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Collapse D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927
Expand 1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire
Expand 2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire
Expand 3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton
Expand 4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton
Expand 5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area
Collapse 6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places
1 - Quitclaim by Ralph Pippard to Ralph de Lathbury his chamberlain of £16 annual rent for lands and tenements in Egginton, Hurbaldeston [Ambaston], Thulston, Etwall, Potlock, Findern and Holbrook - [13 May 1300]
2 - Grant by Ralph Pippard to Ralph de Lathbury his chamberlain of all property in Egginton, Ambaston, Thulston, Etwall ,Potlock,Findern, Holbrook - [8 Sep 1300]
3 - Final concord between Ralph de Lathebury and Margery his wife and Henry Burgilun concerning lands , 60s annual rent, ¼ part of mill in Egynton', Ambaldeston', Thurleston', Etewall', Potlok, Fynderne, Holebrok, Hethouses, Trussley, Ausedelyne and Wilington' - [30 Aug 1304]
4 - Agreement for lease for life between Sir John Giffard of Chilinton' knight and Robert Sadelworthe of Murcaston Of property in Murcaston next to Moginton' Annual rent: 5 marks [33s 4d] silver Witnesses: Thomas de la Hide, John de Somerford, John le Marchald of county of Stafford, Robert de Overton', Henry de Ilum Dated at Chilinton (Staffordshire) Wednesday after feast of Purification of Blessed Mary 12 Edw III [4 Feb] - [1338]
5 - Appointment by John Gyffard of Chylynton' knight Of John le Mareschel and Robert de Lathebury as attorneys to deliver seisin To Matilda his daughter Of all property he holds in Egynton', Hethouses, Ambaldiston', Etewall', Wylynton', Potlok', Ausedele, Fynderne given by Margaret who was wife to Ralph son and heir of Ralph de Lathebury Dated at Chylynton' Thursday in feast of [All Souls] 14 Edw III [31 Oct] - [1340]
6 - Indenture between (i) John Foucher and Ermentrude his wife and (ii) William Marshal de Sedsall, Margaret his wife, Beatrice daughter of the said Ermentrude John son of the said William, William his brother and Ermentrude his sister, for the lease of all lands, tenements, lands, services, etc, in the vills of Egginton, Ambaston, Thulston, Chaddesden, Radbourne, Potlock, Findern, Etwall, Bearwardcote, Heathhouses, Horsley and Trusley, the tenements once belonging to Robert de Lathbury, the former husband of Ermentrude, for the yearly payment of £26 13s 4d, made at Egginton the Wednesday after the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross 50 Edw III [7 May 1376] - 1376
7 - Indenture between John Foucher and Ermentrude his wife and William Marshal of Sedsall and Margaret his wife, Beatrice daughter of Ermentrude, John and William, sons of William, and Ermentrude their sister for lease of property in Egginton, Ambaston, Thulston,Chaddesden Radbourne, [Potlock], Findern, Etwall, Bearwardcote, Heathhouses, Horsley and Trusley which Ermentrude wife of John Foucher received from Robert de Lathbury for life of Ermentrude Annual rent: £26 13s 4d Witnesses: Monsieur Alured [Ailred] Solney 'chevalier', Monsieur John de [? Gresley] chevalier, John Fraunceys the elder, John Fraunceys the younger, John de Findern, John son of Laurence de Etwall,and others Dated at Egginton [Wednesday] after feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross 50 Edw III [7 May] - [1376]
8 - Grant by Alured [Ailred] de Lathbury son and heir of Robert de Lathbury of Egginton to Henry de Bradfield of Mercaston and Alice his wife Of £10 annual rent from lands in Egginton, Ambaston and Thulston unless Henry and Alice have peaceful possession of property in Mercaston from John Foucher and Ermintrude his wife Witnesses: Robert Fraunceys, William de Adderley, John Whitehead parson of moiety of Mugginton, William Pakeman of Derby, John Berde, Thomas son of John de Mercaston, Thomas Beller and others Dated at Mercaston Friday before Pentecost 6 Ric II [8 May] - [1383]
9 - Quitclaim by Ermentrude Foucher to her son Alured [Ailred] de Lathbury, knight, and Ala his wife, of all lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services which once belonged to Robert de Lathbury, father of Alured, in Egginton, Heathhouses, Ambaston, Thulston, Chaddesden, Radbourne, Bearwardcot], the meadow of Trusley, and all other places in Derbyshire, dated at Newton Solney on the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord 19 Ric II [25 Dec 1395] - 1395
10 - Confirmation by Ermintrew [Ermintrude] formerly wife of John Foucher To Henry de Bradffeld Of lease by John Foucher and Ermintrewe to Henry de Bradfield and Alice his wife of property in Mercaston for Ermintrewe's life Annual rent: 36s 8d Dated day after Easter 6 Ric II [1383] Annual rent increased by 6s 8d [43s 4d] secured on land at Kirk Langley - [1390]
