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D5336 - Pares family of Leicester and Hopwell Hall - 1306-1901
1 - Title deeds and estate papers - 1306-1879
2 - Financial, business, personal and miscellaneous papers
1 - Pares family wills, executorship papers, settlements and financial deeds - 1799-1901
2 - Papers relating to the business affairs of Thomas Pares I, attorney, of Leicester, as a lawyer and trustee - 1747-1805
3 - Papers relating to the business affairs of Thomas Pares II of Hopwell Hall, attorney and banker, predominantly as an executor and trustee - 1767-1824
1 - Papers relating to Thomas Pares as trustee of the marriage settlement of John Freeth of Nottingham with Mary Hall of Risley - 1789-1813
2 - Papers relating to Thomas Pares' executorship of the will of Lady Margaret Dixie of Mansfield (Nottinghamshire) - 1795-1800
3 - Original will and codicil of John Dod Esq. of Tooley Park (Leicestershire) 11 and 21 Aug - 1785
3-25 - Papers relating to Thomas Pares as executor and trustee of the will of his brother-in-law John Dod [husband of Thomas Pares' sister Ann], and to the financial relationship of the banking firm Pares, Paget and Co. with the guardians of John Dod's children John Whitehall Dod and Eleanor Dod - 1775-1821
4 - Attested copy will (1 Jul 1804) of John Dod of Cloverley Hall, Shropshire, copied 2 Nov 1805 - 1805
5 - Assorted accounts, bonds, legal documents, notes, etc of Thomas Pares on the executorship of John Dod, including valuation and particulars of estates at Cloverley (Shropshire) - 1775-1806
6 - Opinion of Mr Wilson relating to the title of a house at Doddington (Leicestershire) involving the Dod family; includes schedule of deeds dated 1730-1775 - 1782
7 - Assorted papers relating to the trusteeships of the marriage settlement and will of the late John Dod - 1785-1814
8 - Notice, notes and letters of appointment of John Dod to the Shropshire Land Tax Redemption Commission - 1798
9 - Opinion of Samuel Romilly on the late John Dod, endorsed 'Pares Miles and Alston' - 1806
10 - Accounts of Messrs Pares and Heygate relating to John Dod and John Whitehall Dod - 1805-1811
11 - Calculations concerning guardianship [?of John Whitehall Dod?] - 1805-1813
12 - Account and receipts of Francis Drake and Thomas Pares (co-trustees under settlement of the late John Dod) in respect of purchase money for the Crookhill estate in the parish of Conisbrough (Yorkshire) and an estate at Walton (Derbyshire) - 1813
13 - Pares and Heygate money order to James Davies relating to guardianship of J Whitehall Dod - 1813
14 - Account between the guardians of J W Dod Esq and Pares and Co., for transactions dated 1806-1814 - c1814
15 - Releases by John Whitehall Dod to his guardians Thomas Pares and the Rev. Whitehall W Davies (26 Apr 1820), and to the executors and trustees of the will of his father John Dod (27 Apr 1820), with associated correspondence, accounts and deed of indemnity, 1806-1814 - 1806-1820
16 - Letter from William Brookes of Whitehursts to Thomas Pares Esq of Hopwell Hall, concerning Mr Dod's will and executorship accounts 1 May - 1820
17 - Stamp Office form of account for legacy duty on residues of personal estate of John Dod of Cloverley (Shropshire) 16 May - 1820
18 - Eleanor Dod's account of expenditure from the interest of the money bequeathed to her by her late father's will, 14 Oct 1805-14 Oct 1814, with covering letter from J. Hallows - [c1814]
19 - Account of the guardians of Miss Dod with Messrs Pares and Paget - 1814
20 - Miss Dod's account with Pares, Paget and Co., covering 2 Feb 1818-29 Nov 1821 - [c1821]
21 - Miss Dod's account with Pares, Paget and Co., covering 3 Feb 1806-1 Apr 1821 - [c1821]
22 - Assorted papers relating to the trusteeship of the late Mr Dod's estate and to Miss Eleanor Dod's financial affairs - 1789-1822
23 - Notes and calculations relating to the will of John Dod - [late 18th cent]
24 - Account of the debts of J Whitehall Dod - [early 19th cent]
25 - Draft case for opinion relating to the late John Dod - [early 19th cent]
26 - Mandates, licences, presentations and ordination certificates relating to Dr Jackson's various clerical and other appointments - 1762-1894
26-50 - Papers relating to the affairs of the Rev. Dr Joseph Jackson (died c1810) - 1762-1815
