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Collapse D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927D5236 - Every family of Egginton - [13th cent]-1927
Expand 1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire1 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Buckinghamshire
Expand 2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire2 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Cheshire
Expand 3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton3 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Egginton, Willington and Hilton
Expand 4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton4 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Newton Solney and Repton
Collapse 5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area5 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Glossop, Bowden, Hope and Chapel-en-le-Frith area
1 - Quitclaim by William son of Thomas Hally to John his brother Of all property of their father Thomas in le Aspynshaghe Witnesses: Hugh de Stredeleye, Robert Hally, Hugh de Cimiterio, Nicholas de Baggeshagh, William de Baggeshaghe and others Dated at Capella del Frith' [Chapel en le Frith] Thursday next after feast of St Michael the Archangel 18 Edw III [30 Sep] - [1344]
2 - Grant by John son of Thomas Hally to Lord Thomas del Clogh of land with buildings called le Aspynshaghe in Magna Hayfield [Great Hayfield] - [12 Jun 1354]
3 - Gift from William le Nayler to Hugh son of John del Kyrk of a rood of land in Milton in the vill of Bowden, dated at Chapel en le Frith Thursday before All Saints 5 Ric II [31 Oct 1381] - 1381
4 - Lease for 11 years by Reginald Lee of Blakebroke esquire and Robert Lee, son and heir apparent of Reginald to William Browhyll of Hayfeld, Henry Brownehyll his brother and Thomas Morten of Derwent of property called lee Neth[er]howsys in Hayfeld in Bowden Annual rent: peppercorn Witnesses: Otewel Bredbury, Richard Mellner, Ralph Platts, Ralph Bredbury clerk, Thomas Poynton' chaplain Dated at Hayfeld 11 May 19 Hen [no regnal year given] [?Hen IV] - [?1410]
5 - Lease for 39 years by Vincent [Doude] and John son of Elias del Byrches to Vincent son of William de Hadfield of property called le Nethurhous and land in Little Hayfield within Boudon [Bowden] - [27 Jun 1415]
6 - Grant by Walter son of Nicholas Hondesone to Hugh Hally of all property in Bowden - 5 Feb [1420]
7 - Gift by Vincent Doude, John son of William de Byrches and Robert son of the said Vincent, to Vincent son of William de Hadfeld, of one messuage called the Nethurhous, buildings and 13 acres of land in Parvel Hayfeld in the vill of Bowdon, dated at Hayfeld Friday of Christmas Eve [24 Dec 1423] - 1423
8 - Quitclaim from Vincent Doude, John, son of Elias del Byrches and Robert, son of the said Vincent, to Vincent, son of William de Hadfeld', of a messuage called le Nethurhouses with all buildings on 13 acres of land in the parish of Hayfeld' in the vill of Bowdon', dated at Hayfeld Saturday on the Feast of the Annunciation 2 Hen VI [25 Mar 1424] - 1424
9 - Grant by Vincent son of William de Hadfeld To Roger de Bromale senior Of property called le Netherhouses and land in Bowdon in Hayfeld Witnesses: Robert de Mellur, Richard de Bredbur', John del Boure Dated at Hayfeld Monday after Feast of Nativity of St John the Baptist 4 Hen VI - [1426]
10 - Grant by Vincent son of William de Hadfeld' to John de Hadfield' his son, John del Wode and Edwmund de Berdesley of property in Hayfeld' called le Netherhouses in Bowden - [14 Sep 1426]
11 - Quitclaim from William de Hadfeld' to Roger de Bromale senior of a messuage called le Netherhouses with all buildings on 13 acres of land in Parva Hayfeld' in the vill of Bowdon', dated at Hayfeld' Wednesday before the Feast of the Lord's Birth 5 Hen VI [18 Dec] - [1426]
12 - Bond in £20 by John Mydylton to Thomas Hally of Shyreeleese - 5 Apr [1426-1456]
13 - Appointment by Vincent son of William de Hadfeld of Roger de Bromale chapman to receive full seisin for property called le Netherhouses lying in litelhayfeld in town of Bowdon from Vincent [Goude], John son of Elias del Byrches, Robert son of Vincent [Goude] - [7 Jul 1427]
14 - Quitclaim by John son of Vincent de Hadfeld' to Roger de Bromale chapmon' of property called le Netherhouses and land in Litelhayfeld in Bowdon' - [9 Jul 1427]
15 - Letter of attorney of Vincent Hattefeld, appointing Roger Bromehale his attorney to receive seisin from Vincent Doude, his son Robert and John son of Elias de Birches, of one messuage, 13 acres of land and meadow in Little Hayfield in the vill of Baweden [Bowden] Thursday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 7 HenVI [16 Sep 1428] - 1428
16 - Quitclaim by John Mason Rector of Normanton to John [Bramhall] son of Roger [Bramhall] the elder of 1 messuage called the Kwyghtwykke in town of [-]; moiety of 1 messuage called the breregreve; moiety of 1 messuage called the Hedhowsys lying in lytellhayfeld which he lately was given by Roger Bamhall - [4 Oct 1439]
17 - Grant by Rosa Bromall daughter of Thomas Bromhallof Hayfield to James Mellomer son of Thomas Mellomer of Combs [Connbus] of property called Knyghtewyk in Bowden Witnesses: Robert Stones, Robert son of John Mellomer, John Dicson junior, Thomas Mellomer, John Dicson'senior Dated at Chapel en le Frith in Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary 1 Edw IV [8 Sep] - [1461]
18 - Bond in £40 silver by Rosa Bromale daughter and heir of Thomas Bromale to Robert Legh' senior of Adlyngton' esquire relating to property called the Netherhowses and land and property called Knyghtwyk - 2 Jan [1462]
Expand 1919
19 - Three deeds tied together at seal tag - 1472
19(ii) - Grant by Robert Legh of Adlyngton esquire to Robert Honford and Robert Downes junior of property called Knyghtwk. Brukhouses and Shireokes in Bawdon - [17 May 1472]
19(iii) - Appointment by Robert Legh' of Adlyngton esquire of Edward Halt and Christopher Midulton' to deliver seisin to Robert Honford and Robert Downes junior of property called Knyghtwyk, Brukhouses and Shireokes in Bawdon - [17 May 1472]
20 - Grant by Robert Legh' of Adlynton' senior esquire to Reginald Legh' his son of all property in town of Baudon' (Derbyshire); property in town of Wormeshyll'; property called le Sytehowse and other in Whytfeld' - [1 Oct 1476]
21 - Bond in £20 by John Asshenburye late of Longley "yoman" and Ralph Ollerenshawe late of Tunstid in Bowdon' "yoman" to Reginald Leegh esquire to repay £11 6s 4d - 8 Aug [1486]
22 - Bond in £40 by Reginald Legh of Blakebroke esquire to John Sutton Dated 19 Sep 9 Hen VII - [1493]
23 - Indenture between Robert Legh' and William Brownehyll' and Jane his wife, Robert [Brownehyll their son] regarding property called the Nethurhowsye [in Hayfield] Dated Hen [--]
24 - Lease for 13 years by Robert Legh of Blakebroke esquire to William Brownehyll' de Little [parva] Heyfeld and Joanna his wife and Robert their son of property called le heddhows' in Little Heyfeld in Bowdon - [1511]
25 - Indenture of bargain and sale between Thomas Babington of Dethykk [Dethick] esquire And Robert Lee of Egginton gentylman Of all property in Fernelee in township of Wormeshyll [Wormhill] For £60 Lee to follow "lerned councell" of Babington in securing the transfer Dated 29 Mar 9 Hen VIII - [1518]
26 - Gift from Thomas Leighe, esq., son and heir of William Leighe of Egginton, esq., deceased, on the occasion of his marriage to Anne, daughter of William Dethick, to Mathew Kniveton of Bradeey, esq., Christopher Eyre of Highlow, esq., Michael Purefoy, gent, Richard Netham, gent, Robert Dethick, gent, and Nicholas Burwey, gent, of the manor or capital messuage of Blackbruk [Blackbrook], another messuage at Blackbruk, another messuage called le Lydeyate in Bowden, another messuage called le Slakhall, a pasture called le Ten Acres, a messuage in Lyght Byrche, another messuage in Lyght Byrche called Sylkehill, a messuage called le Whyte Haugh, a capital messuage in the parish of Chapel en le Frith a meesuage in Fernyleigh in the parish of Hope, another messuage called Bruck Howse in the parish of Glossop, another messuage called Knyghtwyk in Bowdon in the parish of Glossop with all lands, meadows, etc. - 27 Oct 1552
27 - Lease for 21 years from Thomas Leighe of Egginton, esq., to Edmund Bower, son of Edmund Bower of Whitfield, parish of Glossop, husbandman, of a messuage and tenement called Crosse Clyffe at Whitfield, at the annual rent of 13s 4d, in consideration of £5, 20 May 3 & 4 Phil & Mary [1557] - 1557
28 - Lease for 21 years by Thomas Leigh of Eginton esquire To Humfrey Andrewe of Glossoppe taillour Of property called the Crosse clyffe in whitfeld Annual rent: 13s 8d Dated 1 Jun 3 & 4 Philip and Mary - [1557]
29 - Lease for 21 years of tenement houses in Chapel en le Frith, Thomas Leghe of Egginton, Esq, to Edwarde Mellor of Chapel en le Frith, singleman 20 May - 1561
30 - Lease from Thomas Legh of Egginton, esquire, to George Hunter of the Chapel en le Frith, husbandman, of a house in the Chapell in le Frith, for the term of 21 years at the annual rent of 10s, 25 Mar 5 Eliz I - [1563]
31 - Lease for 21 years from Thomas Leigh of Ekington [Egginton], esq., to George Hunter of Chapel en le Frith, husbandman, of a meesuage in the parish of Chapel, with all lands, meadows, pastures, etc, at the annual rent of 7s 2d, 7 May 6 Eli I - [1564]
32 - Lease from Thomas Legh of Egginton, esq., to Humfray Wyllshawe of Whitehough parish of Chapel en le Frith, husbandman, for £20, of his messuage or tenements called Whitehough, with all lands, etc., in Chapel en le Frith, for the term of 21 years at the annual rent of 5s, 16 May 6 Eli I - [1564]
33 - Lease for 21 years by Thomas Ligh of Egginton esquire to Christopher Bennet of Fernelegh' in parish of Hoope gentleman of a tenement called Fernelgh' Annual rent: 90s Dated 26 May 6 Eliz I - [1564]
34 - Bargain and sale from Thomas Leigh of Egginton, esq., to Robert Astull of Heyth Howses [Heath Houses], husbandman, of two messuages called the Heyth Howsys in the parish of Church Broughton and the lordship of Scropton, with all farms, tenements, land, etc, in consideration of £100, 4 Mar 7 Eli I - [1565]
35 - Bargain and sale from Thomas Leigh of Egginton, esq, to George Yelveley of Chapel en le Frith, husbandman, in consideration of £120, of his messuages, lands, tenements, etc called the Brockehowses in Bawdon [Bowden] 3 Aug 7 Eli I - [1565]
36 - Lease by Thomas Leighe of Egginton' esquire to George Yevelye of property called the Brocke houses in Bawdon - 3 Aug [1565]
37 - Conveyance by bargain and sale by Thomas Lee of Ettington equire to John Haghe of Chonall husbandman of 1 barn and lands in Whytefeldhurst for £35 Dated 28 Apr 9 Eliz I - [1567]
38 - Lease for 31 years of a messuage and land in Bawdonlane in the parish of Chapell in le Frith, Thomas Leighe of Ecenton [Egginton] to Elizabeth Townsende (widow of Thomas Townsende) and her son Rawffe Townsende 20 May 10 Eliz - [1568]
39 - Lease for life, from the Worshipful Thomas Leigh of Egginton, Esq, and Ann his wife, to Edward Mershull of Chapill in le ffryth, of the messuage and lands in his occupation 20 Jun - 1569
40 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage called the Washe, Thomas Leighe of Egynton [Egginton] to Grace Mellour [Mellor] of the Washe, widow, and George Lowe of Bowden 20 Sep 19 Eliz - [1577]
41 - Lease for 21 years by Thomas Leigh of Egginton esquire To Helen Marshall widow of Raphe Marshall of Chappel en le Frith Of land called the Newe Close in Bowden Edge in Chappel en le Frith Annual rent: 15s 4d Dated 9 Mar 23 Eliz I - [1580]
42 - Lease for 21 years from Thomas Leigh of Egginton, esq., to Thomas Barbar of Whitfield, husbandman, of a messuage and tenement in Whitfield in the parish of Glossop, at the annual rent of 11s, 8 Jan 25 Eli I - [1583]
43 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage in Whitfeld, Thomas Leighe of Egyntonn [Egginton] to John Hadfeld of Whitfeld 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
44 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage in Blackbruck, Thomas Leighe of Egynton to John Carenton of Blackbruck 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
45 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage and land called Holyworth Head in the parish of Glossopp, Thomas Leighe of Egynton to Thomas Deusonopp of Holyworth Head 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
46 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage and lands in Femelie in the parish of Hope, Thomas Leighe of Eginton to John Benet of Fearnelye 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
47 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage in Whitfeld Hurst in the parish of Glossoppe, Thomas Leighe of Eginton to Laurance Hinchliffe of Whitfeld Hurst 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
48 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage and the Walke Milne [Mill] in the parish of Glossop, Thomas Leighe of Egynton to Nicholas Booth of Whitfeld 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
49 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage at Lyght Byrche in the parish of Chappell le Frithe, Thomas Leighe of Egynton to Miles Benett of Sylkhyll in Bawdon 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
50 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage in Fearnelie in the parish of Hope, Thomas Leighe of Egynton to John and George Hybbert of the Fearnelie 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
51 - Lease for 21 years of lands at Whitfielde in the parish of Glossop, Thomas Leighe of Eginton to Thomas Deusnoppe of Colbrocke 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
52 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage at Lightbyrche in the parish of Chapel en le Frith Thomas Leighe of Egginton to John Benett of Lightbyrche 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
53 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage called the Washe in Bawdon, Thomas Leighe of Egynton to George Lowe of the Washe 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
54 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage called Slacksall in Bawdon, Thomas Leighe of Egynton to John Lyngard of Slacksall 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
55 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage at Blackebrocke in the parish of Chappell le Frythe, Thomas Leighe of Egintoun to Humfrey Cheeswall of Blackebrocke 8 Jan 25 Eliz - [1583]
56 - Lease for 21 years of a messuage in Whitfield in the parish of Glossop, Thomas Leighe of Ekynton [Egginton] to Willyby Bowre of the Crossclyffe 5 Mar 27 Eliz - [1585]
57 - Lease for life by Thomas Leighe of Egynton esquire to Homfrey Wylshawe of the Whythough' husbandman of moiety of property in the Whythalgh and quarter of "a neyghborshipp" in Chyley' alias Chymleys Annual rent: 2s 6d Dated 13 Jun 27 Eliz I - [1585]
58 - Bond of John Hibbert of Fernilee, husbandman, to Thomas Leigh of Egginton, esq., in £7, to pay £3 6s 8d on 29 Sep 1591 - 1590
59 - Assignment of lease by Henrye Leighe of Egginton esquire To John Lyngarde of [--] yoman Of 1 neighbourship in the herbage of Little Rissh' in Chappell in the Frith Dated 16 Nov - 1605
60 - Bargain and sale from Henry Leigh of Egginton, esq., to Thomas Baghsawe of Ridge, gent, of several messuages, closes of land, etc, in the parishes of Glossop, Chapel en le Frith, Hope and Hartington, in consideration of £3005, 20 Nov 3 Jam I - [1605]
61 - Covenant by Henry Leighe of Egginton and his wife Katheryne to surrender copyhold premises in the parishes of Chappell in Le Frith, Glossopp, Hope and Hartington, to the use of Thomas Bagshawe of the Ridge 20 Nov 3 James - [1605]
Expand 6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places6 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: mixed and miscellaneous places
Expand 7 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire07 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Cadeby (Leicestershire0
Expand 8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire8 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
Expand 9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places9 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Expand 10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem10 - Family settlements, wills and inquisitions post mortem
Expand 11 - Estate administration11 - Estate administration
Expand 12 - Manorial records12 - Manorial records
Expand 13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)13 - Litigation over the Manor of Acton (possibly Acton near Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire)
Expand 14 - Official deeds and papers14 - Official deeds and papers
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous papers15 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire16 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases; Bedfordshire
Expand 17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall17 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Egginton, Hargate, Hilton and Etwall
Expand 18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton18 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire: Newton Solney and Repton
Expand 19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places19 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Derbyshire, mixed and miscellaneous places
Expand 20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset20 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Dorset
Expand 21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire21 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Leicestershire
Expand 22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire22 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Lincolnshire
Expand 23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire23 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Oxfordshire
Expand 24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire24 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Staffordshire
Expand 25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places25 - Title deeds, mortgages and leases: Mixed counties, miscellaneous and unidentified places
Expand 26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements26 - Family deeds, wills and settlements
Expand 27 - Estate administration27 - Estate administration
Expand 28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers28 - Bonds, accounts and financial papers
Expand 29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family29 - Bonds and accounts relating to the Renison family
Expand 30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree30 - Papers relating to investigation of the Every pedigree
Expand 31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire31 - Official deeds and papers relating to members of the Every family as Sheriffs of Derbyshire
Expand 32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers32 - Correspondence and miscellaneous papers
Expand 33 - Manor of Egginton - 177533 - Manor of Egginton - 1775
Expand UL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted recordsUL - Every family of Egginton: unlisted records