expand 281 - The estate of George Dickens at Litton - 1863281 - The estate of George Dickens at Litton - 1863
Expand 282 - The extension of the Centre Level branch of Hillcarr Sough in Youlgreave and Hartle liberties - 1862-1863282 - The extension of the Centre Level branch of Hillcarr Sough in Youlgreave and Hartle liberties - 1862-1863
Expand 283 - Haddon House, Bakewell: leave by Warner to Fox - 1863283 - Haddon House, Bakewell: leave by Warner to Fox - 1863
Expand 284 - Property near Stanedge Lane, Bakewell, sold by Miss Lucy Hodgkinson - 1778-1863284 - Property near Stanedge Lane, Bakewell, sold by Miss Lucy Hodgkinson - 1778-1863
Expand 285 - The Sheffield, Chesterfield and Staffordshire Railway - 1863285 - The Sheffield, Chesterfield and Staffordshire Railway - 1863
Expand 286 - The Baslow Oddfellows Club - 1852-1863286 - The Baslow Oddfellows Club - 1852-1863
Expand 287 - Land of Stoney Middleton: Furness to Denman - 1862-1863287 - Land of Stoney Middleton: Furness to Denman - 1862-1863
Expand 288 - The estate of William Birds at Youlgreave - 1797-1864288 - The estate of William Birds at Youlgreave - 1797-1864
289 - Summer Cross or Watery Stones at Tideswell Copy draft conveyance by (1) Francis Baker of Stockport, Cheshire, tobacco manufacturer, and John Oldfield of Stockport, builder, and James Leigh of Stockport, cotton spinner; to (2) John Turner of Tideswell, innkeeper; - of land called Summer Cross or Watery Stones, 2a 2r 38p, situate in the Township of Tideswell, in the occupation of George Walton, for £165. With plan 27 Oct 1864 - 1864
Expand 290 - Thomas Bowler's property at Darley Dale - 1751-1864290 - Thomas Bowler's property at Darley Dale - 1751-1864
291 - Messrs Hodgkinsons, drapers at Bakewell and Chesterfield Draft partnership agreement between John Hodgkinson of Bakewell, draper, and Thomas Clark Hodgkinson of Chesterfield, draper Dec 1864 - 1864
Expand 292 - Closing a right of way near Burre House at Great Longstone - 1864292 - Closing a right of way near Burre House at Great Longstone - 1864
Expand 293 - Tideswell Grammar School - 1864293 - Tideswell Grammar School - 1864
Expand 294 - Dispute about beer supplied to a farm at Ashford: Kenyon v Cavendish - 1864294 - Dispute about beer supplied to a farm at Ashford: Kenyon v Cavendish - 1864
Expand 295 - Kemp & Smith's brickyard at Stanton in the Peak - 1864295 - Kemp & Smith's brickyard at Stanton in the Peak - 1864
Expand 296 - Houses at Foolow owned by the Morton family - 1788-1864296 - Houses at Foolow owned by the Morton family - 1788-1864
Expand 297 - Limestone quarries at Wormhill - 1864-1870297 - Limestone quarries at Wormhill - 1864-1870
Expand 298 - The extension of the railway from Bakewell to Taddington - 1860-1865298 - The extension of the railway from Bakewell to Taddington - 1860-1865
Expand 299 - The Lees, Priestcliffe: Bagshaw to Newton - 1865299 - The Lees, Priestcliffe: Bagshaw to Newton - 1865
Expand 300 - Hill's House and Dale Furlong, at Litton Dale, of the late Jemima Hibbert - 1829-1865300 - Hill's House and Dale Furlong, at Litton Dale, of the late Jemima Hibbert - 1829-1865
Expand 301 - West Croft, Youlgreave - 1864-1865301 - West Croft, Youlgreave - 1864-1865
302 - Estate of Joseph Nadin of Millfield, Youlgreave Valuation for probate of the farmstock and personal effects of Joseph Nadin of Millfield, Youlgreave 6 Apr 1865 - 1865
Expand 303 - Land at Elton and Brassington: Alsop to Robinson - 1839-1865303 - Land at Elton and Brassington: Alsop to Robinson - 1839-1865
Expand 304 - House at The Yeld, Bakewell: Furniss to Frost - 1845-1865304 - House at The Yeld, Bakewell: Furniss to Frost - 1845-1865
Expand 305 - Pickford Cottage and land at Bakewell - 1866305 - Pickford Cottage and land at Bakewell - 1866
306 - Property at Bakewell and Flagg Notice of the sale by auction on 29 Jun 1869 [sic - apparently misplaced here] of 4 houses situated in South Church Street, Bakewell, tenants William Smith senior and junior, Miss Soulsoffe, and Edward Lomas; three houses on Fly-hill, Bakewell, tenants George Skidmore, James Heathcote, and George Briddon, and a close of land, all at Bakewell; at Flagg 3a 0r 30p of land know as Terry Close and Stackyard Close, tenant Thomas Shimwell - 1869
307 - The new Wesleyan Chapel at Bakewell: Leedham to trustees Draft conveyance by (1) Miss Maria Leedham of Bakewell, spinster; to (2) James Gratton, printer, George Smith, grocer, Richard Bradbury, cordwainer, William Smith, schoolmaster, Henry Matkin, labourer, all of Bakewell, Luke Bridge and Thomas Hawkins Bridge both of Calton Lees, near Bakewell, farmers, John Rowland of Youlgreave, mason, Thomas Marsh of Buxton, mason, William Rains of Winster, blacksmith, Anthony Chapman of Taddington, wheelwright, John Noton of Edensor, gardener, Charles Cocker of Beeley, grocer, being the trustees on the new Wesleyan Chapel at Bakewell; with the consent of (3) the Rev Amos White, being the Superintendent Preacher in that Circuit in the Methodist Connexion; - of a plot of land, being 810 sq yards, situate in the Town of Bakewell, on the south side of the turnpike road to Matlock, for £405 5s. With plan 16 Jun 1866 - 1866
Expand 308 - Land at Monyash: Briddon to Hawley - 1865308 - Land at Monyash: Briddon to Hawley - 1865
309 - Lease by John Melland of Monyash to John Holland and George Smith, both of Bakewell, for one year beginning 25 Mar, for a rent of £150 pa, of a house situate at Over Haddon and land in the Township of Bakewell which is now let to John Melland junior 21 Feb 1866 - 1866
Expand 310 - Barker's property at Pigtor [Hazlebadge ?] - 1853-1864310 - Barker's property at Pigtor [Hazlebadge ?] - 1853-1864
311 - Gamekeepers for manors owned by Thornhill and the Duke of Devonshire Draft deputations as gamekeepers for their respective manors: W P Thornhill to Arthur Deveraux; the Duke of Devonshire to Arthur Deveraux; W P Thornhill to George Webster; the Duke of Devonshire to George Wester
Expand 312 - Winster National School [and Bakewell National School for Girls] - 1852-1866312 - Winster National School [and Bakewell National School for Girls] - 1852-1866
Expand 313 - House at Cauldwell End, Youlgreave: Slaney to Shaw - 1866313 - House at Cauldwell End, Youlgreave: Slaney to Shaw - 1866
Expand 314 - Bagshaw's mortgages on property at Sheldon, Ashford and Taddington - 1856-1866314 - Bagshaw's mortgages on property at Sheldon, Ashford and Taddington - 1856-1866
Expand 315 - The estate of Henry George Cavendish of Edensor Lees, esq - 1864-1867315 - The estate of Henry George Cavendish of Edensor Lees, esq - 1864-1867
Expand 316 - The Bakewell Cattle Insurance Society - 1865-1866316 - The Bakewell Cattle Insurance Society - 1865-1866
Expand 317 - Property at Bakewell, Ashford, etc, of the Brushfield family - 1819-1866317 - Property at Bakewell, Ashford, etc, of the Brushfield family - 1819-1866
Expand 318 - Mills & Greaves, chemist at Bakewell - 1859-1866318 - Mills & Greaves, chemist at Bakewell - 1859-1866
Expand 319 - Endmoor Farm at Monyash - 1823-1868319 - Endmoor Farm at Monyash - 1823-1868
Expand 320 - The sale of Messrs Milnes' property at Bakewell [See BT 450 for the assicated sales catalogue] - 1851-1868320 - The sale of Messrs Milnes' property at Bakewell [See BT 450 for the assicated sales catalogue] - 1851-1868
Expand 321 - Property in Matlock Street, Bakewell of John Price - 1776-1867321 - Property in Matlock Street, Bakewell of John Price - 1776-1867
322 - Property at The Yeld, Bakewell mortgaged by Hage to Smith. Draft mortgage in fee by (1) Thomas Hage of Bakewell, yeoman; to (2) George Smith of Bakewell, provision dealer; - of a piece of land called Th Yeld 3a 0r 2p, lately occupied by Mark Clay but now by Thomas Hage, with two adjacent cottages occupied by Maria Beresford and John Barton, all being the Township of Bakewell, to secure £400 and interest at 5 per cent pa 21 Aug 1867 Burton Croft and Mill Croft Top, Bakewell mortgaged by Joseph Winson - 1867
323 - Burton Croft and Mill Croft Top, Bakewell mortgaged by Joseph Winson. Draft mortgage (1) Joseph Winson of Bakewell, chert merchant; to (2) Joseph Sharratt of Bakewell, gardener, Thomas Rowland of Bakewell, brazier, and Charles Waterfall of Bakewell, labourer, being the trustees of the Loyal Devonshire Lodge of Odd Fellows at Bakewell; - of three pieces of land called Burton Croft 0a 3r 25p, and Mill Cliff Top 1a 2r 27p and 1a 3r 1p, late in the occupation of George Bramwell and now of the said Joseph Winson, being situate in the Township of Bakewell, to secure £500 and interest at 4 per cent pa With plan [see also BT 450] 29 Jul 1867 - 1867
Expand 324 - House in Castle Street, Bakewell: Mills to Browne - 1867324 - House in Castle Street, Bakewell: Mills to Browne - 1867
Expand 325 - Chatsworth Hotel, Chatsworth - 1867325 - Chatsworth Hotel, Chatsworth - 1867
326 - Deputation of a gamekeeper for the Duke of Rutland's manor. [Formerly numbered 1867-39] Draft deputation by the Duke of Rutland to Frank Hensbergh of Rowsley as gamekeeper for the Duke's manors of Bakewell, Over Haddon, Nether Haddon, Youlgreave, Great Rowsley, Little Rowsley, and Darley Dale 1867 - 1867
Expand 327 - House at Sheldon: Naylor to Coates [Formerly numbered 1867-45] - 1867-1869327 - House at Sheldon: Naylor to Coates [Formerly numbered 1867-45] - 1867-1869
Expand 328 - The estate of Thomas Holmes at Flagg and Monyash - 1752-1867328 - The estate of Thomas Holmes at Flagg and Monyash - 1752-1867
329 - Kings Head Inn and other property at Tideswell.[Formerly numbered 1867-51] Draft conveyance by (1) Catherine Margaritha Brittlebank of Winster, widow; to (2) Thomas Hallam of Chapel en le Frith, innkeeper and draper, and Thomas Dakin of Millers Dale, in the Parish of Tideswell, miller, being the trustees under the will of William Dakin deceased; - of property situate at Tideswell: the King's Head Inn, occupied by William Dakin, and three adjacent cottages occupied by Nancy Sutton, David Bramwell, and Robert Turner, all situate at the Church Stile, six stalls in the Market Place, Blackwell Green Field, being nearly one acre, occupied by Robert Turner, and Edge Rake Field, nearly one acre, occupied by Septimus Robinson, in consideration of the sums of £286 2s 10d and £90 0s 0d 9 Feb 1867 - 1867
Expand 330 - Land at Tideswell: Press to Harrison [Formerly numbered 1867-28] - 1867330 - Land at Tideswell: Press to Harrison [Formerly numbered 1867-28] - 1867
Expand 331 - Blakelow Farm, Bonsall, and Wensley Pasture, Wensley [Formerly numbered 1867-18] - 1815-1867331 - Blakelow Farm, Bonsall, and Wensley Pasture, Wensley [Formerly numbered 1867-18] - 1815-1867
Expand 332 - Property at Nether Loads and Holymoorside, Brampton [Formerly numbered 1867-83] - 1854-1867332 - Property at Nether Loads and Holymoorside, Brampton [Formerly numbered 1867-83] - 1854-1867
Expand 333 - Property at Mosbro' sold by William Rose - 1867333 - Property at Mosbro' sold by William Rose - 1867
Expand 334 - Cottages at Pendleton, Lancashire [Formerly numbered 1867-82] - 1866-1867334 - Cottages at Pendleton, Lancashire [Formerly numbered 1867-82] - 1866-1867
Expand 335 - Estate of Joseph Evans of Northwood, Darley Dale [Formerly numbered 1867-88] - 1760-1899335 - Estate of Joseph Evans of Northwood, Darley Dale [Formerly numbered 1867-88] - 1760-1899
336 - Broad Meadow Farm, Alport Account of money received at the sale of effects held on 17 Nov 1855 at Broad Meadow, Alport, concerning Abraham Twyford. Booklet [associated with the Abraham Twyford mentioned in BT 481] - 1855
Expand 337 - The will of Richard Shaw of Newhaven House: land at Elton - 1756-1867337 - The will of Richard Shaw of Newhaven House: land at Elton - 1756-1867
Expand 338 - Land of Elton and Brassington Moor: Webster to Elliott  - 1807-1868338 - Land of Elton and Brassington Moor: Webster to Elliott - 1807-1868