11 - Quitclaim by Alured [Ailred] de Lathbury knight to John de Lathbury his son of all claim to manor of Egginton and Newton Solney and other property in Derbyshire - 2 Aug [1421]
12 - Grant by Alaredus [Alured, Ailred] de Lathbury knight to John Agulny vicar of Marston and Henry de Mackworth chaplain Of all property in town and fields of Radbourne and Trusley which Robert Gerard holds of Alured Witnesses: Peter de la Pole, Thomas Addingley, Thomas de Brewood of Radbourne,, Robert Gerard of Radbourne, John, chaplain of Trusley and others Dated at Cadeby 10 Sep 1 Hen VI - [1422]
13 - Grant by Aluredus Lathbury knight to John Stafford clerk and Treasurer of England, Reginald Lathbury, John Marchall of Upton, John Ines of Boseworth, Robert Temple, Thomas Newenam, John Boteler Of manor of Egynton and property in town and territory of Newtonsulne Witnesses: Richard Vernon chevalier, Robert Moton' chevalier, Henry Wethard, William Marchall of Stretton in le Felds, John Appulby of Appulby and others Dated at Egynton eve of the apostles Philip and James 2 Hen VI [30 Apr] - [1424]
14 - Appointment by Thomas Dunolm', William Bothe clerk, Thomas Barton,clerk, Edmund de Dutton,clerk, William Poucher vicar of Sawley, William Dethick Of William Knyght as attorney to deliver seisin to John de Statham esquire and William Tacy rector of Breadsall Of all property in Mapperley called le Chauntryplace and le chauntry landys Dated 8 Jul 8 Hen VI - [1430]
15 - Grant by John Lathbury esquire to John Mackworth, deacon of Lincoln cathedral, Thomas Gresley knight, Thomas Mackworth, Henry Bradbourne, Richard Fytherberd' esquires, William Lathbury Of all property in Egginton, Newton Solney, Findern, Potlock, Etwall, Trusley; also Woodhouse (Staffordshire); except property in Egginton belonging to the manor and land called Hethehouses next to Hatton Witnesses: Richard Vernon, Thomas Blount knights, John Curzon, Peter de la Pole, Henry Kniveton, Ralph de la Pole, Henry Kniveton, Ralph de la Pole and others Dated 14 Aug 10 Hen VI - [1432]
16 - Gift from John Lathbury of Egginton, esquire, to John Mackworth, Deacon of Lincoln Cathedral, Thomas Gresley, knight, Thomas Mackworth, esquire, Nicholas Fitzherbert, esquire, Henry Bradbourne, esquire and William Lathbury, of all lands, tenements, rents and services in the vill and field of Newton Solney, Findern, Etwall and Potlock, and his capital messuage and manor in Newton, excepting his fishing rights.Dated at Newton 14 Jul 14 Hen VI [1436] - [1436]
17 - Quitclaim by John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Chancellor of England, Robert Temple and John Botiller, to Henry Bradburne esq. and William Lathbury, of the manor of Egynton [Egginton] and all lands, Tenements, rents and services in the vill and fields of Newtonsulne [Newton Solney], once enfeoffed by Aluered Lathbury, knight - 15 Mar [1439]
18 - Appointment by Henry Bradbourne esquire and William Lathbury of Robert Fraunceys esquire as attorney to deliver seisin in lands in Egginton and Hatton to John Lathbury junior and Katherine daughter of Isabel Shatton Dated 16 Apr 17 Hen VI - [1439]
19 - Confirmation by Henry Bradbourne esquire and William Lathbury of Newton Solney to John Lathbury esquire of all property in the towns of Egginton and Newton Solney or elsewhere in Derbyshire recently given by John to them Witnesses: Robert Fraunces, John Fraunces esquire, Robert Wilne and others - [1450]
20 - Grant by Robert Legh senior of Adlyngton to Robert Honford of Chorley and Hugh Honford his brother of all property in Derbyshire Witnesses: John Honford, Christopher Davenport, Reginald Legh' senior of Mottram Andrew Dated Pentecost 3 Edw IV [29 May] - [1463]
21 - Grant by Sibilla widow of Elias Radcliff to Robert Legh of Adlington of all lands, messuages and tenements, rent and services in village of [Baldon] or elsewhere in Derbyshire - 28 Sep [1463]
22 - Grant by Reginald Legh son of Robert Legh of Adlington (Cheshire), esquire and James Legh his brother rector of Rawstorn (Cheshire), William Legh'of Ingoldesby (Lincolnshire) James' brother, Peter Legh esquire, John Fletcher of Rawstorn chaplain, Christopher Midelton living in Adlington' and William Bradley of Chapel en le Frith of all property in Derbyshire Witnesses: Ralph Browne, Edward Bagshawe, Ralph Ashton Dated feast of St James the Apostle 18 Edw IV [25 Jul] - [1478]
23 - Grant by John Hodgkinson of Egginton to John Holt vicar of Tutbury and Thomas Saxton Of land in Marston Dated at Tutbury Saturday before Annunciation of Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Ric III [19 Mar] - [1485]