27 - Original will of Samuel Cocker of Ilkeston, farmer, dated 9 Apr 1773 with codicil dated 12 Oct 1778; and copy will of Samuel Cocker of Ilkeston dated 11 Dec 1782 - 1773-1782
27-31 - Papers relating to Dr Jackson's estates
28 - Articles of agreement relating to conveyances of estates in Horsham, Shipley and West Grinstead (Sussex) to Joseph Jackson, clerk, Jacob Rider and John Manley 6 May - 1777
29 - Financial account relating to Horsham House, between the Rev. J Jackson and John Manley, for 1779-1781 - 1781
30 - Financial account of the Commissioners for the Londonthorpe Inclosure (under Act of Parliament 35 Geo III) - [c1795]
31 - Estate accounts for Newton, Braceby and Haceby (Lincolnshire) and for the rents of Keddington (Lincolnshire), some signed by Joseph Jackson; plus letter from W E Welby of Beighton [Dr Jackson's patron] to the Rev. Dr Jackson at Risley, referring to the rentals of Newton, Braceby and Haceby; plus bill charged by William Drumande (veterinary) to Mr Jackson's executors, for work done 1805-1811 - 1804-1811
32 - Indenture to settle debts of Augustus Parkyns of Spondon - 1802
32-50 - Papers relating to Dr Jackson as trustee for the creditors of Major Augustus Parkyns, and to Thomas Pares' executorship of Dr Jackson's affairs - 1771-1815
33 - Promissory note of L B Parkyns to pay £15 to Messrs Pares Paget and Co. 2 Mar - 1802
34 - Bundle of papers relating to the creditors of Major and Mrs Parkyns, comprising accounts and letters to the Rev. Dr Jackson of Risley - 1802-1806
35 - Account of principal money advanced by the creditors of Major Parkyns, plus interest and dividend paid up to 11 Dec 1807 - 1808
36 - Bundle of receipts in connection with Major Parkyns' debts - 1808-1811
37 - Account of principal money advanced by the creditors of Major Parkyns, plus interest and dividend paid in the two years up to 11 Dec 1808 and Dec 1809 - 1809-1810
38 - List of names and monetary amounts headed 'Major Parkyns Creditors up to Dec 11, 1810' - 1810
39 - Letter, F Parkyns of Derby to Thomas Pares of Hopwell Hall 22 Oct - 1811
40 - Letter, Frances Parkyns of Derby to Thomas Pares 20 Sep - 1811
41 - Letter, F Parkyns of Derby to Thomas Pares 11 Sep - 1811
42 - Letter, John Borlase Warren of Stapleford Hall to T Pares Esq of Hopwell Hall 24 Dec - 1811
43 - Notes relating to his dividend, Mr Fowler to Mrs Parkyns - c1811
44 - Bill of costs charged by Thomas Antill to Major Parkyns, settled 6 Feb 1812 - 1812
45 - Note referring to enclosed cheque for amount due on account of Major Parkyns, from Sir J B Warren, baronet 20 Jun - 1812
46 - Bundle of receipts for dividends from Major Parkyns' debt paid by Thomas Pares to various people - 1813
47 - Bundle of receipts for dividends from Major Parkyns' debt paid by Thomas Pares to various people - 1814
48 - Bundle of receipts for dividends from Major Parkyns' debt paid by Thomas Pares to various people - 1815
49 - Letter confirming payments to Moore, Maltby and Co. of Nottingham to the account of the Leicestershire Bank, sent to Thomas Pares Esq 21 Jan - 1815
50 - Notebook containing lists of bond and other debts 1771-1787; endorsed (in different hand) 'Parkyns' - [late 18th cent]
51 - Bond for admission of Thomas Pares to chambers in Furnivals Inn [London] 18 Dec - 1767
51-77 - Miscellaneous business and legal papers probably connected with Thomas Pares II - 1767-1824
52 - List of things to do, on reverse of letter cover sent to Thomas Pares junior at his chambers at Furnivals Inn - [18th cent]
53 - Promissory note of Thomas Pares to pay £250 to John Linney - 1784
54 - Bills and order of Thomas Pares for chambers at Grays Inn - 1788-1792
55 - Cash account between Dr Vaughan and Mr Pares, covering 7 Feb 1786-29 Oct 1789 - [c1789]
56 - Legal correspondence relating to an annuity charged on lands in Warwickshire and proposed to be sold by the Rev. Dr J E Bachelor of Cambridge (Thomas Pares of Leicester acting as attorney) - 1792
57 - Receipt of Thomas Pares for £4120 14s 8d paid to Messrs Child and Co - 1794
58 - Release by Thomas Pares of the stocks of the late Mary Sturt to William Mordaunt and others, 1808, with associated papers - 1794-1808
59 - Promissory notes and receipts in account, Thomas Pares jr with Thomas Broughton and Thomas Hudson - 1795-1798
60 - List of financial dealings with 'Willifer' including arrears, distraints, and monies received - 1797-1798
61 - Stock receipt of Thomas Pares for £8,542 - 1798
62 - Money order receipt of Thomas Pares for £50 on behalf of Mrs Melkin - 1800
63 - Pares' account with Walker - 1800-1801
64 - Order confirming report absolute in Chancery case White v Lady Lincoln, concerning purchase of premises by Thomas Pares - 1801
65 - Receipts for annuities stock income - 1801-1802
66 - Sapperton rental and account - 1802
67 - Receipt of Thomas Pares for £500 paid to Messrs Child and Co - 1802
68 - Accounts and a letter relating to W E Welby and to Lord and Lady Welby - 1802-1815
69 - Accounts of Thomas Pares relating to the Dowman account, 1804-1828, plus receipt for annuities stock income, 1805 - 1804-1828
70 - Affidavits sworn by Thomas Pares and Mrs Dorothy Middleton relating to the dexter parts of five bank notes allegedly sent to Mrs Middleton, plus the left-hand parts of the banknotes - 1807
71 - Legal notes, opinions, accounts and correspondence in relation to a dispute over the trust estate of the late Richard Barwell, following his widow's marriage to Edward Miller Mundy Esq [connection with Pares unclear] - 1814-1821
72 - Note on settlement of unknown transaction (watermark 1819) - [c1819]
73 - Stamp Office letter to Thomas Pares, with draft reply, concerning the executorship of Daniel Woodland of Narborough (Leicestershire) - 1821
74 - Pares' account for legal case - 1823
75 - Account and letters of the representatives of Dr Myddleton - 1824
76 - Part of a fair copy letter relating to mis-application of the a trust estate and the guardians' account - [19th cent]
77 - Letter from Thomas Pares relating to legal case Lomas v Clarke, to Mr Packe's estates and to Mrs Walker, wife of the Rev. Dr Walker; with scribbled legal notes relating to a will - [19th cent?]
4 - Papers relating to the business affairs of John Pares of Leicester [1749-1833] - 1782-1833
5 - Papers relating to the business affairs of Thomas Pares MP of Hopwell Hall and Ulverscroft, predominantly as a trustee and banker - 1788-1858
6 - Papers relating to the financial affairs and banking business of Messrs Pares, Paget and Heygate (Pares Leicestershire Banking Company) in Leicester - 1806-1859
7 - Official papers relating to Thomas Pares III as Sheriff of Derbyshire - 1845-1858
8 - Papers relating to public and charitable affairs, Derbyshire - 1830s
9 - Papers relating to elections; particularly relating to Leicestershire and Leicester Borough parliamentary elections in which Thomas Pares III was a candidate - 1768-1871
10 - Papers relating to public and charitable affairs, Leicestershire and Oxfordshire - [mid 18th cent]-1885
11 - Papers relating to churches, glebe lands, tithes, clerical appointments etc: Ockbrook - 1631-1847
12 - Papers relating to churches, glebe lands, tithes, clerical appointments etc: Parish of Wilne, including townships of Hopwell and Draycott - 1765-1845
13 - Papers relating to churches, glebe lands, tithes, clerical appointments etc: Derbyshire, miscellaneous - 1649-1816
14 - Papers associated with the Rev. William Pares' incumbencies: Elmsthorpe (Leicestershire) - 1783-1787
14-17 - Papers associated with the clerical incumbencies of the Rev. William Pares, third son of Thomas Pares I of Hopwell Hall
15 - Papers associated with the Rev. William Pares' incumbencies: Narborough (Leicestershire) - 1630-1833
16 - Papers associated with the Rev. William Pares' incumbencies: Selston (Nottinghamshire) - 1799-1817
17 - Miscellaneous papers relating to the Rev. William Pares - 1785-1812
18 - Papers relating to churches, glebe lands, tithes, clerical appointments etc: Leicestershire, and miscellaneous - 1753-1847
19 - Poor Law and other parish administrative papers: Breaston, Draycott, Hopwell and Risley - 1674-1836
20 - Poor Law and other parish administrative papers: Ockbrook - 1652-1811
21 - Poor Law and other parish administrative papers: Leicestershire - [mid 18th cent]-1818
22 - Financial, family and miscellaneous papers relating to the Piggen, Osbourne and Johnson families of Ockbrook (Derbyshire) - 1619-1749
23 - Miscellaneous financial papers and accounts - 1663-1898
24 - Pares family and personal papers - 1773-1863
25 - Sale particulars and catalogues of property and paintings - 1788-1896
26 - Miscellaneous papers - 1617-1871
3 - Correspondence - 1683-1894
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