Expand 339 - Blackstone Mine at Green Cowden, Bakewell, Bradbury to Hibbert - 1868339 - Blackstone Mine at Green Cowden, Bakewell, Bradbury to Hibbert - 1868
340 - The Spread Eagle Inn, Foolow: Marples to Froggatt Draft conveyance by (1) Matthew Marples of Baslow, saddler; with the consent of (2) George Middleton of Foolow, farmer; to (3) William Froggatt junior of Foolow, being the nephew of (2); - of an inn, now known as The Spread Eagle Inn, previously known as The Bird in Hand, together with two adjacent crofts total 0a 1r 32p, all situate at Foolow, previously in the occupation of Samuel Gregory, now of John Middleton, for £165, reciting that these premises had been contracted to be sold to (2) but he, being desirous to benefit his nephew, has asked for them to be conveyed to (3) 13 Apr 1868 - 1868
Expand 341 - Houses of Richard Bennet at Hunter's Green, Bradwell  - 1867341 - Houses of Richard Bennet at Hunter's Green, Bradwell - 1867
Expand 342 - Land at Elton: the estate of Isaac Hadfield of Youlgreave  - 1852-1868342 - Land at Elton: the estate of Isaac Hadfield of Youlgreave - 1852-1868
Expand 343 - The Old School at Youlgreave: Malam to Toft - 1762-1868343 - The Old School at Youlgreave: Malam to Toft - 1762-1868
Expand 344 - Mortimer & Downs, stone merchants at Burchwood Quarries, Beeley - 1868344 - Mortimer & Downs, stone merchants at Burchwood Quarries, Beeley - 1868
Expand 345 - The Harrow Inn, Great Longstone of Robert Thornhill - 1867-1869345 - The Harrow Inn, Great Longstone of Robert Thornhill - 1867-1869
346 - The surgeon's apprenticeship of A G Goodwin of Bakewell Draft apprenticeship indenture between (1) Hannah Goodwin of Bakewell, widow; (2) her son, Arthur George Goodwin; and (3) Ralph Beardshaw of Leeds, surgeon 1868 - 1868
Expand 347 - Houses at Brampton: Hill to Drabble [Formerly numbered 1868-35] - 1867-1868347 - Houses at Brampton: Hill to Drabble [Formerly numbered 1868-35] - 1867-1868
348 - The estate of Thomas Broomhead Notes concerning the division of the estate of Thomas Broomhead who had died intestate 1868 - with sketch pedigree of his children from marriage to (1) --- Worrall; and (2) ---- Cocker - 1868
Expand 349 - Property at Priestcliffe: the Wright family of Blackwell - 1730-1871349 - Property at Priestcliffe: the Wright family of Blackwell - 1730-1871
Expand 350 - Property at Brassington: Swindell to Thornhill [Formerly numbered 1869-1] - 1869350 - Property at Brassington: Swindell to Thornhill [Formerly numbered 1869-1] - 1869
Expand 351 - Property at Ashford and Sheldon: Sheldon to Devonshire - 1811-1869351 - Property at Ashford and Sheldon: Sheldon to Devonshire - 1811-1869
Expand 352 - Wessington Hay Farm, Wessington: Milner to Parker - 1785-1869352 - Wessington Hay Farm, Wessington: Milner to Parker - 1785-1869
Expand 353 - The Bird in Hand Inn, Tideswell - 1821-1869353 - The Bird in Hand Inn, Tideswell - 1821-1869
354 - Houses at Ashford: Marples to Devonshire Copy draft conveyance by (1) Matthew Marples of Baslow, saddler; to (2) the Duke of Devonshire; - of seven houses at Ashford, occupied by George Bridge, Daniel Wilson, Matthew Higginbotham, William Middleton, William Sheldon, Benjamin Smith, and James Strogan, for £400. With plan 11 Jun 1869 - 1869
Expand 355 - Thornbridge Hall Estate and land at Ashford and Longstone - 1868-1869355 - Thornbridge Hall Estate and land at Ashford and Longstone - 1868-1869
Expand 356 - Property at Leicester: Bankart to Boyer - 1727-1869356 - Property at Leicester: Bankart to Boyer - 1727-1869
Expand 357 - Coal in the Moravians' Wellhouse Estate at Mirfield, Yorkshire - 1869357 - Coal in the Moravians' Wellhouse Estate at Mirfield, Yorkshire - 1869
Expand 358 - Land at Ockbrook: Chevin to Remington - 1870358 - Land at Ockbrook: Chevin to Remington - 1870
Expand 359 - Land at Birchover exchanged to make a road to the Hall - 1870359 - Land at Birchover exchanged to make a road to the Hall - 1870
Expand 360 - Houses at Cliff End, Ashford: Skidmore to Devonshire - 1870360 - Houses at Cliff End, Ashford: Skidmore to Devonshire - 1870
361 - Land at Great Hucklow: Bagshaw to Bagshaw Copy draft conveyance by (1) Benjamin Bagshaw of Foolow, gentleman; to (2) his son, Joseph Bagshaw of Foolow, farmer; - in consideration of his natural love and affection, of various closes situate at Great Hucklow, totalling about 20 acres, being known as Widing Whole Head or Withing Wall Closes, Cart Acre, Mean Field Close, Dirty Lane Close, Two Acres, Whole Field, Sacking Close, Ox Close, and Gate Close, which are bounded northeast by the Eyam to Tideswell Turnpike Road and northwest by Priest Acre Lane. Two maps attached 17 Mar 1870 - 1870
362 - Mr Wheatley's property (The Crispin Inn, etc) at Great Longstone Epitome of Mr Wheatley's title to property at Great Longstone 17 May 1870. In 1860 the property was described as being a house called Crispin Inn, previously occupied by John Heathcote, but now by Martin Furness, together with the site of a demolished house which had once been occupied by Sampson Hodgkinson, and land called Seedhouse - 1870
Expand 363 - Land (Sough Close, etc) at Taddington: Stone to Chapman - 1842-1870363 - Land (Sough Close, etc) at Taddington: Stone to Chapman - 1842-1870
364 - Land at Crowdicote Printed poster advertising the sale by auction on 9 Nov 1869 of 2a 3r 27p of land situate at Crowdicote and 1a 2r 32p of land situate at Crowdicote Bank, all being in the Parish of Hartington and occupie by John Wood Two copies - 1869
Expand 365 - The Old Wesleyan Methodist Chapel at Bakewell [Formerly numbered 1870-38] - 1867-1870365 - The Old Wesleyan Methodist Chapel at Bakewell [Formerly numbered 1870-38] - 1867-1870
Expand 366 - Houses in Mill Street, Bakewell - 1871366 - Houses in Mill Street, Bakewell - 1871
Expand 367 - Meadow Close at Ashford: the estate of the Fidler family - 1848-1871367 - Meadow Close at Ashford: the estate of the Fidler family - 1848-1871
Expand 368 - Land at Great Longstone: Gregory to Orr - 1871-1872368 - Land at Great Longstone: Gregory to Orr - 1871-1872
Expand 369 - Land at Little Longstone and Wardlow: Robinson to Brushfield - 1864-1871369 - Land at Little Longstone and Wardlow: Robinson to Brushfield - 1864-1871
Expand 370 - Prince v Prince: disputed cottages at Stanton Lees, of the Holmes family - 1805-1872370 - Prince v Prince: disputed cottages at Stanton Lees, of the Holmes family - 1805-1872
Expand 371 - The Star Inn, Taddington of Joseph Twibell - 1855-1871371 - The Star Inn, Taddington of Joseph Twibell - 1855-1871
Expand 372 - Property of the Blore family at Parwich and at Callinglow, near Youlgreave - 1844-1871372 - Property of the Blore family at Parwich and at Callinglow, near Youlgreave - 1844-1871
373 - Land at Darley Dale: Ward to Elliott Copy draft conveyance by (1) William Lockwood of Sheffield, merchant, being the sole surviving trustee of the Sheffield & Rotherham Joint Stock Banking Company;and (2) William Clark of Nottingham, timber merchant, William Webb Willerton of Matlock, innkeeper, and Joseph Taylor of Matlock, plumber and glazier, being the assignees of Jno Ward of Matlock, quarryman, and Samuel Ward of Kirk Ireton, police officer, both previously of Matlock, stone masons; to (3) John Elliott of Rowsley, innkeeper and farmer; - of a piece of land heretofore in three pieces and situate in the Parish of Darley Dale, 3a 1r 17p, for £405. With plan 14 Jul 1871 - 1871
Expand 374 - The Nuttall estates at Matlock, Darley, Ashover and Hope: Garton's purchase - 1876-1877374 - The Nuttall estates at Matlock, Darley, Ashover and Hope: Garton's purchase - 1876-1877
Expand 375 - Property at Longstone of the Wager family - 1821-1872375 - Property at Longstone of the Wager family - 1821-1872
Expand 376 - Property at Bretton of the Morton family - 1826-1871376 - Property at Bretton of the Morton family - 1826-1871
377 - The will of Eliza Morewood (née Longsdon of Longstone) Copy draft of the will of Mrs Eliza Morewood (née Longsdon), the widow of Alfred Morewood of Leamington, Warwickshire, gentleman 1872- recites her marriage settlement (as the widow of Edward Briggs) dated 10 Sep 1859 - all her monies arising from Edward Briggs deceased to be paid to trustees during the lives of Eliza and Alfred Morewood and the survivor of the two, except for £5,000 in trust for the three children of Eliza Briggs (vizt Margaret Ann, the wife of Douglas Walter Stockdale; James Briggs; William Edward Briggs;), this to be handed over now- various bequests of unspecified estates to testatrix's step children- many bequests of money of various persons, including £45 to godson Frank Allcard (son of late friend William Allcard of Burton Closes, near Bakewell); 19 guineas to Susannah Perrin of Great Longstone, cousin of the late Alfred Morewood; to brother, Frederick Longsdon, now of Ashton on Mersey, Cheshire, agent to the North British Mercantile Insurance Office, the interest on £2,500, etc Executors: testatrix's step sons, James Briggs and William Edward Briggs - 1872
Expand 378 - Money owed by James Skidmore of Wormhill to Messrs Dakin of Millers Dale, millers  - 1869-1872378 - Money owed by James Skidmore of Wormhill to Messrs Dakin of Millers Dale, millers - 1869-1872
Expand 379 - Breezedale Closes, TideswellL Hill to Dakin - 1863-1872379 - Breezedale Closes, TideswellL Hill to Dakin - 1863-1872
Expand 380 - Far Kicker Close, Hucklow: Smith to Brushfield - 1871-1872380 - Far Kicker Close, Hucklow: Smith to Brushfield - 1871-1872
Expand 381 - Houses in Butts Lane, Bakewell of the Milnes family - 1872381 - Houses in Butts Lane, Bakewell of the Milnes family - 1872
Expand 382 - Messrs Nelson of Leeds, architects, and the new workhouse at Derby - 1871-1872382 - Messrs Nelson of Leeds, architects, and the new workhouse at Derby - 1871-1872
Expand 383 - House at Fleetwood, Lancashire: Hereman to Croft  - 1873383 - House at Fleetwood, Lancashire: Hereman to Croft - 1873
Expand 384 - Farm at Broadhurst, Calton Staffordshire - 1837-1873384 - Farm at Broadhurst, Calton Staffordshire - 1837-1873
385 - The Graham family Sketch pedigree of the Graham family of --- based on the will of Joseph Graham who died in 1823 - 1823
Expand 386 - Houses at Matlock Bank owned by Jacob Gregory - 1859-1874386 - Houses at Matlock Bank owned by Jacob Gregory - 1859-1874
Expand 387 - Ellis Close on Masson Side, Matlock: Hawley to Marshall - 1873387 - Ellis Close on Masson Side, Matlock: Hawley to Marshall - 1873
388 - Star Inn and land at Taddington: Twibell to Gould. Draft conveyance by (1) Ellis Birtt Brownlow of Chesterfield, accountant; and (2) Joseph Twibell, late of Stanton Hall, in the Parish of Youlgreave, afterwards of Hundall [?], in the Township of Unstone and Parish of Dronfield, farmer, but now of Sheffield, labourer; to (3) Rachael Gould, late of Crowdicote, in the Parish of Hartington, but now of Brushfield, in the Parish of Bakewell, widow; - of property situate at Taddington: a house called the Star Inn situate by the Ashford to Buxton Turnpike Road, and two small pieces of land called Hades Croft and Earby Pingle, and two closes called Upper and Nether Back o' th' Hedge, being 2a 1r 8p and 1a 0r 2p respectively, and three pieces of land near the Parsonage, being called Priestdale Allotments 1a 0r 10p, 2a 1r 27p, and 0a 0r 31p, all formerly occupied by George Hibbert but now by Samuel Bennett; - reciting that these premises were mortgaged in 1856 to (3) but on 16 Dec 1872 (2) was declared bankrupt and appointed (1) as his trustee, and they are hereby conveyed in consideration of the sums of £736 17s 0d retained by (3) and of £63 3s 0d paid now by (3) to (1). With plan 20 Dec - 1873
Expand 389 - Property at Taddington of the Hayward family - 1826-1872389 - Property at Taddington of the Hayward family - 1826-1872
Expand 390 - The Taddington Glebe at Bakewell and Joseph Winson's chert quarry - 1853-1873390 - The Taddington Glebe at Bakewell and Joseph Winson's chert quarry - 1853-1873
Expand 391 - Houses at Brampton: Drabble to Toplis - 1873391 - Houses at Brampton: Drabble to Toplis - 1873
Expand 392 - House at Bridge Town, Darley Dale: Wright to Bentley - 1857-1873392 - House at Bridge Town, Darley Dale: Wright to Bentley - 1857-1873
Expand 393 - Lease of Darley Hall, Darley Dale: Whitworth to Charnock - 1873-1877393 - Lease of Darley Hall, Darley Dale: Whitworth to Charnock - 1873-1877
394 - John Wall of Sheffield, brewers' traveller . Agreement between (1) John Wall the younger, of Sheffield, brewer's traveller; (2) John Wall the elder, of Hall Farm, Darley Dale, yeoman, acting as surety for (1); and (3) Edward Vaughan Birks, Henry Simpson, Charles Elam, Judith Ann Birks, and Charles Lynn Birks, trading as common brewers at the Pond Street Brewery, Sheffield, as Thomas Rawson & Company; - for (1) to act as a traveller for the said company - 1873
Expand 395 - Royal Oak Inn, and property at Eyam, of the Gregory family - 1872-1873395 - Royal Oak Inn, and property at Eyam, of the Gregory family - 1872-1873
Expand 396 - The Derby Waterworks Company and the Thornhill estate at Allestree - 1871-1873396 - The Derby Waterworks Company and the Thornhill estate at Allestree - 1871-1873
Expand 397 - Hall Dyke & Hall of Antwerp and Newcastle upon Tyne, shipbrokers - 1874397 - Hall Dyke & Hall of Antwerp and Newcastle upon Tyne, shipbrokers - 1874
398 - Land called Blagden at Great Longstone. Copy draft covenant for the surrender and release by (1) Thomas Finney of Black Edge Farm, near Buxton, farmer, and his wife, Elizabeth; with (2) Elizabeth Wager of Great Longstone, widow; to (3) the Duke of Devonshire; of a piece of land situate in the Township of Great Longstone, occupied by Elizabeth Wager, being know as Blagden 39a 0r 2p and 11a, in consideration of £800 paid by (3) to (1), reciting that William Wager of Great Longstone deceased by his will dated 11 Feb 1864 bequeathed the said land to his daughter, the aforesaid Elizabeth Finney, subject to payments to his widow, the aforesaid Elizabeth Wager. With plan 27 Jul - 1874
Expand 399 - The Primitive Methodist Chapel at Chelmorton - 1874399 - The Primitive Methodist Chapel at Chelmorton - 1874
Expand 400 - Property at Upper Hackney, Darley Dale; Milward to Bowler - 1873-1874400 - Property at Upper Hackney, Darley Dale; Milward to Bowler - 1873-1874
Expand 401 - Cottage at Two Dales, Darley Dale: Derbyshire to Potter - 1859-1874401 - Cottage at Two Dales, Darley Dale: Derbyshire to Potter - 1859-1874
402 - David Moss and Walter Froggatt, wood sawyers at Tansley Draft article of co-partnership between David Moss the elder of Tansley, wood sawyer, wood turner, and iron turner, and Walter Froggatt of Matlock, timber dealer and wheelwright; - to carry on business as wood sawyers, and wood and iron turners, under the title of David Moss & Company, at Tansley - 1874
403 - Cottage at Great Longstone: Wright to Thornhill Draft conveyance by (1) Emma Elizabeth Wright of Longstone Hall, spinster; to (2) Robert Thornhill of Great Longstone, farmer; - of a cottage situated at Great Longstone and occupied by Anthony Furniss, for £100. With draft plan 11 Apr 1874 - 1874
Expand 404 - Cottages at Longstone Mires; Wright to Bagshawe - 1874404 - Cottages at Longstone Mires; Wright to Bagshawe - 1874
Expand 405 - Land at Newbold - 1874405 - Land at Newbold - 1874
Expand 406 - House and shop at New Mills: Moseley to Hill - 1874406 - House and shop at New Mills: Moseley to Hill - 1874
Expand 407 - Farms at Hope of the Broomhead family - 1733-1874407 - Farms at Hope of the Broomhead family - 1733-1874
408 - John Lomas & Sons of Bakewell, marble manufacturers London Gazette of 3 Jul 1874 page 3331, and a page from the High Peak News of 4 Jul 1874, both containing a notice that the partnership between John and Edward Lomas, as marble manufacturers at Bakewell, under the firm of John Lomas and Sons, was on 30 Jun last dissolved by mutual consent, and is in future to be carried on under the same style by the said Edward Lomas alone on his own account, and he will pay all debts Notice dated 1 Jul 1874 - 1874
Expand 409 - The Bull's Head Inn, Tideswell and land on Tideswell Moor - 1860-1874409 - The Bull's Head Inn, Tideswell and land on Tideswell Moor - 1860-1874
410 - The estate of Henry Bowman of Youlgreave gentleman Copy valuation of personal property belonging to Henry Bowman of Youlgreave, gentleman, deceased, for executional purposes. Two copies 9 Apr 1875 includes one third of a house and shop at 106 Deansgate, Manchester - 1875
Expand 411 - Land at Sheldon: the devisees of Samuel Knowles to Devonshire - 1874-1878411 - Land at Sheldon: the devisees of Samuel Knowles to Devonshire - 1874-1878
412 - Reconveyance: Bagshawe to Middleton Draft reconveyance (to be endorsed on a mortgage dated 19 Jun 1852 by Middleton to Bagshawe) by (1) Thomas Howe, late of Wirksworth, grocer and druggist, now of Tideswell, carrier, and James Gilbert, of Tideswell, draper, being the devisees of Jonathan Bagshawe; to (2) Thomas Middleton; and (3) George Middleton; - of unspecified property 19 Jun 1874 - 1874
Expand 413 - Money owed by Thomas Webster of Monyash, schoolmaster to R Orme & Co of Bakewell grocers - 1874413 - Money owed by Thomas Webster of Monyash, schoolmaster to R Orme & Co of Bakewell grocers - 1874
Expand 414 - Property at Fly Hill, Bakewell of the Hage family [Formerly numbered 1874-66] - 1860-1874414 - Property at Fly Hill, Bakewell of the Hage family [Formerly numbered 1874-66] - 1860-1874
Expand 415 - Nithings Farm, Monyash: Briddon to Furness - 1855-18874415 - Nithings Farm, Monyash: Briddon to Furness - 1855-18874
Expand 416 - Breach Pingle at Carsington: Buckston to Thornhill - 1874416 - Breach Pingle at Carsington: Buckston to Thornhill - 1874
Expand 417 - The disputed Hassop Hall Estate: Leslie v Colclough - 1872-1875417 - The disputed Hassop Hall Estate: Leslie v Colclough - 1872-1875
418 - Cowhouse at Foolow: Drabble to Middleton Conveyance by Thomas Drabble of Foolow, miner, to John Middleton of Foolow, farmer, - of a cowhouse and workshop, situate in the Town Street, at Foolow, in the Parish of Eyam, for £18 16 Mar 1865 - 1865
Expand 419 - The Maxwell Estate at Elton, Winster, Birchover and Brassington - 1777-1874419 - The Maxwell Estate at Elton, Winster, Birchover and Brassington - 1777-1874
Expand 420 - The Milner family's property at Darley Dale - 1822-1875420 - The Milner family's property at Darley Dale - 1822-1875
Expand 421 - Land at Matlock Bank - 1875421 - Land at Matlock Bank - 1875
Expand 422 - Property at Priestcliffe and Youlgreave owned by Richard Gregory of Youlgreave  - 1714-1875422 - Property at Priestcliffe and Youlgreave owned by Richard Gregory of Youlgreave - 1714-1875
Expand 423 - Property of the Staley family at Youlgreave - 1781-1875423 - Property of the Staley family at Youlgreave - 1781-1875
Expand 424 - The Youlgreave Independent Industrial & Provident Society - 1872-1875424 - The Youlgreave Independent Industrial & Provident Society - 1872-1875
Expand 425 - Wrench & Atkins of Baslow and Bakewell surgeons - 1875425 - Wrench & Atkins of Baslow and Bakewell surgeons - 1875
Expand 426 - Beardmore v Harrison: payment for cheeses - 1871-1875426 - Beardmore v Harrison: payment for cheeses - 1871-1875
Expand 427 - Insolvency of Robert Hull of Eagletor, Birchover cattle dealer - 1874-1875427 - Insolvency of Robert Hull of Eagletor, Birchover cattle dealer - 1874-1875
Expand 428 - Cottage at Stanton in the Peak: Hawley to Thornhill - 1875428 - Cottage at Stanton in the Peak: Hawley to Thornhill - 1875
429 - The Hawley and Blythe families of Chesterfield Extracts from the Chesterfield Parish Registers concerning the Hawley and Blythe families, 1558-1634 17 Feb - 1876
Expand 430 - The Miners' Arms Inn and other property at Eyam owned by the Slinn family - 1799-1875430 - The Miners' Arms Inn and other property at Eyam owned by the Slinn family - 1799-1875
Expand 431 - The stream mill in Matlock Street, Bakewell  - 1808-1870431 - The stream mill in Matlock Street, Bakewell - 1808-1870
Expand 432 - Miss Whittenbury's estates at Ashford and Great Longstone - 1768-1875432 - Miss Whittenbury's estates at Ashford and Great Longstone - 1768-1875
Expand 433 - Great Longstone School - 1871-1879433 - Great Longstone School - 1871-1879
Expand 434 - Property of the Holmes family situate at Flagg, Monyash, and Matlock Bath Items BT 580/1 to -13 are a bundle of old deeds concerning property situate at Monyash. They are endorsed with the statement that they are "Held by Messrs F & H Taylor on behalf of the different owners of the property" but have been withdrawn because they would cause embarrassment to the title Items BT 580/1 to -10 form a sub-bundle concerning lands called Cheeselow, Webster Pingle, etc, at Monyash: - 1674-1880434 - Property of the Holmes family situate at Flagg, Monyash, and Matlock Bath Items BT 580/1 to -13 are a bundle of old deeds concerning property situate at Monyash. They are endorsed with the statement that they are "Held by Messrs F & H Taylor on behalf of the different owners of the property" but have been withdrawn because they would cause embarrassment to the title Items BT 580/1 to -10 form a sub-bundle concerning lands called Cheeselow, Webster Pingle, etc, at Monyash: - 1674-1880
Expand 435 - The Vernon Arms Inn, Bakewell - 1873-1877435 - The Vernon Arms Inn, Bakewell - 1873-1877
Expand 436 - This is an original bundle of papers which relate solely to Holme Hall Chert Mine, Bakewell, for the period 1870-1912; it was found amongst the papers for the late 1870s but its exact position in the sequence is not clear and its insertion here is only nominal. - 1870-1912436 - This is an original bundle of papers which relate solely to Holme Hall Chert Mine, Bakewell, for the period 1870-1912; it was found amongst the papers for the late 1870s but its exact position in the sequence is not clear and its insertion here is only nominal. - 1870-1912
Expand 437 - The New Bath Hotel, Matlock Bath - 1877437 - The New Bath Hotel, Matlock Bath - 1877
Expand 438 - Cawdor Limestone Quarry, Matlock - 1877438 - Cawdor Limestone Quarry, Matlock - 1877
Expand 439 - The Nuttall estate at Matlock and Darley:Marsden to Parker - 1877439 - The Nuttall estate at Matlock and Darley:Marsden to Parker - 1877
Expand 440 - Land at Elton: Wright to Wain - 1820-1877440 - Land at Elton: Wright to Wain - 1820-1877
Expand 441 - The Hen Riddings at Winster - 1877441 - The Hen Riddings at Winster - 1877
Expand 442 - The Rock House, Alport, and the Melland family - 1877442 - The Rock House, Alport, and the Melland family - 1877
Expand 443 - Land called Tunstead, at Flagg - 1877443 - Land called Tunstead, at Flagg - 1877
Expand 444 - The Belle Vue Inn, Tideswell: Robinson to Firth - 1877444 - The Belle Vue Inn, Tideswell: Robinson to Firth - 1877
Expand 445 - The will of William Edward Nightingale of Lea, Derbyshire, esq, - 1874445 - The will of William Edward Nightingale of Lea, Derbyshire, esq, - 1874
Expand 446 - The Devonshire Arms Inn, Bakewell - 1865-1877446 - The Devonshire Arms Inn, Bakewell - 1865-1877
Expand 447 - The restoration of St Giles Church, Great Longstone - 1872-1877447 - The restoration of St Giles Church, Great Longstone - 1872-1877
Expand 448 -  The Hassop Hall Estate at Litton, Chelmorton and Flagg - 1876-1877448 - The Hassop Hall Estate at Litton, Chelmorton and Flagg - 1876-1877
Expand 449 - The Hassop Hall Estate at Taddington and Priestcliffe - 1878-1879449 - The Hassop Hall Estate at Taddington and Priestcliffe - 1878-1879
Expand 450 - Long Meadow at Litton: Redfern to Field - 1877-1878450 - Long Meadow at Litton: Redfern to Field - 1877-1878
Expand 451 - The Ashford Men's Friendly Society - 1873451 - The Ashford Men's Friendly Society - 1873
Expand 452 - The Farm Yard Inn, Youlgreave  - 1871-1878452 - The Farm Yard Inn, Youlgreave - 1871-1878
Expand 453 - Draper's apprenticeship of Arthur Tomlinson at Bakewell - 1878453 - Draper's apprenticeship of Arthur Tomlinson at Bakewell - 1878
Expand 454 - The New Square, Mill Street, Bakewell: Devonshire to Cross - 1811-1878454 - The New Square, Mill Street, Bakewell: Devonshire to Cross - 1811-1878
Expand 455 - The intestacy of William Winson of Bakewell, coal merchant - 1877455 - The intestacy of William Winson of Bakewell, coal merchant - 1877
Expand 456 - Land at Great Longstone: Bailey to Jepson - 1878456 - Land at Great Longstone: Bailey to Jepson - 1878
Expand 457 - Property at Wensley, and Bridge Town, Darley: Potter to Wilson - 1876-1879457 - Property at Wensley, and Bridge Town, Darley: Potter to Wilson - 1876-1879
Expand 458 - The Roe family of the King's Arms Inn, Bakewell - 1844-1878458 - The Roe family of the King's Arms Inn, Bakewell - 1844-1878
Expand 459 - The estate of John Marsden of Pilsley,Labourer - 1878459 - The estate of John Marsden of Pilsley,Labourer - 1878
Expand 460 - The estate of John Garton of Lumsdale, Matlock, bleacher - 1840-1879460 - The estate of John Garton of Lumsdale, Matlock, bleacher - 1840-1879
Expand 461 - The estate of John Garton of Lumsdale, Matlock, bleacher - 1863-1879461 - The estate of John Garton of Lumsdale, Matlock, bleacher - 1863-1879
Expand 462 - Brook House and the Higginholes Estate, Bakewell: Parker to Bishop - 1879462 - Brook House and the Higginholes Estate, Bakewell: Parker to Bishop - 1879
Expand 463 - Quarry at Birchover - 1879463 - Quarry at Birchover - 1879
Expand 464 - House at Moss Side, Manchester - 1879464 - House at Moss Side, Manchester - 1879
Expand 465 - House in North Church Street, Bakewell: Clark to Cross - 1879465 - House in North Church Street, Bakewell: Clark to Cross - 1879
Expand 466 - Houses and shops at Matlock Bath: Holmes to Wallace - 1879466 - Houses and shops at Matlock Bath: Holmes to Wallace - 1879
Expand 467 - Property at Tow Dales, Darley Dale, of the Pilkington family - 1879-1886467 - Property at Tow Dales, Darley Dale, of the Pilkington family - 1879-1886
Expand 468 - Property at Longstone sold to Jasper Wager - 1816-1879468 - Property at Longstone sold to Jasper Wager - 1816-1879
Expand 469 - The will of Miss Barbara Brightmore of Eyam - 1879469 - The will of Miss Barbara Brightmore of Eyam - 1879
Expand 470 - Property at Taddington and Priestcliffe of the Gibbs family - 1800-1879470 - Property at Taddington and Priestcliffe of the Gibbs family - 1800-1879
Expand 471 - The Angel Inn and adjacent houses at Bakewell - 1879471 - The Angel Inn and adjacent houses at Bakewell - 1879
Expand 472 - Lease of a grocer's shop at Bakewell: Irving to Wilson - 1879472 - Lease of a grocer's shop at Bakewell: Irving to Wilson - 1879
Expand 473 - Bakewell Savings Bank - 1874-1880473 - Bakewell Savings Bank - 1874-1880
Expand 474 - Houses in North Church Street, Bakewell: Nelson to Sellors [ - 1874-1880474 - Houses in North Church Street, Bakewell: Nelson to Sellors [ - 1874-1880
475 - Road widening at Mill Street, Bakewell Draft conveyance by (1) Francis Nelson of Bakewell, pork butcher; to (2) The Bakewell Local Board; - of a strip of land for the improvement of Mill Street, Bakewell, for £70 7 Jul - 1880
476 - Houses in Greaves Lane, Ashford, of the Skidmore family Admittance of William Skidmore of Sheffield, surgical instrument manufacturer, to a house occupied by Mary Jane Skidmore situated in Greaves Lane, Ashford which was seized by Elisha Skidmore of Ashford who was admitted thereto on 6 Jul 1841 and died in ---1880, his heir being the said William Skidmore Manor of Ashford - 1880
477 - The Croft, Great Longstone: Hawley to Thornhill Draft conveyance by (1) Emanuel Hawley of Great Longstone, farmer; to (2) Robert Thornhill of Great Longstone, gentleman; - of land called The Croft, area 0a-1r-2p, at Great Longstone, occupied by (1), for £55 - 1880
478 - Catchway and Bare Jarnett at Taddington, of the Bowne family Deed of gift by (1) William Bowne of Taddington, yeoman; to (2) his son, William Bossley Bowne of Taddington; - of land called Catchway and Bare Jarnett, in the Township of Taddington, area 7a-3r-10p, lately occupied by George Heathcote, in consideration of natural love and affection 27 Sep - 1880
Expand 479 - Barn Dors and Crooms closes,Flagg: Holmes to Harrison - 1871-1880479 - Barn Dors and Crooms closes,Flagg: Holmes to Harrison - 1871-1880
Expand 480 - Property at Darley Bridge sold by George Vickers  - 1879-1880480 - Property at Darley Bridge sold by George Vickers - 1879-1880
Expand 481 - House at Cauldwell End, Youlgreave; Brunt to Smith - 1880481 - House at Cauldwell End, Youlgreave; Brunt to Smith - 1880
Expand 482 - Youlgreave Field, Youlgreave: Garratt to Bailey - 1880482 - Youlgreave Field, Youlgreave: Garratt to Bailey - 1880
Expand 483483
Expand 484 - Premises owned by the Darwent family in Bridge Street, Bakewell - 1865-1882484 - Premises owned by the Darwent family in Bridge Street, Bakewell - 1865-1882
Expand 485 - Houses in Water Street, Bakewell: Wragg to Wallwin - 1802-1880485 - Houses in Water Street, Bakewell: Wragg to Wallwin - 1802-1880
Expand 486 - House and shop in King Street, Bakewell: Coates to Thompson - 1880-1882486 - House and shop in King Street, Bakewell: Coates to Thompson - 1880-1882
Expand 487 - House at Ashford: Birley to The Ashford Male Friendly Society - 1880487 - House at Ashford: Birley to The Ashford Male Friendly Society - 1880
Expand 488 - House at Youlgreave: Flewitt to Holland - 1841-1880488 - House at Youlgreave: Flewitt to Holland - 1841-1880
Expand 489 - Estate of George Simpson Chelmorton Con,farmer - 1880489 - Estate of George Simpson Chelmorton Con,farmer - 1880
Expand 490 - Land at Chelmorton and Taddington owned by Tideswell Grammar School - 1876-1880490 - Land at Chelmorton and Taddington owned by Tideswell Grammar School - 1876-1880
Expand 491 - The Buxton family's estate at Chelmorton and Priestcliffe - 1829-1880491 - The Buxton family's estate at Chelmorton and Priestcliffe - 1829-1880
Expand 492 - Chelmorton Flatt Farm: Buxton to Melland - 1881492 - Chelmorton Flatt Farm: Buxton to Melland - 1881
Expand 493 - House in North Church Street, Bakewell: Irving to Devonshire - 1881493 - House in North Church Street, Bakewell: Irving to Devonshire - 1881
Expand 494 - Property of Samuel Knowles deceased at Bakewell, Darley, and Over Haddon - 1881494 - Property of Samuel Knowles deceased at Bakewell, Darley, and Over Haddon - 1881
495 - The contents of Darley House, Darley Dale Draft indenture between (1) Emily Dalton of Darley Hill, in the Parish of Darley Dale, being the wife of the Rev Joseph Bardgett Dalton of the same place; and (2) The Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Stock Banking Company; - being a bill of sale for the effects (listed in detail) of Darley House. 19 Feb - 1881
496 - Land at Matlock Bank: Knowles to Bowler Draft conveyance by (1) Thomas Walters of Matlock, draper, and John Bassett Gregory of Hardwick, Derbyshire, farmer, as the trustees and executors of the will of Job Knowles of Matlock, farmer; to (2) Thomas Bowler of Upper Hackney, in the Parish of Darley Dale, joiner and builder; - of three pieces of copyhold land lying contiguous to each other on Matlock Bank, in the Parish of Matloc, total area 393 sq yards, which were formerly garden now or late in the occupation of George Henry Knowles, for £214 12s 3d. ----- - 1881
Expand 497 - House at Winster of the Allen family  - 1881497 - House at Winster of the Allen family - 1881
Expand 498 - Land at Elton of the Heathcote family  - 1881498 - Land at Elton of the Heathcote family - 1881
Expand 499 - Bradley Slate Close, at Youlgreave: Coates to Holland - 1881499 - Bradley Slate Close, at Youlgreave: Coates to Holland - 1881
Expand 500 - Bribery in elections at Deal, Kent  - 1880-1881500 - Bribery in elections at Deal, Kent - 1880-1881
Expand 501 - Thorpe's property at Ashford, and the Ashford Male Friendly Society. - 1867-1883501 - Thorpe's property at Ashford, and the Ashford Male Friendly Society. - 1867-1883
Expand 502 - The estate of the Heyward family at Ashford - 1801-1882502 - The estate of the Heyward family at Ashford - 1801-1882
Expand 503 - The Wensley Estate: Brittlebank to Heathcote and Turner - 1881-1882503 - The Wensley Estate: Brittlebank to Heathcote and Turner - 1881-1882
Expand 504 - The Wensley Estate: Brittlebank to Flint - 1881-1882504 - The Wensley Estate: Brittlebank to Flint - 1881-1882
Expand 505 - Houses at Birchover: Brittlebank to Hartle - 1881-1882505 - Houses at Birchover: Brittlebank to Hartle - 1881-1882
Expand 506 - House at Sheldon: Brittlebank to Frost - 1882506 - House at Sheldon: Brittlebank to Frost - 1882
Expand 507 - Land at Elton: Brittlebank to Holmes and Boarm  - 1882-1883507 - Land at Elton: Brittlebank to Holmes and Boarm - 1882-1883
Expand 508 - Property at Elton: Sheldon to Holmes - 1859-1882508 - Property at Elton: Sheldon to Holmes - 1859-1882
Expand 509 - Property at Monyash of the St Andrews Charity, Bakewell - 1882509 - Property at Monyash of the St Andrews Charity, Bakewell - 1882
Expand 510 - Overthwait Middle Hill, Great Longstone: Hibbert to Orr - 1882-1883510 - Overthwait Middle Hill, Great Longstone: Hibbert to Orr - 1882-1883
Expand 511 - Sir William Closes at Eyam Woodlands: Hammerton to Wainwright - 1873-1882511 - Sir William Closes at Eyam Woodlands: Hammerton to Wainwright - 1873-1882
Expand 512 - House at The Quadrant, Buxton: Surtees to Sykes - 1866-1882512 - House at The Quadrant, Buxton: Surtees to Sykes - 1866-1882
Expand 513 - Houses at Horridge End, Fernilee: Taylor to Hill - 1852-1882513 - Houses at Horridge End, Fernilee: Taylor to Hill - 1852-1882
Expand 514 - The Bull's Head Inn, Monsal Dale - 1852-1882514 - The Bull's Head Inn, Monsal Dale - 1852-1882
Expand 515 - Lomberdale Closes, Youlgreave: Staley to Bateman - 1844-1882515 - Lomberdale Closes, Youlgreave: Staley to Bateman - 1844-1882
Expand 516 - Compensation for a fatal accident at Wheels Rake Mine, Alport: Ball v Garratt - 1881-1882516 - Compensation for a fatal accident at Wheels Rake Mine, Alport: Ball v Garratt - 1881-1882
Expand 517 - Estate of John Marsden of Pilsley, near Bakewell - 1882517 - Estate of John Marsden of Pilsley, near Bakewell - 1882
Expand 518 - Cottages at Pendleton, Lancashire - 1835-1882518 - Cottages at Pendleton, Lancashire - 1835-1882
Expand 519 - Land in Scarcliffe Parish, Derbyshire: Tomlinson to the Midland Railway Company - 1813-1882519 - Land in Scarcliffe Parish, Derbyshire: Tomlinson to the Midland Railway Company - 1813-1882
Expand 520 - Land at Riber, Matlock: Blackwell to Fentem - 1877-1883520 - Land at Riber, Matlock: Blackwell to Fentem - 1877-1883
Expand 521 - Land by Cawdor Quarry, Matlock: Parker to the Railway Company - 1882521 - Land by Cawdor Quarry, Matlock: Parker to the Railway Company - 1882
Expand 522 - Estate of Samuel Knowles at Bakewell, Darley Dale and Over Haddon - 19th cent522 - Estate of Samuel Knowles at Bakewell, Darley Dale and Over Haddon - 19th cent
523 - Not used
524 - Painter's apprenticeship: Mellor to Sporle of Bakewell Draft indenture of apprenticeship of Joseph Mellor of Bakewell, by the consent of his mother, Mary Mellor of Bakewell, to William Sporle of Bakewell, painter. - 1883
Expand 525 - Brook House, Bakewell: Bishop to Gilder - 1857-1883525 - Brook House, Bakewell: Bishop to Gilder - 1857-1883
Expand 526 - Land of the Woodhouse family at Great Longstone - 1828-1884526 - Land of the Woodhouse family at Great Longstone - 1828-1884
Expand 527 - Property at Eyam of John Turner - 1883-1886527 - Property at Eyam of John Turner - 1883-1886
528 - The Alma Hotel, Baslow Counterpart of the lease by (1) Elizabeth Geeson of Baslow, widow of Richard Geeson of Baslow; to (2) William Hutchinson Harrison and George Howe, both of Sheffield, common brewers, trading as Willaim Whitmarsh & Company; - of The Alma Hotel, situated at Baslow at a rent of £20 pa. 3 Aug - 1883
Expand 529 - House at Winster: Brittlebank to Hopkinson - 1883529 - House at Winster: Brittlebank to Hopkinson - 1883
530 - Estate of Mrs Brittlebank of Winster Supplemental abstract No 2 of indentures dated 16 Oct 1876 and 6 Aug 1878 between Catharina Margaretha Brittlebank of Winster, widow, and Francis Parker of Bakewell, bank manager. mentions hereditaments at Winster - 1883
Collapse 531 - Thomas Buxton's estate at Chelmorton and Crowdicote - 1745-1883531 - Thomas Buxton's estate at Chelmorton and Crowdicote - 1745-1883
Expand 532 - Intended Wesleyan Reform Chapel at Darley Dale - 1884532 - Intended Wesleyan Reform Chapel at Darley Dale - 1884
Expand 533 - The insolvency of Alexander Thompson of Bakewell, inkeeper - 1880-1885533 - The insolvency of Alexander Thompson of Bakewell, inkeeper - 1880-1885
Expand 534 - .Brookfield House, in the Higginholes, Bakewell - 1884534 - .Brookfield House, in the Higginholes, Bakewell - 1884
Expand 535 - Bakewell Fields, Bakewell: Nadauld to Ewings - 1884535 - Bakewell Fields, Bakewell: Nadauld to Ewings - 1884
Expand 536 - Cottages at Ashford: Smith to Milnes - 1884536 - Cottages at Ashford: Smith to Milnes - 1884
Expand 537 - Houses and shop at Baslow - 1884537 - Houses and shop at Baslow - 1884
Expand 538 - Property at Foolow - 1750-1884538 - Property at Foolow - 1750-1884
Expand 539 - Land at Biggin-by-Hartington - 1885539 - Land at Biggin-by-Hartington - 1885
Expand 540 - Thornbridge Hall, Great Longstone, and the diversion of a road - 1874-1875540 - Thornbridge Hall, Great Longstone, and the diversion of a road - 1874-1875
Expand 541 - Land at Tideswell: Somerset to Hancock - 1885541 - Land at Tideswell: Somerset to Hancock - 1885
Expand 542 - Land at Edgestones, Ashford - 1885542 - Land at Edgestones, Ashford - 1885
Expand 543 - Handle Burr Close at Great Longstone - 1885543 - Handle Burr Close at Great Longstone - 1885
544 - Horsesteads Close at Taddington: Howard to Bennett Draft conveyance by (1) Joseph Howard of 154 Pollard Street, Manchester, butcher; and (2) Charles Andrews of Chelmorton, farmer; to (3) Samuel Bennett of Taddington, innkeeper; - of a piece of land 1a-1r-33p, called Horsesteads, situated at Taddington, occupied by George Stone, for £47. - 1885
Expand 545 - The Teddington Chert, Bakewell: lease to Lester & Son - 1885545 - The Teddington Chert, Bakewell: lease to Lester & Son - 1885
Expand 546 - The election of churchwardens at Darley Dale - 1885546 - The election of churchwardens at Darley Dale - 1885
Expand 547 - Property of the Heathcote family at Winster, Wensley, Elton etc - 1765-1898547 - Property of the Heathcote family at Winster, Wensley, Elton etc - 1765-1898
Expand 548 - The insolvency of John Bruce Gratton of Bakewell, grocer - 1884-1885548 - The insolvency of John Bruce Gratton of Bakewell, grocer - 1884-1885
Expand 549 - The estate of Richard Basil Cane of Bakewell, esq, - 1884549 - The estate of Richard Basil Cane of Bakewell, esq, - 1884
550 - The Bakewell Gas Light & Coke Company Draft conveyance by (1) the Duke of Devonshire; to (2) the Bakewell Gas Light & Coke Company; - of a strip of land situated between the gas works and the river at Bakewell, for £10. With plan 23 Jul - 1886
551 - Property at Ashford and Bakewell: Sheldon to Wiltshire Draft conveyance by (1) Benjamin Sheldon junior of Bakewell, farmer; to (2) Fanny Wilshire of Ashford, spinster; - of a house situated at Ashford which was bequeathed by Joseph Skidmore of Ashford in his will dated 16 Jul 1866 to his wife, Emma, and the adjacent Spital Meadow at Bridge Foot in the Township of Bakewell and Ashford, then occupied by Francis Roe, for £89; with a covenant to surrender the same - 1886
Expand 552 - Land at Ashford and Sheldon Moor owned by the Brushfield family - 1886552 - Land at Ashford and Sheldon Moor owned by the Brushfield family - 1886
Expand 553 - Estate of Thomas Heywood Bradbury of Great Longstone, gentleman - 1878-1886553 - Estate of Thomas Heywood Bradbury of Great Longstone, gentleman - 1878-1886
Expand 554 - Estate of the Rev Thomas Mallalieu of Ockbrook, Derbyshire - 1887554 - Estate of the Rev Thomas Mallalieu of Ockbrook, Derbyshire - 1887
Expand 555 - Robert Cook's estate at Hathersage - 1886-1900555 - Robert Cook's estate at Hathersage - 1886-1900
Expand 556 - The Baslow Hydropathic Company's rating disputes - 1880-1887556 - The Baslow Hydropathic Company's rating disputes - 1880-1887
Expand 557 - Shepherd's Flat Farm, Eyam - 1879-1887557 - Shepherd's Flat Farm, Eyam - 1879-1887
Expand 558 - Land at Monsal Dlae, Longstone: Bradshaw to Shaw - 1887558 - Land at Monsal Dlae, Longstone: Bradshaw to Shaw - 1887
Expand 559 - Land at Great Longstone: Devonshire to Gilder - 1886-1887559 - Land at Great Longstone: Devonshire to Gilder - 1886-1887
Expand 560 - The insolvency of Tom Shenton of Bakewell, veterinary surgeon - 1887560 - The insolvency of Tom Shenton of Bakewell, veterinary surgeon - 1887
Expand 561 - The Rev Bateson's Taddington tithes and Bakewell property rentals - 1886-1887561 - The Rev Bateson's Taddington tithes and Bakewell property rentals - 1886-1887
Expand 562 - Property of the Bramwell family of Taddington - 1856-1887562 - Property of the Bramwell family of Taddington - 1856-1887
Expand 563 - Property of the Shimwell family at Youlgreave - 1864-1887563 - Property of the Shimwell family at Youlgreave - 1864-1887
Expand 564 - Cottages at Church Street, Matlock - 1887564 - Cottages at Church Street, Matlock - 1887
Expand 565 - The estate of David Milnes of Ashford, provision dealer - 1872-1888565 - The estate of David Milnes of Ashford, provision dealer - 1872-1888
Expand 566 - Property of Matthew Marples at Eyam and Stoney Middleton - 1872-1874566 - Property of Matthew Marples at Eyam and Stoney Middleton - 1872-1874
Expand 567 - Property at Wormhill - 1835-1888567 - Property at Wormhill - 1835-1888
Expand 568 - Land at Eyam: Booth to Blagden - 1888568 - Land at Eyam: Booth to Blagden - 1888
Expand 569 - Will of Miss Lindop of Sheldon - 1888569 - Will of Miss Lindop of Sheldon - 1888
570 - The apprenticeship of George Brocklehurst junior of Sheldon as a shoemaker Draft apprenticeship indenture of George Brocklehurst the younger, "a poor Boy", of Sheldon, who was aged 16 on 16 Jun last, with a consent of his father, George Brocklehurst the elder of Sheldon, stonemason, to Ephraim Brocklehurst of Manchester, shoemaker, as a shoemaker until the apprentice is aged 21. - 1888
571 - Land at Ashford: Brushfield to Frost Draft conveyance by (1) Thomas Nadauld Brushfield of the Cliff, Budleigh Salterton, Devon, Doctor of Medicine; to (2) James Frost of Sheldon, farmer; p of land, area 10a-2r-4p, situated in the Township of Ashford, on the north side of Trueblue Lane, being occupied by John Brocklehurst, for £465. With two plans - 1889
Expand 572 - Hunters Mere, Ashford: Clarke to Wallwin - 1886-1888572 - Hunters Mere, Ashford: Clarke to Wallwin - 1886-1888
Expand 573 - Houses in Sellors' Yard, North Church Street, Bakewell - 1878-1888573 - Houses in Sellors' Yard, North Church Street, Bakewell - 1878-1888
Expand 574 - The estate of Thomas Newton of Pilsley, innkeeper - 1883-1888574 - The estate of Thomas Newton of Pilsley, innkeeper - 1883-1888
Expand 575 - The Peacock Hotel at Rowsley - 1888575 - The Peacock Hotel at Rowsley - 1888
Expand 576 - Twyford & Gladwin of Stanton-in-the-Peak, masons - 1888576 - Twyford & Gladwin of Stanton-in-the-Peak, masons - 1888
Expand 577 - Blythe Pipe and associated mines of the Alport Mining Company - 1888577 - Blythe Pipe and associated mines of the Alport Mining Company - 1888
Expand 578 - (i) The estate of George Norman, 1879-82 - 1879-1889578 - (i) The estate of George Norman, 1879-82 - 1879-1889
579 - House at Bakewell: Sanderson to Heyward Draft conveyance by (1) Joseph George Sanderson of Bakewell, gentleman; to (2) Ellen Grace Heyward of Bakewell, spinster; of 330 square yards of land at Bakewell, situated near to the Bakewell to Chesterfield road, with the house thereon recently erected by (1) for £240. With plan - 1889
Expand 580 - The Bakewell Public Hall Company. - 1889580 - The Bakewell Public Hall Company. - 1889
Expand 581 - Lease to the Mogshaw Mining Company of land near the chert quarry at Bakewell.  - 1889581 - Lease to the Mogshaw Mining Company of land near the chert quarry at Bakewell. - 1889
Expand 582 - Far Doles, Ashford: Devonshire to Green  - 1889582 - Far Doles, Ashford: Devonshire to Green - 1889
583 - The apprenticeship of Frank Naylor of Sheldon to butcher Draft indenture of apprenticeship of Frank Naylor, a poor boy belonging to the Hamlet of Sheldon, aged 16, with the consent of his father, Thomas Naylor of Litton Mill, gardener, to William Naylor of Chapel-en-le-Frith, pork butcher. - 1889
Expand 584 - Property at Monyash of the Handley family  - 1864-1879584 - Property at Monyash of the Handley family - 1864-1879
585 - Land at Great Longstone: Devonshire to Eyre Draft conveyance by (1) the Duke of Devonshire; to (2) William Eyre of Great Longstone, builder; - of a piece of land, area 22 perches, situated in the Township of Great Longstone, being part of a field now occupied by J William Thornhill, for £30. With plan - 1889
586 - Apprenticeship of Fredrick Howe of Tideswell to a veterinary surgeon Draft instructions for an indenture apprenticing Fredrick Howe, son of George Martin Howee of Tideswell, gentleman, to Robert Hooworth Shenton of Tideswell, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, from 1 Oct 1889 until 1 Oct 1892. - 1889
Expand 587 - Property at Eyam of the Cocker family  - 1878-1889587 - Property at Eyam of the Cocker family - 1878-1889
Expand 588 - Land at Beeley  - 1889588 - Land at Beeley - 1889
589 - Land on Matlock Moor of the Else family Draft conveyance by (1) Ann Else of Matlock, widow; to (2) John Else of Matlock, farmer; - of several closes of land situated in the Parish of Matlock, being numbered 1534-1536 and 1538-1546 on the plan, totalling 22a 3r 32p, on Matlock Moor, including fields named Cliff Close, Walker Croft, etc, for £1,500. With plan - 1889
Expand 590 - The Branston Two-reel Sewing Machine Company Limited of London - 1892590 - The Branston Two-reel Sewing Machine Company Limited of London - 1892
Expand 591 - Property at Earl Sterndale of the Moss family - 1889591 - Property at Earl Sterndale of the Moss family - 1889
Expand 592 - The bankruptcy of Bunting & Skidmore of Wheal Farm, Taddington - 1889592 - The bankruptcy of Bunting & Skidmore of Wheal Farm, Taddington - 1889
Expand 593 - Property at Flagg of the Mycock family - 1818-1889593 - Property at Flagg of the Mycock family - 1818-1889
Expand 594 - Property at Ashford purchased by J F Green - 1881-1888594 - Property at Ashford purchased by J F Green - 1881-1888
Expand 595 - Land in in the Township of Foolow, - 1888595 - Land in in the Township of Foolow, - 1888
Expand 596 - Brookfield House, in the Higgenholes, Bakewell - 1887-1904596 - Brookfield House, in the Higgenholes, Bakewell - 1887-1904
Expand 597 - Property near Wardlow, in Great Longstone Township: Brushfield to Allsop - 1889-1890597 - Property near Wardlow, in Great Longstone Township: Brushfield to Allsop - 1889-1890
Expand 598 - Moor Edge, Sheldon: Scott to Rowland  - 1891598 - Moor Edge, Sheldon: Scott to Rowland - 1891
Expand 599 - Cowhouse at Great Longstone: Oliver to Johnson - 1891599 - Cowhouse at Great Longstone: Oliver to Johnson - 1891
Expand 600 - The Primitive Methodist Chapel in Water Street, Bakewell  - 1891600 - The Primitive Methodist Chapel in Water Street, Bakewell - 1891
Expand 601 - Wheelwright's premises (and Sough Close) at Taddington - 1891601 - Wheelwright's premises (and Sough Close) at Taddington - 1891
Expand 602 - Houses of J A Hibbert at Litton - 1878-1891602 - Houses of J A Hibbert at Litton - 1878-1891
Expand 603 - Church building of the Rev James Browne of Hassop  - 1889-1891603 - Church building of the Rev James Browne of Hassop - 1889-1891
Expand 604 - House at Two Dales, Darley Dale, of J Surtees esq  - 1890604 - House at Two Dales, Darley Dale, of J Surtees esq - 1890
605 - Brittlebank's estate at Winster, Wensley, and Bonsall Particulars and conditions of the sale by auction on 25 June 1891 of Brittlebank's estate situated at Winster, Wensley, and Bonsall, in 72 lots totalling 375a-3r-28p, and including land called Plackett, Painters Way, Devil's Bowling Green, Wyns Tor, Bank Pasture, Shothouse Farm, Joe Rains Lane by Bonsall Lane, Bonsall Lane End, Pike Hall Lane Field, Westhills Farm (by Lickpenny Lane), Gray Tor, Hay Spots, Oddo House, etc, all situated at Winster; Bonsall Lane Farm, being in Bonsall and Wensley; Wensley Pasture, etc. With plans. - 1891
Expand 606 - Quarry at Birchover owned by the Prince family - 1891-1896606 - Quarry at Birchover owned by the Prince family - 1891-1896
607 - The estate of Thomas Needham of Town Head, Flagg Copy of the probate of the will of Thomas Needham of Town Head, Flagg. Will dated 26 March 1883. Testator died 30 May 1885. Will proved on 6 Aug 1885. Estate valued at £439 7s 6d All to my wife, May, and friend Thomas Hardstaff Burton of Winster, commission agent, (being the executors), on trust, my wife to receive the income for life or until she remarries. Then my estate is to be sold and £20 paid to my daughter Hannah, and the residue divided equally between Hannah Needham, Joseph Needham, Ellen Cantrell Needham, Mary Ann Needham, and Alice Needham. - 1885
608 - Estate of G St G Jones of Bournemouth Letters of administration of the personal estate of George St George Jones of Firs Home, Bournemouth, in the County of Southampton, chemist's assistant, who died intestate on 4 Aug 1884, granted to his brother, Arthur Henry Jones, the estate being valued at £55 - 1891
Expand 609 - House at Crowholt, Tideswell: Lomas to Davis - 1892609 - House at Crowholt, Tideswell: Lomas to Davis - 1892
Expand 610 - Land at Tideswell owned by Ralph Bower - 1892610 - Land at Tideswell owned by Ralph Bower - 1892
Expand 611 - Footpath closure at Stoney Middleton (Eyam Township)  - 1892-1893611 - Footpath closure at Stoney Middleton (Eyam Township) - 1892-1893
Expand 612 - Goddard & Heginbotham of Stoney Middleton, shoe manufacturers - 1891-1892612 - Goddard & Heginbotham of Stoney Middleton, shoe manufacturers - 1891-1892
613 - Gill & Wain of Grindleford Bridge, innkeepers Agreement between Joseph Hill of Grindleford Bridge, innkeeper, and Elizabeth Wain of Grindleford Bridge, for the dissolution of their partnership - 1892
614 - Joseph Gladwin of Pilhough, killed in Burntwood Quarry,Beeley. Minutes of the evidence given at an inquest held at the Devonshire Arms Inn, Beeley, on Joseph Gladwin of Pilhough, aged 52, killed while working in Burntwood Quarry, Beeley - 1892
Expand 615 - Cottages at Ashford : Wildgoose to Knox - 1891-1892615 - Cottages at Ashford : Wildgoose to Knox - 1891-1892
616 - The patent of Martin Walsh of Bakewell, for cop skewers Agreement between (1) Martin Walsh of Lumford Cottage, Bakewell, manager of a cotton mill; and (2) John Tasker of Sheffield, engineer, trading as Tasker Sons & Company; - reciting that (1) holds a patent for improvements in cop skewers which (2) wish to manufacture, and hereby agreeing terms [incomplete] - 1892
Expand 617 - Property at Bakewell, Sheldon, etc, of J S Walters deceased Particulars and conditions of the sale by auction on 18 January 1892 of property situated at Bakewell, Over Haddon, Ashford, Monyash, Sheldon, Eyam, Taddington, Belper, and Chesterfield. Five copies, being the vendors' copies for the sales of Lots 2, 3, 4, 9, and 15, as below - 1892617 - Property at Bakewell, Sheldon, etc, of J S Walters deceased Particulars and conditions of the sale by auction on 18 January 1892 of property situated at Bakewell, Over Haddon, Ashford, Monyash, Sheldon, Eyam, Taddington, Belper, and Chesterfield. Five copies, being the vendors' copies for the sales of Lots 2, 3, 4, 9, and 15, as below - 1892
618 - The will of Francis Norman of Bakewell, timber merchant Probate copy of the will of Francis Norman of Bakewell, timber merchant and contractor. Will dated 6 January 1891. Estate valued at £2,656 16s 2d. Executors: two sons Francis Edwin Norman and William Arthur Norman. Bequests of various personal items to testator's three children. Recites that testator is in business in co-partnership with Cecil Groom as timber merchants, builders, contractors, and marble masons, under the title of Norman & Groom. All testator's interest in this business to his son Francis Edward Norman. Seven houses erected by testator in Matlock Street, Bakewell, tenants himself, Henry Swindon, Albert Rowland, Robert Broomhead, Mrs Frost, and two untenanted: two of these houses are to be let and the income paid to my daughter, Emily Anne Norman; the other five are bequeathed to son William Arthur Norman. The Residue of the estate to be sold. [This is stamped with the motif of the "Long Rake Lead & Spar Mining Co Ltd Youlgreave", indicating that his estate had included shares in that concern which were sold by the executors] - 1891
Expand 619 - Mogshaw Mine, Bakewell - 1893619 - Mogshaw Mine, Bakewell - 1893
620 - House in North Church Street, Bakewell Poster advertising the sale by auction on 28 Oct 1893 of a house situated in North Church Street, Bakewell, occupied by Mr J W Dawson - 1893
Expand 621 - Ladies School at Bank House, Bakewell - 1893621 - Ladies School at Bank House, Bakewell - 1893
Expand 622 - John Brassington's property at Flagg - 1893-1894622 - John Brassington's property at Flagg - 1893-1894
Expand 623 - Property on Draley Hillside: Derbyshire to Gregory  - 1809-1893623 - Property on Draley Hillside: Derbyshire to Gregory - 1809-1893
624 - Mmes Thompson of Matlock Bridge, dressmakers Draft declaration by Miss Polly Thompson of Matlock Bridge, dressmaker, aged 23, concerning the firm of Mmes Thompson of 4 Crown Buildings, Matlock Bridge, dressmakers, and a dispute with Mrs Bessie Knowles
Expand 625 - Cottage at Over Haddon: Botham to Wildgoose - 1837-1894625 - Cottage at Over Haddon: Botham to Wildgoose - 1837-1894
626 - Seal of The Lady Manners School, at Bakewell Letter from Knight & Co, of 90 Fleet Street, London, to Messrs Taylor of Bakewell, solicitors about repairing a seal [apparently that of Lady Manners School at Bakewell, 1895, with which it has been repeatedly stamped].. - 1895
Expand 627 - The Boys' National School, at Bakewell - 1848-1894627 - The Boys' National School, at Bakewell - 1848-1894
Expand 628 - Houses in Mill Street, Bakewell - 1861-1894628 - Houses in Mill Street, Bakewell - 1861-1894
629 - Partnership as grocers at Bakewell: Pearson & Pearson Agreement of partnership between Edward Wager Pearson of Bakewell, grocer, and William Wager Pearson of Bakewell, grocers, to trade as grocers at Bakewell - 1894
Expand 630 - Joseph Millington's search for chert at Great Longstone - 1894630 - Joseph Millington's search for chert at Great Longstone - 1894
Expand 631 - Land at Grindlow: Dyson to Bagshawe - 1894631 - Land at Grindlow: Dyson to Bagshawe - 1894
632 - Land at Bradwell: Devonshire to Somerset Draft conveyance by (1) the Duke of Devonshire; to (2) Benjamin Greaves Somerset of Ashford; - of land, being parcel 285 on the Ordnance Survey, situated at Bradwell, occupied by Thomas Somerset, for £70 With plan - 1894
Expand 633 - Town Head Inn, Eyam - 1894-1895633 - Town Head Inn, Eyam - 1894-1895
Expand 634 - The Peacock Inn, Tideswell: Turner to Unwin - 1895634 - The Peacock Inn, Tideswell: Turner to Unwin - 1895
635 - The Nag's Head Inn, Bakewell Copy draft conveyance by (1) Josiah Carrington of Bakewell, hairdresser; to (2) the Nottingham Brewery Company Ltd of Mansfield Road, Nottingham; - of a strip of land situated adjacent to The Nag's Head Inn, at Bakewell, for £40 - 1895
Expand 636 - Houses in Matlock Street, Bakewell, and at Youlgreave, of W A Norman - 1895636 - Houses in Matlock Street, Bakewell, and at Youlgreave, of W A Norman - 1895
Expand 637 - Blacksmith's shop on Bradford Side, Youlgreave - 1895637 - Blacksmith's shop on Bradford Side, Youlgreave - 1895
Expand 638 - Estate of Joseph Boden of Darley Dale - 1895638 - Estate of Joseph Boden of Darley Dale - 1895
Expand 639 - Farm at Amber Lane, Ashover - 1749-1895639 - Farm at Amber Lane, Ashover - 1749-1895
640 - Allotments at Pentrich Draft tenancy agreement between (1) the Duke of Devonshire; and (2) Samuel Stone, George Hunt, Noah Plumb, Samuel Evans, Alfred Hunt, and James Purdy Walker, all of Swanwick, near Alfreton; concerning a piece of land, area 10a-0r-3p, which was formerly part of Swanwick Close, at Pentrich, lately occupied by Richard Smedley, now to be used as garden allotments. With plan - 1896
Expand 641 - The Gratton Cheese Factory v J Charlesworth of Winster - 1888-1896641 - The Gratton Cheese Factory v J Charlesworth of Winster - 1888-1896
Expand 642 - Far Meer, Monyash - 1896642 - Far Meer, Monyash - 1896
Expand 643 - The Royal Oak Inn, Eyam - 1896643 - The Royal Oak Inn, Eyam - 1896
Expand 644 - The Spread Eagle Inn, Foolow - 1896-1897644 - The Spread Eagle Inn, Foolow - 1896-1897
645 - Hill Top Farm, Ashover Draft conveyance by (1) Edward Hall of Whaley Bridge, near Stockport, Cheshire, bleacher, and Edward Hall Garton of Lumsdale, Matlock, bleacher, being the mortgagees of (2) Emma Suffolk Bush, being the wife of Frederick William Bush of Dellfield, St Albans, Hertfordshire, government clerk; to (3) Samuel Birkitt of Stubbing Court, in the Parish of Wingerworth , esq; - of Hill Top Farm, 104a 0r 31p, situated in the Parish of Ashover, formerly occupied by Robert Tomlinson, but now by James Marsh, for £2,000 paid to (1) and £250 paid to (2). With plan - 1897
646 - The British Infants' School at Wirksworth Draft conveyance of a piece of land situated in Chapel Street, Wirksworth, as a site for the Wirksworth British Infants' School - 1 May 1897
Expand 647 - Land at Brassington and Elton - 1866-1899647 - Land at Brassington and Elton - 1866-1899
Expand 648 - Biggin Primitive Methodist Chapel - 1897648 - Biggin Primitive Methodist Chapel - 1897
649 - House of Bakewell: Carrington to Taylor Draft conveyance by (1) The Sheffield & Rotherham Joint Stock Banking Company Ltd, being the mortgagees for (2); and (2) Josiah Carrington of Bakewell, hairdresser; to (3) Mary Taft Taylor, being the wife of Herbert Brooke Taylor of The Hall, Bakewell gentleman; - of a cottage, bakehouse, etc, occupied by Frederick Calladine, at Bakewell, adjoining Holly Lodge occupied by Henry Broomhead, for £525 paid to (1). With plan - 1897
650 - Will of John Oliver of Ashford, gardener Probate copy of the will of John Oliver of Ashford, gardener. Will dated 10 Sep 1893. Testator died on 23 May 1897 Will proved at Derby on 5 Oct 1897. Estate £122 12s 3d Executors: son Joseph and son in law Samuel Arrandale Birley All to be sold and the residue split equally between the children John Oliver of Blackley, Lancashire, Joseph Oliver of Ashford, Martha Ratcliffe of Bury, Lancashire, Theresa Ann Oliver of Moss Side, Manchester, and Frances Esther Birley of 31 Rockley Street, Pendleton, Lancashire - 1897
Expand 651 - The estate of Arthur Oliver of Ashford, soldier - 1897651 - The estate of Arthur Oliver of Ashford, soldier - 1897
652 - Land of Edgestones, Ashford: Timm to Morris Draft conveyance by (1) Joseph Timm of Little Longstone, railway servant; to (2) Joseph William Morris of Great Longstone, gardener; - of a piece of land situated at Edgestones, in the Township of Ashford. for £90, it having been partitioned during 1885. With plan - 1897
Expand 653 - The Burrows family of Hathersage - 1871-1897653 - The Burrows family of Hathersage - 1871-1897
Expand 654 - Land of Brassington: Wayne to Shaw - 1898654 - Land of Brassington: Wayne to Shaw - 1898
655 - The New Bath Hotel Company Limited, Matlock Bath Memorandum of Association of the New Bath Hotel Company Ltd, Matlock Bath. 19 Feb 1898 [but endorsed 22 Feb 1898] formed with the intention to acquire and take over Matlock New Bath Hotel and associated property, to carry on the business of a hotel, also to carry on the business of a quarry owner and of a merchant and dealer in stone, sand, lime, bricks, timber, hardware, and other building requisites, etc. Capital £15,000 in £10 shares. Directors (each with one share): A C Cantrell Hubbersty of Tollerton Hall, Nottingham; W Eben Hardy and Frederick Hardy of Bulwell Hall, Nottinghamshire, brewers; H A Hubbersty of Buxton, J P; A Schofield of West Street, Buxton, accountant; Frank Sykes of Edgeley Fold, Stockport, J P; Harold Buckley of Greenfield, near Oldham, Lancashire - 1898
656 - Headlands Close, Winster: Brittlebank to Norman Draft conveyance by (1) Benjamin Brittlebank of Winster, gentleman; to (2) Henry Ann Norman of Winster, esq;- of Headlands Close 1a 3r 10p, situated at Winster, for £235. With plan - 1898
Expand 657 - Appointment of new trustees of a Wesleyan Chapel at Elton - 1890-1898657 - Appointment of new trustees of a Wesleyan Chapel at Elton - 1890-1898
658 - Will of Mary Elliott of Rowsley, spinster Probate copy of the will of Mary Elliott of Rowsley, spinster. Will dated 30 September 1898. Testator died 5 October 1898. Probate granted at Derby 31 October 1898. Gross value of estate £51 0s 11d. Executors: Mr Haws, clerk to the Guardians at Bakewell, and Joseph Mansfield of Bakewell, hackney carriage driver. All the estate to be sold to pay debts and the costs incurred by the Rural District Council in caring for me in hospital, etc, £20 to Fanny Cauldwell Froggatt (who used to live with me) when she is aged 21. The residue to be divided equally between my brothers John and James Elliott, half brothers George and Henry Buxton, and my niece Fanny Florence Mansfield. - 1898
659 - Tenancy agreement for a house and grocer's shop at Eyam Tenancy agreement between Thomas Ellis of Baslow, grocer, and Levi Mellor of Eyam, grocer, concerning a house, shop, fixtures, etc at Eyam, the lease beginning 25 March 1898, at a rent of £30 pa. - 1898
660 - Oddfellows' Hall at Baslow Draft conveyance by (1) the Duke of Devonshire; to (2) Joseph Eades of Baslow, hotel proprietor, Joseph Taylor of Baslow, bookmaker, and Hubert Brightmore of Baslow, gardener, being the Trustees of The Loyal Invincible Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity; of a piece of land, area 710 square yards, situated near the gas works at Baslow, to be used as the site for a hall and club premises for the said Oddfellows Lodge, for £70. With plan - 1898
661 - Lease of a chert mine at Bakewell: Pearson to Dixon Draft lease by (1) Edward Wager Pearson of Bakewell, insurance agent; to (2) Rogers Pitt Dixon [but altered to William Rogers Pitt Dixon] of Great Longstone, in the Parish of Bakewell, gentleman; - of all those beds of chert under a piece of land situated at Bakewell [unspecified but stated to be delineated on an accompanying plan which is missing], reserving to the lessee all the stone which is not chert, and mentioning a right of way across adjacent land of the Duke of Rutland, the chert to be taken across land which is now occupied by Jane Higginbottom and then by the road into Mill Street now used by the said Jane Higginbottom. June 1881 [but altered to 18 August 1898] - 1881-1898
Expand 662 - The Higgott family at the Manners Arms and Red Lion hotels, Bakewell - 1886-1898662 - The Higgott family at the Manners Arms and Red Lion hotels, Bakewell - 1886-1898
Expand 663 - Upper Dale Farm, Flagg: Hodgkinson to Andrew - 1898-1899663 - Upper Dale Farm, Flagg: Hodgkinson to Andrew - 1898-1899
664 - The Sewage Works at Chelmorton: financing its construction Draft agreement between (1) the ratepayers of the Parish of Chelmorton [to be listed in an attached schedule, here not completed]; and (2) Henry Mycock, Thomas Percival, James Gilman, Daniel Austin, Samuel Dawson, John Longden, and Richard Robinson, all of Chelmorton, being the Committee; for securing the payment of £350, being the cost of the proposed sewage works at Chelmorton - 1898
665 - The maintenance of the sewage works at Chelmorton Draft agreement between (1) Samuel Percival of Chelmorton (but altered to: of Dalberry Road, Brixton, London); and (2) Samuel Swindell, Henry Mycock, Thomas Percival, James Gilman, Daniel Austin, Samuel Dawson, John Longden, and Richard Robinson, all of Chelmorton; - reciting that (2) have erected a sewage tank in the field known as the Thorn Yard in the Township of Chelmorton, belonging to (1), and laid a pipe to take the sewage from Chelmorton, and hereby agreeing to maintain the system, in consideration of a shillings paid to (1) - 1899
Expand 666 - The sewage pipeline at Castleton - 1896-1899666 - The sewage pipeline at Castleton - 1896-1899
Expand 667 - Land at Tideswell: Brocklehurst to Needham - 1888-1899667 - Land at Tideswell: Brocklehurst to Needham - 1888-1899
Expand 668 - The Devonshire Arms Hotel and land at Beeley of the Duke of Devonshire - 1899668 - The Devonshire Arms Hotel and land at Beeley of the Duke of Devonshire - 1899
669 - The Croft a house at Great Longstone Printed leaflet advertising for lease a house called The Croft, situate at Great Longstone. Two copies - 1899
Expand 670 - Property at Monyash of the St Andrew's Charity, Bakewell - 1885-1919670 - Property at Monyash of the St Andrew's Charity, Bakewell - 1885-1919
671 - Premises in North Church Street, Bakewell: Taylor to Barrett Draft conveyance by (1) Mary Taitt Taylor, the wife of Herbert Brooke Taylor of The Hall, Bakewell, gentleman; to (2) Joshua Barrett of North Church Street, Bakewell, draper; - of property situated in North Church Street, Bakewell, being a cottage occupied by Frederick Calladine [but altered to James Woolley], adjacent stables occupied by the Midland Railway Company, stables occupied by William Bacon [but altered to Joseph Henry Sellors], and a bakehouse occupied by William Poole, for £550 - 1899
Expand 672 - Church Lads' Brigade Headquarters, near Bath Street, Bakewell - 1899672 - Church Lads' Brigade Headquarters, near Bath Street, Bakewell - 1899
Expand 673 - Gritstone quarries at Stanton-in-the-Peak: Deeley v Vains - 1899673 - Gritstone quarries at Stanton-in-the-Peak: Deeley v Vains - 1899
Expand 674 - The Dakeyne Estate at Upper Hackey, Darley Dale: Dakeyne to Eyre.  - 1899674 - The Dakeyne Estate at Upper Hackey, Darley Dale: Dakeyne to Eyre. - 1899
Expand 675 - Houses at Youlgreave owned by the Bowman family  - 1899675 - Houses at Youlgreave owned by the Bowman family - 1899
676 - Amber Mill, in the Parish of Shirland Agreement between (1) Joseph Wheatcroft of Wirksworth, gentleman, as the owner of Amber Mill, situated in the Parish of Shirland; and (2) the Urban District Council for the District of Alfreton; - reciting that (2) owns certain waterworks at Lindway and Little Butterley, and hereby agreeing to pay (1) £100 compensation in respect of water abstracted by (2) into their said reservoirs which has thereby lessened the supply to Amber Mill. - 1899
677 - The estate of Miss Sarah Ann Beetham of Sheen, Staffordshire Letters of administration in the estate of Miss Sarah Ann Beetham of Sheen, Staffordshire, spinster, who died on 10 September 1898, being granted at the Principal Probate Registry to Matthew Beetham, the gross value of the estate being £267 1s 1d - 1899
678 - Property at Attercliffe cum Darnall, Sheffield Copy lease by (1) the Attercliffe Estate Company of Independent Buildings, Sheffield; to (2) John William Greaves of Attercliffe, Sheffield, builder; - for 800 years, of a piece of land, area 503 square yards, and four messuages now in the course of erection at the expense of (2), all being situated at Darnall Road, in the Township of Attercliffe cum Darnall, Sheffield, at a rent of £27 pa [very faded]. With plan. - 1899
Expand 679 - The Needham family of Eccles, Lancashire, engineers - 1899679 - The Needham family of Eccles, Lancashire, engineers - 1899
Expand 680 - The Bakewell (North Derbyshire) branch of The Manchester Central Dairy Farmers' Association, and related business - 1887-1899680 - The Bakewell (North Derbyshire) branch of The Manchester Central Dairy Farmers' Association, and related business - 1887-1899
681 - The insolvency of Mrs Rachel Simpson Bundle of cheques concerning the payment of claims against Mrs Rachel Simpson or her trustee under the Deed of Assignment dated13 Mar - 1901
Expand 682 - Long Roods Close at Taddington: Adams to Bennett - 1900682 - Long Roods Close at Taddington: Adams to Bennett - 1900
Expand 683 - Church Lads Brigade Headquarters, near Bath Street, Bakewell - 1899683 - Church Lads Brigade Headquarters, near Bath Street, Bakewell - 1899
684 - The Parsonage Chert Quarry, Bakewell: Bamford v Allsop Draft case for the opinion of counsel. reciting that in March 1895 John Bamford purchased part of the Parsonage Field, Bakewell and discovered therein a bed of chert which he permitted to be worked (without the formality of a lease) by Robert William Allsop who had earlier opened a chert quarry on land belonging to one Kitson. Allsop worked the quarry on Bamford's land until about January 1900 in a continuous and satisfactory manner, but then reduced the scale of his activities, having opened a chert quarry on his own land. In June 1900 Allsop ceased working the quarry on Bamford's land and refuse to vacate the premises, claiming some sort of tenancy. Allsop also had a quarry at Deepdale, and wished to prevent a competitor taking over the Parsonage Quarry. Counsel to advise on legal proceedings best calculated to serve Bamford's interests. Interleaved is a copy of a letter from Messrs Taylors of Bakewell, solicitors, to R. W. Allsop, dated 14 December 1900, suggesting terms of a possible lease, or if Allsop abandoned his claims, a twelve month delay before selling any chert got from the Parsonage Quarry by Bamford. - 1901
Expand 685 - Dagnall House, Bakewell: Marsden to Fenton - 1899-1900685 - Dagnall House, Bakewell: Marsden to Fenton - 1899-1900
Expand 686 - Land at Elton: Knowles to Dakin - 1900686 - Land at Elton: Knowles to Dakin - 1900
687 - Will of John Stevenson of Stanton Lees, stone cutter Probate copy of the will of John Steveson of "Stanton Lees Pear-Tree", Derbyshire, stone cutter. Will dated 15 November 1899. Testator died 28 March 1900. Probate granted 12 April 1900. Gross value of the estate £141. All left to testator's wife, Elizabeth. - 1900
Expand 688 - Right of access to Mr Eyre's land at Darley Dale - 1900-1913688 - Right of access to Mr Eyre's land at Darley Dale - 1900-1913
689 - Houses at The Wapping, Matlock Bath: Sheppard to Skidmore Draft conveyance by (1) Elizabeth Sheppard of Matlock Bath, hosiery manufacturer; - of a messuage, etc, situated at Matlock Bath, which was formerly the King's Head Inn but now is (and for many years past has been) a private residence, and is now occupied by (1); together with an adjacent cottage, formerly occupied therewith by James Sheppard, afterwards by the said Elizabeth Sheppard, but now unoccupied; also five adjacent cottages formerly occupied by David Gregory, James Sheppard the younger, George Seedhouse, Thomas Boden, and Elizabeth Taylor, but now by Samuel Davis junior, -----Payne, Ellen Richardson, -----Stafford, and John Richardson; also a piece of land some 500 square yards, bounded on the north and west by the property of the said Samuel Skidmore, and on the south and east by the said property described above, all being on the north side the Wapping at the Junction with the main Derby Matlock road, for £690. With plan. - 1900
Expand 690 - Property on Matlock Bank of Robert Bagshaw - 1900690 - Property on Matlock Bank of Robert Bagshaw - 1900
Expand 691 - Property at Litton: Gregory to Hill - 1901691 - Property at Litton: Gregory to Hill - 1901
Expand 692 - Property at Tideswell: Howe to Hunstone - 1901692 - Property at Tideswell: Howe to Hunstone - 1901
Expand 693 - House at Youlgreave: Toft to Nuttall - 1901693 - House at Youlgreave: Toft to Nuttall - 1901
Expand 694 - Property at Great Longstone of the Wager family  - 1901694 - Property at Great Longstone of the Wager family - 1901
Expand 695 - Knotlow Farm, Monyash, and the Housley family - 1874-1901695 - Knotlow Farm, Monyash, and the Housley family - 1874-1901
696 - Will of Jane Beardmore of Bakewell, widow Probate copy of the will of Jane Beardmore of Bakewell, widow Will dated 8 December 1899. Testator died on 15 October 1901. Gross value of estate £1,519 4s 6d Executor Tom Heyward Higgott bequeaths £600 stock in the Midland Railway Company each to nephew John Frank Heyward and niece Jane Heyward, the rest of his estate to nephew Tom Heyward Higgott. - 1901
697 - Chakrett & Co of Bakewell, cab proprietors Deed of partnership between Francis Caudwell and George Edward Chackrett, both of Bakewell, agreeing to form a partnership as cab proprietors, carriage painters, and livery stable keepers, commencing on 1 April 1901, to be known as Chackrett & Company, the business being carried on at North Church Street, Bakewell. - 1901
Expand 698 - Property at Elton: Edge to Dakin - 1901698 - Property at Elton: Edge to Dakin - 1901
699 - Lease of the Ashover Gritstone Quarry Draft lease by (1) Michael Joseph Hunter of Stoke Hall, esquire; to (2) George Twigg of Siberia Cottage, Two Dales; - of a piece of land, 1 acre, situated at Rushley Lodge, in the Township of Ashover, with a gritstone quarry, being north of Jaggers Lane and west of Screetham Lane, for a period of ten years commencing 25 March 1901 at a rent o £20pa. With plan. - 1901
Expand 700 - Cottages at Stoney Middleton: Hancock to Dalton - 1901-1902700 - Cottages at Stoney Middleton: Hancock to Dalton - 1901-1902
Expand 701 - Estate of Robert Heathcote of Monyash, joiner and farmer - 1884701 - Estate of Robert Heathcote of Monyash, joiner and farmer - 1884
Expand 702 - Twigg & Company, of the Marble Works, Ashford, marble manufacturers  - 1856-1903702 - Twigg & Company, of the Marble Works, Ashford, marble manufacturers - 1856-1903
703 - Festivities at Bakewell for the coronation of King Edward VII Invitations to the festivities to be held at Bakewell on 26 June 1902 to mark the coronation of King Edward VII. Printed. - 1902
704 - The send off given to troops leaving Bakewell for the Boer War Printed card listing events to mark the send off of the 2d Derby Section Active Service Company at Bakewell on 19 February 1901 - 1901
705 - House at The Hill, Bakewell: Bramwell to Caudwell Draft conveyance by (1) Edward Bramwell of Bakewell, joiner; to (2) Francis Caudwell of Bakewell; - of a house situated at The Hill, Bakewell, for £370. With plan - 1902
706 - Repairs to a house in Mill Street, Bakewell, for Mr E Bramwell Estimate of John Sellors & Son of North Church Street, Bakewell, slaters, for slating a house in Mill Street, Bakewell, for Mr E Bramwell of Bakewell, contractor 29 Mar 1902 Bill for work done, as above, Aug 1902 - 1902
707 - Mark Clay & Company Letter from George Clay of Williams & Clay of Park Buildings, Warrington, Lancashire, sculptors, masons, and ironmongers, [printed letterhead with engraving], to Messrs Taylors of Bakewell, solicitors, acknowledging receipt of their letter concerning Mark Clay & Co - 1902
Expand 708 - House in Church Street, Youlgreave: Parry to Lewis - 1875-1902708 - House in Church Street, Youlgreave: Parry to Lewis - 1875-1902
709 - Ruined cottage by Prince's Quarry, Birchover: Thornhill to Prince, Draft conveyance by (1) Michael McCreagh Thornhill of Stanton-in-the-Peak, esquire, and Eva Helen, his wife; with the consent of (2) Henry Bargrave Deane of 8 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, barrister-at-law, and William Francis Farrer of 66 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, solicitor, being the trustees; to (3) Harry Prince of Stanton Hillside, stone merchant; - of a piece of land, formerly the site of a cottage (now in ruins) and garden, being situated at Birchover, and occupied by Mary Ann Marsden and William Marsden, and bounded on the west by a quarry occupied by (3), for £45. With plan - 1902
Expand 710 - Property at Tideswell: Chapman to Gregory - 1848-1903710 - Property at Tideswell: Chapman to Gregory - 1848-1903
Expand 711 - Property at Foolow and Eyam (and at Salford, Lancashire) of Alexander Young - 1903711 - Property at Foolow and Eyam (and at Salford, Lancashire) of Alexander Young - 1903
712 - House by the Royal Oak Inn, Eyam: Palfreyman to the Tadcaster Brewery Draft conveyance by (1) George Palfreyman of Eyam, Farmer; to (2) John Smith's Tadcaster Brewery Company Ltd of Tadcaster, Yorkshire; - of premises situated at Eyam, adjoining the Royal Oak Inn on Town Street, being a house occupied by Emma Slater and an adjacent shippon occupied by the said George Palfreyman, for £205. With plan - 1903
Expand 713 - Property at Taddington of Richard Dunn  - 1834-1903713 - Property at Taddington of Richard Dunn - 1834-1903
Expand 714 - Riversdale House at Darley Dale: Deeley to Allsop - 1903714 - Riversdale House at Darley Dale: Deeley to Allsop - 1903
Expand 715 - Property at South Darley: Ellis to Dakin715 - Property at South Darley: Ellis to Dakin
Expand 716 - The Old Meal House, Tideswell: Hill to Hill - 1904716 - The Old Meal House, Tideswell: Hill to Hill - 1904
Expand 717 - Fluorspar hillocking by G G Blackwell at Salad Hole Mine, Great Longstone - 1904717 - Fluorspar hillocking by G G Blackwell at Salad Hole Mine, Great Longstone - 1904
Expand 718 - Land at Ashford: Sculthorpe to Wilson  - 1903-1904718 - Land at Ashford: Sculthorpe to Wilson - 1903-1904
719 - The Fenton family of Churchdale, Ashford Letters of administration granted at Derby to William Fenton esquire, one of the executors under the will of William Fenton deceased reciting that Ainslie Fenton of Churchdale, Ashford, esquire, died on 9 Aug 1882, intestate, a bachelor, leaving his father, William Fenton, as the surviving next of kin who died without taking upon himself the Letters of Administration of his son's personal estate: resworn that the gross value of the estate is £1,910 7s 10d - 1904
720 - Land at Butts Road, Bakewell: Wragg to Elliott Draft conveyance by (1) Joseph Wragg of Butts Road, Bakewell, labourer; to (2) James Elliott of Cemetery Cottage, Bakewell, cemetery superintendent; - of a piece of garden ground situate in Butts Road, Bakewell, of area about 500 square yards, for £60. With draft plan - 1904
721 - Stanton Lees Reading Room and Working Men's Club Draft lease by (1) the Duke of Rutland, through his agent, Albert Philip Payne-Gallwey, of Bakewell, esquire; to (2) the Rev James Edwin Jagger of Birchover, being the Vicar of Stanton-in-the-Peak, Walter Samuel Holmes of Stanton Lees, farmer, Thomas Preston of the same place, George Petts of the same place, mine agent, and Daniel Morgan of the same place; - of a piece of land at Stanton Lees to be used for the site of a building intended as a reading room and working men's club. With a pencilled list of the Committee - 1904
Expand 722 - Temporary isolation hospital at Whitworth Hospital, Darley Dale - 1890-1904722 - Temporary isolation hospital at Whitworth Hospital, Darley Dale - 1890-1904
Expand 723 - Cottage at Biggin-by-Hartington, and land at Blakemoor, Hartington - 1904723 - Cottage at Biggin-by-Hartington, and land at Blakemoor, Hartington - 1904
Expand 724 - Lease of a sand pit at Harbro', Brassington - 1904724 - Lease of a sand pit at Harbro', Brassington - 1904
Expand 725 - House at Grindleford Bridge: Grindleford Estates Co to Hill - 1905725 - House at Grindleford Bridge: Grindleford Estates Co to Hill - 1905
Expand 726 - Property at Little Hucklow: Hardy to Gregory - 1817-1906726 - Property at Little Hucklow: Hardy to Gregory - 1817-1906
Expand 727 - Shepherds Flat Farm at Eyam: Bowles to Blackwell - 1844-1905727 - Shepherds Flat Farm at Eyam: Bowles to Blackwell - 1844-1905
Expand 728 - Land and marble quarry at Tideswell Dale: Robinson to Holmes  - 1905728 - Land and marble quarry at Tideswell Dale: Robinson to Holmes - 1905
Expand 729 - Miss Turner's boarding house and girls' school at Longstone  - 1903-1913729 - Miss Turner's boarding house and girls' school at Longstone - 1903-1913
730 - Will of Benjamin Hulley of Edensor, labourer Probate copy of the will of Benjamin Hulley of Edensor, labourer. Will dated 4 Dec 1899. Testator died 2 Aug 1905 Proved at Derby on 22 Nov 1905. Gross value of estate £55 2s 11d Executors: son Albert and daughter Clara Hibbert All to be sold and divided equally between sons George, Benjamin, and Albert, and daughters Margaret, Florence, Clara, Mary, and Alice. £5 to housekeeper Georgina Smith - 1905
731 - Property on Buxton Road, Bakewell: Rutland to Allsop Copy draft grant by (1) the Duke of Rutland; to (2) Thomas and George Allsop, both of Bakewell, builders; - of a piece of land, area 917 square yards, with buildings, situated on the north side of Buxton Road (opposite David Lane) at Bakewell, reserving the fee farm rent, £4 pa. With plan - 1905
Expand 732 - Hicks & Graham of Bakewell, horse dealers, - 1904-1917732 - Hicks & Graham of Bakewell, horse dealers, - 1904-1917
733 - Sale of a charabanc at Bakewell: Holmes to Bradbury Draft agreement between (1) Isaac Gaunt Holmes of Bagshaw Hill, Bakewell; and (2) Samuel and Joseph Bradbury, both of Bakewell, cab proprietors; - for the sale by (1) to (2) for £50, of a charabanc called "The King", built by Henry Woodiwiss of Bakewell - 1905
734 - Will of Mrs Sarah Ann Wright of Park Gate, Bradbourne Probate copy of the will of Sarah Ann Wright, being the wife of William Wright of Park Gate, Bradbourne, farmer. Will dated 2 December 1892, codicil 20 October 1894. Testatrix died 25 November 1904. Will proved at Derby 7 January 1905. Gross value of estate £7,992 16s 0d. All personal effects to daughters. All real estate to husband William and brother William Redfern and son Charles Henry Wright, in trust to be sold and the proceeds divided between husband and children, with the shares for sons William, Charles Henry, and Frank each to be £300 less than the others, the said trustees to be the executors. - bequests include shares in the Midland Railway Company, the North Eastern Railway Company, and the London & South Western Railway Company - 1905
Expand 735 - Cottage at Elton: Marsden to Heathcote  - 1905735 - Cottage at Elton: Marsden to Heathcote - 1905
Expand 736 - Sewerage: Sewer at Drighlington, Yorkshire - 1906736 - Sewerage: Sewer at Drighlington, Yorkshire - 1906
Expand 737 - Estate of R W M Nesfield of Bakewell, deceased - 1905-1911737 - Estate of R W M Nesfield of Bakewell, deceased - 1905-1911
Expand 738 - Charles Kitson's estate: the King's Arms Inn, and a chert mine near Stanedge Road, Bakewell - 1895-1918738 - Charles Kitson's estate: the King's Arms Inn, and a chert mine near Stanedge Road, Bakewell - 1895-1918
Expand 739 - The Buxton family of Holloway, Ashover, Middleton-by-Wirksworth, etc - 1848-1924739 - The Buxton family of Holloway, Ashover, Middleton-by-Wirksworth, etc - 1848-1924
Expand 740 - The Plough Inn, Little Moor House, and land at Brackenfield - 1907-1924740 - The Plough Inn, Little Moor House, and land at Brackenfield - 1907-1924
Expand 741 - Property at Bonsall sold by Agnes Aulton - 1925741 - Property at Bonsall sold by Agnes Aulton - 1925