24 - Grant by Maria Legh widow of Reginald Legh late of Blakebroke esquire to Richard Vernon senior, John Tunsted, John Shalcross, Thomas Bagshawe and Ralph Bagshawe gents of all manors, messuages, lands and tenements etc in demesne of Calver, Chelmerton and Monyasshe which came to Maria as inheritance after death of Thomas Vernon esquire her father - 24 Oct [1508]
25 - Quitclaim by Thomas Lyng of Burton on Trent (Staffordshire) gentleman and [Maria] his wife to William Leigh of Egginton'esquire concerning property in [Calver] Dated at Burton [24] Jun [?3] Hen [VIII] - [?1511]
26 - Quitclaim by Ralph Leche of Chattisworth' esquire To William [Leghe] of [Egginton] Of property in Calver Dated [-] Feb 32 Hen VIII - [1541]
27 - Lease for 30 years from Thomas Babyngton of Cossington, Leicestershire, gent, to Stephen Slyghe of Egginton, yeoman, of the close of Banholme in the parish of Marston, at the annual rent of 40s, in consideration of £8, 6 Apr 6 Eli I - [1564]
28 - Indenture of bargain and sale between John Marshe of London esquire and Francis Oxeneham of London gentleman And William Joly of Lullington clarke Of 2 yards of land Recites letters patent of 26 November 14 Eliz I granting to John and Francis 2 yards land formerly assigned to maintain a priest to say divine service in the church of chapel of Coton in Lullington parish Dated 9 Feb 14 Eliz I - [1572]
29 - Lease by demise from Francis Eaton of Over Mayfield, Staffordshire, gent, to Stephen Slyghe[Sleigh] of Egginton, yeoman, in consideration of £5, of 3 acres of meadow lying near the "pryores solne" in the fee of Marston near Tutbury, for the term of 21 years at the yearly rent of 13s 4d, 10 Aug 19 Eliz I - [1577]
30 - Bargain and sale from Ralph Eaton of Ellastone, Staffordshire, gent, to Thomas Leigh of Egginton, esq., of a parcel of meadow land containing 3 acres near Priors Holme alias Priors Banneholme in the parish or lordship of Marston near Tutbury, 27 Sep 31 Eli I - [1589]
31 - Conveyance by Ralph Eaton of Elaston (Staffordshire) gentleman To Thomas Leigh of Egginton esquire Of land in Mearson in Tutburie Dated 27 Sep 31 Eliz I - [1589]
32 - Final concord between Henry Leighe, esq., querent, and Ralph Eaton and Jane his wife, deforciants, of 4 acres of meadow in Marston, in consideration of £40, Day after Holy Trinity 40 Eli I [12 Jun] - [1598]
33 - Bargain and sale to make tenants to the precipe from Sir Henry Leigh of Egginton, knight, to Nicholas Foxley of Staple Inn, London, gent, and Henry Clerke of the Middle Temple, London, gent, of a capital messuage in Egginton, with messuages, lands, etc, in Egginton and Marston iuxta Tutbury, and woods in Newton Solney, to suffer a recovery by Mathew Smalle of Paddington, Middlesex, esq., and William Hallford the younger of Wellham, Leicestershire, gent, in consideration of £20, 6 Nov 9 Jam 1 [Endorsed with enrolment at Chancery 7 Sep [1611] - [1611]
34 - Grant by John Holte to John Sax[--] son and heir of Philip Of property at Marston near Tutbury [Marston on Dove]
Expand 7 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire07 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire0
Expand 8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
Expand 9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Expand 10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem
Expand 11 - Estate administration11 - Estate administration
Expand 12 - Manorial records12 - Manorial records
Expand 13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)
Expand 14 - Official deeds and papers14 - Official deeds and papers
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous papers15 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire
Expand 17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall
Expand 18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton
Expand 19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places
Expand 20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset
Expand 21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire
Expand 22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire
Expand 23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire
Expand 24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
Expand 25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Expand 26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements
Expand 27 - Estate administration27 - Estate administration
Expand 28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers
Expand 29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family
Expand 30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree
Expand 31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire
Expand 32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers
Expand 33 - Manor of Egginton - 177533 - Manor of Egginton - 1775
Expand UL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted recordsUL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted records